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'They used my religion against me': Ex-Army Major accuses SpiceJet

Very sad that RSS and Saffrons are hijacking the country.

These are pictures and a video of Pakistan. I put them up for Indian Muslims to see. We may not have much, but here we can live in peace. Maybe your India is shining, but Pakistan for us is heaven. It's sad to know Indian Muslims will always be treated as third class citizens and be kept as house niggers. We have azaadi, and when I read news like this, my heart gleams that our ancestors made the correct decision.

Some of you internet hindus should stfu. He is a veteran and a soldier, yet you scum insult him? India does not deserve this gentlemen, who fought wars for her, yet gets disrespected. Absolutely pathetic.

Now Dear Little Cyber-Jihadi If you are done with your Whining and Crying and Emotional dialogues may be you should move to next thread to whine some more .
These are pictures and a video of Pakistan. I put them up for Indian Muslims to see. We may not have much, but here we can live in peace. Maybe your India is shining, but Pakistan for us is heaven. It's sad to know Indian Muslims will always be treated as third class citizens and be kept as house niggers. We have azaadi, and when I read news like this, my heart gleams that our ancestors made the correct decision.

congratulation if pakistan is the promised heaven for you. BTW R u still living in US ??:lol:

Again the Heaven of pakistan isn't exactly too promising for every hue of citizens.
Shia, Ahmadis communities who were the supporter of the creation of Pakistan are being persecuted for their religious status ,least should be said about the plight of Hindus or Christians living in Pakistan.

PS: calm like a bomb ?? probably defused bomb ??;)
congratulation if pakistan is the promised heaven for you. BTW R u still living in US ??:lol:

Again the Heaven of pakistan isn't exactly too promising for every hue of citizens.
Shia, Ahmadis communities who were the supporter of the creation of Pakistan are being persecuted for their religious status ,least should be said about the plight of Hindus or Christians living in Pakistan.

We as a nation have many problems, and it is not perfect. However, with our people we will bring change, security and stability. I personally don't like discrimination on any level.

It's easy for you to sit and read articles on Pakistan without ever traveling there. Any Indian that has ever been to Pakistan only says good things.

Ever wonder why?
We as a nation have many problems, and it is not perfect. However, with our people we will bring change, security and stability. I personally don't like discrimination on any level.

It's easy for you to sit and read articles on Pakistan without ever traveling there. Any Indian that has ever been to Pakistan only says good things.

Ever wonder why?

Well for the time i spent in this forum , i and other indian member of this of this forum knows Pakistan much better than a tourist.
We can debate on that.

Any Indian that has ever been to Pakistan only says good things. Ever wonder why?

R u sure of that ?? Okay you know what if pakistanis are warm hosts ,then we Indians are very generous guests.:)
We as a nation have many problems, and it is not perfect. However, with our people we will bring change, security and stability. I personally don't like discrimination on any level.

It's easy for you to sit and read articles on Pakistan without ever traveling there. Any Indian that has ever been to Pakistan only says good things.

Ever wonder why?
That's because most of the Indians visit Lahore or Islamabad which shows the picture perfect image of Pakistan....But the actual picture of Pakistan lies in Karachi,Waziristan,North west frontier or Balochistan which they don't visit due fear of loosing their life....
I'm talking in terms of Insanniyat.

I would rather die than be treated like a second class citizen.

Have Indians been beaten or killed in Pakistan by the everyday common man, or showered with hospitality?

I'm glad our people don't have such a disgusting mentality to dehumanize specific people.

We have our loonies, but they are in the minority.
I'm talking in terms of Insanniyat.

I would rather die than be treated like a second class citizen.
Dude ofcourse you would, in Pakistan you are the first citize who can vote and become the president and PM but what about your minorities, did you ever think about them, that they have to feel a second citizen in Pakistan? In India we dont have classes of citizens..

Have Indians been beaten or killed in Pakistan by the everyday common man, or showered with hospitality?
Do you know how lame you sound here?

I'm glad our people don't have such a disgusting mentality to dehumanize specific people.

We have our loonies, but they are in the minority.
Last time I heard, your country is rife with sectarian violence with a population of 180 million?? We are 1.2 billion baby and better in treating its minorities that is a fact, ask a Ahmadiya!
Above case comes to light coz they are educated people know their rights etc so know where to raise the issue .But majority in minority dont have such privilege.Above case is just tip of the iceberg.country which does not respect its soldiers is always condemned to slavery

Thank he is in India thats why he can talk about it. if he was a Pakistani Hindu or Christian than the police would have arrested him for talking against state religion.

This ajtr is back her bs after long ban.
I'm talking in terms of Insanniyat.

I would rather die than be treated like a second class citizen.

Have Indians been beaten or killed in Pakistan by the everyday common man, or showered with hospitality?

I'm glad our people don't have such a disgusting mentality to dehumanize specific people.

We have our loonies, but they are in the minority.

Welcome back buddy :)

That's because most of the Indians visit Lahore or Islamabad which shows the picture perfect image of Pakistan....But the actual picture of Pakistan lies in Karachi,Waziristan,North west frontier or Balochistan which they don't visit due fear of loosing their life....

