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The new Islamic empire from Turkey to Pakistan.

Yes, but i am sure your prophet did not tell you to discriminate.
Let me quote you an example: For death by road accident in Saudi Arabia,you get a compensation

A Muslim gets : 100,000
A Christain gets: 50,000
A Hindu/others gets : 6666

Wow, aint that a jolt on all humans are equal and all the other teachings your prophet gave you.
Can you give me a link for that? if it's true then i'll be the first to put my hand up and say it's wrong.
But on the other hand in another country like Pakistan the punishment for muslims and non-muslims and the compensation is the same as per constitution. There are also many countries in the ummah who don't have rules like this, again im not defending this though I am saying this is more the case of exeption than the rule.
Every good for religious sermons for simpletons.
Yup very simple logic here unity=strength. but unfortunatly many of the muslim worlds leaders fail to see that.
Lets talk about NOW, if we talk about the past, the muslim invading timeline is filled with inhuman acts. But then again we cant compare the acts of those times with the rules of today. Who told you to accept their axis of evil, I dont. Is Iran a threat to world peace, definitly yes, are they evil, definitly not. The biggest threat to Iran is not USA, but Saudi Arabia. Having a Veto power is not discrimination, Dont like it, dont join their version of a world organizaton. They made it, they made the rules, dont like it dont join it. Ever thought what has Yemen done, to deserve it in the first place..
I lie your tone their, 'you don't like their rules then you can buzz off" and this is supposed to be a "global" organisation ensuring justice for the entire world. Why on Earth Iran is a threat to world peace and America not, I have yet to understand to this day. By the way The Saudi threat against Iran is sensationalised, No matter how much you huff and puff the biggest threat to Iran will be America and it's croonies. I also think it's naive the way your defending blatant discrimination, It doesn't take a genius to work out the west is exploiting the world politically, militarily, economically and by the media, I believe your counter argument is thoroghly naive.
How is NATO comapared to a religioious body like OIC. Simple fact, if you are a American by birth you can become the President of that country. Regardless of your religion or sexuality. That is called Freedom. I understand you are kashmiri
It's quite simple, all these bodies are comparable as they work as an establishment toi work together for the betterment of it's members. Be that in trade politically or militarilly. I see it intriguing how non-muslim countries can put their differences aside and defend each other collectivly even in the face of nuclear whilst muslim countries are providing bases to invade other countries. The thing is NATO as an organisation is far more succesful in attaining it's desired goals than the OIC. We desperatly need improvement.
I really dont wanna know, about how you go the toilet.
Lol that wasn't the point and you know it's not.
You are yet to see the world.
just portraying whatever I have seen.
I have nothing against the brotherhood. Live on.
Then why the objections?
Do you know how many friends i have in dammam itself. Tell me the name of the hospital your dad works if possible his name, if he is the only pakistani doctor there.. I will give your address soon.
The only thing I find peculiar is that you having many muslims friends and having interacted with them but still fail to grasp the fundamental basics of to why Muslims put differences aside and why all things don't matter when we bow down to the one and only God. Allah (SWT).
Anyway I am in no place to judge and I concede I am in no position to determine your social life.
By all means, but with equal consideration to your other brethern, Do you know how a Sikh, Christain, Hindu Pakistani might be feeling when he reads that you consider muslims above them and as brothers. While they might pakistan equally but sadly they dont follow allah therefore NOT good enough. A very very sad character in my opinion.
Argment works both ways, If your mother was in need of blood donation to save her life or a stranger who would you donate to first? If our neighbour was starving would you help him first or the person who is starving in another country? If an Indian needed medical treatment woth millions of dollars and a Pakistani and you had enough charity to give to one of them who would you give to? If you chose the stranger over your mother, the foreigner over your neighbour or the Indian over the Pakistani then you are the Sad character in my opinion.
You are quite young, I suggest you talk with people like Niaz etc. You wouldnt listen to me or understand me my point of view. There is something called drawing the line, where your brotherhood ends, the humanity takes over.
Maybe we Humans will understand the value of humanity, when some kind wierd aliens attack us...
Yes I do plead ignorance due to my age but, please don't think for one second that the reson me not agreeing with you is because you are an Indian or non-muslim, the reason is because i feel your arguments are without merit and mine are correct. Please by all means invite sir Niaz to this debate, a person whom I respect, I would love to get his views and debate with him over this topic.
I have to say you do have my respects, especially for the mature and intelligent head that you have on your young shoulders.

