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Taseer should have been more balanced, careful: Sharif


Nov 29, 2008
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Taseer should have been more balanced, careful: Sharif

Pakistan's former prime minister Nawaz Sharif said that Salman Taseer, governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province who was shot dead earlier this week, should have “adopted a more balanced approach”. At the same time, he added that Pakistan today “needs moderation, for both fundamentalists and liberals”.

Speaking to The Sunday Express over the phone from Islamabad, he said: “Extremism is increasing on both sides of the social and ideological spectrum. We need to preach moderation to the religious groups as well those with an opposite bent of mind.”

Sharif, who has traditionally remained in the good books of the country’s religious right, said that Taseer “should have been more careful”. Sharif and Taseer both attended Lahore’s elite St Anthony’s High School. “He was many classes senior to me, but I remember having seen him in school,” said Sharif.

“His death is very unfortunate. Pakistan is passing through challenging times. We hope to overcome our problems, including the war on terror. Due to these ongoing problems, one should exercise caution in conducting himself or herself in public. The blasphemy law is a very sensitive issue in Pakistan. Taseer saheb should have adopted a more balanced approach. There are ways to express your anger with subtlety,” he said.

Taseer was gunned down by one of his guards, Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri, who reportedly told officials that he was angry with the politician’s stand on the blasphemy law.

“People here want blasphemy laws. So, even if someone disagrees with them, one has to be mindful of the fact that certain words and action will end up hurting the feelings of millions. But I strongly condemn the murder,” he said. “There should be laws to prevent causing hurt to other religions as well.”
Yeah, 'blame the victim', as, I think Dawn's Irfan Hussein said in his last comment. Just like what Musharraf said about Benazir's assassination.
And now the political fallout of this mess will become more evident as the time passes. Babar took the firt jab, and this was the last thing we needed. Allah khair karay.
Whenever Nawaz Sharif gives a statement, i am reminded of the story of the man, his son and their donkey.

Nawaz Sharif's approach to be balanced and careful is too tough to emulate by ordinary humans since it requires a chameleon like ability to change colors thoroughly according to the changing environment, something not everyone can do.

If only all the nation were like him, we would never have any arguments since we would all have the luxury of not deciding where we stand.
If the leaders do not have the guts to take a stance what can be expected from the ordinary citizen. Mr.Sharif should not have made this comment, sometimes politics should take a back seat in favour of the country.
taseer is himself responsible for his death. the big mouth shudn't had provoked the religious feelings of the majority.


I feel very strongly about my religion and the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, but i have no sympathy for the man who assassinated Taseer, it is without reason and this man who is smiling on this action and all those who support him are ignorant and too full of hate to understand that they damage Islam and not strengthen it.

Taseer criticized a law which was not made by Angels but passed in the parliament, therefore his criticism does not merit any death warrant or hatred to the extreme which happened.
If you do not agree with his views you can disagree, to hate completely and even more to kill mercilessly is something that is not normal and certainly not Islamic.

Had such wonderful Muslims and Mullahs been around in the heydays of Islam we may have seen great Imams being lynched by the mobs as well, since discussing sensitive matters of Islam and disagreeing with some interpretation seems akin to visiting the gallows.

Now many people argue with me that why did he issue statements of clemency on behalf of the accused since the trial was still ongoing.
The reason which is very logical to me is that since a lower court had found her guilty and we have hundreds of such decisions which are overruled by higher courts, the Governor was trying to protect the woman since a guilty verdict had already made her a fair game in eyes of many fanatics and somebody could have killed her before waiting for the higher courts to conclude the case and issue final verdict.

Now the whole context of whatever the woman might have said has not been considered at all.
The law only mentions that blasphemy shall have this punishment, it does not mention that if somebody is provoked then he/she can/cannot be punished.
Provoking somebody like making fun of their beliefs/religion or openly discriminating against them can lead to a strong reaction which if judged blindly can condemn that person to death even though he/she would not have said such a thing if things were normal.
This is what makes it a black law since it is incomplete, easy to misuse and has been used to trap people and take vengeance.
I am not saying this happened in 100% cases but many instances are there where the accusers were doing this out of some enmity or other reason.

Now you imagine how educated about Islam the women working in a brick kiln would be and you would think that maybe this was quite a bizarre case to begin with.
The uneducated women who would literally know nothing about Islam mocked and discriminated an equally illiterate Christian woman by not allowing her to share some utensils, the reaction would have been provoked and being uneducated the woman could have said anything in her anger and ignorance.
Now if she is sorry and begs for forgiveness, why is the Mullah brigade and their fanatic followers so touchy?

