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The intellectual roots of Asian anti-Westernism

sir, many times i said that no matter which cultural background we adopt, it would first prove good for the common people, and then only we would adopt that cultural change in our society. there must be a good reason, why would we adopt cultural change until that certain change may prove itself good/ worth for the society. today, whatever technology US/EU have, they got from high skilled migrants of developing countries. it is even a common talks in western nations that they generally give scientific awards to their own people for the works which were done by the high skilled migrants............

i have seen australian society from a very close and i can say that, that society just can't produce good students. an environment to study hard is absent there, only having body and good in sports which help them win more medals and perform excellent while doing labor jobs, only. i lived in a house in early 2008, i think it was belonging to a relative of Mr Howard, where me and one guy from New Zealand and one australian girl was living, who might be related to Mr Howard in someway. and in front of we two, mother of that aussie girl used to come with boy friend of that girl to drop him few times. and that girl was also under high school passed, was working on customer service job and also used to work as a waitress also. but its obvious that she can't work on good position as simply she was not qualified enough and also she didn't grew up in the environment that she may try to study hard and rise. and the result is, people like me work on at least $100k+ while the labors are paid for hourly basis, hardly $17-$20/hour and she was one of them. that guy of New Zealand, Cameron, was earing little good money, around $30/hour, as he was a laborer on a mine site.

sir, we must be able to open mouth to clearly state, how a person study hard, qualify in different exams and hence got a status of having high qualification from a top ranked institutes and then he/she work on different technical institutes to help the US/UK/Australia/Canada type countries have high techs. winning different wars in 19th and 20th centuries made these western nations in the position to attack high skills from other nations and hence they could maintain the lead. Britain/US were extremly benefitted from this trend. or, Japan type countries also helped them have high techs in past. and its our culture which has powered us to perform so good on the side of education and there would a good reason, why would we adopt western culture if it will not help our next generation to grow in future, will finally take our society towards destruction??? why would we become one day like US/UK/Australia who wait for the high educated people to come from overseas, and in fact, this is why their fall is in front of them..... no matter which cultural background we adopt, it must first prove worth/good for the society.

I don't know if you were referring to me, but since this post is directly below mine, I will assume that it was addressed at me. I don't think countries or people in general should ever completely abandon their own culture. There is a difference between abandoning, evolving, & enhancing. Cultural evolution is going on all the time, we may not even realize it sometimes, but the social norms of society keep changing regularly. It has been like this since millennia. No society can claim to have an un-evolved or pure culture.

This evolution of culture occurs for a variety of reasons. It may occur due to conquests, a change in religion, perhaps even to deal with new emerging crises faced by a nation. It could also occur for the sake of prosperity or mimicking the good cultural values of those that prospered. When we adopt new cultural values, we will aim to adopt those that benefit us, not those that may lead to greater societal ills. It's true that Western culture suffers from sexual immorality, but other aspects of their culture, such as the freedom of speech, thought, & expression are concepts that we direly need in our own nations.

While browsing through this forum itself, you may have noticed the vociferous reaction some people have to opposing views or ideologies. The reason for this is that in our societies people aren't taught to question, instead they are told to accept. This is especially true when it comes to religious education. It's the lack of critical thinking & questioning that has led to the formation of foolish ideologies resulting in dumb extremist or fanatical viewpoints. Is there any way to prevent this? Yes there is, we can learn from other nations & study the steps they took to solve their own societal ills & adopt them. In the end, it is the nation or society at large that will benefit from this enhancement of culture.
today, whatever technology US/EU have, they got from high skilled migrants of developing countries. it is even a common talks in western nations that they generally give scientific awards to their own people for the works which were done by the high skilled migrants............


Good thing then we have you Russians to carry us forward now with your epic tech and mail order brides.
I was also member of many social clubs where too many strip shows used to be organized on the official level. like my membership with RSL club where the woman get completely nude in front of all on saturday nights. and I must say that RSL club is one of the most reputed club in sydney otherwise there are many where nudity is just nothing. in too many social meeting, people generally get total nude in number over 40-50. like in one pub/club located on Cottesloe Beach in Perth, you may be one among the 100s of nudes on saturday night, or sometimes on morning also.......

