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Tejas aircraft deficient in at least 100 technical parameters

watch it to full, it includes indian report before test in which they are making big big claims and after discussion in which they are finding excuses ..

Indian First Cruise Missile Test Fails - YouTube
yaar where the hell they are comparing the expert is saying that only handful countries have this tech n there only he says Pak also has it. But there is no mention of babur in there nor anywhere after this they have mention our countries name.
Abt excuses part well i agree 100%.

Well, if the Pakistanis can claim that JF-17 is "their" plane, I suppose Su-30 MKI, jaguar, mig 21 etc are all Indian aircrafts. Because they were designed by others and manufactured in India. We have as much to do with MKI as Pakistan has to do with JF-17.

You do realize that the JF-17 did all its first test flights in CHina, after being designed by the Chinese, and then thrown to Pakistan, right? It was called CAC FC-1 Xiaolong ("Vigorous dragon") at that time. But it wasn't vigorous enough for the dragon's air force, so they let Pakistan keep it and call it thunder.

On the contrary, Tejas is being developed in India, doing all its test flights in India. So it will take time to develop, since it is the first 4th gen airplane being designed and developed by India. We don't have the luxury of renaming a Chinese development and calling it ours. If we had gotten some foreign country to do all the test flights, I'm sure we could have "developed" it faster.

Meanwhile our only real enemy's air force is puny compared to ours, so we have the luxury of taking our time. And we have lots of capable fighters, this Tejas is only expected to fulfill our lower end needs, and not expected to be the backbone of our fleet, like JF-17 is for you.

LOL kid, grow up n read the JFT thread again some basic knowledge then come back.......at now Buzz Off.
yaar where the hell they are comparing the expert is saying that only handful countries have this tech n there only he says Pak also has it. But there is no mention of babur in there nor anywhere after this they have mention our countries name.
Abt excuses part well i agree 100%.

LOL kid, grow up n read the JFT thread again some basic knowledge then come back.......at now Buzz Off.


There's nobody on this forum less than 12 years old. Whom are you calling kid?

There's nobody on this forum less than 12 years old. Whom are you calling kid?

This was the last thing i had expected from u.
cant u simply reply the post that i quote with reply for u??
actually i treat everybody individually based on their behavior. This post was just not for u.
As i still believe that yr one of saner indian in forum.
LOL kid, grow up n read the JFT thread again some basic knowledge then come back.......at now Buzz Off.

I don't need to read the PDF thread to gain knowledge, I do know enough of it to know that it did its test flights in China and was designed with the help of Chinese. Whereas Tejas is doing all flight tests in India, and was designed by Indians. Since you don't have a response to that point (how can you?) I suggest you reflect on it. After reflecting on it, don't do the stupid mistake that you made earlier in the thread, saying "ha ha ha, tejas is not ready yet, but OUR JF-17 is flying and there are 40 of them."

Because guess what, then "OUR" MKIs and "OUR" jaguars are all flying in the hundreds. There is a reason that Pakistan, with even less aerospace expertise than India, can manufacture JF-17s. Because it was developed by China, and they even helped set up the production unit. Whereas Tejas is all our own, not some "vigorous dragon" renamed as "thunder" or some ding-dong renamed as some medieval Turkish invader.

Always bear that in mind in future when you feel like comparing tejas to jf-17. Tejas WILL take time, because we don't have as much experience as Chinese engineers have, nor do we have the wealth of test data that the Chinese had when they did the flight tests for JF-17. That is why our flight test regime is so slow. And in the end, none of that matters for our operational capability, because we have enough planes to deal with our only enemy.

If you want, you can say "hahaha tejas is not ready yet, but look how the Chinese helped us make JF-17s." Because taking pride in china's accomplishments and laughing at Indians for not matching the Chinese is a common Pakistani pastime on PDF. Doesn't really make logical sense, but hey - its Pakistanis.

There's nobody on this forum less than 12 years old. Whom are you calling kid?

Well I wouldn't be too sure of that, judging by some of their behavior. Anyway a one-liner calling the other person "kid" is what they usually say when they can't find a response to the points raised.
On the same very channel IBN CNN an very senior anchor who actually happens to be wife of rajdeep sardesai had aducaity to say that Hindus in Pakistan enjoy the same kind living conditions as by Muslims in India. The Bimbo seemed to be totally obliovous of the fact that Hindus are fleeing Pakistan and other way round is certainly not happening in India. So i would certainly take anything that CNNIBN says with lot of salt.
Less tejas means more Rafale which more money for these dalal news channel. Congress baring Antony have tried best to kill Tejas project.
I don't need to read the PDF thread to gain knowledge, I do know enough of it to know that it did its test flights in China and was designed with the help of Chinese. Whereas Tejas is doing all flight tests in India, and was designed by Indians. Since you don't have a response to that point (how can you?) I suggest you reflect on it. After reflecting on it, don't do the stupid mistake that you made earlier in the thread, saying "ha ha ha, tejas is not ready yet, but OUR JF-17 is flying and there are 40 of them."

Because guess what, then "OUR" MKIs and "OUR" jaguars are all flying in the hundreds. There is a reason that Pakistan, with even less aerospace expertise than India, can manufacture JF-17s. Because it was developed by China, and they even helped set up the production unit. Whereas Tejas is all our own, not some "vigorous dragon" renamed as "thunder" or some ding-dong renamed as some medieval Turkish invader.

Always bear that in mind in future when you feel like comparing tejas to jf-17. Tejas WILL take time, because we don't have as much experience as Chinese engineers have, nor do we have the wealth of test data that the Chinese had when they did the flight tests for JF-17. That is why our flight test regime is so slow. And in the end, none of that matters for our operational capability, because we have enough to take care planes to deal with our only enemy.

If you want, you can say "hahaha tejas is not ready yet, but look how the Chinese helped us make JF-17s." Because taking pride in china's accomplishments and laughing at Indians for not matching the Chinese is a common Pakistani pastime on PDF. Doesn't really make logical sense, but hey - its Pakistanis.

It's happened before.

In the 60s of the last century, the Albanians under Enver Hoxha were as isolated as the Chinese. They coined the slogan now so popular - with updates - somewhere west of India: we and the Chinese are 600 million strong.

...plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!
Just a media spin off story... to bait DRDO and ADA to give them access to some information around the project... these buggers are not even allowed to speak to people related to the projects... I wonder who these experts are.
You are right in a way that these journos actually want someone actually related to LCA programme and refute the claims made by these self proclaimed experts and get their hands on some real news as to what is going on inside.i personally do not think that the Hal or ADA would actually let out significant info related to the these projects get out in the public domain.The Govt. is mot a fool as to invest millions in a project that shows no progress.
Article is simply BS.No need to discuss it further than the posted article.
At least 100 technical parameters,:omghaha::omghaha:,DRDO and ADA are trying so hard to crash LCA,but the damn thing is so well built even the designers cant do it.:smitten::smitten::smitten:
yaar where the hell they are comparing the expert is saying that only handful countries have this tech n there only he says Pak also has it. But there is no mention of babur in there nor anywhere after this they have mention our countries name.
Abt excuses part well i agree 100%.

no i watch that live on tv, its a report i found by one specific tv. but on that channel they had a like whole comparison made by their few experts.
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