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The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

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They are more Pro-West and now the West and India have have identical objectives, thats all.

Buddy, pakistan always had two voices, one of the sensible elites, people having so called western mindset and the other one being of the jingoistic mullahs and their fan followings in the masses. The two have never been going along with each other very well. Call Zardari a traitor because of accepting KLB ? The jingoistics will agree but the elites wont.

It is but obvious that the point of opinion of these elites command immediate respect by not only Indians but westeners as well.
Buddy, pakistan always had two voices, one of the sensible elites, people having so called western mindset and the other one being of the jingoistic mullahs and their fan followings in the masses. The two have never been going along with each other very well. Call Zardari a traitor because of accepting KLB ? The jingoistics will agree but the elites wont.

It is but obvious that the point of opinion of these elites command immediate respect by not only Indians but westeners as well.

Dude the Pakistani masses are the real owners of the country and not the elite. Tell me something that today if the indian elite will start taking dictations from let’s say Russia and ignore the common man what you as citizens of the country will like.
KLB, was a slap in the face of a common Pakistani and was nothing more then a glorified bribe to the politicians. And of course the west and india will respect the opinion of the elites because they are singing to the tone of the music that you like.
So it is not always as clear as black and white, and not every one that is anti gov is pro extrimists. And mind you not all the mula's aka the Imams are bad. The only ones that act dumb are either in politics and or are with the TTP. But then there are many who are very educated and make alot of sence. But why would you care, any one that is not singing to your tone, is anti west. Stop looking at things from your own prospective, you dont agree with others cool, but labeing them for that very reason :no:
Who gives a fig about elite and mullas here man?

Get back to the topic. This is not a class debate.

India is hitting Pakistan hard ..... on land, in and from the air, and from the sea.

But the war has started long before ..... with other fronts being opened and kept primed.

Old festering wounds in the tattered Pakistani fabric are presented a prime opportunity to burst forth with a longstanding pent-up pustular discharge in Balochistan ..... aided and supported by the Indian establishment and other entities working at undermining Pakistan.

The world nods in disapproval at Pakistani atrocities and gives a silent nod of approval to the Indian liberation.

Meanwhile, winter is over, and there is a fresh push from across the Afghan border to keep thing boiling and crackling further up North.

On the West Pakistan is fighting to remain Pakistan.

In the East Pakistan is fighting to keep India out ..... along a vast border that eats up close to 70% of its force levels.

But the Indian dam of patience and statesmanship has finally burst, and the waters run wild, inundating Pakistan from more than one shore.

The waters burst through the mountains in the North, with Kargil having provided a vital mock exercise and lessons learned.

The chicken neck with China is twisted and broken off, the bird now flapping in its death throes. The US makes the requisite low-rumble noises to keep the Chinese quiet.

A new route is opened up for forces to circle around and start squeezing the Pakistani head between a rock and a hard place.

The US asks for calm and peace and sanity to return ..... while Indian troops bolster the West flank, and GI Joes look away ..... or lend a helping hand ..... depending of where pakistan's tenuous grip of the last vestiges of US sympathy lie at the time.

The naval waves start flowing in from the western sea board first, with the eastern port assets deployed and rounding the cape close behind.

The Pakistani navy goes out bravely .... but the inevitable happens 3 days later, and Karachi falls. Gwadar doesn't need to fall ..... the Balochis have managed that first ...... as Indian troops stream in from the sea and from the East.

Pakistan is now Punjab and Sindh is danger of imploding.

They have bigger fish to fry than worry about Balochistan declaring Independence, as a protectorate of India.

Or about FATA, NWFP, and Waziristan going back into the Afghan fold ..... administered by the Indo-Afghan Peace Keeping Force (IAPKF).

General Kayani finally gives in, and 4 weeks to the date that India mobilised its Rapid Action Corps, the formal Charter of Surrender is signed, with him handing over his sword to General Kapoor ..... in Jhelum, Punjab.

