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It is interesting to note that the SH "Sheen" of Urdu/Arabic/Hebrew is very similar to the Russian character that makes the Sh sound


Hebrew ש

This character gave rise to the Russian Cyrillic character (, Ш).

Here you see the word Sharma written in Russian with the ( Ш).

AAM - آم - Mango.
Angoor - انگور - Graps.
India - انڈیا (If written in Urdu)
Why is this not Andia? How do you guys know from the script to pronounce it as i and not A?
Urdu - اردو
Ollu - الو Owl

Same doubt here
Why is this not Andia? How do you guys know from the script to pronounce it as i and not A?

Same doubt here

There is an invisible zaer below the Alif. Urdu readers automatically assume it is the there

The word India can be read as Undia (with a paesh), India (with zear), Andia (with Zabar) and Aandia (with Madeh) but the zaer below the Alif is assumed

Why is this not Andia? How do you guys know from the script to pronounce it as i and not A?

Same doubt here

The Alifs have a paesh in Ullu and Urdu
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Now we make words from each letter.

ا for انار . This is anaar. The urdu/hindi word for Pomegranate. The word انار is made up of ا, ن, ا, ر . These letters were joined together from right to left according to the rules of joining letters in urdu. If we look at the sound of each letter from previous post we will see that these letters indeed sound together like 'anaar'.

ب for بکری . It says bakree. The urdu/hindi word for female goat. Its made up of ب, ک, ر, ی joined together from right to left. Sounds can be matched from previous post to see how these letters make up 'bakree'.
Anar is also a Persian word.
There is an invisible zaer below the Alif. Urdu readers automatically assume it is the there

The word India can be read as Undia (with a paesh), India (with zear), Andia (with Zabar) but the zaer below the Alif is assumed

The Alifs have a paesh in Ullu and Urdu
Thanks. Can you write and show how to write Alef with paesh, with zear and Zabar? Because for me it looks like in India, noon started right after alef.

There is an invisible zaer below the Alif. Urdu readers automatically assume it is the there

The word India can be read as Undia (with a paesh), India (with zear), Andia (with Zabar) but the zaer below the Alif is assumed

The Alifs have a paesh in Ullu and Urdu
Thanks. Can you write and show how to write Alef with paesh, with zear and Zabar? Because for me it looks like in India, n started right after alef.
Thanks. Can you write and show how to write Alef with paesh, with zear and Zabar? Because for me it looks like in India, n started right after alef.

Here is a good tutorial on these accent marks

AAM - آم - Mango.

Here you see the ~ sign over the Alif. It is called Made ( the d makes the sound as in Daal). This is the only accent mark constantly written in Urdu texts. When found over the Alif it makes Aa sound as in Aam in mango. Not to be confused with عامwhich means ordinary
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You can borrow the time machine of those hinduvata historian who witnessed every single conversion in 7th century and motive behind it and not only that but they also witnessed the intention of inavders behind destruction of every single temple. Read what time machine or research of Richard Eaton say

‘It’s a myth that Muslim rulers destroyed thousands of temples’ | Tehelka - Investigations, Latest News, Politics, Analysis, Blogs, Culture, Photos, Videos, Podcasts

Yea sure Hindu people was given only two option by Muslim rulers..to die or to accept Islam
Since Hindus preferred to die instead of accepting Islam thats why there exist no Hindus and its false that 827,578,868 Hindus still reside in India :D

There is no hindutva history,there is only one history and our forefathers made it a point to let us know of who did what in the past? Richard Eaton or whoever is just speculating upon history,we dont need Rochard Eaton because we already know who did what,who destroyed the temples,who converted people with the sword on their necks,this is hialrious because everyone shares the same story,same story in yugoslavia same story everywhere,perhaps it ll comfort your own self realization that there are people like Richard Eaton peddling cock and bull history for troubled souls like you.

Hindus exist today because they fought their balls off and cut the mughal throne to size,despite the lack of coordination amongst them,they managed to create a big country called India,if they were united they would have had Lahore/Multan/Karachi too.

People like you who call yourself Rajput Muslim will always have troubled souls as u r always seeking some proof that your forefathers who stabbed rajputana in the back and fighting along with Akbar and Lodhi did the right thing.

But the world only respects honourable warriors like Rana Sanga/Pratap who did the supreme sacrifice to protect the Saffron Flag which is why it flies on top the Indian flag today on the redfort.
Thanks. Can you write and show how to write Alef with paesh, with zear and Zabar? Because for me it looks like in India, noon started right after alef.

Example of different Alifs are آ أ إ اَ اِ‌ اُ - In Urdu (in Persian and Arabic) other than basic letters there are extra letter i.e. Zeer, Zabar, Pesh, Mad, Tash^d etc. which change the sound of letter.

اِ ن ڈ ی ا - اِنڈیا - India (With Zeer)

اَ ن گ وُ ر - اَنگوُر - Angoor (With Zabar)

اُ رد و - اُ رد و - Urdu (With Pesh)
OK now I have a question

How come the Hindi Ra
and the English R look similar ? Coincidence ?
OK now I have a question

How come the Hindi Ra
and the English R look similar ? Coincidence ?
The Greeks used Rho for R and that does not look very similar to Hindi Ra. So this new R must have come not from Greek or Old Italic.

It is interesting to note that the SH "Sheen" of Urdu/Arabic/Hebrew is very similar to the Russian character that makes the Sh sound


Hebrew ש

This character gave rise to the Russian Cyrillic character (, Ш).

Here you see the word Sharma written in Russian with the ( Ш).


See even Russian R sound looks like P because it came from Rho.
What about other vowels? I see only these two vowels in the list.
ا This is alif. It sounds close to the letter 'a' in english
ع This is aien. It sounds close to 'ai'
These links might help about urdu vowels.

Urdu alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Urdu Learning: Urdu Vowels
How is one supposed to differentiate between the sound of alef in Urdu words 'at', 'india', 'urdu'? Someone like me may pronounce Urdu as Ardu.
Thats a difference due to ayrabs. Those are small symbols put above or below the letter to change the pronunciation.


In the alif above there is a 'payesh' on it. Which makes the sound of these two letters 'ur' as in urdu.


In the alif here there is a 'zabar' on it. Which makes the sound of these two letters 'ar'


Here the alif has a 'zayer' under it. Which makes the sound of these two letters 'ir'
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