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Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across international border.


Pakistan Joint Security Forces conducted a flag march in Bajaur, Malakand, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, signifying decisive resolve against foreign-sponsored terrorism emanating from Afghanistan.




Eagle Eye PSF

Kunar Afghanistan
According to Sources: Heavy exchange of fire between two groups of TTP in Marawra. 02 killed and 8 injured.
The firing has stopped due to the intervention of TTA and the injured and dead bodies have been Shifted to Asadabad.


Unverified Reports of Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) commander, Shoaib alias Shaheen Swati, killed by unidentified persons in Helmand Afghanistan.

The attack was planned in Afghanistan by TTP_ Jamat Ul Ahrar Suicide bomber

• Imtiaz alias Torashipa alias Qari hailed from Kunduz Afghanistan and was trained in the country’s Akhtunkay area under the supervision of (02.) Molvi Abdul Basir.

An additional suicide bomber was ready to attack in case of failure of the first bomber,” The “mastermind is still present in Afghanistan while 5-6 suicide bombers are still training in the Akhtunkay training camp in Afghanistan.


Taliban GDI team quietly visits Islamabad​

A source in Kabul said that the 10-member delegation led by DGI chief assured Pakistan of addressing its concerns

Kamran Yousaf/Shahabullah Yousafzai
March 21, 2023

the afghan taliban photo afp

The Afghan Taliban. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD/KABUL: An Afghan Taliban delegation, comprising intelligence and security officials, quietly visited Islamabad recently to discuss a way forward towards addressing Pakistan’s concerns regarding the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), sources said on Monday.

Taliban ranks in Kabul also confirmed that a mid-level delegation led by Abdullah Ghazanavi, the head of the General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI), travelled to Pakistan for discussion on the TTP and threats to Pakistan.

The sources said the visit was a follow-up of last month’s trip to Kabul by a high-powered delegation led by Defence Minister Khawaja Asif.

The delegation received a briefing on the steps taken by the Afghan government to deal with the TTP.

The Pakistani delegation, however, deemed those steps unsatisfactory and sought concerted actions.

Pakistan also confronted the Afghan Taliban leadership with proofs about the whereabouts of the TTP leadership.

During its stay in Islamabad, the sources said, the Afghan delegation met with the relevant authorities to discuss the security situation and the fate of the TTP and its affiliates.

A source in Kabul with the knowledge of matter told The Express Tribune on the condition of anonymity that the delegation, comprising 10 members form the Taliban’s GDI, visited Islamabad last week.

The delegation was also assisted by GDI official Muhammad Wardak, the source said, adding that the delegation was mandated to deliver a massage from Kabul that the concerns of Pakistan would be addressed.

Both sides stayed mum on the visit. The sources in Islamabad said that given the sensitivity of the issue, both sides decided to discuss such matters away from the media glare.

The source in Kabul revealed that both sides made progress on various issues, but he was not authorised to make public statements.

The TTP has become a thorny issue between Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban. Pakistan expected the Afghan Taliban to address its concerns regarding the TTP after its return to power in August 2021. But contrary to the expectations, the TTP attacks only went up.

The Afghan Taliban’s reluctance to take on the TTP stemmed from its fears that the group’s fighters might join Da’esh. Second, the Afghan Taliban and the TTP share the same ideology as they fought alongside the US-led foreign forces.

Nevertheless, the two sides have been trying to find a way out of the TTP problem as it has threatened to undermine their future cooperation.

𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗦𝗮𝗿𝗯𝗮𝗸𝗮𝗳 𝗠𝗼𝗵𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗱:
A terrorist involved in multiple attacks, The most brutal terrorist belonging to TTP Mohmand (Jamaat-ul-Ahrar) is involved in several terrorist attacks on innocent Pakistanis including mosques.

A recent example of which is the suicide attack on innocent worshipers and policemen in Peshawar Police Lines. Terrorist SarBakaf Mohmand himself accepted the responsibility of this attack. In his recent statement, Sarbakaf Mohmand is unsuccessfully trying to win the sympathies of the people by presenting a false narrative of not targeting the common people and political gatherings.

How can such terrorists and murderers be trusted? The reality of this false narrative is that after the attack on the Police Lines, the terrorist SarBakaf Mohmand is in a state of panic over the demand of the Afghan Interim Government for the immediate extradition of this terrorist. And he is trying to take the sympathies of the people and political parties.

Pakistani people totally reject such killers, terrorists and their false narratives.

InshAllah, soon he and other such terrorists will be dispatched to hell.

IEA claimed that their Intelligence Department of Helmand province recovered a huge number of light and heavy weapons and some military equipment in the area of Gurshak.


Counter Terrorism Update:
Pak - Afg Border
04 Terrorists DTH

Last night in the Pakistan-Afghan border area adjacent to North Waziristan, the security forces foiled the infiltration attempt of TTP terrorists to enter Pakistan by cutting the fence.

Pakistani security personnel at the border post monitored the movement of the terrorists towards the fence and targeted them when they were trying to cut the fence.

Four terrorists were killed and several injured in the exchange of fire.

Pakistan's security agencies are always ready to protect the geographical borders of the country.

Counter Terrorism Update:
Pak - Afg Border
04 Terrorists DTH

Last night in the Pakistan-Afghan border area adjacent to North Waziristan, the security forces foiled the infiltration attempt of TTP terrorists to enter Pakistan by cutting the fence.

Pakistani security personnel at the border post monitored the movement of the terrorists towards the fence and targeted them when they were trying to cut the fence.

Four terrorists were killed and several injured in the exchange of fire.

Pakistan's security agencies are always ready to protect the geographical borders of the country.

These guys are like pesky little rats, they never stop trying.
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