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Temple demolished in Pakistan,Gold Ornaments stolen in 'hurried' operation


Jan 22, 2011
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In a hurried operation on Saturday, a builder demolished a century-old temple in Soldier Bazaar while the Sindh High Court was hearing a petition seeking a stay order.
Apart from razing down the pre-partition Shri Rama Pir Mandir, the private builder also demolished three or four houses located next to it. Nearly 40 people became homeless as a result.
“They destroyed our mandir and humiliated our gods,” said an angry Prakash, pointing towards the huge debris of concrete, stones and walls of the temple. The demolishing team did place the statues of four Hindu deities on the side but the residents accused them of taking away their gold jewellery and crowns.
Pointing to the bruises on his arms, Lakshman said that, “they hit me with their guns when I tried to stop them. I told them to kill me instead of destroying our holy place.”
Banwri recalled that the demolition teams arrived around 11 in the morning. She was preparing breakfast when she heard the thundering noise of a bulldozer. She rushed outside, only to receive instructions to bring her bed, cupboard and other essential items outside the house. “I watched my house go down in just minutes and I couldn’t do anything.”
She added that, during the demolition, the area was cordoned off by the police and Rangers with tents put up all around. Outsiders were not allowed to enter, she added.
Saveeta was among those 40 people who lost her house. “The dowry that I had given to my daughter for her wedding is all buried here,” she said with tears. With her husband out of station, she and her three children would be spending the night under the open sky.

There are around 150 Hindus in the neighbourhood and nearly four families live in each of the houses that were destroyed, according to an elderly resident, Kaali Das. “People were living in cramped houses, separated only by curtains. Over here, we live like animals,” he said, adding that some of these houses were as high as three storeys.
Angered by the builders’ actions, the crowd demanded the government arrange tickets to India for them. “If you don’t want us, we will go to India,” screamed a woman. Another man added that, “our temple is as sacred to us as your mosque is to you.”
For their part, the police denied the existence of the temple completely. The police maintained that they had orders to remove the encroachments. DSP Pervaiz Iqbal of Nabi Buksh police station said, “There was no temple there. There were just Hindu gods present inside the houses and we made sure that they were safe.”
The people were given plenty of time to remove their belongings out of the house, he said. “We did not injure anyone. In fact those people threw stones on us and our SHO Abid Hussain Shah was injured.”
The residents managed, however, to fish out a plaque of the temple from under the debris. Maharaj Badri, who lived inside the temple, also denied that the land was encroached upon. “Our ancestors have been living here way since independence. We are not encroachers,” he said.
Military Lands and Cantonment director Zeenat Ahmed insisted that the temple was “untouched” and denied that it was demolished. The operation was against illegal occupants, she said, adding that temples are old grant property (evacuee property). “The builder had possession of the place since years and these people were encroachers, and encroachers have no religion,” she added.

Alleged encroachment: Soldier Bazaar temple razed in hurried operation – The Express Tribune
When we have a govt of looters, murderers and plunderers, this is not unexpected.

Its a shame isn't it for many two faced liberals and seculars that under their watch such a ghastly thing happened.

Imagine if this mandir was blown away by Taliban!! Mr Altaf Hussain from London would have gone berserk on the phone. There would have been write-ups for liberal fascists of Express Tribune type exhorting full military action.

Any place of worship is sacred. A country where people do not respect place of worship be it land grabbers or terrorists, does not get respect anywhere in the world. I m sorry I have to say but this is the state of affairs of my country under this group of selfish mafia dons many us want to call 'leaders'.
What a shame. We have a government from Sindh, but they cannot solve any issues in their own province. Its only a matter of time. Hang in their my Hindu brothers and sisters for a couple of months. Insha'allah Imran Khan will bring change from head to toe. I have become frustrated from day to day and i have made up my mind now that he is the only hope.
And this gentlemen is Pakistan and people like a.rafay the real Pakistanis.

I don't see many Pakistanis posting on this thread. Wonder why.

May be because we don't need certificate from you that what is Pakistan and what are we.
Hey dikhead I spend hours trying to tell people Muslims are not bigots and you come along and ruin everything with just one post....

This is the problem. Instead of telling people that Muslims are not bigots, you would make better use of that time de-toxifying people like Rafay. Then there would be no need to actually tell people.
Hey dikhead I spend hours trying to tell people Muslims are not bigots and you come along and ruin everything with just one post....

Dont worry mate.. We all know that its neither Muslims nor Pakistanis in general who are such bigotic idiots.. Only some bad apples...
Hey dikhead I spend hours trying to tell people Muslims are not bigots and you come along and ruin everything with just one post....

He might be wrong. In fact he is. But you are also wasting your time by proving Indians that Muslims are not bigots. These guys are themselves bigots.
Hey dikhead I spend hours trying to tell people Muslims are not bigots and you come along and ruin everything with just one post....

Who were you trying to tell or convince them the Indians, well they don't listen to you or anybody, I bashed them for posting anti Pakistan articles and posting b.s. in other threads about Pakistan.
He might be wrong. In fact he is. But you are also wasting your time by proving Indians that Muslims are not bigots. These guys are themselves bigots.

Not all of them, if I were to judge them for a couple of idiots I have met online it would be an injustice. Listen we as Muslims have to be the ones to fix our own image because it was our psychotic fools who ruined it in the first place.
Who were you trying to tell or convince them the Indians, well they don't listen to you or anybody, I bashed them for posting anti Pakistan articles and posting b.s. in other threads about Pakistan.

If you wanted to bash them you could have said something void of bigotry, there are some Hindus who actually are proud Pakistanis. How would they feel if they are browsing this site as a guest and saw your disgraceful post?
Of course everyone condemns such stupid acts in Pakistan. There is no excuse for this behavior.
But it's funny seeing Indians get all giddy over this news, they feel like this will justify Babri masjid and other genocide of Muslims in India.

For you guys trashing Islam, tread lightly because we can easily point fingers at Hinduism as well.

As bad as this is, a few thugs looting a temple is nowhere near as bad as a community destroying a 500 year old historic site.
Well there is a tiny minority which isn't a bigot. But most are. According to them Muslims in India are following the religion of oppressors and every other Mosque in India s built by demolishing Hindu temple in India. not to forget in every hindu muslim riot Muslims are the culprit.

Now if they were to say the same about us how would you go about disproving it? That is the problem with generalizations unless you go out and survey the billion Hindus of the world, you really do not know.
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