Can you give me a link for that? if it's true then i'll be the first to put my hand up and say it's wrong.
But on the other hand in another country like Pakistan the punishment for muslims and non-muslims and the compensation is the same as per constitution. There are also many countries in the ummah who don't have rules like this, again im not defending this though I am saying this is more the case of exeption than the rule.

I got it from this very forum, i guess it was blitz who posted the link, or was it BULL.
There are lot more, that was just one of the hundereds of cases.

I lie your tone their, 'you don't like their rules then you can buzz off" and this is supposed to be a "global" organisation ensuring justice for the entire world. Why on Earth Iran is a threat to world peace and America not, I have yet to understand to this day. By the way The Saudi threat against Iran is sensationalised, No matter how much you huff and puff the biggest threat to Iran will be America and it's croonies.

IF you think Shia/Sunni fight is american creation, you are sadly mistaken. Saudi's rather be american slaves rather than Share seat with the Iranians.

I also think it's naive the way your defending blatant discrimination, It doesn't take a genius to work out the west is exploiting the world politically, militarily, economically and by the media, I believe your counter argument is thoroghly naive.

What is this discrimination you are talking about. We are talking about how a single person treats another one, we are not talking about a groups like NATO.

It's quite simple, all these bodies are comparable as they work as an establishment toi work together for the betterment of it's members. Be that in trade politically or militarilly.

Tell me how NATO discriminates you on the basis of your religion or race. I have already told you who saudi arabia does.

I see it intriguing how non-muslim countries can put their differences aside and defend each other collectivly even in the face of nuclear whilst muslim countries are providing bases to invade other countries.

In politics there is no religion, every country has its interest. Why did Iran and Iraq have a war. Why is Iraq being used as sunni/shia battleground by Iran and Saudi Arabia. Why did Pakistan destabilize a country even further for achieving its national goal of having a buffer(Afghanistan). Why did India destabilize Sri Lanka.

This how the world works, please dont think i am patronizing, I do have immense respect for the way you have conducted yourself, maybe not your view on things. But you will loose quite a bit of your idealism, after some more age, when reality really strikes. Just wait till 25...lol

The thing is NATO as an organisation is far more succesful in attaining it's desired goals than the OIC. We desperatly need improvement.

We are talking about discrimination on the basis of religion. Not NATO, OIC or SAARC
NATO is successful cuz it follows the rules it sets for itself. About countries attacking each other. Ah well, that is how the world works. Its naive argument, but it is the truth.

Then why the objections?

Just for the balent discrimination on the basis of religion it creates. I can understand natonalism, I am not seeing a Pakistani on day to day basis, so it doesnt matter. But I see a Indian muslim on daily basis, I work and do business with them. When I know he treats me as second class,When I know he gives a better deal to a fellow muslim, just cuz he is a muslim, My respect for that person goes down the toilet along with the poopies, this creates a division in the nationality, a rift between people. That is partition all over again. No Thank you, I want all religion to thrive in India, but not at the cost of India.

The only thing I find peculiar is that you having many muslims friends and having interacted with them but still fail to grasp the fundamental basics of to why Muslims put differences aside and why all things don't matter when we bow down to the one and only God. Allah (SWT).

Me advocating against a certain practice of muslims, makes a anti-muslim? How?
I dont agree with Sati and lots of Hindu supersititions, does it make me anti-Hindu?
I dont agree with a lot of American and Indian policies.Does it make anti-american or anti-Indian?

Argment works both ways, If your mother was in need of blood donation to save her life or a stranger who would you donate to first? If our neighbour was starving would you help him first or the person who is starving in another country? If an Indian needed medical treatment woth millions of dollars and a Pakistani and you had enough charity to give to one of them who would you give to? If you chose the stranger over your mother, the foreigner over your neighbour or the Indian over the Pakistani then you are the Sad character in my opinion

You are not getting, a brotherhood when it transends national boundries, creates a problem within the country. I will not have any brotherhood at the cost of India. Equality between citizens and mutual respect is needed for a country to stay together. We all identify behind that flag, we all identify behind our family, we all identify behind our religion. Agreed.But The moment an Indian Muslim values a Pakistan Muslim more than a Indian Sikh, Hindu or anyother. I would call him a traitor. The whole concept of India goes down the drain.

