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The U.S. just sent a carrier strike group to confront China

Surrounded=target rich environment!

LOL, you are SO right. It's funny how things look different when you are on the "other side" (referring to the "intercept drama" being told on here).

I bet you, on each destroyer's main radar display, each Captain and his XO are both thinking, why does the President not call me? I can clear this entire SCS mess in about 5 minutes for good :rofl:
LOL, you are SO right. It's funny how things look different when you are on the "other side" (referring to the "intercept drama" being told on here).

I bet you, on each destroyer's main radar display, each Captain and his XO are both thinking, why does the President not call me? I can clear this entire SCS mess in about 5 minutes for good :rofl:

DF-21 and DF-26 have been proved by numerous land based tests. DF-21 also succeeded on a 12000 ton military ship. The retired ship (YuanWang No. 4) was used as a target ship and was hit by DF-21 with a speed of 8 Machs while moving on the Sea in 2011 test. The ship was sunk right away.

Before US finds a solution for DF-21 and DF-26, it is always nervous for US navy to pass through seas near Chinese coastal lines. US navy used to pass through freely without open notice. Now each time US navy always makes the passes public first to avoid any serious accidents.
US is just bluffing, it dares not to get involved in direct confrontation with China since the Korean War. Even during the Korean war they claimed that it would bomb China and flew strategic bombers to the region but eventually begged for peace at the negotiation table. We know US all along so well through those decades.
US is just bluffing, it dares not to get involved in direct confrontation with China since the Korean War. Even during the Korean war they claimed that it would bomb China and flew strategic bombers to the region but eventually begged for peace at the negotiation table. We know US all along so well through those decades.

China is bluffing so far when U.S. ships are in those waters claimed by China. You claim you surrounded our warships. What did you do then? Nothing.

Sail a cheap ship like this directly up to an Arleigh Burke with all the guns drawn.
View attachment 297128 View attachment 297129

Remember, the Chinese ship is in international waters. No laws are being broken. Freedom of navigation.

Indeed, China never complained about U.S. warships going into those waters right? Nor did it try to block our warships going into those waters eh?
Sail a cheap ship like this directly up to an Arleigh Burke with all the guns drawn.
View attachment 297128 View attachment 297129

Remember, the Chinese ship is in international waters. No laws are being broken. Freedom of navigation.
Yes really cheap! I wonder if the Americans can get these off Walmart shelves.

No doubt, the US Navy is shaking in their boots! :rofl:


Surrounded=target rich environment!
Excellent lure for the fishes. Expert fishermen these Americans!
The US has sent an aircraft carrier and a number of other ships through disputed waters in the South China Sea, it announced yesterday - a move that will necessarily raise tensions with Beijing, which has been engaging in an increasingly militaristic power-play in the area over the past few years.

Jerry Hendrix, analyst at the Center for a New American Security in Washington D.C. and former Navy captain, told USA Today that carrier strike group is a clear demonstration. Associated units include USS Stennis with CVW-9 and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 21 embarked, guided-missile destroyers USS Stockdale, USS Chung-Hoon, and USS William P. Lawrence (DDG 110), and guided-missile cruiser USS Mobile Bay.


"We have Chinese ships around us that we normally didn't see in my past experience", said Capt. Greg Huffman, Stennis' commanding officer. :rofl:

"In my opinion China is clearly militarizing the South China Sea". The USS McCambell, a destroyer, and the USS Ashland, an amphibious dock landing ship, completed similar patrols last week.

The arrival of the ships came as Fu Ying, a spokeswoman for China's parliament, accused the United States of massively escalating its military level in the South China Sea, further raising tensions.

The control of the South China Sea is vital for both elements of this war strategy: it is adjacent to key military bases in southern China, including naval installations on Hainan Island; and at the same time, sits astride shipping routes through South East Asia to Africa and the Middle East.

United States warships patrol South China Sea; China keeps close watch

Why has the title been doctored ?
Actually your Chinese Gov does... go and read about the Chinese Warnings to India and its objection to India cooperation with US in SCS

Looked like those warnings are working.

No patrols with US in Asia-Pacific: Manohar Parrikar | The Asian Age
No patrols with US in Asia-Pacific: Manohar Parrikar
Mar 05, 2016 New Delhi


Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar addresses a press conference at South block in New Delhi. (Photo: PTI)

ndia on Friday ruled out joint maritime patrolling with the United States in waters of the Asia-Pacific region, days after a top American military commander hoped it would happen in the near future. Defence minister Manohar Parrikar said India is in for joint military exercises with other countries, including the US, but not for joint patrolling.

