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Terrorist Attack in Peshawar Market

Please post the pics in different thread, I cannot bear to see it. I cannot work and I cannot stop thinking about the sufferings of the ones left alive to face this kind of trauma.

The Taliban and al-Qaeda have denied involvement in the Peshawar bomb blast and said they do not explode bombs in bazaars and mosques

Bomb Blasts in Pakistan, 2009

LINK: Bomb blasts in Pakistan 2009

This is just 2009 (25th Oct)....

Start reading & start telling me Who did it
Please post the pics in different thread, I cannot bear to see it. I cannot work and I cannot stop thinking about the sufferings of the ones left alive to face this kind of trauma.

WE have to face it, Hembo...

This is all part of it..
The Taliban and al-Qaeda have denied involvement in the Peshawar bomb blast and said they do not explode bombs in bazaars and mosques

Typical Taliban, they deny and claim responsibility whenever it suits them. Perhaps they denied this specific one because of public anger as the scale of suffering of the innocent was huge.
PESHAWAR: At least 104 people, mostly women and children, were killed and over 150 injured when a huge car bomb ripped through a crowded market here on Wednesday.

The blast triggered a huge fire which engulfed a number of buildings near the Meena Bazaar. A plume of dust and smoke billowed from narrow lanes of the market situated in the old part of the city.

A senior intelligence official blamed terrorists based in Darra Adamkhel for the attack. ‘We intercepted a call last week in which militants were talking about a ‘heart-rending’ attack in Peshawar,’ he said.

A representative of the shopkeepers’ association said threats had been received in recent days with militants demanding that women be forbidden from going to the market.

The blast took place in two narrow lanes between Meena Bazaar and Kochi Bazaar frequented by women.

A cotton warehouse in the market caught fire which spread to several buildings on the Cheri Koban road. A number of shops along the narrow road, vehicles and carts were gutted.

Most of the bodies were charred beyond recognition and till late night only 25 of them had been identified.

Hospital sources said the death toll could rise because scores of badly burnt and injured people were in a critical condition.

‘It was a car bomb blast and over 150 kilograms of explosives were used,’ in-charge of the bomb disposal unit AIG Malik Shafqar Mahmud said.

He said that an initial investigation suggested that explosives had been detonated by remote control. The blast caused massive losses because it had taken place in a narrow and busy market, he added.

‘About 70 of the dead are women and children. Scores of the injured are in a critical condition,’ said Dr Sahib Gul, the in-charge of Trauma Centre at the Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar.

‘The blast was so huge that it jolted the entire area and within seconds plumes of smoke and dust started emitting out of a building near Al-Falah Mosque,’ Karim Khan, a shopkeeper, said.

Ezat Khan, another shopkeeper, said that parking of vehicles outside shops was not allowed, but it could not be ascertained how the driver of the explosives-laden car had managed to park it there.

Fire-engines, ambulances and other rescue vehicles faced difficulty in reaching the scene because of congestion and narrow lanes. People were seen taking the bodies and the injured to hospitals in cars, rickshaws and even on motorcycles.

A fire-fighter said that many children and women trapped in the debris of several buildings were crying for help, but rescue workers could not reach them because of huge flames.

A group of men trapped under the roof of a nearby mosque were rescued.

Rescue work was in progress till late night and workers were finding it difficult to remove the debris.

It was feared that some people were still trapped in the rubble because rescue personnel had heard them wailing and crying.

All shops in the area were closed after the blast and people started searching for their relatives.

A crowd of people inside the trauma room and emergency hall of the Lady Reading Hospital made it difficult for medical staff to perform their duty.

Distressed people, including women, were seen searching for relatives in the hospital, but recognising them was difficult because most of the bodies were mutilated. Stench of blood and human flesh hung in the air in the hospital.

NWFP Information Minister Mian Iftkhar Hussain told reporters that the blast was a reaction to the military operation in South Waziristan which had become a safe haven for terrorists of various countries.

‘Terrorism cannot be described as jihad as our religion does not allow taking lives of innocent people,’ he said, adding that the government would not bow to pressure and continue its fight against saboteurs.

Senior provincial minister Bashir Ahmed Bilour said it was difficult to deploy policemen at all places because of shortage of manpower.

The provincial government, he said, had already decided to recruit 1,000 retired personnel of the armed forces to help police.

Mr Bilour urged all political and religious parties to join hands and take a unified stand against terrorists.