It's called swinging. No big deal, older people want to have sex before they are medically incapable of doing so. It might happen to you too soon.
If this wasnt all hearsay you would know that. But since you dont.....
I cant imagine what you would say if you found yourself on a beach full of nudists.
Would you cover your eyes and chant "This is not happening to me, this is not happening to me"? :lol:

Source for

today, whatever technology US/EU have, they got from high skilled migrants of developing countries.

Good thing then we have you Russians to carry us forward now with your epic tech and mail order brides.

i have no source, nothing written but, it is something almost everyone says, who has worked with reputed firms. I was working with a US's firm in perth, they are the largest industrial pump manufacturing company in world, and i couldn't see any local in the reverse engineering department. none I find either british/australian, except few they keep on front. around my cabin in our company, only one british girl used to sit and rest only migrant professionals, i was in project management team. and none of my friend said the different things, who usualy visit US/UK also. like this news as below, 50% migrant in white collar jobs means you would assume over 80% of them only engineering/medical professionals ...........

the way Slum Dog Millionaire got so many Oscar just to do wrong publicity of India through that movie, most of the things in that movie are simple lies but it was given 5-6 Oscars just to do wrong publicity of India. as, people living in slum dont speak english and work in call centers. and the type of things that criminals take out eyes and put you for begging might be rarely happening in india. you may take the movie "Slum Dog Millionaire" as an example to consider all the Oscar type western awards, just fakes...... one day i said here that forget US/UK/Australia etc, people say that even German labs are filled with migrants, almost 90 to 95% migrant professionals/engineers work in the professional team of German companies but people here didn't believe in it while so many people have told us on verbal on our work place in australia.....


It's called swinging. No big deal, older people want to have sex before they are medically incapable of doing so. It might happen to you too soon.
If this wasnt all hearsay you would know that. But since you dont.....
I cant imagine what you would say if you found yourself on a beach full of nudists.
Would you cover your eyes and chant "This is not happening to me, this is not happening to me"? :lol:

Source for

i told you before, i dont have enough time to talk different things. by willing or unwillingness, i have come in the position to do these talks and soon i gotto leave, just few topics are left...... so, if you want to get to know something then i can tell you as per my best knowledge, or, you may say you are not agreed with me on any point. but fighting with someone online is of no use, isn't it? thanks..

(i just want to say, people like Sunny Leone is one of the common girls of western nations, its not about my capabilities to fcuk a girl. do you want list of the girls i had????)

It's called swinging. No big deal, older people want to have sex before they are medically incapable of doing so. It might happen to you too soon.
If this wasnt all hearsay you would know that. But since you dont.....
I cant imagine what you would say if you found yourself on a beach full of nudists.
Would you cover your eyes and chant "This is not happening to me, this is not happening to me"? :lol:

Source for

i had a friend from IIT Roorkey, Pawan Sinha, who was fan of that pub/club of Cottesloe Beach of Perth. he used to build good body and always try to join those 100s nudes on many occasions :lol:, do you want his contact number????

Sunny Leone is one of these 'social girls' of western nations, the topic on discussion.........
Though what you say is partially true, this habit of making assumptions of a particular pro or anti comes with how much steeped into political religion they are. The deeper they are, the more anti-Western they get. And I am reiterating the word politico-religion; not religion pure.

the problem with immature Indians here, if they want to go against fanatic Islam then they find themselves with Western group. and if they want to resist western dominance, they find themselves moving towards the J!hadi groups who fight with christian religious Western dominance. while your main ground would be to resist both of that side and put your stand clearly. and on my side, I always keep space for any credible change in society etc, which may benefit the society as a whole, but first it would prove itself worth/good for the common people, the society......

yesterday i was talking that Indian rulers/diplomats gotto learn from Chinese model. you always have to understand that US/West always trying to give you disadvantage on the different businesses, hiding the facts/truth, and trying to cheat the nation, India. even if IT companies have export orders from west, they pay very high tax and deliver the best projects. you gotto think to the level that, "no business was done to benefit other side and if you down yourself on any issue then it simply means that you want to benefit other side." India just need to stick with the norms of WTO and keep kicking US/West, who want to first give losses to India on different businesses and also they want to involve india in their different wars, which they have mainly organized to solve their 1000s Christian religious issues with Islam. first India won't become an arm of Christianity against Islam and at the same time Indian diplomacy gotto be well prepared to handle those western champions, mainly British and British origins of US/Australia/Canada, who always want some space to give losses to India, on the business side and also doing wrong publicity about India, about indian society as whole.

