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The problem with Pakistani liberals

Extreme liberals are those who says things which Pakistanis don't like to hear. Like Hoodbhoy in Pakistan And Arundhati Roy in India.

Arundhati is not a LIBERAL , she is a CONSPIRACY THEORIST .

Arundhati=indian zaid hamid.
It would be wrong to assign morality or inhumanity to only nuclear weapons, and not other forms of equally terrible weaponry.

Agreed.. the Germans flattened guernica.. but even then.. the usage of that weapon.. the Bomber.. or say a cluster weapon depends upon the employment of it.. and how much destruction it causes. In that way its true all weapons are inhumane.. but for a nuke.. its inhumane in more than one way(and perhaps it shares this with other WMDs) that even after its killed its intended target.. it keeps on killing.. a perpetual slaughter not just of humans.. but of the planet.
Arundhati is not a LIBERAL , she is a CONSPIRACY THEORIST .

Arundhati=indian zaid hamid.

Depends on your perception.. people consider the person in your avatar the modern Indian equivalent of Adolf hitler.
Perish the thought -- So an extreme liberal is someone who has a distorted Western Agenda - which is exactly what?

A true liberal would respect my right to wear a Burka or a Bikini. A true liberal would respect my culture, ideals and morals. He might disagree, but he will still respect them. Liberalism is not just a state of mind, it's a lifestyle choice. Read what most of the Pakistani liberals tweet, and you would know that they know nothing about true liberalism. Take economic liberalism for example, they speak in total contradiction of it. To Pakistani liberals, endorsing every idea originating from the west without weighing its contents amounts to liberalism.

An ugly example of pakistani liberals' hypocrisy was mocking the hijab day. A true liberal should not give a squat if you celebrate a wet t-shirt, Valentines, or hijab day.
our problem is the religious extremists on one side and secular extremists on the other side. and to recognize them all you need to do is read their hate-filled language for each other frustrated in their attempts towards seeing their type of pakistan. while the real liberals (who include both religious and secular) care about only a decent lively hood free from any favouritism and social/economic injustices.

we in pakistan dont even know wat the word 'liberal' even means.
Equal rejection and centrism -- Presumably the good and the right, and the ethical and the moral have a center?? Why this semantic gymnastics and philosophical confusion?

The problem with that line of thinking is that ethics and morality are being presumed to be without right or left leanings, when in fact they do. A further complication sets in when one realizes just who gets to define the "center"? Everyone assumes they are the center with views and people to their own left and right. Modern societies function best only when such diversified views are taken together and equally by law and society in formulation of policies.
Depends on your perception.. people consider the person in your avatar the modern Indian equivalent of Adolf hitler.

By my perception Jinnah was responsible for noakhali murder of 10000 innocent people

Perceptions are created in mind ...Facts are not :police:.

Arundhati labels everything from pandit exile ,bombing , mumbai 2008 attacks ,afzal hanging as part of 'conspiracy'.

Perceptions are created in mind ...Facts are not :police:.

Arundhati labels everything from pandit exile ,bombing , mumbai 2008 attacks ,afzal hanging as part of 'conspiracy'.

Au Contra're.. facts are your perception.. lies can be distorted as facts as surely as constant dripping water will eventually wear down a stone.
There is no singular religion in Islam.. there is faith..
There is the religion of Imam-e-Azam Abu Hanifa.. , Religion of Imam Hanmbli, Imam Shafi.. etc

The difference between Deen and Madhab..

Islam is Deen not madhab
The problem with that line of thinking is that ethics and morality are being presumed to be without right or left leanings, when in fact they do. A further complication sets in when one realizes just who gets to define the "center"? Everyone assumes they are the center with views and people to their own left and right. Modern societies function best only when such diversified views are taken together and equally by law and society in formulation of policies.

tell me where the rejection sets in: On one side are people who will blow you and your away for simply disagreeing with them and reject the notion that we vote for those who represent us, on the other "extreme" are people who "think" everybody should have the right to vote eir representatives and their conscience

Please help me understand how these two are morally equal and if they are not morally equal, how then can we reject them both?
Pakistani liberals are also extremists like Mullahs - albeit on opposite side. We need moderates not liberal fascist nor religious extremists.

They are. They both are equally critical and hateful towards each others' ideals and way of life. For both of them, there's no middle ground. To one, you cant't be normal if you are sporting a beard, and to the other you can't be moral if you are wearing a Denim. They are equally extremist and rigid in their thoughts and actions, and it is ripping the society apart.
Au Contra're.. facts are your perception.. lies can be distorted as facts as surely as constant dripping water will eventually wear down a stone.

That's YOUR perception:bunny: , for what i said quotes can be given(on demand) directly from the horse's mouth.

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