DAWN.COM | Metropolitan | Death toll from Peshawar blast rises to 104
Why don't you guys look at another possibility. I had until now the impression that Pakistani's are best conpiracy theorist who look at all angles of any attack on them. But you guys have let me down. Why didn't any of you remember and see the similarities between Baghdad Bombing and Peshawar Bombing. Both are similar : Designed to cause maximum casualties.

And the fact that Iran is very angry after it's top commandents died in the audacious attack in sistan-baluchistan can't be ignored. Everyone know that if Iran is angry it will have repercusions in the areas of countries it blames. So why don't you guys look from that perspective.

And the arrest of 11 revolutionary guards by FC didn't help the situation. May be both the Baghdad and peshawar Bombing are Iran's revenge for the spilled blood in sistan which it believes is the handywork of Pakistan and US.

You guys should investigate from that perspective. TTP is not involved that I can assure you because if they had to kill innocents then they would have done that already. They always had the chance to do it. Why would they kill innocents when they know that killing womens and childrens will only turn people to support the army in obliterating them????. Besides look at all the attacks done by them so far.

The ratio of dead was always against them. They lost 8 of their members in GHQ while killing only 13 army personnel. Instead if they would have wanted they could have killed thousands of civilians instead of attacks on the security establishments had they wanted to kill innocents. And I am neither a supporter of TTP nor do I want to clear them of any wrong doing. But even in the attack by a 13 old boy in northwest when 45 people died the boy had jumped on an army convoy before blasting himself.

The rest is pakistan's problem so you guys discuss it. I have just provided you the fodder and it is your decision whether to accept it or deny it.
Why don't you guys look at another possibility. I had until now the impression that Pakistani's are best conpiracy theorist who look at all angles of any attack on them. But you guys have let me down. Why didn't any of you remember and see the similarities between Baghdad Bombing and Peshawar Bombing. Both are similar : Designed to cause maximum casualties.

And the fact that Iran is very angry after it's top commandents died in the audacious attack in sistan-baluchistan can't be ignored. Everyone know that if Iran is angry it will have repercusions in the areas of countries it blames. So why don't you guys look from that perspective.

And the arrest of 11 revolutionary guards by FC didn't help the situation. May be both the Baghdad and peshawar Bombing are Iran's revenge for the spilled blood in sistan which it believes is the handywork of Pakistan and US.

You guys should investigate from that perspective. TTP is not involved that I can assure you because if they had to kill innocents then they would have done that already. They always had the chance to do it. Why would they kill innocents when they know that killing womens and childrens will only turn people to support the army in obliterating them????. Besides look at all the attacks done by them so far.

The ratio of dead was always against them. They lost 8 of their members in GHQ while killing only 13 army personnel. Instead if they would have wanted they could have killed thousands of civilians instead of attacks on the security establishments had they wanted to kill innocents. And I am neither a supporter of TTP nor do I want to clear them of any wrong doing. But even in the attack by a 13 old boy in northwest when 45 people died the boy had jumped on an army convoy before blasting himself.

The rest is pakistan's problem so you guys discuss it. I have just provided you the fodder and it is your decision whether to accept it or deny it.

We know quit well who our enemy is and we dont need a self confessed fairy tale theorist to suggest stupid things.
Why don't you guys look at another possibility. I had until now the impression that Pakistani's are best conpiracy theorist who look at all angles of any attack on them. But you guys have let me down. Why didn't any of you remember and see the similarities between Baghdad Bombing and Peshawar Bombing. Both are similar : Designed to cause maximum casualties.

And the fact that Iran is very angry after it's top commandents died in the audacious attack in sistan-baluchistan can't be ignored. Everyone know that if Iran is angry it will have repercusions in the areas of countries it blames. So why don't you guys look from that perspective.

And the arrest of 11 revolutionary guards by FC didn't help the situation. May be both the Baghdad and peshawar Bombing are Iran's revenge for the spilled blood in sistan which it believes is the handywork of Pakistan and US.

You guys should investigate from that perspective. TTP is not involved that I can assure you because if they had to kill innocents then they would have done that already. They always had the chance to do it. Why would they kill innocents when they know that killing womens and childrens will only turn people to support the army in obliterating them????. Besides look at all the attacks done by them so far.

The ratio of dead was always against them. They lost 8 of their members in GHQ while killing only 13 army personnel. Instead if they would have wanted they could have killed thousands of civilians instead of attacks on the security establishments had they wanted to kill innocents. And I am neither a supporter of TTP nor do I want to clear them of any wrong doing. But even in the attack by a 13 old boy in northwest when 45 people died the boy had jumped on an army convoy before blasting himself.