The Indian forces pull back in a phased manner, and 8 weeks later, India and now-non-nuclear Pakistan start an era of a 1000 years of Peace and Friendship, along with Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka.

The SARC truly becomes a potent reality now, starting an era of tech sharing, common currency (the Rupee), open trade corridors, and civil exchange in culture, education, sports, power, agriculture, and water, with whom China develops close trade ties, to make this the richest region of the world in less than a decade.

Cheers, Doc
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Who gives a fig about elite and mullas here man?

Get back to the topic. This is not a class debate.

India is hitting Pakistan hard ..... on land, in and from the air, and from the sea.

But the war has started long before ..... with other fronts being opened and kept primed.

Old festering wounds in the tattered Pakistani fabric are presented a prime opportunity to burst forth with a longstanding pent-up pustular discharge in Balochistan ..... aided and supported by the Indian establishment and other entities working at undermining Pakistan.

The world nods in disapproval at Pakistani atrocities and gives a silent nod of approval to the Indian liberation.

Meanwhile, winter is over, and there is a fresh push from across the Afghan border to keep thing boiling and crackling further up North.

On the West Pakistan is fighting to remain Pakistan.

In the East Pakistan is fighting to keep India out ..... along a vast border that eats up close to 70% of its force levels.

But the Indian dam of patience and statesmanship has finally burst, and the waters run wild, inundating Pakistan from more than one shore.

The waters burst through the mountains in the North, with Kargil having provided a vital mock exercise and lessons learned.

The chicken neck with China is twisted and broken off, the bird now flapping in its death throes. The US makes the requisite low-rumble noises to keep the Chinese quiet.

A new route is opened up for forces to circle around and start squeezing the Pakistani head between a rock and a hard place.

The US asks for calm and peace and sanity to return ..... while Indian troops bolster the West flank, and GI Joes look away ..... or lend a helping hand ..... depending of where pakistan's tenuous grip of the last vestiges of US sympathy lie at the time.

The naval waves start flowing in from the western sea board first, with the eastern port assets deployed and rounding the cape close behind.

The Pakistani navy goes out bravely .... but the inevitable happens 3 days later, and Karachi falls. Gwadar doesn't need to fall ..... the Balochis have managed that first ...... as Indian troops stream in from the sea and from the East.

Pakistan is now Punjab and Sindh is danger of imploding.

They have bigger fish to fry than worry about Balochistan declaring Independence, as a protectorate of India.

Or about FATA, NWFP, and Waziristan going back into the Afghan fold ..... administered by the Indo-Afghan Peace Keeping Force (IAPKF).

General Kayani finally gives in, and 4 weeks to the date that India mobilised its Rapid Action Corps, the formal Charter of Surrender is signed, with him handing over his sword to General Kapoor.

The Indian forces pull back in a phased manner, and 8 weeks later, India and now-non-nuclear Pakistan start an era of a 1000 years of Peace and Friendship, along with Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka.

The SARC truly becomes a potent reality now, starting an era of tech sharing, common currency (the Rupee), open trade corridors, and civil exchange in culture, education, sports, power, agriculture, and water, with whom China develops close trade ties, to make this the richest region of the world in less than a decade.

Cheers, Doc

Doc, this was a flame. I disagree with what you are suggesting.

(1) Why would Pakistan surrender. The point of the article to make sure Pakistan existance is never threatened. :hitwall:

(2) When such condition arises, India should be ready for a mushroom. :disagree:

(3) I agree India would retailate but this is what the article says to avoid.

(4) No one gets so many week's time because of international pressure. If I remember correctly "cold start" doctorine is formulated for short term wars only. ;)
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Your delusional mind has at last got the better of you,
In your wildest dreams, India is coming hard from all ends, however if it ever musters enough strength to feel adventurous, basically like a stray animal, it just needs a whack behind the ears to get back into the line.
The expression you portray of your might can at best be described as,
Fur coat and no knickers.
Pakistan's existence is never threatened.

