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The intellectual roots of Asian anti-Westernism

Are you part of the "glorious unemployed" in Australia? (if they are tolerating you that is).
Any way leave your manure aside for now. How is Putin? Are the two of you still hitting of each other? BTW, what does Putin think of all this single mothers, single fathers, single children in Australia bizness? Tell us more about Putin, since you might even sound half-way coherent then.

While you think of your next post, get a job; most of all get a life.

look what local Whites have done with US's economy, the high paid migrants are paying very high tax as they fall in high income group, and these local people accounts for around 46% of total budget expenditure of US (Social Security+Medical), and US government is only borrowing and paying for these people...... people fcuk and run and leave their kids of "Single Mothers" to grow on tax money of migrants :hang2:

Over 100 million US residents on welfare

Over 100 million people in the United States are now receiving some form of federal welfare, GOP reps claim, a figure they’ve found after combing through statistics collected from the US Census’s Survey of Income and Program Participation. Paired with recent figures out of the Census Bureau, that brings the percentage of people residing in the States receiving some form or another of federal welfare at nearly one-in-three, given that the country’s population is estimated to be around 314 million, according to the department’s most recent statistics.

Over 100 million US residents on welfare — RT

I think, the time has come when the migrant societies of US/UK/Australia/Canada would get united against this waste of money, otherwise they all will fall altogther one day, when US's economy will finally fall.....

Hindu-Americans Rank Top in Education, Income


Hindu-Americans have the highest socioeconomic levels among all religions in the United States, according to a new study by the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life.

Experts say U.S. immigration policy is the main reason Hindus do so well.

Both the 1965 Immigration Act and the more recent H1-B visa program set the table for Hindus to succeed. The former encouraged the immigration of professionals, particularly doctors and engineers, while the latter was designed to encourage the immigration of highly skilled “guest workers.”

The number of H1-B visas issued to Indians grew steadily in the late 1990s and early 2000s and then spiked again in 2007. In 2011, according to the study, India accounted for more than half of all the H1-B visas granted.

“The education capital of this group is phenomenal,” said Khyati Joshi, an associate professor at the Fairleigh Dickinson School of Education in Teaneck, New Jersey.

The Pew study, titled “Asian Americans: A Mosaic of Faiths,” bears that out, and the numbers are staggering.

Eighty-five percent of Hindu-Americans are college graduates, and 57 percent have some postgraduate education, which is nearly five times the national average.

Education levels largely correlate to income, and there as well, Hindus rank at the top of the list.

According to the study, 48 percent of Hindu-American households have an income of $100,000 or more, and 70 percent make at least $75,000.

Another, secondary driver for the success of Hindus can be traced back to India’s caste system, according to Prema Kurien, a professor of sociology and the director of the Asian/Asian American Studies Program at Syracuse University in New York.

“Hindu migrants to the U.S. are largely from upper caste backgrounds,” she said. “Upper castes have had a long history of socioeconomic and educational advantage in India.”

According to Alan Cooperman, the associate director for research for the study, the success of Hindus stems from the type of person that chooses to leave India and who the U.S. admits. This, he said, is quite different from other immigrant groups, where there are often high numbers of refugees or undocumented immigrants.

“This is the first time anybody has had good data on [Hindus],” said Cooperman. “Hindus are a fascinating group.”

Hindu-Americans Rank Top in Education, Income
Imma call out your BS every time i get the chance. bye bye :kiss3: say hai to Putin and all those Australian politicians that want to have sex with you for me, will you? cheers

Hello_10 is a notorious racist anti-Australian troll who goes into every thread about Australia trolling with false information and other nonsense. This is just another thread in a long line of threads created out of hatred (See his other thread where he said Australia should be invaded by Asia) Nothing he says can be taken seriously and theres no point responding to him, It will just encourage him to continue trolling with his delusions and false information.
The guy actually believes that he is some sort of big powerful person who is friends with vladimir putin, and that he is friends with Australian politicians. He is a nutcase

He is also a previously banned member too, and despite repeated requests to admins and mods, they will not do anything about him.
@ Hello_10

Look up Jazmin Chaudry....another Asian girl "gone bad". :rofl:
its a different issue, dont bring that topic in this section....