Yes I do plead ignorance due to my age but, please don't think for one second that the reson me not agreeing with you is because you are an Indian or non-muslim, the reason is because i feel your arguments are without merit and mine are correct.

I absolutely see no merit in your argument since, the World is, a group nations, thereby people have more nationalistic feelings than religious feelings. There are only few countries who have established itself as a religious enitity, and they havent fared well at all. Religion is a personal issue, the moment it becomes political especially in a multi-religious society, Tensions run high.

And please let me end with this ; I have been to couple of arab countries and i am very well versed with the area. They are the worst kind of racist I have ever seen in my life. They subjugate others like Indians, Pakistani's and Fillipinos'..while they tap dance for the white folks. Where did their Quran studies go, Did they not hear what prophet told them. You expect these people to lead a Ummah, or OIC or whatever crap it is.
This arab behaviour , is not a small phenomenon, but rather a very large phenomenon in arab states.

I have found south asians more racist than an average white in the UK. Heck we discriminate among ourselves,

I have to say you do have my respects, especially for the mature and intelligent head that you have on your young shoulders.
Thankyou very much sir, It has been a pleasure debating with you too thus far.
got it from this very forum, i guess it was blitz who posted the link, or was it BULL.
There are lot more, that was just one of the hundereds of cases.
I live in SAudi Arabia and I've come across quite a few dodgy laws, but you as a senior member know that posting objectionable stuff without links can cause some unsensible people to divert the topic on a complete destruction course, I hope you understand my sentiments when I say that without a link I cannot verify this claim/Saudi Law- though it doesn't mean that I think what your posting is untrue.
IF you think Shia/Sunni fight is american creation, you are sadly mistaken. Saudi's rather be american slaves rather than Share seat with the Iranians.
Inviting the Iranian leader to SAudi Arabia, press conference of unity between saudi-iran and iran claiming it is for the best of the mulim world for SAudia Arabia gaining weapons may all be blanket statments and PR Bull, but it's sure better than labeling them in the axis of evil, convicing other leaders that Iran is a threat to world peace and mulling attacking Iran in the media. To think Saudi Arabia will be a major threat or has the ability to be a major threat to Iran in comparison is to the USA and its multi national bandwagon is absurd.
What is this discrimination you are talking about. We are talking about how a single person treats another one, we are not talking about a groups like NATO.
See that's it you've hit the nail on the head, when it comes to treating their fellow man in their own country the west have the higher moral ground, and when they seem to discrimate between countries they again some how have the higher moral ground. Is it not descrimination when the most powerful media in the world who portray themselves as free and and just portray others in a steriotypical manner, report only negative aspects and and project propaganda to back the foreign policy? that is definatly not free and just. Is it not decrimination when African employees are exploited by rich and powerful multinationals? Is it not decrimination when some countries are (Israel) given enough weapons to hold half the world hostage and giving it full redemption from scrutiny? or allowing some countries which are not signitories of the NPT Advance civil nuclear tech? The reason I'm saying this is earlier in the thread you gave me an example of countries that I should follow namly USA, Britain and India. I am just highlighting their discriminations more so USA and Britain than India.
Tell me how NATO discriminates you on the basis of your religion or race. I have already told you who saudi arabia does.
What does that mean? first you said how are the OIC Nato comparable, I gave you the answer, now you ask how is NATO discrimanatory? your arguments don't follow a pattern.
In politics there is no religion, every country has its interest. Why did Iran and Iraq have a war. Why is Iraq being used as sunni/shia battleground by Iran and Saudi Arabia. Why did Pakistan destabilize a country even further for achieving its national goal of having a buffer(Afghanistan). Why did India destabilize Sri Lanka.
Why does that have to be so sir? There are Islamist parties here and they are here to stay, Pakistan as a country was founded on the basis of religion. I say Islam and politics can mix and can do so freely.