The rest is pakistan's problem so you guys discuss it. I have just provided you the fodder and it is your decision whether to accept it or deny it.

Before going for such a fantasy based story, it would have been better if you had seen the map of the region. Iran has no border with NWFP & they are hundreds of miles away. If in case they had to do any kind of such thing, Quetta is very close to them or other cities in Balochistan. Plus Iran was furious in the start, but once it realized that the attack on them was an attempt to bring cracks between Pak & Iran, their rhetoric has died down and they know who is behind & for what reason. Plus there was not enough time to prepare such kind of an attack, such attacks take a lot of time & are prepared way in advance. So you conspiracy theory has no facts to back it up, illogical at best.

And as for TTP, they have many outfits & the procedure to attack varies as per the target. Before quoting GHQ attack it would have been better that you had analyzed the hundreds of other suicide attacks & time device or remote controlled attacks in which scores of innocent civilians were killed. They have become now desperate, their supply of suicide bombers is getting limited as their base of operations is under attack & it was already under siege for many months, so they are using up their resources with very limited supply options.

Where ever one security force official gets killed & even if 15 civilians die, they own that attack. But if any of their attack kills only civilians, they don't own it, how come so ?? And as for that 13 year old guy killing 45 people, in that also only 4 or 5 security forces people got killed, rest were all the civilians nearby. Its not the only attack in which only civilians have been killed.

Whether it was directly done by TTP or not, they do have a hand in it.
Before going for such a fantasy based story, it would have been better if you had seen the map of the region. Iran has no border with NWFP & they are hundreds of miles away. If in case they had to do any kind of such thing, Quetta is very close to them or other cities in Balochistan. Plus Iran was furious in the start, but once it realized that the attack on them was an attempt to bring cracks between Pak & Iran, their rhetoric has died down and they know who is behind & for what reason. Plus there was not enough time to prepare such kind of an attack, such attacks take a lot of time & are prepared way in advance. So you conspiracy theory has no facts to back it up, illogical at best.

And as for TTP, they have many outfits & the procedure to attack varies as per the target. Before quoting GHQ attack it would have been better that you had analyzed the hundreds of other suicide attacks & time device or remote controlled attacks in which scores of innocent civilians were killed. They have become now desperate, their supply of suicide bombers is getting limited as their base of operations is under attack & it was already under siege for many months, so they are using up their resources with very limited supply options.

Where ever one security force official gets killed & even if 15 civilians die, they own that attack. But if any of their attack kills only civilians, they don't own it, how come so ?? And as for that 13 year old guy killing 45 people, in that also only 4 or 5 security forces people got killed, rest were all the civilians nearby. Its not the only attack in which only civilians have been killed.

Whether it was directly done by TTP or not, they do have a hand in it.

Who knows the world politics, might be true. System is so complex to understand, there are many enemy of pakistan who could have done this , difficult to say.
There was a peace Deal in Swat & then they Stretched themselves to Buner

Don't Bring in that Shamsi base Crap please...

Isn't Gov in Islamabad the Legitimate Gov & are Taliban only the legitimate Muslims on the Planet?

---------- Post added at 11:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 PM ----------

WTF, Professor, What happened to u?

You are rest assured I am not a taliban sympathezer, as you can see I don't have any base to support them. But today, the name "taliban" is already hijacked. Any1 can be a taliban, and taliban can be any1. ;)

My issue with the so called Taliban is: If they indeed carried out 911 and cause thousands civlians death, regardless of their political agenda, it's wrong. To "hire" teens to carry out suicide bomb attacks, the practice is morally corrupt. :agree:

Also, IMHO, true patriotic Pakistani should support their army. Your army is your last defence for you, your lifestyle, and :pakistan:

Whatever the army is doing, support :pakistan: army. And leave all Taliban sentiment out of it. :agree:

Do you believe that Pak has no Iran spies and Iran has no links with the elements in Baluchistan and Northwest ???. When Iran blamed Pak for sheltering junadullah it automatically entails that they have certain contacts in the area to neutralise junadullah and also to have proper intelligence about his plans.

As for your claim that they would have done that in quetta, tell me what would have they achieved. Everyone know that Pak is stirred only when they have attack on their heart i.e. Islamabad, lahore, peshawar or karachi. Karachi has shia's so rule it out. Islamabad and lahore are on high alert to get there is too risky to be attempted. Peshawar is comparatively easy to target and ofcourse the needle would point towards Taliban. So you get it I believe.

