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There will be no Israel, in 10 years, says Henry Kissinger !!

to their native lands... ask any israel and he has a home, this is just because of the zionist movement and opportunity in life that they stay in Israel and some out of religious affiliation, otherwise all of them have their native home in their respective countries...

you read again :D and there are like dozens of news items which state what kissinger said :P

Please read the article again .. it is saying the exact opposite of what the thread title is.
In 10 years, there will be no more Israel: Kissinger

The idea of Israel’s inexorable collapse is no longer a taboo as more top brass US officials are explicitly attesting to the fact, with prominent US diplomat Henry Kissinger saying, “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

PressTV - In 10 years, there will be no more Israel: Kissinger

Please read the article again .. it is saying the exact opposite of what the thread title is.

please be my guest... take all your time, mind and understanding, get help from anyone you like... read again :D

‘No more Israel’

Henry KISSINGER. Former secretary of state. Current savant of the state of the world. Do not argue with Mr. Kissinger’s know-how. He already knows how.

Middle East horror. Democratic party dissing Jerusalem. DC’s anti-Israel mentality. Obama, busy raising re-election funds, no time for beleaguered Netanyahu. The Oval Office attitude versus the Red Line. Iran’s oath to destroy our only friend in that part of the world.

Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

I repeat: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

fits 100% on Israel... :tup:

I hope they go back to their homelands and live in their respective countries and create no trouble there...

There is nothing called homeland dear....People migrate to different places...Its natural for human races...You can not kill or eliminate million of people and evacuate them to another places just because some hundreds years ago them migrated to that place....If we keep on fighting on the basis that people of land should be owner of the nation...then believe me ....there are so many nations in this world will come red faced when they look to their own history....

Think about a situation where China will claim that entire South East Asia was there country some thousands years ago, or Native American will start fighting with White people that entire America is their own land, Tribal people in India start demanding that ultimately they are the owner of the land and donot forget..some Moghoul or Afgan warllord start demanding that India/Pakistan was once upon a time, was occupied by Afgan and Mogouls. So now Afgan and Mogoul people of Afganistan and Mongolia are sole inheritor of our land in India and Pakistan?

So do you agree to this kind of hypothetical argument? Believe me....I respect Israel for its progress and ruthlessness but again..
I feel sympathy for Palestine ordinary people....The killing of innocent people should stop..Please don't compare with number of citizen killed in Palestine is more than Israel civilian killed....Killing of any person is not a zero sum game....Human life of one person is also important with 100 lives....

Hence someone sane person from Islamic world and Israel has to sit down and think about it...How long this game of killing the civilian will continue??? The entire Islamic world is simply riding on Palestine issue to solve its own problem and dirty game of Shia and Sunni sect rivalry....This is adding poison to the existing dangerous situation...So it is time for politician in Pakistan to think about their own policy seriously....What has Pakistan achieved out of their policy with Palestine??? If Pakistan feel that Israel people should be evacuated from Palestine, then you view is somewhat similar to the view expressed by radical Hindu groups that Kashmir Muslim people from India should also be sent back to Pakistan.... Similarly there will be hundreds of similar situation will arise in your own country itself....Dude..there is no end to it...

Accept the reality...If Pakistan is really want to play a big role in world stage...then Pakistan has opportunity to use it....Pakistan is the only country which is powerful and friend of both SA/Iran and USA...You have an unique advantage where very few countries in Islamic world posses it...Use your advantage to talk with each group in middle east like Israel/Palestine/Iran/USA...
To solve a problem and being a leader of Islamic world, Pakistan has to think independently rather than just following the lines of either SA or Iran....And at last...to solve a problem you need to talk with Israel...You can not solve a problem by boycotting a nation who is a stakeholder to it...
In 10 years, there will be no more Israel: Kissinger

The idea of Israel’s inexorable collapse is no longer a taboo as more top brass US officials are explicitly attesting to the fact, with prominent US diplomat Henry Kissinger saying, “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

PressTV - In 10 years, there will be no more Israel: Kissinger

please be my guest... take all your time, mind and understanding, get help from anyone you like... read again :D

‘No more Israel’

Henry KISSINGER. Former secretary of state. Current savant of the state of the world. Do not argue with Mr. Kissinger’s know-how. He already knows how.

Middle East horror. Democratic party dissing Jerusalem. DC’s anti-Israel mentality. Obama, busy raising re-election funds, no time for beleaguered Netanyahu. The Oval Office attitude versus the Red Line. Iran’s oath to destroy our only friend in that part of the world.

Reported to me, Henry Kissinger has stated — and I quote the statement word for word: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

I repeat: “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

Henry Kissinger predicts ‘In 10 years, there will be no more Israel’ - NYPOST.com

This Juvenile Cheer leading attitude will get you nowhere . READ the article and tell me the context in which it was said .
@Leader...even some of American also tell that there will be break up of Pakistan is some few years( I donot beleive it..) ...So do you believe it??? You should be rational in your belief rather than selective one..
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There is nothing called homeland dear....People migrate to different places...Its natural for human races...You can not kill or eliminate million of people and evacuate them to another places just because some hundreds years ago them migrated to that place....If we keep on fighting on the basis that people of land should be owner of the nation...then believe me ....there are so many nations in this world will come red faced when they look to their own history....