This how the world works, please dont think i am patronizing, I do have immense respect for the way you have conducted yourself, maybe not your view on things. But you will loose quite a bit of your idealism, after some more age, when reality really strikes. Just wait till 25...lol
Hey don't burst my idealistic bubble just yet! I've got someway to go untill I get to 25:argh: :smitten:
We are talking about discrimination on the basis of religion. Not NATO, OIC or SAARC
NATO is successful cuz it follows the rules it sets for itself. About countries attacking each other. Ah well, that is how the world works. Its naive argument, but it is the truth.
Like I said muslims and OIC can be successful if they can employ and fullfill viable regulations.
All i'm saying is I want the OIC to act as a successful group to ensue the betterment of it's members.
Just for the balent discrimination on the basis of religion it creates. I can understand natonalism, I am not seeing a Pakistani on day to day basis, so it doesnt matter. But I see a Indian muslim on daily basis, I work and do business with them. When I know he treats me as second class,When I know he gives a better deal to a fellow muslim, just cuz he is a muslim, My respect for that person goes down the toilet along with the poopies, this creates a division in the nationality, a rift between people. That is partition all over again. No Thank you, I want all religion to thrive in India, but not at the cost of India.
Who ever said abything about desintegration of India? look there are communist in india, it is a natural state of progression that like minded people will unite, that's why you have communist parties or republicans and democrats. As long as the Muslims of India hold India important it shouldn't mean much to you if they support the muslims in palestine or those in Darfur or on Chechnia.
As the saying goes those of a feather flock together.
Me advocating against a certain practice of muslims, makes a anti-muslim? How?
I dont agree with Sati and lots of Hindu supersititions, does it make me anti-Hindu?
I dont agree with a lot of American and Indian policies.Does it make anti-american or anti-Indian?
Chill I never called you anti-muslim anywhere, I was just saying I find it wierd you havn't fully grasped the concept.
You are not getting, a brotherhood when it transends national boundries, creates a problem within the country. I will not have any brotherhood at the cost of India. Equality between citizens and mutual respect is needed for a country to stay together. We all identify behind that flag, we all identify behind our family, we all identify behind our religion. Agreed.But The moment an Indian Muslim values a Pakistan Muslim more than a Indian Sikh, Hindu or anyother. I would call him a traitor. The whole concept of India goes down the drain.
So now we get to the crux of things, you see the muslim Ummah as a destabalising factor in India therefore you oppose it, I guess this was where it ultimatly leads to.
absolutely see no merit in your argument since, the World is, a group nations, thereby people have more nationalistic feelings than religious feelings. There are only few countries who have established itself as a religious enitity, and they havent fared well at all. Religion is a personal issue, the moment it becomes political especially in a multi-religious society, Tensions run high.
Well sir, I guess we have o agree to disagree, I thankyou for your view point but one must understand abandoning muslims brothers just for a man made non-permanent boundary or International border is just not Islam. My empathies for all those muslims where ever they are! When One person regards this life as a transition, a life for the fullfilment of one God why should they not carry out the teachings of the prophet?
And please let me end with this ; I have been to couple of arab countries and i am very well versed with the area. They are the worst kind of racist I have ever seen in my life. They subjugate others like Indians, Pakistani's and Fillipinos'..while they tap dance for the white folks. Where did their Quran studies go, Did they not hear what prophet told them. You expect these people to lead a Ummah, or OIC or whatever crap it is.
This arab behaviour , is not a small phenomenon, but rather a very large phenomenon in arab states.
True, and that's why right at the beginning of the thread i stressed ampathy to those being decriminated, those who treat their fellow muslims with less thought and not in a brotherly manner, the prophet said treat a person how one would be wanted to be treated himself.
Oh about the OIC and Ummah
Adux an Arab won't lead the OIC a muslim will!
5. Maximum Amount admissible :