things happen like this, shocking in begging in western society but we get to face these things.... see one new actress of in India, she came from US, (indian origin), and her 'official' website is as below. she is open but i bet, she is one of 'common' girls of US/UK/Australia. see trailors of her official movies on her website. she is now an actress of "Jism 2" in India. :enjoy:

Home :: Sunny Leone :: SunnyLeone.com

I would share my one personal experience, if you ask a western girl in private, "what if you get pregnant?" then most of them say, "he/she will be one like Jesus" :coffee:. first they claim that Mr Jesus Christ directly came from sky, while most of the 'Single Mothers' of western nations compare themselves with mother of Jesus, to give a religious stamp to their kids who are results of 'casual sex' with different men.....:tsk:

it may be the reason why we find 'Single Mother' culture in the Christian religious background countries only......
@ Hello_10

Look up Jazmin Chaudry....another Asian girl "gone bad". :rofl:

and thats why i told to Mr Kevin Rudd one day that "Identity Crisis" in Australia is because of the facts that the new generation of australia do have blood of Indian/Chinese including even refugee Africans also who get point due to being "men in demand", you get the point? :undecided:
Americans Renouncing Citizenship at Record Levels to Protect Wealth

NEW YORK -- – America's rich are renouncing their citizenship at record levels -- just to get richer.

Startling new data from Uncle Sam show that defections by Americans are expected to double this year, largely to avoid any stiff tax bills resulting from the proposed 55 percent hike on the rich, as well as the likely Dec. 31 expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts.

As many as 8,000 US citizens are projected by immigration officials to renounce in 2012, or about 154 a week, versus 3,805 in 2011, or about 73 per week.

"High-net-worth individuals are making decisions that having a US passport just isn't worth the cost anymore," according to Jim Duggan, a lawyer at Duggan Bertsch, which specializes in protecting assets of the wealthy. "They're able to do what they do from any place in the world, and they're choosing to do it from places with much lower tax rates."

Duggan added, "Some are philosophically disgusted at the course our country is taking, in all kinds of ways. They're making a strong protest of 'enough is enough.' But largely, it's an economic decision."

There is a catch to reaching tax nirvana. To renounce citizenship, and thus escape any future US taxes forever, a citizen must buy that freedom with a one-time exit tax of 15 percent on the fair-market value of all assets -- including real estate, securities, businesses and personal belongings -- less their basis price.

Duggan said that dozens of tax-haven nations and island regimes around the world eagerly welcome disenchanted rich Americans with quick citizenship, business deals and protections from the US Justice Department and the IRS. Among the popular spots: Australia, Norway, Singapore, Cayman Islands, Costa Rica, Guernsey and Antigua.

And there is one way to have your cake and eat it, too, he added.

The US possessions in the Caribbean -- St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix -- give a 90 percent tax credit to US citizens living there at least 183 days a year, resulting in an effective tax rate of just 3.5 percent, he said.

Americans Renouncing Citizenship at Record Levels to Protect Wealth | Fox News Latino

in fact, I think soon all the super rich people of US would think to move to those economies who are stable and are not willing to take their money on the name of tax, just to feed its one third population based on Welfare like in case of US.:wave:

US will either have to learn by itself or their high earning people will teach its government in their own way by renouncing their citizenship to get rid of that type of country like US, who just want to punish 'successful' people by taking money from their pockets by taxes to feed its shiits population living on Welfare :tdown:
I just discussed this news on a different forum. I have read many cases like as below in Australia. tell us, why exactly this Indian doctor was jailed? he already had sex with this girl 'many times', and that night also, they were drunk and alone in one room, she in fact came to his house after getting fully drunk from pub, as many times before also?????? I dont think that this girl was deserved to be labeled as 'Rape Victim' in either sense :disagree: i know these local Aussie girls and its clear that she might have demanded money on morning :agree:

'western culture' simply won't punish someone for the 'rape' type things. :wave:

November 17, 2010

An Indian-origin doctor of Australia has been jailed for six years for raping a woman seven times in just one night and also taking pictures of his actions with his mobile phone.

