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The Outsider:Jaswant Singh & Gen.Musharrff on India-Pakistan Relations


May 25, 2010
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The Outsider With Tim Sebastian on Bloomberg TV India. The Motion of the special debate - India-Pakistan Relations. Debate between Jaswant Singh, Former Indian Foreign Minister and General Pervez Musharraf, Former President, Pakistan

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Lol ...Jashwant singh and Gen. Musharaff joining hands to bash the british host..............................:rofl:
"We dont care if you have to give up Kashmir.we want our relatives back."---Relatives of those who were hijacked in IC-814.
Lol ...Jashwant singh and Gen. Musharaff joining hands to bash the british host..............................:rofl:

Jashwant Singh wins hands down... respect , respect , respect :yahoo:
Gen Musharaf's performance could have been better. he shines on Indian tv channels for sure.

but still, indeed its good to see that both of them didnt give the anchor a chance to snigger at their usual bickering
so well done to both.
Jashwant Singh wins hands down... respect , respect , respect :yahoo:
Gen Musharaf's performance could have been better. he shines on Indian tv channels for sure.

but still, indeed its good to see that both of them didnt give the anchor a chance to snigger at their usual bickering
so well done to both.
Actually one can really point out on many occasions in the video Gen.Mush. clearly lying through his teeth.

Best thing is that both didnt take the bait of the host to get into tu..tu.. main...main fight....host was trying hard with his baits but jaswant singh rightly put him in his place over usa and nato messing up in SA.
I think General Sahib was not as outspoken as he usually is.

oh - and Tim Sebastien is a f*cking idiot. No wonder even BBC didnt want him anymore.
Jashwant Singh wins hands down... respect , respect , respect :yahoo:
Gen Musharaf's performance could have been better. he shines on Indian tv channels for sure.

doesnt it sum up the foreign policies of respective countries, pakistan can face india but has no guts to face the west masters, while indian foreign policy is bold on west
Mr Jashwant got my full respect. What a bold replies to anchor. And a what good reply to anchor by Musharaf for Human rights when he gave example of Blasphemy. Anchor literally took a u turn.

Good Job India and Pakistan. Mission incomplete for British bull dog unable to start fight between both guests. Height of Professionalism
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3687639 said:
doesnt it sum up the foreign policies of respective countries, pakistan can face india but has no guts to face the west masters, while indian foreign policy is bold on west

well thats one way of putting it
thanks for your input:tup:

you might want to check up his other videos before forming this opinion. he doesnt stay back
not at all -- Gen. sahib did a stellar performance on Piers Morgan, CNN's Wolf Blitzer and even that thick-headed shmuck (Fareed Zakaria)
From comments seems to be interesting videos, But it's too late, kal daikhon gaa :thinktank:
Jaswant Singh did the best thing by condemning drone strikes which are resulting in civilians death and told NATO to get the hell out of our region. Respect.
Some times Indian Politician surprise even us.

Before this video we did not know Jaswant Singh was such a class of debater.

I also become fan of Gen Musharraf with his frank and hard hitting style of handling debate.

I see a tinge of respect for Jaswant Singh in eyes of Mushrraf in the last part of video, How many of you agree with me ?

P.S. when I was looking at video, I realize that we are few idiots which fights on this forum like a cat and dog while our leaders talk with each other with so much of respect.

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