The maximum amount of Death Compensation (Diyya) generally admissible in Saudi Arabia, in respect of road/traffic/fire accident, murder, etc. is as under:

Death Compensation in respect of a male person:

i. Muslim - SR. 100,000/-

ii. Christian/Jew - SR.50,000/-

iii. Other religions : such as Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, etc. - SR 6666.66

In the case of death of a female, death compensation allowed is equal to half the amount as admissible to males professing the same religion. Further the amount of compensation admissible, is based on the percentage of responsibility fixed on the causer e.g. if the causer is held 50% responsible for the accident resulting in the death of a Muslim, the amount of Death Compensation admissible will be SR 50,000 only

it might be a dream but even if you look at ground realities, its better not to dream such things. it's not possible. in the presence of strong defence relations between india-iran, india-indonesia, india-malaysia, india-afghanistan, india-central asian states, turkey-israel, foreign ties between jordan-israel, egypt-israel, turkey-israel, growing influence of india in turkey and turkey's shifting towards india as a result of its successful foreign strategies, saudi king's gestures towards india calling his second home, russian influence in iran, syria, united arab emirates very strong defence and economis ties with india, india-defence ties with african muslim countries, tajkistan as host of indian air base and air force squadrons, in my view, this thing is not at all possible. let's have an example of how bad this dream is. iran and india has a defence agreement, signed in 2003, which is exclusively against pakistan i.e in case of a war iran will provide full logistic support to india including use of its air bases for rearming, refuelling, stationing of aircraft, use of its naval ports, berths for similar activities, using its army bases for reorganizing. how can then one even think of such a thing when muslim countries themselves are against each other. although its irans own matter to do agreements but on the overall picture it represents islamic worlds disarray. istanbul airport is managed by a consortium involving indian companies. do you think that they will allow facilitation of any logistic support to pakistan, never. they are indians first. i live in sweden and have arabs, turks, iranis around and their gestures are bad towards pakistanis and they are very good towards indians. even though nobody ever tried to meddle in their affairs but they considers themselves close to indians. this thing is not at all possible nor should one ever dream of it.
I have read posts in this thread with great amusement. Are we living in Cuckoo Land?? The time when there was one Islamic empire was briefly during Umayyad period ( 661- 750 AD). Even then part of the Arabia proper ( Mecca, Medina and Basra were briefly ruled by Abdullah ib Zubair ( proclaimed Caliph in Mecca in 685) until killed inside the Kaaba by Hajjaj ibne Yusuf in 692 AD.

Ummayyad empire/Caliphate fell in 750 AD when last Umayyad Caliph Marwan -II was killed and Umayyad family virtually exterminated. Last survivng Ummayyad prince Abdur Rahman founded Umayyad Caliphate in Spain in 755. This caliphate continued until 1031. Abbassides also lost all North Africa west of Egypt from 787 onwards.

Fatimids captured North Africa circa 930's and Egypt crica 960 AD and founded Cairo in 969 AD. Fatimids continued as seperate Caliphate until abolished by Salahuddin in 1171. For nearly 100 years Fatimids also ruled Hijaz. There were three and after 1031 two Caliphates existing at the same time.

Pray tell me, how it is possible to have a single Islamic empire from Turkey to Pakistan. Muslim Ummah is one only in theory, it stopped being one after the death of Hazrat Othman (RAA) as Ummayyads never accepted Hazart Ali ( RAA). When this was the case during the time when many of the Sehaba and Tabaieen were alive, does any one seriously believe that it is possible now??

For all my compatriots, just try entering into any of the Islamic countries on a Pakistani Passport and you will realize the ground reality.

Why do you think I consider myself Pakistani first and foremost. I have visited, Tunisia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Indonesia and Malayasia. I speak from the criterian of self reference. Muslims only provide lip service to the Ummah. Even in Pakistan, I was referred to as Punjabi every time I visited Landi Kotal and Darra Adam Khel. In many parts of Baluchistan, non Baluchis are treated as foriegners and there have been riots in Sindh between Sindhis and Mohajirs. Biharis are treated as 4th class citzens in Banglad Desh. We are discussing a new Islamic empire from Pakistan to Turkey!!!.

Let us stop wasting time on such postulations and discuss subjects more relevant to the ground realities such as Pakistan after Musharraf.
Thankyou very much sir, It has been a pleasure debating with you too thus far

The pleasure is all mine
I live in SAudi Arabia and I've come across quite a few dodgy laws, but you as a senior member know that posting objectionable stuff without links can cause some unsensible people to divert the topic on a complete destruction course, I hope you understand my sentiments when I say that without a link I cannot verify this claim/Saudi Law- though it doesn't mean that I think what your posting is untrue.

I have already posted it.

Inviting the Iranian leader to SAudi Arabia, press conference of unity between saudi-iran and iran claiming it is for the best of the mulim world for SAudia Arabia gaining weapons may all be blanket statments and PR Bull, but it's sure better than labeling them in the axis of evil, convicing other leaders that Iran is a threat to world peace and mulling attacking Iran in the media. To think Saudi Arabia will be a major threat or has the ability to be a major threat to Iran in comparison is to the USA and its multi national bandwagon is absurd.

Axis of evil, is a Bush term, I never support it. But I dont agree with Iranian views on the right of existence of Israel. But I do agree on the views of a palestinian state as well as the removal of Israeli forces from the occupied territories. But the religious xenophobisim shown by Iranians and the Israeli's are no good for the future this little blue planet.

