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The Caliphate

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Just the same things happend in former Soviet republicks - Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan and others. In 90's they wanted all Russians back to Russia. Theys said: "Russians steals our land and our money, when all Russians will go home we will leave like in UAE or something".
And what realy happend? They ruined most of plants, fabricks, even schools and hospitals. Now they turning to feodalism and have to go to Russia and work on most hard and black works and they are paid 2-5 times less, than Russians for same job.

Not really, you can't compare these countries to third world countries. Uzbekistan is rapidly developing, Türkmenistan also growing at like 10% per year, as well and Kazakhstan.
We are sacrificing what? We would be saving ourselves. I don't want to live in a country which is majority Hispanic or Black, NOT just because they are a different race or will probably institute a different culture, but BECAUSE the nations will turn out to be like the average Black or Hispanic nations. White people don't want to live in Mexico or Belize or Peru. White people don't want to live in Nigeria or Ghana or Ethiopia.

A majority Black-Hispanic state will be one that Whites don't want to live in, NOT just because of the culture and race of the people, but because of the kind of country it will be, from the violence to the health, to the public services and the productivity, to the infrastructure and the cleanliness, and to EVERYTHING that has to do with living conditions.

I meant sacrificing all the natural resources in your country. Leaving all the power plants, factories, businesses, infrastructure worth of trillions of dollars. A huge mass of land which has a significant geopolitical value. And begin everything like a settler or an immigrant to a uncertain future.

I understood your concerns, i think you will find a solution before problem gets there. But if you can't find a solution, the best possible answer is immigrate to a European country.
I actually don't have any ill will to Turkey. It's one of the non-White nations I enjoy reading about.

One Turkish guy was insulting my kin and I, so I had to give him a good whooping; that's it really.

1-Getting insulted does not give you the right of insulting others. Report the post.

2-Your convicting racism here. Calling yourself white and the others as nonwhite. You know what. I'm even much more whiter than you. I'm Circassian (Russian origin). So don't whine around shouting "I'm white your non white"

3- And last, I don't think that your American. During my academy years, i've met with several American sailors. When compared to them, you are a failure. Probly your a muslim who moved to the States.
I meant sacrificing all the natural resources in your country. Leaving all the power plants, factories, businesses, infrastructure worth of trillions of dollars. A huge mass of land which has a significant geopolitical value. And begin everything like settler or immigrant to a uncertain future.

I understood your concerns, i think you will find a solution before problem gets there. But if you can't find a solution, the best possible answer is immigrate to a European country.

Immigrate to a European country.... LOL! What European country? They are all being flooded. Only Eastern Europe is sane enough not to dilute their nations with Indians and Nigerians.

Besides, that's what we would be doing... Immigrating to a European country.. Where did you get the idea that I was saying something else?

sacrificing all the natural resources in your country. Leaving all the power plants, factories, businesses, infrastructure worth of trillions of dollars. A huge mass of land which has a significant geopolitical value.

Do you think this country will be worth anything when

1: The increasingly tiny White population has to fund an increasingly larger Hispanic/Black population, resulting in higher and higher tax rates, more regulations that stifle creativity, and more welfare grabbing minorities that continue to use the money to fund their anchor baby pregnancies

2: The increasingly large non-White voting bloc, which will vote for more affirmative action policies to reduce White control over all of the best positions in the country, from the bankers to the NASA engineers, and from the presidents to the Supreme Court judges. Of course, these people don't believe they are of lesser intelligence than Whites, so their ONLY other conclusion as to why they (although increasingly becoming the majority) fail in everything while we succeed, is due to "White institutional racism". What will they do? Become increasingly jealous and angry that an (ever-increasingly minute) minority continues to hold the overwhelming majority of the nations' wealth. They will plunder, steal, and attempt to kill us off, as we become less and less able to defend ourselves. When they have the majority of the voting population, we will lose. They can institute whatever sort of laws they want to "close the gap" (as we say here in America). The gap won't close. They will start to take more and more drastic measures.

If you want to see the future of America, look at Brazil today, except of course the White minority in Brazil is considered to be the de facto superior in all matters, while here in America it's taken for granted that non-Whites have more rights than Whites. It's going to be worse than Brazil.
they have shown kashmir in the caliphate.. :lol:
1-Getting insulted does not give you the right of insulting others. Report the post.