“As of now, India has never participated in joint patrolling. But we do participate in joint exercises. So the question of joint patrolling at this stage does not arise,” he told reporters at South Block.

He was asked about the remarks made by the US’ Pacific Command chief, Admiral Harry B. Harris, Jr. According to news agency reports, the American commander had recently pitched for a quadrilateral security dialogue among India, Japan, Australia and the US even as he hoped joint patrolling in the Asia-Pacific region would happen in the future. Adm. Harris had hoped that in a “not too distant future” American and Indian Navy vessels steaming together would become “a common and welcome sight” throughout Indo-Asia-Pacific waters.

“I don’t respond to what the US admiral has said. Our viewpoint will come to you if we at all consider any such thing from our side. It may be his calibrated thinking,” Mr Parrikar said. The Indian government is conscious of not drawing itself into a tussle between the US and China.
It's "peacetime" as long as it serves our interests. When we judge the timing is right, "peacetime" is over ;)
On behalf of the Dutch and EU interests in the region, I am begging you...............please post more! :agree:

What do you think will happen to Chinese development, trade and prosperity if it shows itself on the world stage not honouring international treaties it has entered into voluntarily, and/or being an unreliable bully, that only follows 'might make right'? Do you think China can continue to export to or import from countries that it has conflict or is at war with? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.... :coffee:

  • The largest Chinese trading partners in billions of US Dollars for 2011 are as follows: European Union, United States, Hong Kong, ASEAN (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), and Vietnam), Japan, and South Korea
  • This top 10 list was released on January 10, 2014 and reflects the volume of trade in 2013: United States, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Germany, Australia, Malaysia, Brazil, and Russia
List of the largest trading partners of China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • China is the largest export economy in the world
  • In 2013, China exported $2.25T and imported $1.56T
  • The top export destinations of China are the United States ($423B), Hong Kong ($270B), Japan ($163B), Germany ($92.5B) and South Korea ($80.3B).
  • The top import origins are 'Other Asia' ($155B), South Korea ($142B), Japan ($133B), the United States ($130B) and Australia ($94.4B).
OEC - China (CHN) Exports, Imports, and Trade Partners

  • 50.8% of China’s total exports by value were delivered to other Asian countries
  • 19.6% were received in North America.
China’s Top Import Partners
  • China has highly positive net exports in the international trade of computer devices, optical readers and printing hardware. In turn, these cashflows indicate China’s strong competitive advantages under the machinery product category.
  • China has highly negative net exports and therefore deep international trade deficits for crude oil and, to a lesser extent, petroleum gases and coal.
China’s Top 10 Exports

See also Rabia's Business & Economics Catch Up: The Economy of China



How about the Dutch stop the flow of infant formula to China?


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I know right? and yet these internet chinese warriors think they own the US and own the SCS. They were brainwashed to believe in lunacy. lol
If they want to they own whole world. no argument.

And as even after signing and ratifying a treaty, they still not adhering to it. at one point they have to pay huge price for this.
Just to illustrate my previous point:
Russia calls North Korea strike threats 'totally unacceptable' - Yahoo News
"We consider the public statements (by North Korea) threatening its adversaries with 'pre-emptive nuclear strikes' to be completely unacceptable," the ministry said in a statement.

"Pyongyang must realise that in doing so, North Korea is definitively turning its back on the international community and creating a legal basis for the use of military force against it," the ministry said.
Apparently, there is a limit, even for Putin's Russia.
And, just to serve as a reminder, from yet another context:

'"A Chinese official referred to a statement last week from China's foreign ministry spokeswoman. Asked whether China was concerned about Trump's proposal to place high tariffs on Chinese goods, Hua Chunyin declined to comment on specific candidates. But she said "I want to stress" that China and the United States have "major responsibilities" in maintaining international political and economic stability."
Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump - Yahoo News

I would like to think PRC leadership is not as flakey as some of the posters here seem to 'know'.

About 1/3 of world shipping passes through the SCS annually.

Please focus here:
We're about to find out how close we are to China's 'line in the sand' - Yahoo Finance
China warns yuan shorts - Business Insider
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No doubt, the US Navy is shaking in their boots! :rofl:


Surrounded=target rich environment!
I say ... U.S Navy lack enough confidence to confront China within the 300km range distance to China coastline. :coffee:

:usflag:Whatever U.S want to do should Hurry Up ... when PLAN to have 20x ~ 30x 052C/D DDGs and 30+ 054A FFGs in next years :china:, the time must be different with today.:coffee::coffee::coffee:

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