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The dangerous implications of Wahdatul Wujud ( unity of existence aka penentheism )


Apr 1, 2022
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Hong Kong
Hong Kong
In case you are unfamiliar with panentheism, here's a brief Islamic rendering of panentheism by Moulana Jami ( Renown Persian Sufi, scholar and poet )

The Real Being is One alone, at once the true Existence and the Absolute But He possesses different degrees. In the first degree He is unmanifested and unconditioned, and exempt from all limitation or relation, In this aspect he cannot be described by epithets or attributes, and is too holy to be designated by spoken or written words , neither does tradition furnish an expression for His Majesty, nor has reason the power to demonstrate the depth of His perfection. The greatest philosophers are baffled by the impossibility of attaining to knowledge of Him , His first characteristic is the lack of all characteristics, and the last result of the attempt to know Him is stupefaction

The second degree is the self-display of very Being in an epiphany containing in itself all the active, necessary and divine manifestations, as well as all the passive, contingent ans mundane manifestations This degree is named the * First Emanation " because it is the first of all the manifestations of the Very Being , and above it theie is no other degree than that of the ' Unmanifested '

The third degree is named the 'Unity of the Whole Aggregate", which contains in itself all the active and efficient manifestations .It is also named the degree of "Divinity"

The fourth degree is the manifestation m detail of the degree named Divinity , it is the degree of the names and the theatres wherein they are manifested .These two lastnamed degrees refer to the outwaid aspect of Being wherein necessity is a universal condition

The fifth degree is the ' Unity of the Whole Aggregate,' which includes all the passive manifestations whose characteristic is the potentiality of receiving impressions, i.e passivity, It is the degree of mundane existence and contingency.

The sixth degree is the manifestation in detail of the preceding degree , it is the degree of the sensible world .These two last degrees refer to the exterior of the intelligible world wherein contingency is one of the invariable qualities

It consists of the revelation of the Divine Mind to Himself under the forms of the substances of the contingent. Consequently, in reality there is but One Sole Being, who is interfused in all these degrees and hierarchies which are only the details of the Unity " Singleness" The Very Being in these degrees is identical with them, just as these degrees when they were in the Very Being , were identical therewith

[God was, and there was not anything with Him]

In light of Wahdatul Wujud

1. Idol worship isn't disapproved ontologically

Since the universe is the manifestation of the attributes of God, an unfolding within the being of God. Your object of worship ( eg idols) don't exist in of themselves. Hence the worship is directed to the one who sustains them, knowingly and unknowingly. However, it's best to worship God in the manner demanded ( without involving idols )

2. Free Will doesn't exist

As the universe is the manifestation of God's attributes, it is completely determined. Your continued existence itself is an illusion, let alone your free will. Your intention, thought and deed is created in every instant and it doesn't exist in of itself. God ordered the world to be the best of all possible worlds and you should not even evil as the absence of good but good in it's own way. Appreciate the existence of good people and the evil people alike. However, we affirm the existence of free will to establish accountability before the law

3. Morality is relative in the sense that everything is ultimately good

The existence of the universe is due to the mercy of God. Every happening in the universe has its origin in good and its end in good. Moreover, since the universe is in a state between absolute existence and absolute nonexistence, what happens in this universe doesn't exist in relation to God ( the ultimate judge ) and it's meaningless to apply our moral judgment on it, to give an analogy , You are not sinful if you murder someone in a dream.
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