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The murder of history in Pakistan

Read Quran with some critical thinking and you will not find it that useful. Like all biblical religions, islam will collapse under its own weight of complications.

Islam will never collapse Sir it because it is from ALLAH and protected by him and is growing and growing fast thousands and thousands of people convert to Islam every year
its rare to come across a pakistani who sees things clearly. A part of my ancestry comes from the middle east where the christians were driven out and we had to find refuge in hindu india. the parsis i believe have the same story. Both communities in return gave back so much to india

The Annihilation of Civilizations

By the time Mohammed died in 632 AD, Islam had used persuasion and jihad to subjugate Arabia. The annihilation of native Arabic culture is Sunna, the perfect example for all times and all Muslims. Said another way, the political theory of Islam is annihilation of Kafir civilization. How well did this political theory work out in history? Is this theory of annihilation at work today?

We have records of Mohammed’s last jihad against the Christians north of Arabia. After he died, Umar, the second caliph, took Mohammed’s jihad against the Christians and developed it into a war that conquered half of the Christian world. But this conquest was only the beginning of the political transformation. Sharia law was put into place and the Christian Kafirs became dhimmis. But Umar was not able to conquer Anatolia, the site known today as Turkey. For centuries, Islam attacked Anatolia and finally took Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, Turkey.

Take a look at the demographic history of the annihilation of the Greek Christian civilization:

This demographic growth chart of Islam has many things to teach us. The first is that the process of annihilation took centuries. Some people think that when Islam invaded, the Kafirs had the choice of conversion or death. No, absolutely not. Sharia law was put into place and the Christian dhimmis continued to have their “protected” status as People of the Book who lived under the Sharia law. The dhimmi paid heavy taxes, could not testify in court, hold a position of authority over Muslims and was humiliated by social rules. A dhimmi had to step aside for the Muslim, offer him his seat, could not carry a weapon and defer to a Muslim in every way. In all matters of society the dhimmi had to yield to the Muslim. Over the centuries, the degradation, lack of rights and the dhimmi tax caused the Christian to convert. It is the Sharia that destroys the dhimmis.

Notice where the curve is headed—100% Islam, just like Arabia. Today, Turkey is 99.7% Muslim. The Christian and Greek civilization of Anatolia is gone. It is annihilated.

What is tragic is that it seems that no one knows or cares. The Fethullah Gülen Movement (Turkish Muslim Brotherhood) of today pays for Christian ministers to go to Turkey and see an Islamic tolerant country where Christians live in beautiful harmony with Islam. And the ministers come back talking about what a wonderful society Turkey is and how well Christians are treated. After all, 0.3% of the Christians are still there in wonderful Turkey.

Look at two more Christian lands—Lebanon and Kosovo. This data only covers modern times and we do not see the beginning as we did in Turkey. See where these areas are going. In short decades, Lebanon and Kosovo will be 100% Islamic and two more Kafir civilizations will be annihilated.

It is a terrible irony that some Christians look at the destruction of Christianity and say that “those” were not real Christians. Indeed, that was the first reaction to the Islamic conquest of the first Christians, condemning those “other” Christians as heretics and saying that the jihad just pruned the garden of false doctrine.

Now, look at the next two demographic growth charts:

Pakistan and Bangladesh used to be Hindu cultures. Now they are Islamic and the few Christians and Hindus left are persecuted every day. While non-Muslims make great distinctions between religions, Islam sees them all as Kafirs. Orthodox Christians are Kafirs, Evangelical Christians are Kafirs, Hindus are Kafirs and atheists are Kafirs. ALL KAFIR civilizations must be annihilated. It is Sunna.

Let us look at one last feature of these curves. Once it starts, it never reverses. Islam never retreats. Slowly, year by year, century by century, the native Kafir civilization vanishes and is never able to fight back, never reverses Islam’s gains.

There is one exception to this law—force and the acceptance of war. Twice in history Islam has been driven out in Spain and Eastern Europe.

