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The other side of India

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Maximus didn't take those photos. He didn't publish those books.

Why don't you ban photography in the Kumbh mela, and the streets and slums of Bharat?

The whole world is posting these pictures, from newspapers to the bbc website, yet if a Pakistani posts them all hell breaks lose, and we are accused of hatred towards Hindus.

What is wrong if certain outdated concepts and rituals are criticised? Is it better not to leave such superstitious things?

Would you also object to the historical truth of muslims and british christians forcing Bharatis to stop the tradition of sati?

If it hadn't been for us, many women would still be burnt to death today.

yap yap!...we love the kumbh mela...give me a single neutral link that criticizes the kumbh mela?
it is famous worldwide...many foreigners visit the kumbh mela...there's nothing wrong with it...sati is BANNED in free india...where we dont have any britishers...to 'guide' us and the muslims of india...are infinitesimally more tolerant than you...though anybody would be against sati...why dont you look at the way you treat you female population as a second grade citizen?if things dont improve for you....half your things would be made haraam for you...
are you really a senior moderator?instead of discouraging such threads you add fuel to the fire?and the guy who started this thread wasnt appreciating $hit...you know exactly what is happening here!
yap yap!...we love the kumbh mela...give me a single neutral link that criticizes the kumbh mela?
it is famous worldwide...many foreigners visit the kumbh mela...there's nothing wrong with it...sati is BANNED in free india...where we dont have any britishers...to 'guide' us and the muslims of india...are infinitesimally more tolerant than you...though anybody would be against sati...why dont you look at the way you treat you female population as a second grade citizen?if things dont improve for you....half your things would be made haraam for you...
are you really a senior moderator?instead of discouraging such threads you add fuel to the fire?and the guy who started this thread wasnt appreciating ...you know exactly what is happening here!

Why are you so paranoid and angry? Stop defending inequality. In India people are judged on the basis of caste, religion, ethnicity and even skin colour. Why are Indians so obsessed with having a white skin? Do Indians have an inferiority complex?
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Maximus said:
unpleasent and hidden facts
Maximus = (maximum ignroance)^2

pictures of scupltures from Khajurao

UNESCO World Heritage structure

Khajuraho – photo gallery

Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh

Khajuraho - it's not all about sex Khajuraho

Khajuraho Dance Festival

Khajuraho Dance Festival - Khajuraho, Bundalkhand, Madhya Pradesh

ofcourse a Pakistani thinking they are unpleasent and unknown is quite expected - after all they happen to be the only country in the world that refuses the offer of some of the world's most industrialised nation to build educational institutes in your Pakistan

also the quality and depth of education in country whose education minister supports honor killing

is a matter of restroom humor
A very informative and neutral site about the caste system in Hinduism.

The Caste System in Hinduism


The caste system supported by Hindu religion

How can we reason with people that don't respect their very own and minorities? How can we reason with people that are fed with religious propaganda that preaches to differentiate between people? How can we even reason with people that defend such backwardness? This is what they call civilized people. Wake up! They twist, turn and try to justify these wrongdoings. They don't spare their own, how will they ever spare Pakistanis? We have to be aware of the dangers and not fall into the trap of these evil people. I've seen people trying to sympathize with the Indians. Think twice.
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A very informative and neutral site about the caste system in Hinduism.

The Caste System in Hinduism


The caste system supported by Hindu religion

How can we reason with people that don't respect their very own or minorities? How can we reason with people that are fed with religious propaganda that preaches to differentiate between people? How can we even reason with people that defend such backwardness? Tis is what they call civilized. They twist and turn and try to justify these wrongdoings. They don't spare their own, how will they ever spare Pakistanis? We have to be aware of the dangers and not fall into the trap of these evil people.

you are literally begging us to bash islam...there are a lot of images i can post and a lot of evils of islam i can talk about...just as you love your religion so do i.stop abusing my religion.all religions suffer from man's misinterpretation...all have their bad points...islam too has many.
you are literally begging us to bash islam...there are a lot of images i can post and a lot of evils of islam i can talk about...just as you love your religion so do i.stop abusing my religion.all religions suffer from man's misinterpretation...all have their bad points...islam too has many.

Another very informative piece of information about Hindu religion. The practice of Sati. Honour killings, Dahej or Hunda - Dowry and Bride-Price are all too common in Hindu religion and culture. Hindu Social Practices - Dowry, Sati and Child Marriage <- Written by a Hindu professor.