Pakistan surrenders, we pull back.

Balochistan is not our problem .... it is theirs to solve ..... and they failed.

We were simply in the area at the time.

As for their North-West, not even their own Government considers it mainstream Pakistan under Pakistan writ. And their Army is sent in to invade it as if it were a different country.

Again, it is the problem of Afghanistan and Pakistan. And we will side our friend Afghanistan who would otherwise be too weak to stand up to more powerful Pakistani bullying.

International pressure and backdoor politics will be there ..... but never before would the world have seen an armed conflict of THIS magnitude between two powerful Nuclear armies ..... so the rules of engagement are different ..... and we and the world would be pussyfooting gingerly in uncharted territory ..... of the bluff and double-bluff of nuclear poker.

I hope it is not seen as a flame but simply yet another of countless war scenarios drawn up and debated and countered by people on both sides ..... without abusive name calling and gonad and bladder related innuendos.

Cheers, Doc
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I eagerly await this Bollywood flop......... again.
Who gives a fig about elite and mullas here man?

Get back to the topic. This is not a class debate.

Now you seriously need to STFU, as I was not talking to you at all and was replying to someone else’s post. As a matter of fact you should be the last person on earth to tell someone else to stick to the topic. So all I have to say to you is stick it. And yes if you want to go running to the modes to complain about my post be my guest.

India is hitting Pakistan hard ..... on land, in and from the air, and from the sea.

But the war has started long before ..... with other fronts being opened and kept primed.

Old festering wounds in the tattered Pakistani fabric are presented a prime opportunity to burst forth with a longstanding pent-up pustular discharge in Balochistan ..... aided and supported by the Indian establishment and other entities working at undermining Pakistan.

The world nods in disapproval at Pakistani atrocities and gives a silent nod of approval to the Indian liberation.

Meanwhile, winter is over, and there is a fresh push from across the Afghan border to keep thing boiling and crackling further up North.

On the West Pakistan is fighting to remain Pakistan.

In the East Pakistan is fighting to keep India out ..... along a vast border that eats up close to 70% of its force levels.

But the Indian dam of patience and statesmanship has finally burst, and the waters run wild, inundating Pakistan from more than one shore.

The waters burst through the mountains in the North, with Kargil having provided a vital mock exercise and lessons learned.

The chicken neck with China is twisted and broken off, the bird now flapping in its death throes. The US makes the requisite low-rumble noises to keep the Chinese quiet.

A new route is opened up for forces to circle around and start squeezing the Pakistani head between a rock and a hard place.

The US asks for calm and peace and sanity to return ..... while Indian troops bolster the West flank, and GI Joes look away ..... or lend a helping hand ..... depending of where pakistan's tenuous grip of the last vestiges of US sympathy lie at the time.

The naval waves start flowing in from the western sea board first, with the eastern port assets deployed and rounding the cape close behind.

The Pakistani navy goes out bravely .... but the inevitable happens 3 days later, and Karachi falls. Gwadar doesn't need to fall ..... the Balochis have managed that first ...... as Indian troops stream in from the sea and from the East.

Pakistan is now Punjab and Sindh is danger of imploding.

They have bigger fish to fry than worry about Balochistan declaring Independence, as a protectorate of India.

Or about FATA, NWFP, and Waziristan going back into the Afghan fold ..... administered by the Indo-Afghan Peace Keeping Force (IAPKF).

General Kayani finally gives in, and 4 weeks to the date that India mobilised its Rapid Action Corps, the formal Charter of Surrender is signed, with him handing over his sword to General Kapoor ..... in Jhelum, Punjab.

The Indian forces pull back in a phased manner, and 8 weeks later, India and now-non-nuclear Pakistan start an era of a 1000 years of Peace and Friendship, along with Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Sri Lanka.

The SARC truly becomes a potent reality now, starting an era of tech sharing, common currency (the Rupee), open trade corridors, and civil exchange in culture, education, sports, power, agriculture, and water, with whom China develops close trade ties, to make this the richest region of the world in less than a decade.