There is nothing wrong with Waziristan... come on.... you're welcome to visit, stop listening to the propaganda. Ok, I'll admit there are some loony arabs and Chechens there, but what the hell, I'll take you on a hunt for them :D
Only Pak forum where Indians are as free as a bird... Please do something about these Indians mods, maybe ban for one week, no warnings?
Valid point in my opinion. I just don't understand the behaviour of many here who are accusing this gentleman of playing some sort of a religious card. Azzaruddin did it when he was being banned, what on earth is this chap's reason? He is risking a lot by making this public, MNC's aren't too keen to be drawn into controversies. The guy is being slandered left & right here without any proof that he was in any way wrong. The act of taking pictures is hardly a deplaning act & in any case that was after he had already been deplaned. There will always be some who carry prejudices and it will sometimes out in the heat of the moment. While the airline cannot be held guilty for the freak behaviour of an employee, it can be held responsible for its reactions thereafter. While there is no way of knowing what really happened or who was to blame, I find the rush to pick on this gentleman & accuse him of behaving irrationally a bit premature. While it is entirely possible he overreacted, it could also be understandable that given his background;he didn't want to be just another bystander flowing with the wind. There is absolutely no reason to rush to judgement except of course, one's own prejudices.

Mohd. Azarudin played religion card and you admit it.

You can not take guarantee that this man is not playing the same card. It is not necessarily that it has to only some special reason to use such tactics. People play religion card even when caught speeding or caught driving in no entry.

You can not say now nothing can be proved, if you say then why you are getting involved into this discussion in the first place.

Every insult or offence is subject to be brought in the notice of courts, this is the only way forward. We should leave this matter to the judgement of a judge or any concerned authority who may investigate it or is in position to punish its employee. If the authorities are not ready to listen to his plea or no action has been taken even in that case he is not suppose to ***** about been targeted because of his religion by one individual.
I would wait for the investigation to be over. But if i have to apply my prejudice in this matter, I would side with the Major. Whether the airline staff is a trained customer rep or not, facade goes south in the heat of the moment.
I am inclined to believe the same. The Major might have abused the airline employee but he might not be lying about the racist comments. I mean most people would abuse, if they are called outside to identify their luggage and are told that it was not locked properly when it was locked properly. Also if it were the Major's mistake he would have silently took the free ticket the next day. Obviously he got pissed off when they asked him to identify the incident as his own fault, on paper that is(when he complained to the higher ups in SpiceJet that their employee made religious remarks, they might have wanted to seal off the matter).

In any case, the odds are heavily against Spicejet
First the Major was their customer so even he resorted to abuse in the heat of the moment, their employee should not have shot back, definitely not with a racist remark.
Second it seems to be clear that the Major's luggage was indeed taken off the plane. When it comes to who did it(whether thee Major did not lock properly or the airline mishandled it), it was still the airline's problem to alert him that he luggage was not properly locked.

So even without the racist remark, SpiceJet has enough to deal with. Clearly the Major took it as a matter of pride even though he was offered a free ticket. He must have a strong reason for that.

And BTW IGAI is a civilian airport. Landing a military helicopter does not make it a defense aerodrome as some people are suggesting.
We as a nation have many problems, and it is not perfect. However, with our people we will bring change, security and stability. I personally don't like discrimination on any level.

It's easy for you to sit and read articles on Pakistan without ever traveling there. Any Indian that has ever been to Pakistan only says good things.

Ever wonder why?

The only Indians who visit Pakistan regularly and en mass are Sikhs pilgrims to their holy sites in Lahore/Rawalpindi/Faisalabad, you know, the areas which Muslims stole from them 70 years ago. I don't know of many Hindus or even Indian Muslims who visit Pakistan.

Its also common knowledge that Muslims don't hate Sikhs like they do Hindus, so the whole "Indians speak of the wonderful hostility of Pakistanis" angle is meaningless for the masses.
I hate it whenever people exploit their "minority" status like this. In today's times, no one ever cares about religions especially in flight in an anti-majority country like India.
The only Indians who visit Pakistan regularly and en mass are Sikhs pilgrims to their holy sites in Lahore/Rawalpindi/Faisalabad, you know, the areas which Muslims stole from them 70 years ago. I don't know of many Hindus or even Indian Muslims who visit Pakistan.

Its also common knowledge that Muslims don't hate Sikhs like they do Hindus, so the whole "Indians speak of the wonderful hostility of Pakistanis" angle is meaningless for the masses.

So you don't even consider Sikhs as Indian? Do their Opinion is Meaningless for the masses. Do their Opinion means nothing to you? One can imagine that if religious discrimination is so obviously reflecting from the comments of Pdf Indian members here then What level of that would have to be faced by the Minorities in India in Actual:undecided: And if you don't know something than it doesn't mean that it is a Fact.Many Indian Muslims do visit Pakistan quite often as most of them have their relative members living in Pakistan.

BTW Didn't expect to see such comments from Indians about an Indian who have served your country faithfully:disagree: some of you is blaming him that he is using a Religion Card.He is not having any personal gains then Why would an educated Ex-Army officer would do such a thing?According to me He is just an Indian Muslim asking for his Basic Rights i.e to be treated with equality.Even an Indian member here went to such an extent that he presented him as some kind of a Traitor and said that he should be deported to Pakistan. Do Loyal & Patriotic Indians deserve such remarks:no:?
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