Let put it you in a simple form. Secualrism is the most important aspect of the current Human age, why Never has and Never will that very single person of this planet will follow the same religion. It is imperative therefore to adjust from both sides the ideas of secualrism, at the same time asserting your own individual religious beliefs. You should draw the line, where you should assert and where you shouldnt. Equality is the only way forward, wether it is race, religion or gender.
There will be no peace in the world, if one religion calls jihad on the rest of them. World has moved on from the times when people would sit quietly when invaded, the weapons of today can make a 5 year old child a mass murderer.

See that's it you've hit the nail on the head, when it comes to treating their fellow man in their own country the west have the higher moral ground, and when they seem to discrimate between countries they again some how have the higher moral ground.

Does not Al-Qeada claim higher moral ground. Everybody does, Are you not doing the same to me, am I not doing the same to you, you should just learn to rubbish some stuff, let it just go.
But i do have to say certain sections of Western Media has been far more helpful than the arab media, for arab causes. In arab media, you have Jews shown as blood drinking child molestors. You have tele-tubbies in hezbollah channel telling little children, that one should kill jews? Where the heck is morality in that.

Is it not descrimination when the most powerful media in the world who portray themselves as free and and just portray others in a steriotypical manner, report only negative aspects and and project propaganda to back the foreign policy? that is definatly not free and just.

Understand one thing clearly, everybody and everything in this world is biased.
Is it not decrimination when African employees are exploited by rich and powerful multinationals?
Africian employee's in western countries get the same benefits, I used to work in the UK. I was treated the same. My friends in Dubai apparently does not get the same treatment in the same organization that I worked in the UK. The law of that land allows discrimnation, and the MNC exploits it. For example an MNC in the middle east will discriminate a south asian, while the same MNC in UK, US or India will not discrimianate the same person. It has to do with the law of the land. And arab lands are notorious for exploiting south asian communities while pandering themselves and the whites.
Is it not decrimination when some countries are (Israel) given enough weapons to hold half the world hostage and giving it full redemption from scrutiny? or allowing some countries which are not signitories of the NPT Advance civil nuclear tech?

I dont agree with Israel having nuclear weapons, but at the same time they havent threatened to wipe anybody out of the world.

The reason I'm saying this is earlier in the thread you gave me an example of countries that I should follow namly USA, Britain and India. I am just highlighting their discriminations more so USA and Britain than India.

You dont run countries, on the basis of how you run a family, there is always a price, and there is always something someone wants. its a murky world. India was not proliferator while Pakistan was, The countries treat you with the respect you earn, demand and give. Sadly there arent much political processes in muslim countries, and its all hot air.

What does that mean? first you said how are the OIC Nato comparable, I gave you the answer, now you ask how is NATO discrimanatory? your arguments don't follow a pattern.

There is a difference between a political ideology and a religious ideology. Even if you are a communist you wont be discriminated in a democratic country while in a muslim country you are.

Why does that have to be so sir? There are Islamist parties here and they are here to stay, Pakistan as a country was founded on the basis of religion. I say Islam and politics can mix and can do so freely.

You mix politics with God. Then even god cant save you.
When you give the power of God, to the hands of a human... what do you expect. He will use the most fearful, unseen power to make the people do his bidding. God is unknown, everybody is scared of the unknown. Now you make the conclusion.

Hey don't burst my idealistic bubble just yet! I've got someway to go untill I get to 25:argh: :smitten:

Its just a matter of time.

Like I said muslims and OIC can be successful if they can employ and fullfill viable regulations.
All i'm saying is I want the OIC to act as a successful group to ensue the betterment of it's members.

That is always good.

Who ever said abything about desintegration of India? look there are communist in india, it is a natural state of progression that like minded people will unite, that's why you have communist parties or republicans and democrats. As long as the Muslims of India hold India important it shouldn't mean much to you if they support the muslims in palestine or those in Darfur or on Chechnia.

Yes, but the ummah doesnt stop there does it. It talks about craving a new country and a physical entity, it is just not a mental thing. This affects the current state of affairs, which is therefore harmful to even Pakistan.

As the saying goes those of a feather flock together.

Please, if you were all together in one peiece of real estate.
I dont agree with that priniciple when an Indian muslim says a Pakistani muslim is more important to him, that a fellow Indian. I strongly oppose that mentality. I have heard Pakistani go nuts, when Balochi Pakistani's say they are Iranians, not Pakistanis. You forget that along with Religion, there is an unseen force which binds people together without the Quran...that is culture, language, racial profiles, national identity etc. You give far too less credit for it.