Cheers, Doc

As your Orgasm is now over and your brain dead why don’t you go prepare for another reunion with your RSS buddies. Have drinks and hallucinate about how you will achieve the above. And but remember this; life has a funny way of biting one in the @$$. you won’t understand, enjoy till it last. And keep living in denial, at least one thing proves its self here that how much of a peace loving nation yours is. A person who claims to be a doc could have such a pathetic pattern of thoughts. I feel sorry for the people who would come to you for medical treatment. Tell me what’s your criteria of looking at the patients, for you are they humans or do they belong to a certain religious group. Cause from your garbage one can easily assume that you probably think in that fashion too. And as for Pakistan it is a reality a reality that your country and the warmongers like you could not digest, and will not be able to. Worry about your own house first and then tell us what you can couldn’t do to Pakistan. Cause right now your countries case is like that of a turkey which kept feeding on cow poop and kept going higher on the tree but after reaching a certain height was shot by a hunter. So keep eating the Sh!t and keep going higher on the tree, and then wait for the daddy yankee to do what they do the best.

And also know this and put it in your thick skull; enough is enough and your flaming has gone too far. Remember you are talking about my country. Respect it like you want yours to be respected. Because cherry pickling what you like and what you don’t and who you would like to read and who not, is none of any one else’s business. But when you decide to take it to another level and start talking about my country that is personal. So either be ready to be on the receiving end of the same ***** that you are throwing this way. And not go around whining like a loser that you don’t like the attitude of certain posters and staff. Because many of you don’t like it when your country is criticized even rightly so.
And it goes for all the psychopaths who agree with your school of though.
Old festering wounds in the tattered Pakistani fabric are presented a prime opportunity to burst forth with a longstanding pent-up pustular discharge in Balochistan ..... aided and supported by the Indian establishment and other entities working at undermining Pakistan.

The world nods in disapproval at Pakistani atrocities and gives a silent nod of approval to the Indian liberation.

I would agree with doc on this. The sudden vanishing of acts of Terrorism in India and particularly JnK returning to normalacy and on the other hand Pakistan suffering terribly both economically and in internal security. Plus its credibility issue among international community.

I sense it must be handiwork of Indian strategic pundits to keep pakistan engaged in its internal problems and hence guarantee a peace dividend for India. And as far as US is concerned, India now enjoys equal patronage as that of Isarel to pound its adversaries overtly or covertly.

Whichever way, but if that ensures there would be no Market Bombings in India during Diwali and no more attacks on Temples and no more Plane hijacking, I am a big :tup: for their strategy (keeping emotions aside).

P.S. My analysis, No offence,
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As your Orgasm is now over and your brain dead why don’t you go prepare for another reunion with your RSS buddies. Have drinks and hallucinate about how you will achieve the above. And but remember this; life has a funny way of biting one in the @$$. you won’t understand, enjoy till it last. And keep living in denial, at least one thing proves its self here that how much of a peace loving nation yours is. A person who claims to be a doc could have such a pathetic pattern of thoughts. I feel sorry for the people who would come to you for medical treatment. Tell me what’s your criteria of looking at the patients, for you are they humans or do they belong to a certain religious group. Cause from your garbage one can easily assume that you probably think in that fashion too. And as for Pakistan it is a reality a reality that your country and the warmongers like you could not digest, and will not be able to. Worry about your own house first and then tell us what you can couldn’t do to Pakistan. Cause right now your countries case is like that of a turkey which kept feeding on cow poop and kept going higher on the tree but after reaching a certain height was shot by a hunter. So keep eating the Sh!t and keep going higher on the tree, and then wait for the daddy yankee to do what they do the best.

