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The cat is out of the bag: Foreign troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond May deadline: Nato officials

Very unlikely. Our interests and agendas are totally opposite. The US deep state is religiously convinced that India should be promoted at all cost to tackle China. The US deep state doesn't care about Pakistani concerns. In fact, India has managed to convince the US deep state that Pakistan is a problem in the equation. The US deep state itself considers Pakistan a major problem. There is no win win between Pakistan and the US deep state. Biden won't be able to bat an eyelid without US deep state permission. Let alone be convinced by Pakistan behind closed doors.

We have to be crystal clear about US and Indian nexus. There should be no ambiguity. There is no room for cooperation nor reasoning. It took the deep state a few weeks to undo a deal that took years to reach. That is how extremely cunning the deep state is. Is there any room to negotiate with such a stubborn opposition?
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. How has Clinton's, Bush's and Obama's tilt toward India and unwillingness to engage Pakistan worked out? Not very well. Pakistan hasn't offered a reason for USA policy makers to consider the alternative argument. We too have been unwilling to talk with the USA with out bringing India into the discussion. How has that worked for us? The paradigm in USA Pakistan must be changed. Remove India and China from any USA-Pakistan dialogue. USA has interest in counter terrorism and so does Pakistan. Stick to that for now.

Pakistan can offer things to USA that align best with USA's current situation. Kabul and New Delhi want a forever nation building commitment. That is the last thing the USA public or policy makers want. Pakistan should seize the initiative and offer counter terrorism support to Biden (over flight strike access and basing for spec ops).
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I'm just wondering when the NATO supply routes will close.
I recommend to every Pakistani and Afghan to watch this documentary on CIA in Central and Latin America during 1950s, 1960s and 1970s. I would advise to watch it whole (it's long), it explains in great detail how the CIA used subversion, black-ops, money laundering, academic training programs for handpicked people from Central & Latin America. Using NGOs, Labor Unions and other pseudo organizations to topple governments, usurp resource rich lands of these regions. The same thing they're doing in 2003, 2014, 2017-to present day in Syria, Venezuela, Libya, Brazil, Yemen, Guatemala,, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. How has Clinton's, Bush's and Obama's tilt toward India and unwillingness to engage Pakistan worked out? Not very well. Pakistan hasn't offered a reason for USA policy makers to consider the alternative argument. We too have been unwilling to talk with the USA with out bringing India into the discussion. How has that worked for us? The paradigm in USA Pakistan must be changed. Remove India and China from any USA-Pakistan dialogue. USA has interest in counter terrorism and so does Pakistan. Stick to that for now.

Pakistan can offer things to USA that align best with USA's current situation. Kabul and New Delhi want a forever nation building commitment. That is the last thing the USA public or policy makers want. Pakistan should seize the initiative and offer counter terrorism support to Biden (over flight strike access and basing for spec ops).

Agreed. The US deep state is the problem. We saw that as soon as Trump became the president things started moving in the right direction. Now that he has gone we are again back to square one. The problem has always been the deep state. Pentagon, US military, CIA and other warmongering institutions in the US are an obstacle to peace.

The Americans will be taught through force that they are not as invincible as they think they are. 20 years wasn't enough education. We will add another 20 years. This time we will teach the deep state a lesson it will never forget. Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan are going to cooperate. The Americans are daydreaming. This isn't 2015. This is 2021.
I'm just wondering when the NATO supply routes will close.
Agreed. The US deep state is the problem. We saw that as soon as Trump became the president things started moving in the right direction. Now that he has gone we are again back to square one. The problem has always been the deep state. Pentagon, US military, CIA and other warmongering institutions in the US are an obstacle to peace.

The Americans will be taught through force that they are not as invincible as they think they are. 20 years wasn't enough education. We will add another 20 years. This time we will teach the deep state a lesson it will never forget. Iran, Russia, China and Pakistan are going to cooperate. The Americans are daydreaming. This isn't 2015. This is 2021.
USA military industrial complex is one the most powerful special interests in the USA. They control most USA foreign policy think tanks. They have a negative view of most Islamic countries and Pakistan in particular. They need war or threat of war to to justify their huge budgets.