Today we see another approach to dealing with the Islam of annihilation. We ignore the history of annihilation and say that all we need to do is love Muslims and we will live in harmony, a wonderful multicultural civilization. A history of 1400 years without a single exception to the rule of annihilation and we will repeal it with a smile and a hug. All you need is love; love is all you need; all you need is love; love is all you need. Repeat that again and again, it will make a doctrine and history of annihilation go away. Actually, the way it works is that the history is never known. It is a cliché to say that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It is a cliché but it is true. We have our foot on the path to annihilation today because we refuse to know history.

What is the lesson? Islam, peaceful Islam, is about destruction of all Kafir civilization. Only if the Kafirs realize the goal of Islam is annihilation of their culture, can the destruction be stopped. Islam is at war with Kafirs, and Kafirs are trying to “nice” their way out of destruction. Islam is at war, we are at nice. Mohammed has a dream that is coming true while we sleep.

Kosovo: Carl Savich Column on Serbianna.com | Front Page
Turkey: http://home.att.net/~dimostenis/greektr.html
Lebanon: Tomass Mark, Game theory with instrumentally irrational players: A Case Study of Civil War and Sectarian Cleansing, Journal of Economic Issues, Lincoln; June 1997.
Pakistan, Bangladesh: Bangladesh : Press Release (HAF): Hindus in South Asia and the Diaspora:A Survey of Human Rights 2006 Executive Summary

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
Permalink /blog/the-annihilation-of-civilizations/
copyright (c) CBSX, LLC, politicalislam.com
its rare to come across a pakistani who sees things clearly. A part of my ancestry comes from the middle east where the christians were driven out and we had to find refuge in hindu india. the parsis i believe have the same story. Both communities in return gave back so much to india

The Annihilation of Civilizations

By the time Mohammed died in 632 AD, Islam had used persuasion and jihad to subjugate Arabia. The annihilation of native Arabic culture is Sunna, the perfect example for all times and all Muslims. Said another way, the political theory of Islam is annihilation of Kafir civilization. How well did this political theory work out in history? Is this theory of annihilation at work today?

We have records of Mohammed’s last jihad against the Christians north of Arabia. After he died, Umar, the second caliph, took Mohammed’s jihad against the Christians and developed it into a war that conquered half of the Christian world. But this conquest was only the beginning of the political transformation. Sharia law was put into place and the Christian Kafirs became dhimmis. But Umar was not able to conquer Anatolia, the site known today as Turkey. For centuries, Islam attacked Anatolia and finally took Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, Turkey.

Take a look at the demographic history of the annihilation of the Greek Christian civilization:

This demographic growth chart of Islam has many things to teach us. The first is that the process of annihilation took centuries. Some people think that when Islam invaded, the Kafirs had the choice of conversion or death. No, absolutely not. Sharia law was put into place and the Christian dhimmis continued to have their “protected” status as People of the Book who lived under the Sharia law. The dhimmi paid heavy taxes, could not testify in court, hold a position of authority over Muslims and was humiliated by social rules. A dhimmi had to step aside for the Muslim, offer him his seat, could not carry a weapon and defer to a Muslim in every way. In all matters of society the dhimmi had to yield to the Muslim. Over the centuries, the degradation, lack of rights and the dhimmi tax caused the Christian to convert. It is the Sharia that destroys the dhimmis.

Notice where the curve is headed—100% Islam, just like Arabia. Today, Turkey is 99.7% Muslim. The Christian and Greek civilization of Anatolia is gone. It is annihilated.

What is tragic is that it seems that no one knows or cares. The Fethullah Gülen Movement (Turkish Muslim Brotherhood) of today pays for Christian ministers to go to Turkey and see an Islamic tolerant country where Christians live in beautiful harmony with Islam. And the ministers come back talking about what a wonderful society Turkey is and how well Christians are treated. After all, 0.3% of the Christians are still there in wonderful Turkey.

Look at two more Christian lands—Lebanon and Kosovo. This data only covers modern times and we do not see the beginning as we did in Turkey. See where these areas are going. In short decades, Lebanon and Kosovo will be 100% Islamic and two more Kafir civilizations will be annihilated.