And also know this and put it in your thick skull; enough is enough and your flaming has gone too far. Remember you are talking about my country. Respect it like you want yours to be respected. Because cherry pickling what you like and what you don’t and who you would like to read and who not, is none of any one else’s business. But when you decide to take it to another level and start talking about my country that is personal. So either be ready to be on the receiving end of the same ***** that you are throwing this way. And not go around whining like a loser that you don’t like the attitude of certain posters and staff. Because many of you don’t like it when your country is criticized even rightly so.
And it goes for all the psychopaths who agree with your school of though.

Khalid bete, thanda piyo, aur gussa thuko.

You're taking this way too personally buddy.

Please indulge yourself all you want about your own fantasies regarding India.

Rest assured unlike you I shall not find the need to get personal.

Your post is too emotional to report. Dil se bolne waale ke khilaaf mujhe koi shikayat nahin! :cheers:

Cheers, Doc
As your Orgasm is now over and your brain dead why don’t you go prepare for another reunion with your RSS buddies. Have drinks and hallucinate about how you will achieve the above. And but remember this; life has a funny way of biting one in the @$$. you won’t understand, enjoy till it last. And keep living in denial, at least one thing proves its self here that how much of a peace loving nation yours is. A person who claims to be a doc could have such a pathetic pattern of thoughts. I feel sorry for the people who would come to you for medical treatment. Tell me what’s your criteria of looking at the patients, for you are they humans or do they belong to a certain religious group. Cause from your garbage one can easily assume that you probably think in that fashion too. And as for Pakistan it is a reality a reality that your country and the warmongers like you could not digest, and will not be able to. Worry about your own house first and then tell us what you can couldn’t do to Pakistan. Cause right now your countries case is like that of a turkey which kept feeding on cow poop and kept going higher on the tree but after reaching a certain height was shot by a hunter. So keep eating the Sh!t and keep going higher on the tree, and then wait for the daddy yankee to do what they do the best.

And also know this and put it in your thick skull; enough is enough and your flaming has gone too far. Remember you are talking about my country. Respect it like you want yours to be respected. Because cherry pickling what you like and what you don’t and who you would like to read and who not, is none of any one else’s business. But when you decide to take it to another level and start talking about my country that is personal. So either be ready to be on the receiving end of the same ***** that you are throwing this way. And not go around whining like a loser that you don’t like the attitude of certain posters and staff. Because many of you don’t like it when your country is criticized even rightly so.
And it goes for all the psychopaths who agree with your school of though.

You haven't given any suggestion to counter Indian actions/strategies apart from this emotional atyachar.

BTW, we already know your stregths when we were at receiving end. remember Khalistan, Kashmir, NE etc. etc....India has not started paying back yet. Pray it won't.

Remeber, we have seen what happens when less resources are spent on fueling insurgencies on large area. Consider while replacing words less and large....
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My dear Indian friends, please kindly leave China out of your super-

power wet dream, especially my dear self-proclaim "Doc"

Personally i don't give a damn about you doing your routine open-

defecation on the forum as long you don't drag China into it.

You know what? you really need to take a good look at a clip called

"Crushing Moment", that might help you to wake up from your wet

dream. BTW, i really admired how your army boys fight, holding both

hands up the air, were they doing some kind of "Yoga", and the most

amazing thing the Indians army commander was really happy with

a big smile on his face while surrendered to the PLA. Priceless.

May i considered that as a sign of Sino-Indo friendship ?

Is there another Doc here?

Dr Sangeen Shah please rush in with your team and a large dose of tranquillizers.
Khalid bete, thanda piyo, aur gussa thuko.

You're taking this way too personally buddy.

Please indulge yourself all you want about your own fantasies regarding India.

Rest assured unlike you I shall not find the need to get personal.

Your post is too emotional to report. Dil se bolne waale ke khilaaf mujhe koi shikayat nahin! :cheers:

Cheers, Doc

I would be more then happy to appolagise to any one and infact all the indians right now if it can be proved, that I have taken the liberty to start shooting insults at your country with out provocation. And that also will be somthing that will be hard to find I am sure.
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