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Terrorists from inside Afghanistan across international border.

Started with Ayub, and still on going... our best Institution has produce some gems, like Ayub, Yahya, Zia , Kiyani and Bajwa... but the good ones like Aziz Bhatti , Tufail and Sher Khan they sacrifice their lives and live forever while these Haram Khors just looted Pakistan and destroy the generations of Pakistani's.
over the years we have become laughing stock, there was a time, we were well respected all over the world. our problem is at the top not bottom or middle.
over the years we have become laughing stock, there was a time, we were well respected all over the world. our problem is at the top not bottom or middle.
The problem exists in middle and on bottom, even a Gareeb awam is chor and dishonest, Jaisi Awam waise Hukmaran... Pakistani's chose slavery when they let Ayub get away with coup booting out Fatima Jinnah, a women who worked for the independence of Pakistan more than entire Ayub's 100 Generations combined. If Awam drag Ayub and hang the b@stard the Pakistan would be a lot different today. Awam ko napunsak bana dia hai, now awam has no will or power to fight for themselves or the future of their kids, as I always say that even 12 year old girls, Gay/Lesbian/Transgenders have more will to fight for their rights in USA than our Men's, that's a shame.
Somewhere in Afghanistan..

Afghans will always remain snakes, they can never be loyal/brothers to Pakistanis. We have tried this since 1947 Pakistan should adopt a very hostile approach towards Afghans and their refugees. They are spilling the blood of Pakistanis since 1947 and yet we cuckolds don't have enough balls to respond to their aggression and hate.
Afghans will always remain snakes, they can never be loyal/brothers to Pakistanis. We have tried this since 1947 Pakistan should adopt a very hostile approach towards Afghans and their refugees. They are spilling the blood of Pakistanis since 1947 and yet we cuckolds don't have enough balls to respond to their aggression and hate.
You can't blame establishment alone here.

Majority of Pakistanis are pathetic cucks when it comes to Afghans. The same people would cheer on the enemy against their own nation if the time comes because of their ghulaami buzdil mindset, meanwhile the Afghans proudly detest every Pakistani and their country openly, insulting their mothers & sisters.

They have no gheirat. Only tough against Pajeets sadly. Only a fierce & intelligent dictatorship for 20 years that fixes every aspect of society and governance can save this country.
You can't blame establishment alone here.

Majority of Pakistanis are pathetic cucks when it comes to Afghans. The same people would cheer on the enemy against their own nation if the time comes because of their ghulaami buzdil mindset, meanwhile the Afghans proudly detest every Pakistani and their country openly, insulting their mothers & sisters.

They have no gheirat. Only tough against Pajeets sadly. Only a fierce & intelligent dictatorship for 20 years that fixes every aspect of society and governance can save this country.
And yet those Beghairat Afghans are so desperate to come and live in Pakistan and Enjoy Islamabad. Pakistani are the biggest beghairats.
And yet those Beghairat Afghans are so desperate to come and live in Pakistan and Enjoy Islamabad. Pakistani are the biggest beghairats.
They are emboldened precisely for the reason I mentioned. Why do you think millions live in Pakistan but still feel comfortable to openly and freely abuse Pakistanis, their country, ethnicity, insult their mothers & sisters and claim their land, all while living there?

Because Pakistanis are buzdil and beghairat ghulaams. Any other nation would have lynched them and forced them out because they have self-respect especially on their own land. Afghanistan itself would not exist on the map today.
Cia and mossad has nothing to do with ttp cia themselves carried out both drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan against ttp against ttp leaders and cadres instead you should show in the pic above with raw northern alliance and iranian quds force with ttp
+ Afghans + PTM.

Cia and mossad has nothing to do with ttp cia themselves carried out both drone strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan against ttp against ttp leaders and cadres instead you should show in the pic above with raw northern alliance and iranian quds force with ttp
Northern alliance? 💀

Brother, the Afghan Pashtun groups like Taliban support them the most due to the ethnic connection. As well as PTM within our borders.
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