Chill I never called you anti-muslim anywhere, .

Thank you, I am already called a RSS in this forum, while I am called anti-Indian in other. Wierd.
I was just saying I find it wierd you havn't fully grasped the concept

Have you ever thought, that I dont fully agree with your concept. It might not have nothing to do with my grasping power. Do you know there are muslims, who love their religion, and yet takes some of the stuff in the religion as utter humbug.

So now we get to the crux of things, you see the muslim Ummah as a destabalising factor in India therefore you oppose it, I guess this was where it ultimatly leads to.

Not only for India, for even Pakistan and their culture. Ummah is not an easy concept, As I have mentioned above, you have to go very deep into it. Such as governence, language, culture, etc etc. Heck pakistan split into since Pakistani's thought their fellow bangladeshi's were less uber-muslim than they were. This a Human trait. Its not only in muslims,but everyone. As I said, you will have to look deeper.

Well sir, I guess we have o agree to disagree, I thankyou for your view point but one must understand abandoning muslims brothers just for a man made non-permanent boundary or International border is just not Islam.

Why didnt God make all people of the same colour and characteristics, why black, yellow, brown and white etc etc. WHY? Life is more than religion. Reilgion is only a way to find Life. But you have to walk it yourself.

My empathies for all those muslims where ever they are! When One person regards this life as a transition, a life for the fullfilment of one God why should they not carry out the teachings of the prophet?

If you expect a Indian Hindu should empathize more with a Pakistani Hindu, cuz you are not there for him, since you are tending your muslim brethern. then god only can save Pakistan.

True, and that's why right at the beginning of the thread i stressed ampathy to those being decriminated, those who treat their fellow muslims with less thought and not in a brotherly manner, the prophet said treat a person how one would be wanted to be treated himself.

Guess what your fellow arabs are doing blasmephous things, why no fatwa's on them for disobeying the orders of the prophet.

Oh about the OIC and Ummah Adux an Arab won't lead the OIC a muslim will!

I will qoute what my saudi arabian friend said, who was my classmate for my PG.

The Prophet was an arab, a saudi arabian. Therefore we are the leaders of islam and it is soley our right to lead the islamic naitons and no one else

Non arab leading Islam, That will just remain a dream, as I said your existence in this world is much more than a religion. Service to god, doesnt mean service to religion.

PS: Call me adu, I am not that old to be called Sir.
Let us stop wasting time on such postulations and discuss subjects more relevant to the ground realities such as Pakistan after Musharraf.

That would be a good topic
They are supporting the dictators and military juntas in muslim countries whoa are acting as puppets and interrupting the will of masses to live their life by their own way.

You mean guys like Mushraff!!!
you are living in cload cuckoo land the empire will not exist until the puppet regimes of the islamic countires are remove and then the people can decide themselves.
there will never be a muslim empire. different nations all over the world have different national interests. Do you really think that the national interests of Indonesia are the same of pakistan. Also the sense of nationhood has been cemented in our psyche.
It would be much better if we worked in creating a muslim version of the european union.

I just read your post. I hate to sound patronizing, but, 'son' what are you on. It is not good stuff. It creates an illusion and a state of grandeur that is not real.

It is so disturbing when pakistanis talk about a grand united muslim world------but can't do anything for the victims of rape, abuse, injustice and inequality at home.
It is so disturbing when pakistanis talk about a grand united muslim world------but can't do anything for the victims of rape, abuse, injustice and inequality at home.
you never think why today we face all these problems as you mension above ,because we forget that we are muslims,today our enemies remind us that we are muslims,if some one wish for grand muslim world then we feel he hurt our moderatism ,forgeting the west is going to unity

I just read your post. I hate to sound patronizing, but, 'son' what are you on. It is not good stuff. It creates an illusion and a state of grandeur that is not real.

It is so disturbing when pakistanis talk about a grand united muslim world------but can't do anything for the victims of rape, abuse, injustice and inequality at home.

the khalifa is today's answer to the west,the muslim nation's need to unite cuz when we are united we can acheive a great deal,and we are mighty,look what happen's when we are divided the west and her allies are rapeing muslim land's and killing muslim's.if we had been united the muslim's army could have fought of terror from the west. the khalifa is a sheild for the muslim's agains terror.

pakistan and iran need to show the way for the muslim nation's

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