I'm not bashing Hindu religion. That's what you want the people to believe. I'm just stating the facts as they are. I'm not fabricating anything. In fact, I'm doing you a favor. I'm promoting Hindu religion and culture without any prejudice.
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you are literally begging us to bash islam...there are a lot of images i can post and a lot of evils of islam i can talk about...just as you love your religion so do i.stop abusing my religion.all religions suffer from man's misinterpretation...all have their bad points...islam too has many.

Are you trying to threaten? If you feel like posting something, post it, but don't try to intimidate by threatening to post.

If you think the caste system is outdated and misinterpreted, this is an ideal oppurtunity for you to make your views known, and you have an audience that will read your arguments.

No body abusing any religion will be tolerated, but asking probing questions about religion is part and parcel of normal social discourse.
rest is up to you....it's your forum...you do as you please...you'd have to accept the fact someday...that in some ways you are not as tolerant as you claim to be.

Seriously? Have you ever looked at the number of active Indian members or their contribution? The level of tollerence and neutrality provided here is unparalelled, this is the only Pakistani forum where we allow non Pakistani's to be critical of Pak affairs as long as it leads to constructive debates.
You registered volunterely accepting our forum rules and policy, didn't you?

I've already issued a warning that this topic will be allowed to continue with intellectual and factual approach and will be watched closely by mods.
do you want me to show the bad hidden side of India ?? or the normal mainstream India ??

Obviously, since we already have plenty of other threads that show the prosperous side of India we need to support the plight of the poor and needy. That's why I posted this thread in the first place. Please post the hidden pics. Do you care about the poor and discriminated in India? Post the pics and please don't turn a blind or deny like so many Indians do on this forum. The poor have every right to be part of the prosperous India.
Maximus didn't take those photos. He didn't publish those books.

Why don't you ban photography in the Kumbh mela, and the streets and slums of Bharat?

The whole world is posting these pictures, from newspapers to the bbc website, yet if a Pakistani posts them all hell breaks lose, and we are accused of hatred towards Hindus.

What is wrong if certain outdated concepts and rituals are criticised? Is it better not to leave such superstitious things?

Would you also object to the historical truth of muslims and british christians forcing Bharatis to stop the tradition of sati?

If it hadn't been for us, many women would still be burnt to death today.

I don't object to stopping sati. WTH is sati doing here?

The point is you are showing the same pictures without understanding them.
The way of life of those saints(you seem to prefer 'sadhu' as a means to demean them) is beyond your intellect. You don't understand their philosophy of life. They renounced everything material(thats absolute everything you see and ridicule) for the search of truth and eternal bliss. Their way of life is not because of some blind belief.

Is the ash part that much of a problem? Ash will not contain any infectious material(abiotic). So the belief has no problem here.

Think about it...
You sit in your office till you are 60, then suck up to your kids to make them tolerate you, then die a death that is far from nature. At the end it won't matter at all.

The pictures of sexual positions are from Khajuraho temple. I am pretty sure the characters are not gods. Anyway the descriptions of sex in hindu religious texts are as explicit as anyother subject of human life.
They can only be educational. If you are more interested in such pictures.
khajuraho - Google Image Search
Also read wiki and other pages on Kamasutra.
Tell me one thing, how many people on this forum have never watched a porno? A flick or pic whatever...Is it Islamic?

So it is not bad to talk freely about sex.
It is only your narrowness that makes you think that Islamic traditions are everything.

So the bottomline about the sadhus is you need not pity them. It was their choice.

River bath is one of the sacred practices of Hinduism.
Every river accumulates all kinds of matter during its course. That was the case in any period. Only in recent years there is too much of pollution. At some point people will stop this practice.
You need not profess them about this.

Ask PETA about the breast feeding. They talk about humanity. It was the woman's choice.

I would not have replied to the pics.
But I wanted the members to know these things before they form ideas.
SO they were by choice.
Think now for yourself, are there no such 'sides' for Pakistan(you will claim =Islam, fine).
I will talk about something acceptable and less offesive for all. Applicable also to Indian. Consider the 'purdah' system. Do the women 'choose' to follow it?

In any case the title of the thread has to be 'The other side of Hinduism' except for a few pics of differently abled people. Yes, in India they are not called 'disabled' as a gesture of dignity for them. Every country has poverty. I agree India has more of it. Every country also has disabled people.

The pics are in the least far from the topic. The pics should have been on poverty, religious discrimination and such matters.

PS: I don't have any problem with those xxx photos. Why should someone stop picturing Kumbh mela? Ridiculous.
Asking hindus to stop their customs is like asking ****** to ...
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well can i post some pics and facts that show islam in bad light as well??
i am not threatning...these are my doubts which i would like to clear through meaningful discussion...but you might not like them..can i?
if you want to start a thread about an islamic topic, you are free to do so in the members section.
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