if india sell products to US then India buy from them also and in fact India suffer trade deficit from US+EU? and no business was done to benefit other side and if western firm recruit high qualified professionals then they do this after a long process of selection and then they pick only their people of interests? as, why would they bring people from overseas while their own unemployment rate is very high and in fact, whenever US's president and UK's PM visit India, he mainly beg for jobs in India? and if they want high skilled migration then its in very limited number and to select the best people they may find from India or an indian origin from a foreign institute? India need to stick with norms of WTO/UN and keep kicking those enemies who just want to destroy your country...........

Indians gotto learn to handle to different sides in different ways. if you talk to a pakistani national then present every aspect in front of him and if you then get to face a US's national then you then have to talk in a different way, considering that side of politics. with always taking care that a western citizen will only serve his nation, whether he/she is an Indian origin or not. an Indian American will only defend his nation and you have to defend your own country you are based in, the India. as, every good and bad of India is concerned with Indian nationals only, regardless what an American Indian say here to defend US/UK/Australia/Canada...............

in short, India needs to learn from Chinese model :agree:

David Cameron delivers address at Infosys Bangalore: Full Text
July 28, 2010

The Tata Group is now the largest manufacturing employer in Britain. And more than 180 Indian companies have invested in our IT sector.

Indian companies employ 90,000 people in the UK. Many more jobs in Britain exist thanks to the activities of British companies in India. Now I want to see thousands more jobs created in Britain, and of course in India through trade in the months and years ahead. That is the core purpose of my visit."

David Cameron delivers address at Infosys Bangalore: Full Text | NDTV.com
Thanks, i see.

someone asked me on a different forum, do i have any problem on physical fitness and i made this post there as below.

now, do you want to see pictures of the girls i had?????

=> i just noticed your this point, I was member of 'Fitness First' in Perth and Sydney for over 6 years, have been visiting mine sites also. doing heavy exercise has been my habit, with walking at least 8 to 10 km on weekends on the beaches of Sydney and mainly in Perth where I passed over 4 years :smile:

do you want to see my membership of Fitness First and, should i send you my picture showing my height and the body i had built in australia? here, im just eating nowdays so little fat now :laugh:

the below is my picture in the most famous shopping complex of Sydney, name it and prove you in Sydney :)


the man below is known to many in world, do you know cricket? he knows the things about me from very close


It's called swinging. No big deal, older people want to have sex before they are medically incapable of doing so. It might happen to you too soon.
If this wasnt all hearsay you would know that. But since you dont.....
I cant imagine what you would say if you found yourself on a beach full of nudists.
Would you cover your eyes and chant "This is not happening to me, this is not happening to me"?

Source for

nude beaches start just from the stone, do i look like akshay kumar??? but my height is only 181cm, 5'11" to 6 feet I would say......

the last picture was taken by my one very good German friend, Andria, in our flat so its little dark








^^^ Which uni from Sydney was it ? :D

below is my degrees from UTS, Master of Engineering and Master of Engineering Management degrees. I first did Master in Engineering Management and as it had subjects in common so I then completed Master of Engineering in mechanical/manufacturing engineering also and then migrated in 2005. I have my BE in mechanical engineering from a government college of India.......

(anyone who wishes to see my australian passport and any other documents, may ask here, if. anyhow my identity is open, so its Ms Gillard and her men who gotto handle the mess her people did till now..........)



