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'This is Not The Free India I've Lived In': Another Writer Return Award

Doesn't trouble me....just makes me laugh. Did you cry when they dragged him out and he was asking why are you doing this to me?

in your intro thread i thought you were a sensible person... turned out you are not.
don't even need any more info about someone's religious or political leanings, they hate dogs that way, they're already on my shit-list.

fucking psychopaths

maneka gandhi and her followers are the real psychopaths, and their insanity has led to this...

and look at this bunch of mental cases ( Doggy’s Day Out - Know Your City - Burrp ).

I just dont believe in personality worship is all.

i do not personality-worship anyone but when a great man must be respected, he must be respected and defended on all forums, irrespective of whatever disinfo is put out by western-government-approved media and literature.

Do you accept Gaddafi had some serious flaws at least?

i don't know about flaws but he did make some mistakes like being late in defense of iraq and in not doing more in the 2000's to spread "the third universal theory".

but his other efforts like "gold dinar" and support to liberation movements certainly led to western governments declare finally "he must go".
i don't know about flaws but he did make some mistakes like being late in defense of iraq and in not doing more in the 2000's to spread "the third universal theory".

but his other efforts like "gold dinar" and support to liberation movements certainly led to western governments declare finally "he must go".

Interesting, thanks for your perspectives.

What about his support and finance of terrorism and his debacle in the war against the Chadian militias?

Any views on those?
What about his support and finance of terrorism

at one point, the anc of nelson mandela was called "terrorist" and it had the support of libya... same is the case of other liberation movements like farc of columbia.

we must remember that while gaddafi's libya supported progressive/socialist/true-liberation movements and activists, the western bloc was supporting actual terrorist/reactionary movements like qaeda, hamas, mb etc.

while usa government and saudia were busy supporting zia ul haq and the destruction of progressive afghanistan, the progressive/direct-action movement started by zulfiqar ali bhutto's sons - "al zulfiqar organization" saw patronage by the libyan and syrian governments.

Al Mathaba / Anti-Imperialism Center (AIC) ( usa private intel group ).

World Mathaba of Libya, which supported liberation movements, plans its
( proper source ).

nato had marked muammar gaddafi decades ago...

newsweek cover in 1981.png

two things have never been proven to be connected to muammar gaddafi - (a). the lockerbie bombing, (b). the shooting of a policewoman in london ( a detailed analysis - http://www.mathaba.net/news/arab.shtml?x=630219 ).

and his debacle in the war against the Chadian militias?

well, i don't have much information about the libya-chad war to offer a detailed analysis but have some bits and pieces... you try to join the dots.

in 2011, one gaddafi son ( saadi, i think ) took refuge or made transit through chad... so the chadian people don't hate libyans or muammar gaddafi as such.

from ( Hissène Habré - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )...
Habré seized power in Chad and ruled from 1982 until he was deposed in 1990 by Idriss Déby. Habré's one-party régime, like many others before his, was characterized by widespread human rights abuses and atrocities.
War with Libya
Main article: Chadian-Libyan conflict
Libya invaded Chad on July 1980, occupying and annexing the Aozou Strip. The United States and France responded by aiding Chad in an attempt to contain Libya's regional ambitions under Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi.[citation needed]

Civil war deepened. On 15 December 1980, Libya occupied all of northern Chad, but Habré defeated Libyan troops and drove them out in November 1981. In 1983, Libyan troops occupied all of the country north of Koro Toro. The United States used a clandestine base in Chad to train captured Libyan soldiers whom it was organizing into an anti-Gaddafi force
Support of the U.S. and France
The United States and France supported Habré, seeing him as a bulwark against the Gaddafi government in neighboring Libya. Under President Ronald Reagan, the United States gave covert CIA paramilitary support to help Habré take power and remained one of Habré's strongest allies throughout his rule, providing his regime with massive amounts of military aid.[13] The United States also used a clandestine base in Chad to train captured Libyan soldiers whom it was organizing into an anti-Qaddafi force.[citation needed][14]

"The CIA was so deeply involved in bringing Habré to power I can't conceive they didn't know what was going on," said Donald Norland, U.S. ambassador to Chad from 1979 to 1981. "But there was no debate on the policy and virtually no discussion of the wisdom of doing what we did."[15]

Documents obtained by Human Rights Watch show that the United States provided Habré's DDS with training, intelligence, arms, and other support despite knowledge of its atrocities. Records discovered in the DDS' meticulous archives describe training programs by American instructors for DDS agents and officials, including a course in the United States that was attended by some of the DDS' most feared torturers. According to the Chadian Truth Commission, the United States also provided the DDS with monthly infusions of monetary aid and financed a regional network of intelligence networks code-named "Mosaic" that Chad used to pursue suspected opponents of Habré's regime even after they fled the country.[14][citation needed]