2-Your convicting racism here. Calling yourself white and the others as nonwhite. You know what. I'm even much more whiter than you. I'm Circassian (Russian origin). So don't whine around shouting "I'm white your non white"

3- And last, I don't think that your American. During my academy years, i've met with several American sailors. When compared to them, you are a failure. Probly your a muslim who moved to the States.

1: Stop expressing your inferiority complex. If you want to act like the true and honest arbitrator of a dispute, you should have also confronted your Turkish buddy, not just me.

2: I'm not "convicting" racism here. (Convicting doesn't mean what you think it means.) Try not using grammatical modifiers to make yourself look intelligent. Circassians, or Adyghe, people are not White. I know a thing or two about genetics. You are part West and Central Asian, and part European. You're not "more White" than anyone on the European continent, especially someone like me (primarily Norwegian, English, and German).

3: I'm as American as it gets. Pure Northern European WASP. And what was that about "not insulting others"? Looks like you just broke your own rule fella. Must be that poor impulse control so commonly exhibited in Middle-Easterners.
Immigrate to a European country.... LOL! What European country? They are all being flooded. Only Eastern Europe is sane enough not to dilute their nations with Indians and Nigerians.

Besides, that's what we would be doing... Immigrating to a European country.. Where did you get the idea that I was saying something else?

Do you think this country will be worth anything when

1: The increasingly tiny White population has to fund an increasingly larger Hispanic/Black population, resulting in higher and higher tax rates, more regulations that stifle creativity, and more welfare grabbing minorities that continue to use the money to fund their anchor baby pregnancies

2: The increasingly large non-White voting bloc, which will vote for more affirmative action policies to reduce White control over all of the best positions in the country, from the bankers to the NASA engineers, and from the presidents to the Supreme Court judges. Of course, these people don't believe they are of lesser intelligence than Whites, so their ONLY other conclusion as to why they (although increasingly becoming the majority) fail in everything while we succeed, is due to "White institutional racism". What will they do? Become increasingly jealous and angry that an (ever-increasingly minute) minority continues to hold the overwhelming majority of the nations' wealth. They will plunder, steal, and attempt to kill us off, as we become less and less able to defend ourselves. When they have the majority of the voting population, we will lose. They can institute whatever sort of laws they want to "close the gap" (as we say here in America). The gap won't close. They will start to take more and more drastic measures.

If you want to see the future of America, look at Brazil today, except of course the White minority in Brazil is considered to be the de facto superior in all matters, while here in America it's taken for granted that non-Whites have more rights than Whites. It's going to be worse than Brazil.

The problem is, that a lot of White Americans and Europeans have had this guilt imposed on them that they somehow are responsible for the miseries of all of the non-White nations, even if most White people's ancestors were not involved in the salve trade, the opium wars, or other exploitations of non-Whites.

Therefore, today you have minorities flooding Western nations built by White Europeans, and demanding that the evil White man pay them reparations for all of the past crimes of the British, or the Spaniards, or the French, even though we all know that not all Europeans are Britishers, Frenchmen, or Spaniards. Similarly, other White nations too suffered at the hands of the Brits, like the Irish and Scotts, Germans, etc...

Thus, today you have a civilization which took thousands of years as well as the minds of many intellectuals, explorers, expeditionries, inventors, poets, musicians, and conquerors, to build, now being destroyed in front of our very eyes.

The blame cannot solely be put upon the immigrant masses that have been allowed to flood the Western countries, rather the bigger problem lies within, the bigger enemy is within the ranks of the Westerners themselves.

These immigrant masses didn't just one day wake up in America, Europe, or Russia, rather they were allowed in to these countries.

But the biggest blow to the Western civilization was WW1 and WW2 which resulted in the deaths of millions of people of European origin.
1: Stop expressing your inferiority complex. If you want to act like the true and honest arbitrator of a dispute, you should have also confronted your Turkish buddy, not just me.

2: I'm not "convicting" racism here. (Convicting doesn't mean what you think it means.) Try not using grammatical modifiers to make yourself look intelligent. Circassians, or Adyghe, people are not White. I know a thing or two about genetics. You are part West and Central Asian, and part European. You're not "more White" than anyone on the European continent, especially someone like me (primarily Norwegian, English, and German).