A County Court jury found Arvind Sharma, 37, guilty last month of seven counts of rape and three counts of indecent assault over the attacks in December 2006

Sharma and his victim, then 24, were known to each other and previously had consensual sex. :meeting:

The two were night-clubbing in Bendigo before returning to Sharma's house were the attacks took place, the court heard.

In his 2006 police interview, Sharma said he was shocked at the allegations. He said the victim was ''out of it'' but not ''comatose''. ''She was out of it. She wasn't passed out but she was out of it,'' Sharma said. ''She was drunk and I was drunk.'' :meeting:

Asked if the woman was consenting, Sharma said: ''By saying that, she didn't say no. We were kissing, cuddling … in a drunk sort of way so there was no 'no way' or anything like that.''

Sharma said he told the woman he was going to take photos, to which she mumbled: ''Do whatever you want''. ''She wasn't really that responsive to the fact I was doing that. She was just lying there … she was drunk, I was drunk,''

Indian-origin Doctor Jailed For Six Years For Rape And Taking Pictures of Assault | Medindia
below is my degrees from UTS, Master of Engineering and Master of Engineering Management degrees. I first did Master in Engineering Management and as it had subjects in common so I then completed Master of Engineering in mechanical/manufacturing engineering also and then migrated in 2005. I have my BE in mechanical engineering from a government college of India.......

(anyone who wishes to see my australian passport and any other documents, may ask here, if. anyhow my identity is open, so its Ms Gillard and her men who gotto handle the mess her people did till now..........)



Im sitting in the middle of this picture:-


someone asked me on a different forum, do i have any problem on physical fitness and i made this post there as below.

now, do you want to see pictures of the girls i had?????

=> i just noticed your this point, I was member of 'Fitness First' in Perth and Sydney for over 6 years, have been visiting mine sites also. doing heavy exercise has been my habit, with walking at least 8 to 10 km on weekends on the beaches of Sydney and mainly in Perth where I passed over 4 years :smile:

do you want to see my membership of Fitness First and, should i send you my picture showing my height and the body i had built in australia? here, im just eating nowdays so little fat now :laugh:

the below is my picture in the most famous shopping complex of Sydney, name it and prove you in Sydney :)


the man below is known to many in world, do you know cricket? he knows the things about me from very close


nude beaches start just from the stone, do i look like akshay kumar??? but my height is only 181cm, 5'11" to 6 feet I would say......

the last picture was taken by my one very good German friend, Andria, in our flat so its little dark




=> I dont know who destroyed the links of my pictures and australian degrees i posted on different forums. i would like to keep my identity disclosed to an extent and I hope the government agencies do understand my limitations. I won't accept even any House Arrest type thing until Im taken on a proper legal process.....anyone who may help me in this regard, would please send me an email and attach it again, my email- stiwarimech10@hotmail.com

if Im pushed more then Im going to give my contact numbers on the different forums. and if Indian, with other western governments, will push is too much then that time is not far away when I will break down glasses of front of Lucknow Assembly, and then I hope MrA.Yadav will finally have to take me on a proper legal process...... the same I did in Sydney, in the main lounge of UTS on level four, in front of foreign visitors on 25th March 2010, when I took computer and broke down the main glasses with my demand for police......) ..........

its all on the government agencies, to what extent they push me......

=> My Request to Government Agencies of Pakistan:

as my identity is quite known to Pakistan's rulers too for more than 5 years, mainly to Mr Musharraf, so I would request them to please circulate my pictures/identifications etc online, as much as they can. chances are more thn 90% that I will finally be killed, but I can't certainly be taken on a Proper Legal System by any of the democratic countries, including Indian government, its now clear. if I can't go to Russia then it simply means for a Death Penalty, and even if this is what my ending, then it would at least be disclosed, who was I? thanks
Without a doubt Britiain aka Angle-Saxons, and US is again in economic decline. Its about time the bubble will burst.

The gap between rich and poor is increasing in UK under terrorist David Cameron Tories govt.

Europe itself in decline after Greece crisis and immigration problems. Everyone is starting to leave these western countries, leaving a falling economy and less labour to sustain any growth....the west is in severe decline after 300 years of rule....sooner or later truth will come out in open...when divisions start to become bigger and apparent in western states.
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