Does our religion not highlight forgiveness as a primary virtue?
How many people were forgiven by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH despite doing similar things, and please note that in those days the people knew and saw the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and so their crime was of an entirely severe nature since even the Prophet's PBUH enemies respected his virtues.
Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sara who was the foster brother of Hazrat Usman RA comes to my mind.
This person was a Muslim and one of the few people who used to copy the verses of Quran in presence of the Prophet PBUH, yet he had the audacity to run away to Makkah and renounce Islam while accusing the Prophet Muhammad PBUH of creating the Quran.
If there was such a decree in Quran then surely this man deserved death and rightly so, however he was spared by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH after initially remaining silent when he appealed to be forgiven.

The crime of such a person was infinitely greater in comparison to the ignorant remarks of a woman who has no education, no knowledge of Islam and no idea of Muhammad PBUH...yet she is now deemed a huge fitna, so much so that appealing on her behalf merits death.
Take into account the background of the women involved and their petty argument and i am ashamed that our beloved Mullahs are so fixated upon this case.

I guess the Mullahs wanted blood and when Taseer spoke out he substituted the accused in becoming the target.

I am no fan of Taseer and his life, i am just not enough of a hypocrite to take away the element of forgiveness and mercy when a human being asks for it.
I know i am a sinner and struggle with my life and ask Allah's forgiveness for what i say and do.
How can i deny someone mercy when i seek it every moment of my life?
How can i say that apologizing is not good enough when i do the same every moment of my life?
If somebody talks ill of the Prophet openly and without any provocation, then we can try him under this law.
However if someone was provoked, was ignorant about the Prophet and now begs forgiveness for one instance of folly....that is altogether a different matter to me.

I may not be a Mufti but i do say this with utter conviction, Islam is not about hatred and certainly justice cannot be served without reference to the context.

Blind hate and murder will destroy what is left of Islam.
The Prophet PBUH was beaten, abused and called all sorts of names by the people of Taif; so much so that the Archangel Jibrail (Gabriel) RA came down and asked Muhammad PBUH permission to bury the valley in mountains and exterminate the lives of those who deliberately abused the true messenger of Allah despite the signs.
However the Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not take vengeance and instead prayed that if these people were so ignorant as to shun him then may Allah make their children heed the word of His Prophet PBUH and bring salvation to them.
We are supposed to Follow the example of Muhammad PBUH, Truth, forgiveness and love for all were his primary attributes...instead hate and Murder is now the glory we seek?

I am truly sorry that our religion is being hijacked by such people and more so by the fact that many of our countrymen do not realize that this is not something justified and will ruin Muslims.
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Taseer should have been more balanced, careful: Sharif

Oh sorry i guess you mean he was not a hippocrat like you mr Sharif he had the guts to call spade a spade he should have followed your foot steps might have survived ... too bad !

I feel very strongly about my religion and the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, but i have no sympathy for the man who assassinated Taseer, it is without reason and this man who is smiling on this action and all those who support him are ignorant and too full of hate to understand that they damage Islam and not strengthen it.

Taseer criticized a law which was not made by Angels but passed in the parliament, therefore his criticism does not merit any death warrant or hatred to the extreme which happened.
If you do not agree with his views you can disagree, to hate completely and even more to kill mercilessly is something that is not normal and certainly not Islamic.

Had such wonderful Muslims and Mullahs been around in the heydays of Islam we may have seen great Imams being lynched by the mobs as well, since discussing sensitive matters of Islam and disagreeing with some interpretation seems akin to visiting the gallows.

Now many people argue with me that why did he issue statements of clemency on behalf of the accused since the trial was still ongoing.
The reason which is very logical to me is that since a lower court had found her guilty and we have hundreds of such decisions which are overruled by higher courts, the Governor was trying to protect the woman since a guilty verdict had already made her a fair game in eyes of many fanatics and somebody could have killed her before waiting for the higher courts to conclude the case and issue final verdict.

Now the whole context of whatever the woman might have said has not been considered at all.
The law only mentions that blasphemy shall have this punishment, it does not mention that if somebody is provoked then he/she can/cannot be punished.
Provoking somebody like making fun of their beliefs/religion or openly discriminating against them can lead to a strong reaction which if judged blindly can condemn that person to death even though he/she would not have said such a thing if things were normal.
This is what makes it a black law since it is incomplete, easy to misuse and has been used to trap people and take vengeance.
I am not saying this happened in 100% cases but many instances are there where the accusers were doing this out of some enmity or other reason.

Now you imagine how educated about Islam the women working in a brick kiln would be and you would think that maybe this was quite a bizarre case to begin with.
The uneducated women who would literally know nothing about Islam mocked and discriminated an equally illiterate Christian woman by not allowing her to share some utensils, the reaction would have been provoked and being uneducated the woman could have said anything in her anger and ignorance.
Now if she is sorry and begs for forgiveness, why is the Mullah brigade and their fanatic followers so touchy?