In the summer of 1983, when Libya invaded northern Chad and threatened to topple Habré, France sent 3,000 paratroops with air support, while the Reagan administration provided two AWACS electronic surveillance planes to coordinate air cover. By 1987 Gaddafi's forces had retreated.

this was no local war at all.

from ( Cuba in the Middle East: A Brief Chronology )...
Cuba cooperated with Libya in the political founding of the World MATHABA in Tripoli, to provide political support and coordinate revolutionary movements throughout the world. Cuba supported also Lybia's stand on Chad and in its support to the FRENTE POLISARIO.

"tinariwen" is a well-known saharan music group which i used to listen on the bbc world service radio programme, "charlie gillet" many years ago... some of that group were not apolitical at all... from ( Tinariwen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )...
In the late 1970s Ag Alhabib joined with other musicians in the Tuareg rebel community, exploring the radical chaabi protest music of Moroccan groups like Nass El Ghiwane and Jil Jilala; Algerian pop rai; and western rock and pop artists like Elvis Presley, Led Zeppelin, Carlos Santana, Dire Straits, Jimi Hendrix, Boney M, and Bob Marley. Ag Alhabib formed a group with Alhassane Ag Touhami and brothers Inteyeden Ag Ablil and Liya Ag Ablil in Tamanrasset, Algeria to play at parties and weddings.[10] Ag Alhabib acquired his first real acoustic guitar in 1979.[11] While the group had no official name, people began to call them Kel Tinariwen, which in the Tamashek language translates as "The People of the Deserts" or "The Desert Boys."

In 1980, Libyan ruler Muammar al-Gaddafi put out a decree inviting all young Tuareg men who were living illegally in Libya to receive full military training. Gaddafi dreamed of forming a Saharan regiment, made up of the best young Tuareg fighters, to further his territorial ambitions in Chad, Niger, and elsewhere. Ag Alhabib and his bandmates answered the call and received nine months of training. They answered a similar call in 1985, this time by leaders of the Tuareg rebel movement in Libya, and met fellow musicians Keddou Ag Ossade, Mohammed Ag Itlale (aka "Japonais"), Sweiloum, Abouhadid, and Abdallah Ag Alhousseyni.

THANK GOD this is not the free India where the writer lived.

We have voted Modi to power to CHANGE India. It only means he is succeeding :P

what kind of change?? one where rationalists/progressives are murdered and people are lynched??
On dadri case. The man who was killed his son is in indian air force. Its a shame that RSS does not fight in muslim majority areas where actual cow slaughter happens, but rather in majority hindu areas where muslims are much in minority.

Not impressive at all.

India should sanction any country that allow consumption of beef.

Still if our politicans decided to actually contribute ,there could be 500 to 1000$ /per capita GDP extra in the economy.But they as usual only steal.

For how much ever Ghaddafi was a loud mouth clown ,he actually worked for his people.

I hate to say thus. At this stage, India could benefit from a dictator who is actually bringing true reform to India. Let him or her rule for a few decades without interruption to change India before Revert to democracy.
Oh don't worry much about them, my math tells me that they are a tiny minority. They are just louder than everyone else (especially on the internet) which is usually the case with such people. The vast majority of the country is very tolerant.

But the tiny minority of Majority. ... doing more harm.... even killing other real minority and using power is really a problem. .

I wonder how come pseudo liberal/secular are fanatically opposing a different point of view? Why are they so narrow minded?

It just the Religiously blind patriots can become Pseudo... but not the guy who support religious freedom. ... it's only Pseudo people who try to twist everything to suppress other religions. ... and the guys who are after every other religious faith by leaving real problems existed. ...
India should sanction any country that allow consumption of beef.

I hate to say thus. At this stage, India could benefit from a dictator who is actually bringing true reform to India. Let him or her rule for a few decades without interruption to change India before Revert to democracy.
I am afraid that's not an reliable solution. There are many examples like North Korea, Stalinist Russia or South American countries where dictatorship has done no good to its people other than abusing basic human rights.
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It just the Religiously blind patriots can become Pseudo... but not the guy who support religious freedom. ... it's only Pseudo people who try to twist everything to suppress other religions. ... and the guys who are after every other religious faith by leaving real problems existed. ...

I am not pointing towards you, I am talking about people in Indian media/political parties. I got nothing against you.
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