Im sitting in the middle of this picture:-


Good thing then we have you Russians to carry us forward now with your epic tech and mail order brides.

i made a post there about the living standard of locals in Australia, do you want your society to become like these labors of Britain, Europe, Australia???????

in Sydney, in 7/11 shops i found many for hardly $13 to $15/ hour? even in cafes, European girls work for hardly $16 to $20/hour? i have seen even refugees working for hardly $8 to $10/ hour in restaurants for general kitchen hand jobs???? .... yes labors on mine site earn good money, starting i heard from $30/hour and then benefits with free accommodation/food etc. too many British and New Zealanders i found going to mine site for labor jobs in perth. but Sydney's backpackers are generally filled with British having Steel Cap Boot . i guess, British would account for at least 25% to upto 50% of total Backpackers people of Sydney? thanks .......
i made a post there about the living standard of locals in Australia, do you want your society to become like these labors of Britain, Europe, Australia???????

in Sydney, in 7/11 shops i found many for hardly $13 to $15/ hour? even in cafes, European girls work for hardly $16 to $20/hour? i have seen even refugees working for hardly $8 to $10/ hour in restaurants for general kitchen hand jobs???? .... yes labors on mine site earn good money, starting i heard from $30/hour and then benefits with free accommodation/food etc. too many British and New Zealanders i found going to mine site for labor jobs in perth. but Sydney's backpackers are generally filled with British having Steel Cap Boot . i guess, British would account for at least 25% to upto 50% of total Backpackers people of Sydney? thanks .......

So what's your problem exactly? That people work? We didnt become the top society on the world by being lazy, unadaptable and unproductive. Get a clue dude, seriously, you are embarrasing yourself.

As far as pay rates you mentioned above go, well some can afford to give more and some just can't. Way of life. You should try to broaden your horizons a bit and stop watching at the world you live in with so much prejudice.

Just a question, for how much do Indian girls work? I think you are just jealous how quickly we can adapt to changed situations and you cant understand it so you hate it.

ill give you my example: i was a barman mixing cocktails for 5 years, from age 19-24. If my current job goes bust (not likely) i would have no problems going back to the bar again. It's a great job, lots of fun, meeting new people, good money etc...but i guess you see this as a weakness and degradation. I dont know how?
So what's your problem exactly? That people work? We didnt become the top society on the world by being lazy, unadaptable and unproductive. Get a clue dude, seriously, you are embarrasing yourself.

As far as pay rates you mentioned above go, well some can afford to give more and some just can't. Way of life. You should try to broaden your horizons a bit and stop watching at the world you live in with so much prejudice.

Just a question, for how much do Indian girls work? I think you are just jealous how quickly we can adapt to changed situations and you cant understand it so you hate it.

ill give you my example: i was a barman mixing cocktails for 5 years, from age 19-24. If my current job goes bust (not likely) i would have no problems going back to the bar again. It's a great job, lots of fun, meeting new people, good money etc...but i guess you see this as a weakness and degradation. I dont know how?

a professional work on package, (like $100k, $150k and few of my friend circle on $200k to $400k also), while simple jobs are paid on hourly basis in Australia/US/UK, regardless Indian or european girls, who generally work for $18 to $22/hour in cafes in sydney......

look, there is a difference between science and arts and art side always has something to gain then something to lose at the same time, true. and im in this thread to put stand of Indian culture with respect to geo-political issues.....

i have no intention to do these talks but im made in the position to defend India on all those political issues, which the indian government itself is not doing, and letting the British origin doing wrong publicity of India, and giving india losses on different aspects this way, as per the information im given. like, i always said that any type of change in society is acceptable to the level it may benefit the society, but i always find people lying/giving wrong information and at the same time im put somewhere like this, which has made me to defend india on all those geo-political issues, i face..........

like, right now im putting efforts to confirm that Sunny Leone is one of "Social Girls" of Western nations in this thread and welcome anyone who may prove me wrong. im just trying to give the 'correct' information :meeting:. like i just remembered that when we have social parties, many times I found one or few 'complete' nude girls serving drinks. and its very 'usual' in parties in australia. Sunny Leone is one of these 'social girls' of western countries...... bb
Why dont you answer the whole post?

And why exactly you have to defend Indian values? Noone is attacking them. It is you (the immigrant) who are attacking the values of a society you live in.

Now i actually see what is bothering you though....

In India you have a mentality that a woman is little more then property, and because of it you are mad because Indian girls go to the West and emancipate themselves? So you bash the society....
Am i close?

Honey let me tell you, there's a certain breed of women that want the easy way through life, regardless of race, color etc...
And serving drinks naked at parties increases the chances some rich manager will spot her, marry her and she lives the rest of her days shopping at Cartier.
With all your life experience that you have you would and should have recognized that.

btw...look up Priya Rai....better the Sunny Leone. :agree:
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