It is a terrible irony that some Christians look at the destruction of Christianity and say that “those” were not real Christians. Indeed, that was the first reaction to the Islamic conquest of the first Christians, condemning those “other” Christians as heretics and saying that the jihad just pruned the garden of false doctrine.

Now, look at the next two demographic growth charts:

Pakistan and Bangladesh used to be Hindu cultures. Now they are Islamic and the few Christians and Hindus left are persecuted every day. While non-Muslims make great distinctions between religions, Islam sees them all as Kafirs. Orthodox Christians are Kafirs, Evangelical Christians are Kafirs, Hindus are Kafirs and atheists are Kafirs. ALL KAFIR civilizations must be annihilated. It is Sunna.

Let us look at one last feature of these curves. Once it starts, it never reverses. Islam never retreats. Slowly, year by year, century by century, the native Kafir civilization vanishes and is never able to fight back, never reverses Islam’s gains.

There is one exception to this law—force and the acceptance of war. Twice in history Islam has been driven out in Spain and Eastern Europe.

Today we see another approach to dealing with the Islam of annihilation. We ignore the history of annihilation and say that all we need to do is love Muslims and we will live in harmony, a wonderful multicultural civilization. A history of 1400 years without a single exception to the rule of annihilation and we will repeal it with a smile and a hug. All you need is love; love is all you need; all you need is love; love is all you need. Repeat that again and again, it will make a doctrine and history of annihilation go away. Actually, the way it works is that the history is never known. It is a cliché to say that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. It is a cliché but it is true. We have our foot on the path to annihilation today because we refuse to know history.

What is the lesson? Islam, peaceful Islam, is about destruction of all Kafir civilization. Only if the Kafirs realize the goal of Islam is annihilation of their culture, can the destruction be stopped. Islam is at war with Kafirs, and Kafirs are trying to “nice” their way out of destruction. Islam is at war, we are at nice. Mohammed has a dream that is coming true while we sleep.

Kosovo: Carl Savich Column on Serbianna.com | Front Page
Turkey: http://home.att.net/~dimostenis/greektr.html
Lebanon: Tomass Mark, Game theory with instrumentally irrational players: A Case Study of Civil War and Sectarian Cleansing, Journal of Economic Issues, Lincoln; June 1997.
Pakistan, Bangladesh: Bangladesh : Press Release (HAF): Hindus in South Asia and the Diaspora:A Survey of Human Rights 2006 Executive Summary

Bill Warner, Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
Permalink /blog/the-annihilation-of-civilizations/
copyright (c) CBSX, LLC, politicalislam.com

Yes, your signature says it all.

Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.

i have a hard time imagining what a pakistani liberal looks like
Islam will never collapse Sir it because it is from ALLAH and protected by him and is growing and growing fast thousands and thousands of people convert to Islam every year

Yep, because jehadis like you would have blown themselves up long before the end game comes out.

its rare to come across a pakistani who sees things clearly. A part of my ancestry comes from the middle east where the christians were driven out and we had to find refuge in hindu india. the parsis i believe have the same story. Both communities in return gave back so much to india

Semitic Jewish Tribes, Persian trading families and Assyrian Christian colonies in 7th Century Arabia heavily dominated the arts, commerce, engineering, agriculture, metallurgy, industry and weaponry sectors. While much of the Arabs continued with their reckless bedouin life style, extortion and slave trading and borrowing heavily to sustain their partying and booze. Many Arabs tribes were forced to accede their land to Jewish tribes after defaulting numerous times. The Jews also kept their weapon industry going by keeping rival arab clans at constant war which indirectly also advance their power.

The much celebrated exodus of infidels from Arabia by Jihad also drained a massive pool of manpower, talent and skills which further pushed Arabia into backwardness which continues to date or at-least until discovery of oil!
Some of the views expressed on pdf are shocking, to put it mildly. FYI - I'm an atheist. I'm just putting it out there before a mob comes along brandishing their little plastic swords threatening violence and coming up with man-made verses to justify their stance LOL

I only know the Quran e Pak is the best law for humanity to live in the world

...And therein lies the problem. I presume that you just happen to have been born into the Islamic faith, and therefore, think the way you do. This whole "my religion is the best" BS is what's ruining perfectly good societies (by fuelling intolerant attitudes). To me, that's just scary, and with due respect, it is utterly sad that in today's day and age, people still think like you do.

it teaches me to love people,
that's why I love mankind.

