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Terrorist Executions suspended: Military courts Bill to be Sabotaged in National Assembly

I think in Pakistan we have different meaning of policing.... it cannot be used for counter any thing other than keeping a watchful eye and process dispute complains etc.
There should be district police and federal police, federal police should be responsible for homicide cases and naturally supported by district police.
While non of police can ever be effective, as long we do not change our governing system to District level and so does our tax collection and spending.
Tax payers should be the one deciding how and where to spend collected tax in there respective district.
Federation should comprise of one President and few secretaries, universities / specialized professional bodies should be the advising counsels.

I believe we have all these instruments.

And I also see that they are finally coming together,


young man patience!

do not try to throw out the baby with the bath water
I believe we have all these instruments.

And I also see that they are finally coming together,


young man patience!

do not try to throw out the baby with the bath water
Unless you raise the level of education and qualification for Govt Jobs, ministers etc etc, this patience is like waiting for death.

You cant expect anything from these foolish feudal lords
Unless you raise the level of education and qualification for Govt Jobs, ministers etc etc, this patience is like waiting for death.

You cant expect anything from these foolish feudal lords

I understand what you are saying

However we must not ignore the recent history

I believe PPP gov (feudals and all) and ANP did create a very supportive environment for Pak army during swat ops.

Please do not underestimate the power of elected gov

My hats off to ANP in particular. That party paid huge price for supporting army, Who knew ANP will turn out to be the most patriotic parties of all. Not that I question the loyalty of any,

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I believe we have all these instruments.

And I also see that they are finally coming together,


young man patience!

do not try to throw out the baby with the bath water

No we have no patience.. .we know all how to run the govt. better than US or Japan and we can deliver the results in 12 months.
You old people should go rest and leave the field to the broadminded and experienced youth.

If you are really getting anywhere than please explain.. what is your or state policy towards minerals development of Pakistan? I'm sure you have no clue.. what i'm talking and trust me i can ask more questions of which you may have no clue.... i read your posts daddy and i see the amount of organizational or professional experience it reflects.!!!!

Last not least... what is with throwing baby with bath water... where did this come from. are you referring to my previous post where i mentioned revolution than yes... but i also mentioned go by Musharraf and dr. Qadri way, i approve it.. however i can make FAR better suggestions than both gentlemen and Indians know it verywell ;)
No we have no patience.. .we know all how to run the govt. better than US or Japan and we can deliver the results in 12 months.
You old people should go rest and leave the field to the broadminded and experienced youth.

If you are really getting anywhere than please explain.. what is your or state policy towards minerals development of Pakistan? I'm sure you have no clue.. what i'm talking and trust me i can ask more questions of which you may have no clue.... i read your posts daddy and i see the amount of organizational or professional experience it reflects.!!!!

Last not least... what is with throwing baby with bath water... where did this come from. are you referring to my previous post where i mentioned revolution than yes... but i also mentioned go by Musharraf and dr. Qadri way, i approve it.. however i can make FAR better suggestions than both gentlemen and Indians know it verywell ;)

For Mush see this thread

Lal "khooni" masjid: Why Mush failed so miserably

for Qadri

the more I say not
he is a dumbest idiot, who f@rts in Pakistan and then runs to his mama's bosom in Canada.
please no jokes.
The public needs to get behind the courts. Although a parallel system is not great, but the fear is many of these violent savages will simply just be released, case on point LJ leader getting out a week ago.
For Mush see this thread

Lal "khooni" masjid: Why Mush failed so miserably

for Qadri

the more I say not
he is a dumbest idiot, who f@rts in Pakistan and then runs to his mama's bosom in Canada.
please no jokes.

See you have no clue... what i asked and yet you have audacity to tell me that every thing is falling in place... slowly, while i can't see it !

Daddy (DDD) you have no idea.... what can those people with organizational experience can deliver to Pakistan and looking at Musharraf, i can say your army is one of such organizations, just lacks process tech. exposure.