Think about a situation where China will claim that entire South East Asia was there country some thousands years ago, or Native American will start fighting with White people that entire America is their own land, Tribal people in India start demanding that ultimately they are the owner of the land and donot forget..some Moghoul or Afgan warllord start demanding that India/Pakistan was once upon a time, was occupied by Afgan and Mogouls. So now Afgan and Mogoul people of Afganistan and Mongolia are sole inheritor of our land in India and Pakistan?

So do you agree to this kind of hypothetical argument? Believe me....I respect Israel for its progress and ruthlessness but again..
I feel sympathy for Palestine ordinary people....The killing of innocent people should stop..Please don't compare with number of citizen killed in Palestine is more than Israel civilian killed....Killing of any person is not a zero sum game....Human life of one person is also important with 100 lives....

Hence someone sane person from Islamic world and Israel has to sit down and think about it...How long this game of killing the civilian will continue??? The entire Islamic world is simply riding on Palestine issue to solve its own problem and dirty game of Shia and Sunni sect rivalry....This is adding poison to the existing dangerous situation...So it is time for politician in Pakistan to think about their own policy seriously....What has Pakistan achieved out of their policy with Palestine??? If Pakistan feel that Israel people should be evacuated from Palestine, then you view is somewhat similar to the view expressed by radical Hindu groups that Kashmir Muslim people from India should also be sent back to Pakistan.... Similarly there will be hundreds of similar situation will arise in your own country itself....Dude..there is no end to it...

Accept the reality...If Pakistan is really want to play a big role in world stage...then Pakistan has opportunity to use it....Pakistan is the only country which is powerful and friend of both SA/Iran and USA...You have an unique advantage where very few countries in Islamic world posses it...Use your advantage to talk with each group in middle east like Israel/Palestine/Iran/USA...
To solve a problem and being a leader of Islamic world, Pakistan has to think independently rather than just following the lines of either SA or Iran....And at last...to solve a problem you need to talk with Israel...You can not solve a problem by boycotting a nation who is a stakeholder to it...

migration is different issue, these are planted people and planted government, often referred to as bastard child of Europe.

@Leader...even some of American also tell that there will be break up of Pakistan is some few years( I donot beleive it..) ...So do you believe it??? You should be rational in your belief rather than selective one..

Yes I believe that this israeli problem should be solved as soon as possible to ensure peace ans stability in the region. China plans to divide india in 26 parts that is a bit more than logical division, so its not rational to me... but the way an artificial state is created, its likely to end the very way, people who were planted in the first place, will leave to their home lands
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migration is different issue, these are planted people and planted government, often referred to as bastard child of Europe.

Yes I believe that this israeli problem should be solved as soon as possible to ensure peace ans stability in the region. China plans to divide india in 26 parts.

I donot mind China plan to divide my nation to 100 parts.. because i know that there is a difference between wish and a reality...Everyone is king of their own wish but reality and fact does not go by what some one wish..
I donot mind China plan to divide my nation to 100 parts.. because i know that there is a difference between wish and a reality...Everyone is king of their own wish but reality and fact does not go by what some one wish..

yesterday's wishes are tomorrow's reality :D
well israel has to accept palestinian existance and make them independent and stop settling in their properties to move on

this is best for israel and middle east, palestinians will stop having to pelt stones to demand their rights and jews will stop worrying about rocket attacks

israel now has 64 years of history you just cant kick all the jews back to europe, try to live together peacefully
israel is taking advantage of muslim non-unity . This war isnt political , it is purely religious and it will carry on.
shame on this wealth of arab countries which cant even send a warning to israel let alone fighting a war. Praying for the martyrs and the injured palestinian mulims. :cry:
Leader, being out of moral or religious arguments not to support Israel vs. Hamas, resorts to appealing to Pakistanis basest fears: Ignore what is right and support the guy I tell you is strongest! Then you can either go along for the ride and rapine, or else stay safe in the shadows!
israel is taking advantage of muslim non-unity . This war isnt political , it is purely religious and it will carry on.
shame on this wealth of arab countries which cant even send a warning to israel let alone fighting a war. Praying for the martyrs and the injured palestinian mulims. :cry:

This is genocide man... pure genocide... !! Gaza and its people are held hostage by Israel...

like Hazrat Ali said Kufar ka nazam qaim reh sakta hai, zulm ka nahi, that is why israel is bound to vanish and kissinger's prediction is right about it.

Leader, being out of moral or religious arguments not to support Israel vs. Hamas, resorts to appealing to Pakistanis basest fears: Ignore what is right and support the guy I tell you is strongest! Then you can either go along for the ride and rapine, or else stay safe in the shadows!

what?? you think those terrorist sympathizers who back israel have moral or religious grounds??? I think they are plain savages !!

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