3: I'm as American as it gets. Pure Northern European WASP. And what was that about "not insulting others"? Looks like you just broke your own rule fella. Must be that poor impulse control so commonly exhibited in Middle-Easterners.

Many Turks are descended from Bosnian, Pomaks and others who fled the Balkans to Turkey.

If turks are not white then greeks are non white LOL

I meant sacrificing all the natural resources in your country. Leaving all the power plants, factories, businesses, infrastructure worth of trillions of dollars. A huge mass of land which has a significant geopolitical value. And begin everything like a settler or an immigrant to a uncertain future.

I understood your concerns, i think you will find a solution before problem gets there. But if you can't find a solution, the best possible answer is immigrate to a European country.

Sadly, most European countries have been flooded with non-White immigrant masses who want to impose what they call "Shariah" on the native population of Europe.

If the ancestral land of the European origin man has been destroyed, what hope is left for the European man?

Europe will most likely turn into another Middle East; beheadings, stonings, suicide bombings, kidnapping, target killings, raping of women who are not of similar faith, forced conversions, etc.
Ofcourse! I'm proud of what I am,why would i want to be a wannabe englishman?

It is about being British that means having your own culture and being proud of where you born and live in that is why we do not want east Europeans here because u contribute nothing
@Wholegrain @WhiteMansBurden

White or non-White, what are we ? :woot:

We don't have these kinds of Race, Color issues here. I always thinked of us like not white and not non-White at the same time, a mixture of both two. We don't look like europeans and don't look like middleeasterniers. As we don't belong to west block and don't belong to east block.
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The problem is, that a lot of White Americans and Europeans have had this guilt imposed on them that they somehow are responsible for the miseries of all of the non-White nations, even if most White people's ancestors were not involved in the salve trade, the opium wars, or other exploitations of non-Whites.


Thus, today you have a civilization which took thousands of years as well as the minds of many intellectuals, explorers, expeditionries, inventors, poets, musicians, and conquerors, to build, now being destroyed in front of our very eyes.

Indeed, and it won't be just Europeans missing out on the fruit of new technological advancements that will come around if we survive, but the whole world as well!

Therefore, today you have minorities flooding Western nations built by White Europeans, and demanding that the evil White man pay them reparations for all of the past crimes of the British, or the Spaniards, or the French, even though we all know that not all Europeans are Britishers, Frenchmen, or Spaniards. Similarly, other White nations too suffered at the hands of the Brits, like the Irish and Scotts, Germans, etc...

Absolutely! Can you imagine if Europeans all the sudden grew a backbone, and started acting as short-tempered and emotional as Blacks or Indians or Latinos? I think that the 3rd worlders invading our nations would understand how truly good they had it!

The blame cannot solely be put upon the immigrant masses that have been allowed to flood the Western countries, rather the bigger problem lies within, the bigger enemy is within the ranks of the Westerners themselves.

And we know EXACTLY who that is, don't we?




whiteburden is a dumb hillbilly who thinks he is English lol the trailor trash redneck does not understand Sikhs play for the English cricket team and British Blacks play for the 'English football team' yet he thinks because he has a pig face he is English lol

whiteburden yr president is a black man lol how does it feel

soon America will be run by Mexicans and blacks anyway this hillbilly will go to his campervan live in Utah haha
Sadly, most European countries have been flooded with non-White immigrant masses who want to impose what they call "Shariah" on the native population of Europe.

If the ancestral land of the European origin man has been destroyed, what hope is left for the European man?

Europe will most likely turn into another Middle East; beheadings, stonings, suicide bombings, kidnapping, target killings, raping of women who are not of similar faith, forced conversions, etc.

Oh, i didn't know that. Don't came here than we are fine on our own. :D
@Wholegrain @WhiteMansBurden

White or non-White, what are we ? :woot:

We don't have these kinds of Race, Color issues here. I always thinked of us like not white and not non-White at the same time, a mixture of both two. We don't look like europeans and don't look like middleeasterniers. As we don't belong to west block and don't belong to east block.

Turks are a mixture of cultures and nations and so are east europeans.Why do you think that so many east european women look so fine while the native british women look like their parents were brother and sister and were marying each other for generations? :coffee:
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