And to your above remarks:
Who cares... who run where... just focus the content ignore their current immigrant status. However, i'm bit astonished to hear anti west vibes from YOU!
However on subject; before Qadri's intervention, politicians and judiciary were comfortably hiding there black union behind curtains.
Not even Pakistan's layers and election commission was aware of as basic thing as article 62/63.
I also accept my lack of knowledge regarding constitution.. but thanks to Qadri at least he explained it to all of the nation in simple words. Now everyone owns a copy of it... a damage no opposition can deliver to the black union stated above.

Coming to Musharraf, if he was such an idiot, than how come he turned a failed state to the number 2 growth rate in world?

If you were not sleeping in his era than, you should know... that there were more jobs and less people to fill them... and Pakistan state had to advertise in foreign newspapers to fill positions, whereas just couple of years ago in 1999 Pakistan state hadn't paid salaries of state employees for 3-6 months..! and had to resort to seize foreign currency accounts!!!!!!!

DDD, I damn care, what is written in the link of 'khoni masjid' you proposed... as my self was alive to see all the episode developing... which suggest i'm not 10 years old, for which you can rewrite history as you wish... this is what your upto with title of 'Fauji Historian'.
All i can suggest, have fun with whatever Talibanism, Mullaism, you like, where you definite potential to innovate, but never ever trigger a professional discussion, where you may get reviewed by professionals too.
Funny, UN or EU are tight lipped when Saudis behead people, or Yankees give lethal injections.

Pakistan needs to get rid of terrorist monsters.
The public needs to get behind the courts. Although a parallel system is not great, but the fear is many of these violent savages will simply just be released, case on point LJ leader getting out a week ago.

Have you already punished those who are caught on camera raiding the mosque in Rawalpindi killing (sect.less) kids? Many of those (without doubt) terrorists were foreigners and well prepared and trained to slit throats.
Don't you see the potential and similarities there? Didn't you see bearded men there... dressed as Iranian mullas?

Case on point... what we need is not selective justice but indiscriminate justice.
The public needs to get behind the courts. Although a parallel system is not great, but the fear is many of these violent savages will simply just be released, case on point LJ leader getting out a week ago.

What happens when the people are slowing tilting in favor of the extremists point of view and directly in clash with what the Army is trying to do?
its been only 2 weeks since the Peshawar tragedy and it seems that everyone has joined hands to disrupt the chance to punish the terrorists.

  • UN and EU is opposing the executions of terrorists on "humanitarian grounds".
  • Courts have suspended any further execution of terrorists despite their black warrants.
  • Zardari has instructed his party members to disrupt the military court bill in the national assembly.
  • the leader of Pakistani liberals Asma Jahangir is leading the condemnation and opposition to military courts.
  • Religious parties that took their time to express their grief to the victims & condemn their terrorist brothers in arms have openly expressed their hostilities towards military courts.
  • in case somehow the bill is passed in the assembly then there are indications that it will be appealed in the supreme court and repealed.
  • the Judges have also shown their displeasure over military courts encroaching into their domain and might take Suo Moto against this bill.

it looks like any "action" against the terrorists promised by PM Nawaz and Ch Nisar will stop at their words only.

there are two possible reactions from army over it with drastic consequences

Army forces its will on the politicians in the shape of overt take over of the state affairs.
Army goes back to Kyani era slumber and hope that the Peshawar tragedy becomes thing of the past.
West was always the enemy never expected them to do anything good for us. As for politicians if they try to stop the bill they will all be finished by Pakistani people.
What happens when the people are slowing tilting in favor of the extremists point of view and directly in clash with what the Army is trying to do?
seen some sick comments on social media justifying and praising the attack.
seen some sick comments on social media justifying and praising the attack.

I have been clearly warning of this probability that the extremist ideology now finds favor with a majority of the population since they have seized the control of the narrative for many years now. Merely being reactive to what they do simply will not suffice any longer, but seizing back the initiative is going to be a very difficult task now.

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