Going solely by your words, you're saying that had it not been for your belief in a man-made scripture, perhaps you would not have learned to love people/mankind? You love other human beings only because some book tells you to? Now that is a bit of a joke. Seriously.
its rare to come across a pakistani who sees things clearly. A part of my ancestry comes from the middle east where the christians were driven out and we had to find refuge in hindu india. the parsis i believe have the same story. Both communities in return gave back so much to india

Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed.

i have a hard time imagining what a pakistani liberal looks like

Best Culture Blog: Raza Rumi | Pakistan Blog Awards

One of the best of the best. A beacon and an example, more balanced than Paracha or even my favourite YLH. Not in the same league as Professor Peerbhoy, but that's in another class altogether. No shortage of them. We just get to see and read some samples from one of the edges, both from Pakistan and from Bangladesh, intermingled with the ordinary sensible chaps but occurring here in far greater numbers than normal.

Incidentally some of our mods are outstanding liberals.
Through out history, Islam has never spread on its own. It is an artificial doctrine which could only be imposed on the weak by sustained warfare or since the advent of petrodollars - through phony donation schemes.

Lets present some notable quotes of so called "noble" islamic men.

Do you not see the wealth of the land of the Persians ? Do you not remember the poverty of the land of the Arabs ? Do you not see how the crops in this land cover the earth ? If the holy war were not enjoined by Allah, we should still come and conquer this rich land and exchange the hunger of our deserts for the abundant eating which is now ours.

Said this to his army after the Battle of Walaja against Persian army in Iraq 633 A.D.

it is quite clear that the Islamic/Arab invasion of Persia had more to do with its materialistic richness - which the incompetent bedouin Arabs could not cultivate on their lands rather than anything to do with Islam. The advent of Islam in Persia also collapsed its social structure, its heritage as cradle of civilization and more important led to an exodus of skilled manpowers. These refugees would come to be recognised as Parsis who played important role in arts and culture of India and Europe - wherever they settled fleeing the barbarian Arab forces and their cult.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. From Khalid ibn Walid to the kings of Persia.
Praise be to Allah who has disrupted your system and thwarted your designs. And if He had not done so it would have been worse for you. Submit to our orders and we shall leave you and your land in peace; else you shall suffer subjugation at the hands of a people who love death as you love life.

Sent this letter to Persian emperor after capturing the persian province of Iraq.

This is very identical to extortionist and intimidating mindset often seen among Islamist of TTP, AQ, MB, etc.
Read Quran with some critical thinking and you will not find it that useful. Like all biblical religions, islam will collapse under its own weight of complications.

booz seems you can not read Quran neither you had tried to read it even with critical thinking.

I did and find that we do NOT need mullas to go for our religious as well as social issues for solution.

Quran has defined almost everything

Living rules


social welfare



last but not the least even announcment of jannah for people of the book but also atish parasts on basis of their deeds.
booz seems you can not read Quran neither you had tried to read it even with critical thinking.

I did and find that we do NOT need mullas to go for our religious as well as social issues for solution.

Quran has defined almost everything

Living rules


social welfare



last but not the least even announcment of jannah for people of the book but also atish parasts on basis of their deeds.

Can you elaborate on the part "GOD said to Mohammed(PUBH) that Islam will end in 1000 years(one GOD day) from the date it came to existence .

Then Mohammed (PUBH) asked another half GOD day (500 years) and GOD agreed.
Modern tenets of state building call for:

Equality among citizens
Security of life, liberty and possessions at all costs.
Equal rights to social welfare, justice and family inheritance.

All of this is missing from Quran.

If we were to live in a perfectly Islamist society the state should discriminate among its Muslims and non-Muslim subjects and impose additional taxes on the non-Muslims entire due to their faith - very racist policy.

Women cannot bear a lot of facilities and rights men are awarded and they get half of men in family inheritance - which again is a medivial age idea.