As for your claim
"Whether it was directly done by TTP or not, they do have a hand in it. "

You guys have no proof and TTP is not going to stage attacks in which only civilians are killed I would have taken it if even 3-5 army persons would have died. You claim is baseless and so is mine.
Who knows the world politics, might be true. System is so complex to understand, there are many enemy of pakistan who could have done this , difficult to say.

well can't stop people like u or those having the same views to think that way.

Such blasts culprits are not left unearthed for long. One way or another the masterminds behind them are identified.

And 2ndly, the night before the blast, the intelligence agencies had issued a warning to an imminent attack the next day, in the last both attacks in Peshawar they had received early tip offs & warnings had been issued. So if they had come to know about the coming attacks, then i do believe they also know from where it came & who was behind them otherwise they wouldn't had issued the warnings.
You are rest assured I am not a taliban sympathezer, as you can see I don't have any base to support them. But today, the name "taliban" is already hijacked. Any1 can be a taliban, and taliban can be any1. ;)

My issue with the so called Taliban is: If they indeed carried out 911 and cause thousands civlians death, regardless of their political agenda, it's wrong. To "hire" teens to carry out suicide bomb attacks, the practice is morally corrupt. :agree:

Also, IMHO, true patriotic Pakistani should support their army. Your army is your last defence for you, your lifestyle, and :pakistan:

Whatever the army is doing, support :pakistan: army. And leave all Taliban sentiment out of it. :agree:

Just a little bit correction, the Taliban did not take any responsibility for the 9/11 attacks nor were they informed of any such attacks. It was the so called Al Qaeda who took the responsibility or are suspected to have done it. taliban had no role, except for giving AQ shelter.
well can't stop people like u or those having the same views to think that way.

Such blasts culprits are not left unearthed for long. One way or another the masterminds behind them are identified.

And 2ndly, the night before the blast, the intelligence agencies had issued a warning to an imminent attack the next day, in the last both attacks in Peshawar they had received early tip offs & warnings had been issued. So if they had come to know about the coming attacks, then i do believe they also know from where it came & who was behind them otherwise they wouldn't had issued the warnings.

Hmm, May be your agencies are intelligent enough to tell who is the culprit in advance but Indians are not , If i remember after Mumbai attack they said done by muzzahidin group, later they trace the data and said LET is responsible.

In fact , they trace the warning of suspect but in reality its very very hard to tell who is the source in advance.

Do you believe that Pak has no Iran spies and Iran has no links with the elements in Baluchistan and Northwest ???. When Iran blamed Pak for sheltering junadullah it automatically entails that they have certain contacts in the area to neutralise junadullah and also to have proper intelligence about his plans.

As for your claim that they would have done that in quetta, tell me what would have they achieved. Everyone know that Pak is stirred only when they have attack on their heart i.e. Islamabad, lahore, peshawar or karachi. Karachi has shia's so rule it out. Islamabad and lahore are on high alert to get there is too risky to be attempted. Peshawar is comparatively easy to target and ofcourse the needle would point towards Taliban. So you get it I believe.

As for your claim
"Whether it was directly done by TTP or not, they do have a hand in it. "

You guys have no proof and TTP is not going to stage attacks in which only civilians are killed I would have taken it if even 3-5 army persons would have died. You claim is baseless and so is mine.

I believe you have not been reading news lately, but Quetta is very much in the news due to bomb attacks & target killings. I am surprised that how you come to the conclusion that Peshawar has relaxed security as majority of the previous attacks have been happening in Peshawar, which would mean that it is on high alert with max security in place. I live in Peshawar & i on daily basis see the security in place. And as in my previous post told that intelligence agencies got tip offs that something would be happening in a few hours time & in both the last incidents warnings had been issued before hand of the impending strikes, so as i said also, the intelligence guys know who was behind it otherwise they would not have issued warnings beforehand.

And as for my statement of TTP behind it or not directly, do read above that i said they have many factions, all don't have the same way of attacks & motives to attack. Nor all of them have the same resources available. Marriott bombings had no security forces personnel killed, yet they accepted it, PC hotel Peshawar had no SF guys killed yet they accepted it, the list can go on. The Khyber Bazaar attack was meant for some other place nearby, the suicide bomber was in route but by mistake it blew at the wrong place killing civilians, so the TTP denounced the attack as the objective was not achieved rather only civilians were killed.

rest is up to you to think.

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