Big problem for them is that their recommended strategies have not been working and they have tunnel vision when it comes to future threats. Trillions spent on wars and defense has not protected the USA from a pandemic. I think Biden may continue Trumps trend to disregard the "deep state". The deep state can't expect policy makers to keep running the same plays over an over again if they are not working. Plus the USA is not in the strategic position to write the checks the USA military industrial complex wants. :pop:
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Biden's priority are controlling the pandemic and the restoring the USA economy. Defeating the Taliban is no where on his to do list. USA military industrial complex should be patriotic and take less for the benefit of the American nation.
i agree that is the usuallly stated Republican aim....
The US deep state is angry and bitter for a whole host of reasons. Pakistan was fully on US deep state radar. Trump won by a miracle. Deep state witch Hillary lost in a humiliating fashion. She had major plans against Pakistan. What resulted was 4 years of utter humiliation and anger among deep state elements. They tried very very hard to convince Trump and his anti-war team members to continue wars. McMaster, Mattis, Esper, Bolton, Tillerson... The deep state tried its best, but all got fired by Trump in the end. They whispered in Trump's ears to fight wars.

The deep state is now back and they know they are 10-0 behind. 4 years is a long time. They are trying to make a quick impression, but it won't work. The world has changed.

Let the deep state and its cronies break the Doha deal. Today Pakistan has strong regional partners who are going to disrupt deep state activities in Afghanistan. The deep state is kidding itself to think it is only fighting Pakistan in Afghanistan. There are at a minimum 3 other major powers fighting against the US.

I absolutely agree that the US deep state is going to use India and Afghanistan to fan secterian and religious conflicts across Pakistan. Baluchistan in particular is high on US deep state list. The armed forces need to be ruthless and prepared. The deep state has been working behind the scenes to promote PTM, BLA and anti-state elements. They are going to use their poodles.

1. The Pakistani state can make quick gains by banning INGOs/NGOs on deep state payroll. Watch how the American deep state and NATO countries cry foul.

2. Remove anti-state elements within the society such as universities, public space etc. Again, the US deep state and its cronies are going to throw extreme fits, but this will be very beneficial in the long term.
👊👍 Quite close to reality.. How aggressively we pursue the anti-state elements during biden administration remains to be seen
I'm just wondering when the NATO supply routes will close.

This was my question in another thread. Unfortunately the answer lies in history and it is not a good one. Pakistan's Generals do not have the guts or the capacity to close US supply lines. If these generals had the guts, US would not have been in A-Stan in the first place.
Slowly slowly you will accept what China brings you, they have already taken
over 4000 sq km of your land lol.

As for the Americans they are down to 2500 and at the mercy of the Taliban.

one phone call is enough for your govt .
shah mahmood quraishi has started , As per orders of american minister .
This was my question in another thread. Unfortunately the answer lies in history and it is not a good one. Pakistan's Generals do not have the guts or the capacity to close US supply lines. If these generals had the guts, US would not have been in A-Stan in the first place.

this is very hard to achieve . america can arm twist through sanctions ,saudi arab , UAE .
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Think of what these Pakistan Generals have done to this nation. They allowed US personnel and military equipment to transit to A-Stan, and then the same personnel and equipment was used to attack Pakistan forces and its people and killed thousands of people ! Question: don't these generals have blood on their hands???

After so many years of continuous lying and deception by the US Administration, the question is WHY DO PAKISTAN'S GENERALS STILL INSIST THAT USA WILL KEEP ITS PROMISES AND ITS OBLIGATIONS?? Even a Donkey in Pakistan knows that it is IMPOSSIBLE to trust the US.

So the question is, would it not be the LOGICAL CONCLUSION that these Generals WANT THIS TO HAPPEN??? Is this the answer to our question?? Or are we missing something??
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