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The cat is out of the bag: Foreign troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond May deadline: Nato officials

i see pakistanis are disappointed :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

yes peace loving Pakistanis are but Muslim blood thirsty hindus are happy, for them blood of muslim tastes the same, Afghani or Kashmeri or even south Indian Muslim.
While the US cannot directly attack Pakistan, they will support insurgencies like BLA to protect their lapdog India.

Pakistan must send a clear message, that if the US presence in Afghanistan continues in such a way, we will shut off all NATO supply lines and give the Taliban a free hand to butcher any Kabul terrorists they find. We cannot allow another 100,000 of our people to die to a greasy white man sitting on the other side of the world.
This was expected, but it's not a bad news. Any plan for Afghanistan can only be finalized when both political parties of the US are on the same page.

By the end of Biden's term, democrats will have understood why retreat is necessary.

Add 4 more years to 20 years.. But this time with only under 5000 soldiers.

And other NATO nations will have zero presence.. as all of them have made up their minds that fighting Afghans is not an option in anyone's interest... Specially in the post covid era.
yes peace loving Pakistanis are but Muslim blood thirsty hindus are happy, for them blood of muslim tastes the same, Afghani or Kashmeri or even south Indian Muslim.

indian muslims with hindu DNA are patriotic indians no problems for us . there are few who claim to be arab turk they are our enemy .
Hazart Niamatullah Shah Wali (900 years ago) all of his divine wisdom collected from hadidth and quran have come true till now. Reposing trust in Niamatullah’s spiritual vision directed from Prophet(pbup) divine wisdom giving to us in shape of hadidth, Hazrat Naimat Shah said: The people of Kabul would also come out to kill kafirs (non-Muslims), who would run around from pillar to post and would make petty and paltry excuses to save their lives. They would literally beg the Muslims for their lives. The frontier would quiver and quake with the foot-beats of ghazis and mujahids of the frontier who would suddenly emerge out of nowhere. This event would take place after Eid-ul-Azha and the next Eid ul Fitr.
Wali said River Attock (Kabul) would be filled thrice, with the blood of kafirs, during that period. The Muslims would capture the whole Punjab (including Lahore city), Kashmir, the land situated between River Ganges and Yamuna (Uttar Pradesh province) and the city of Bijnaur. This war would remain among the human beings for good about six months and ultimately, God willing, the Muslims would be victorious. All the enemies and the ill-wishers of Islam would be killed and the whole of India would be clean of idol worship traditions. Suddenly there would be a great roar. It would be a catastrophic earthquake like the doomsday. It would cause great devastation and disruption in Sindh and Hind(India).
Quote me the verse.
We can wait 100s of years... We don't have any problem if u stays here or not.. Looser can't be a chooser in our book
Taliban to US & NATO
one phone call is enough for your govt .
shah mahmood quraishi has started , As per orders of american minister .

For you guys you don't need a phone call, Modi will just stay mute whilst
China has taken over your land. LOL
Trump was a man of peace. With Biden, the Bush'ite-Obama-Clintonian neocon/libs "deep state" is back in business with nobody's best interest in mind. Glad to see some Pakistanis here realize that Trump was a good POTUS for Pakistan too, in fact I doubt he was itching for a military conflitct with anyone, not with the DPRK, not with China even, the man just wanted to fix the trade imbalance, make money and create jobs for the US, and have peace everywhere.
Uncle Sam doesn't want to see a Pakistan which is peaceful and progressing.
Trump was the best thing for Pakistan after Ronald Reagan. who give flying f about his Muslim ban or wasting Afro-Americans. There will come a day when you lot who made were critical of Trump will see and regret his leaving office.

Biden is part of the same establishment that was bombing our erstwhile FATA like it was a video game and under his boss Obama Pakistan was almost declared a failed state - American policy makers were drawing maps how to divide Pakistan. Now these same baskets are in power.
In the name of Allah, the magnificent please can we use that same ability to put that semi-naked, veggie eating, cowardly, street sh*tting India into the grave?
Tell me single beneficial think trump did for pakistan
Aid suspension, FAFT black listing or was it sanctioning iran pakistan gas pipeline and pressurizing the region
Which one is it
Americans are still in afghanistan so i dont count that he should have finished his job
Some of my optimistic PAkistanis were too optimistic about new administration. US deep state has got control of US again , so expect more do more for us plus unlikely to get any weapons from US and nor we should be asking for weapons from our enemy. Tough times ahead.
As usual i see indians here dancing but tthese morons know nothing. Taliban and Pakistan have been expecting this. Trump wanted a respectful exit and Pakistan made the taliban agree to that but if that deal is broken the US will still leave but embarrassingly. With Pakistan being more assertive, iran not helping US and Russia seeing biden admin as anti russia as compared to trump, it will be impossible to sustain supply lines to NATO forces in Afghanistan. China is also now more active in Afghanistan and US defeat is written on the wall, its just how will they leave.
For you guys you don't need a phone call, Modi will just stay mute whilst
China has taken over your land. LOL

looks you are hurt at the right angle .
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
As usual i see indians here dancing but tthese morons know nothing. Taliban and Pakistan have been expecting this. Trump wanted a respectful exit and Pakistan made the taliban agree to that but if that deal is broken the US will still leave but embarrassingly. With Pakistan being more assertive, iran not helping US and Russia seeing biden admin as anti russia as compared to trump, it will be impossible to sustain supply lines to NATO forces in Afghanistan. China is also now more active in Afghanistan and US defeat is written on the wall, its just how will they leave.

what is your contribution in this issue between taliban and america ? do you produce covid vaxine ? :sarcastic:
Good development, India should invest more for a prosperous Afghanistan.

we will continue in helping afghan brothers , we love afghans .
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