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THE "MOON"...Ah, the moon!!!

nope. read my post again. explain ONE thing that even the extremely rich u.s. and China got out of going to the moon? JUST ONE TINSY WINSY LITTLE THING!
They satisfied their curiosity and will continue to do so .. Everyone won't do everything for profit ..
They satisfied their curiosity and will continue to do so .. Everyone won't do everything for profit ..
whose talking about profit? there IS something called the "greater good". how can ANYONE stand up and say that spending billions on going to the moon (never mind crashing & burning) is money well spent rather than spending it on curing cancer for example? I mean...its MIND BOGGLING how ignorant such an approach is. Its akin to the head of the household (read government) taking his/her money to pay for a vacation in florida to play horse shoe when his kids (read public) are at home suffering from pneumonia. it is IRRELEVANT whether he/she wins the horseshoe game or not, it does not help the children's suffering in the least bit now does it?
whose talking about profit? there IS something called the "greater good". how can ANYONE stand up and say that spending billions on going to the moon (never mind crashing & burning) is money well spent rather than spending it on curing cancer for example? I mean...its MIND BOGGLING how ignorant such an approach is. Its akin to the head of the household (read government) taking his/her money to pay for a vacation in florida to play horse shoe when his kids (read public) are at home suffering from pneumonia. it is IRRELEVANT whether he/she wins the horseshoe game or not, it does not help the children's suffering in the least bit now does it?
Leaving all your exaggeration aside , whats your opinion if a poor man to spend his hard earned money for religious tour , is it alright ?
man, even in the united states, a good, half of the country has NO health insurance for God's sakes...ya THINK those hundreds of billions of dollars on trying see if mars has water can be spent here in providing its own people with the very basics of health care??? I mean, come on...just takes two braincells to figure this one out!
The US should continue with space exploration. The health insurance issue isn't bcuz of other expenditures like the space program. US could very well implement measures regarding its health coverage to make it like the Nordic countries do it. The reason for those problems has many factors...including the health insurance companies, the polticians, and the ppl themselves.

If cutting unnecessary expenditures is the concern as far as US goes...then the first thing that comes to mind is the excessive wars and world policing. It takes billions of dollars with hardly anything to show for it. That money would do much good if spent domestically.
Leaving all your exaggeration aside , whats your opinion if a poor man to spend his hard earned money for religious tour , is it alright ?
if you are alluding to the hajj pilgrimage then perhaps you should do research before making a total fool out of yourself. it is a MUST but ONLY and ONLY if you are able to afford it and physically able to do it. Now that your pathetic little attempt to deflect the topic has gone down the drain, EXPLAIN to me how the hell did you confuse a "religious tour" with going to the moon? there is no religious tour that costs millions and billions. its like a heroine addict justifying his addiction by comparing it to someone who drinks friggin' COFFEE, NOT the same thing! :lol:

The US should continue with space exploration. The health insurance issue isn't bcuz of other expenditures like the space program. US could very well implement measures regarding its health coverage to make it like the Nordic countries do it. The reason for those problems has many factors...including the health insurance companies, the polticians, and the ppl themselves.

If cutting unnecessary expenditures is the concern as far as US goes...then the first thing that comes to mind is the excessive wars and world policing. It takes billions of dollars with hardly anything to show for it. That money would do much good if spent domestically.
agree on wars & world policing. frankly space exploration is right up there with wars and world policing as far as I'm concerned...
if you are alluding to the hajj pilgrimage then perhaps you should do research before making a total fool out of yourself. it is a MUST but ONLY and ONLY if you are able to afford it and physically able to do it. Now that your pathetic little attempt to deflect the topic has gone down the drain, EXPLAIN to me how the hell did you confuse a "religious tour" with going to the moon? there is no religious tour that costs millions and billions. its like a heroine addict justifying his addiction by comparing it to someone who drinks friggin' COFFEE, NOT the same thing! :lol:

agree on wars & world policing. frankly space exploration is right up there with wars and world policing as far as I'm concerned...
So you are against govt subsidy on religious tour ?
If America shout for every achievement they have, we would hear them all the time .. and their people bragging 24/7 , but we don't despite they are in lead in almost every field , you know why because they are well educated , more civilized people with no Inferiority complex .
If America shout for every achievement they have, we would hear them all the time .. and their people bragging 24/7 , but we don't despite they are in lead in almost every field , you know why because they are well educated , more civilized people with no Inferiority complex .
So they should not go for achievement because you can't hear them shout ,is it ?
So you are against govt subsidy on religious tour ?
yeah, you don't get to derail the topic as the two are COMPLETELY unrelated. on topic...what exactly has been achieved by any country by going to the moon, regardless of success or failure? let's hear it...
read again, if you don't have ability to understand, than don't respond ..
You are responding on a thread where op has problem with going for moon and now you have problem with shouting ..or is it both ?
if you are alluding to the hajj pilgrimage then perhaps you should do research before making a total fool out of yourself. it is a MUST but ONLY and ONLY if you are able to afford it and physically able to do it. Now that your pathetic little attempt to deflect the topic has gone down the drain, EXPLAIN to me how the hell did you confuse a "religious tour" with going to the moon? there is no religious tour that costs millions and billions. its like a heroine addict justifying his addiction by comparing it to someone who drinks friggin' COFFEE, NOT the same thing! :lol:

agree on wars & world policing. frankly space exploration is right up there with wars and world policing as far as I'm concerned...
Wars and world policing create destruction, chaos, and a power struggle. Space exploration can lead to scientific discoveries that help expand our knowledge, which can further progress and development in many areas.

Space exploration has helped confirm many scientific theories...like gravitational lensing, gravitational waves, etc. In the pursuit of space exploration we have invented materials that have found uses in other areas. It enabled us to successfully launch and sustain a space station, where astronauts can carry out experiments in a weightless environment.
You are responding on a thread where op has problem with going for moon and now you have problem with shouting ..or is it both ?

I have problem with none, Indians have a inferiority complex that is what I have problem with , even in their failed moon landing they couldn't help but bring Pakistan into it ..

India become a huge Economy + Technological Advance + Big Military + IT hub but this inferiority complex is still in their DNA which no moon landing can fix .. Not at least RSS is in Power
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