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The War is Inevitable !!!

You have no clue what a war means:

(1) A Washington War to retake Iraq and defeat Shia militias in Iraq, cut off Assad from Iran, have Russia sell out Assad
(2) If Israhell get missiled, a nuke strike in retaliation to kill 80 million civilians, "you were warned", trump is going to say after 80 million Iranians are murdered
(3) Iran encircled and destroyed by 2025

Would you rather have that war or Washington leaves Iraq, then Syria.

trump wanted war from the start, 98% of media watching world population was fooled into thinking trump wants peace,. No trump wants war, a substantial war in the Middle East to erase the population of Semites in the Middle East.

trump wants Iraq back and Iraq destroyed. Iraq had their anti-American Saddam. They now have their anti-American Parliament. Washington realizes every Iraqi (that does not want slavery to Washington) is the enemy.

So it would be Iraq war III. They focus on Iran after they can defeat their ADS, unless Iran strikes Israhell.

trump does not intend to lose the war.

The first war is to get 1-5 million US troops in Iraq, then use Iraq as a base to destroy Iran.
Is the War Inevitable !!! ...The answer is NO if you do the following:

1- A mad man..:taz: is in charge in washington and must be restrained/controlled..How...Only his son-in-law and daughter can reach his twisted mind.

2- Iran should convince Jared and all the Israeli lobby behind him that in the event of war Israel along with Iran will also be destroyed (this can be done through private channels and a tour of what Iran has to carry out this task...and I do not know what they have but I know they must have something, North Korea did that once with US and arranged for the tour of some US scientist..after which nuking North was off the table)
3- delay the revenge until someone sane enters the white house..meanwhile maximize the political fruits of the assassination of Gen Soleimani . His murder already has united Iranians, Iraqis and even many sunni muslims against Americans and will eventually lead to the expulsion of US from all middle east lands.
4- Build your Bomb and be ready for the next mad man the Americans elect as president.:cheesy:.

And about the General...Do not worry about him, he is already in Valhalla sitting with Odin.
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Is the War Inevitable !!! ...The answer is NO if you do the following:

1- A mad man..:taz: is in charge in washington and must be restrained/controlled..How...Only his son-in-law and daughter can reach his twisted mind.

2- Iran should convince Jared and all the Israeli lobby behind him that in the event of war Israel along with Iran will also be destroyed (this can be done through private channels and a tour of what Iran has to carry out this task...and I do not know what they have but I know they must have something, North Korea did that once with US and arranged for the tour of some US scientist..after which nuking North was off the table)
3- delay the revenge until someone sane enters the white house..meanwhile maximize the political fruits of the assassination of Gen Soleimani . His murder already has united Iranians, Iraqis and even many sunni muslims against Americans and will eventually lead to the expulsion of US from all middle east lands.
4- Build your Bomb and be ready for the next mad man the Americans elect as president.:cheesy:.

If we wait and retaliate until they elect the next election, it will put us on bad terms with the next cabinet, most presidential candidate's are for normalizing relations with Iran. If we do it now, everyone will blame Trump and we can get away with it
If we wait and retaliate until they elect the next election, it will put us on bad terms with the next cabinet, most presidential candidate's are for normalizing relations with Iran. If we do it now, everyone will blame Trump and we can get away with it

Trump will win. Look at his opponents there is no one that can win against him, they are too divided. Iran is better off waiting for arms embargo to expire and not retaliate. If they can do that no one will question any kinds of sales to Iran because they are now defending themselves from more aggression. If they retaliate now it will be the common Iranian that suffers.
If we wait and retaliate until they elect the next election, it will put us on bad terms with the next cabinet, most presidential candidate's are for normalizing relations with Iran. If we do it now, everyone will blame Trump and we can get away with it

Kicking them out of Iraq is retaliation. trump lost its mind in saying if US is kicked out of Iraq, trump would make Iraqis suffer huge economic pain. trump is an unstable mental case.

Look at the trade war, anytime China retaliated, trump would retaliate against China in crazy amounts. trump is an insecure bully. If trump the bully leaves Iraq, that means trump was punished and expelled, no need to deal with the insane devils to get them back in your life. When they, the Amerikan devils, leave Iraq and Syria, they are dead to you. You are free.
Iran will not strike until Solemani is buried. Too many important officials traveling and in the streets.

Which means no response till Tuesday night or Wednesday morning at the earliest.
This is what you want to kick out of the Middle East. You don't want any devils in the sacred land of Iraq and Iran and Syria.

Every individual in that 'military' is a devil.

When you are 100% certain that Bush and Mossad did 9/11 based on over 50 pieces of evidence they did, you hate these douches even more.

These Amerikans are worse than the Indian military.
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