A female testimony is considered half of man - once again a medieval idea when woman was considered half of man.

Islam is and will always be incompatible with modern civilization be it 7th Century Persia or Roman. So there is no point arguing that what was backward back in 7th century would be compatible in 21st century.

For the incest committing Bedouin Arabs who treated women worst than their cattle - off-course Islam was the shining light. It rescued the female from being buried alive at birth to a minuscule right to life under the veil.

booz seems you can not read Quran neither you had tried to read it even with critical thinking.

I did and find that we do NOT need mullas to go for our religious as well as social issues for solution.

Quran has defined almost everything

Living rules


social welfare



last but not the least even announcement of jannah for people of the book but also atish parasts on basis of their deeds.

I have read quran over and over and over and was put into a madrassah at an early age by my parents. Due to my inquisitive nature I never quite agreed with what was being shoved down my throat therefore was frequently suspended or beaten with a PVC pipe.

Can you elaborate on the part "GOD said to Mohammed(PUBH) that Islam will end in 1000 years(one GOD day) from the date it came to existence .

Then Mohammed (PUBH) asked another half GOD day (500 years) and GOD agreed.

Stupidity in religion.

First God creates Satan and give him conscience.

Then god asks Satan to bow down to Adam - who is made if mud. And satan refuses saying he is superior for being made of fire. A logical claim by someone with conscience.

So god banishes Satan but accords him one last wish and satan wishes for the freedom to misguide mankind as much as he please and god willfully awards Satan the wish to mislead his creation and lead them to hell - idiotic as it may get!

So God creates satan, give him consciences, punishes him for thinking logically, gives him the freedom to mislead his creation and creates heaven and hell...Serious..WTF dude!
Modern tenets of state building call for:

Equality among citizens
Security of life, liberty and possessions at all costs.
Equal rights to social welfare, justice and family inheritance.

All of this is missing from Quran.

If we were to live in a perfectly Islamist society the state should discriminate among its Muslims and non-Muslim subjects and impose additional taxes on the non-Muslims entire due to their faith - very racist policy.

Women cannot bear a lot of facilities and rights men are awarded and they get half of men in family inheritance - which again is a medivial age idea.

A female testimony is considered half of man - once again a medieval idea when woman was considered half of man.

Islam is and will always be incompatible with modern civilization be it 7th Century Persia or Roman. So there is no point arguing that what was backward back in 7th century would be compatible in 21st century.

For the incest committing Bedouin Arabs who treated women worst than their cattle - off-course Islam was the shining light. It rescued the female from being buried alive at birth to a minuscule right to life under the veil.

I have read quran over and over and over and was put into a madrassah at an early age by my parents. Due to my inquisitive nature I never quite agreed with what was being shoved down my throat therefore was frequently suspended or beaten with a PVC pipe.

My understanding is that the Quran is primarily a spiritual scripture, following the line of Abrahamic religion. If you've read it, you'd know that very few verses actually talk about political rules and laws. Most of the verses are devoted to a person's connection with Allah and stories/allegories from past events.

The political rules/laws in the quran may've been suitable and pragmatic for 7th century nomadic society, but not for 21st for sure. But spiritual part (which is the majority of the book) are fine.
booz seems you can not read Quran neither you had tried to read it even with critical thinking.

I did and find that we do NOT need mullas to go for our religious as well as social issues for solution.

Quran has defined almost everything

Living rules


social welfare



last but not the least even announcment of jannah for people of the book but also atish parasts on basis of their deeds.

Islam has always spread on its own right now in USA and Europe and other countries it is spreading on its own sir and it is growing really very fast

Can you elaborate on the part "GOD said to Mohammed(PUBH) that Islam will end in 1000 years(one GOD day) from the date it came to existence .

Then Mohammed (PUBH) asked another half GOD day (500 years) and GOD agreed.

No Sir it is written no where
@somebozo Creation of SATAN makes GOD a tyrant who unleashes hell on mankind just to make the mankind realize who is the boss :cheers:

And so GOD fearing people not GOD loving.
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