Does our religion not highlight forgiveness as a primary virtue?
How many people were forgiven by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH despite doing similar things, and please note that in those days the people knew and saw the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and so their crime was of an entirely severe nature since even the Prophet's PBUH enemies respected his virtues.
Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sara who was the foster brother of Hazrat Usman RA comes to my mind.
This person was a Muslim and one of the few people who used to copy the verses of Quran in presence of the Prophet PBUH, yet he had the audacity to run away to Makkah and renounce Islam while accusing the Prophet Muhammad PBUH of creating the Quran.
If there was such a decree in Quran then surely this man deserved death and rightly so, however he was spared by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH after initially remaining silent when he appealed to be forgiven.

The crime of such a person was infinitely greater in comparison to the ignorant remarks of a woman who has no education, no knowledge of Islam and no idea of Muhammad PBUH...yet she is now deemed a huge fitna, so much so that appealing on her behalf merits death.
Take into account the background of the women involved and their petty argument and i am ashamed that our beloved Mullahs are so fixated upon this case.

I guess the Mullahs wanted blood and when Taseer spoke out he substituted the accused in becoming the target.

I am no fan of Taseer and his life, i am just not enough of a hypocrite to take away the element of forgiveness and mercy when a human being asks for it.
I know i am a sinner and struggle with my life and ask Allah's forgiveness for what i say and do.
How can i deny someone mercy when i seek it every moment of my life?
How can i say that apologizing is not good enough when i do the same every moment of my life?
If somebody talks ill of the Prophet openly and without any provocation, then we can try him under this law.
However if someone was provoked, was ignorant about the Prophet and now begs forgiveness for one instance of folly....that is altogether a different matter to me.

I may not be a Mufti but i do say this with utter conviction, Islam is not about hatred and certainly justice cannot be served without reference to the context.

Blind hate and murder will destroy what is left of Islam.
The Prophet PBUH was beaten, abused and called all sorts of names by the people of Taif; so much so that the Archangel Jibrail (Gabriel) RA came down and asked Muhammad PBUH permission to bury the valley in mountains and exterminate the lives of those who deliberately abused the true messenger of Allah despite the signs.
However the Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not take vengeance and instead prayed that if these people were so ignorant as to shun him then may Allah make their children heed the word of His Prophet PBUH and bring salvation to them.
We are supposed to Follow the example of Muhammad PBUH, Truth, forgiveness and love for all were his primary attributes...instead hate and Murder is now the glory we seek?

I am truly sorry that our religion is being hijacked by such people and more so by the fact that many of our countrymen do not realize that this is not something justified and will ruin Muslims.

assalam alaikum

Sir giving examples of the Prophet (PBUH) before hijra is not related after hijrah he fought he punished etc. There r things that the Prophet (PBUH) can forgive himself not me and u.

ST could have provided security for the convict and legal help nobody stopped him but he went to the prison and did media publicity. Is asa bibi is the only mazloom in pak prisons?

U put a lot of stress on uneducated woman, where in the law say uneducated can't get punishment after all we have millions of uneducated ppl can they abuse the law and this reason will prevent them from getting punished ?

Don't worry about muslims during salman rushdie day i heard the same comment and islam spread more and now it is also spreading, we need not to be apologatic.

If we r in a mess it is bcoz of ST alikes who doesnot obey the law of the land


I feel very strongly about my religion and the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, but i have no sympathy for the man who assassinated Taseer, it is without reason and this man who is smiling on this action and all those who support him are ignorant and too full of hate to understand that they damage Islam and not strengthen it.

Taseer criticized a law which was not made by Angels but passed in the parliament, therefore his criticism does not merit any death warrant or hatred to the extreme which happened.
If you do not agree with his views you can disagree, to hate completely and even more to kill mercilessly is something that is not normal and certainly not Islamic.

Had such wonderful Muslims and Mullahs been around in the heydays of Islam we may have seen great Imams being lynched by the mobs as well, since discussing sensitive matters of Islam and disagreeing with some interpretation seems akin to visiting the gallows.

Now many people argue with me that why did he issue statements of clemency on behalf of the accused since the trial was still ongoing.
The reason which is very logical to me is that since a lower court had found her guilty and we have hundreds of such decisions which are overruled by higher courts, the Governor was trying to protect the woman since a guilty verdict had already made her a fair game in eyes of many fanatics and somebody could have killed her before waiting for the higher courts to conclude the case and issue final verdict.

Now the whole context of whatever the woman might have said has not been considered at all.
The law only mentions that blasphemy shall have this punishment, it does not mention that if somebody is provoked then he/she can/cannot be punished.
Provoking somebody like making fun of their beliefs/religion or openly discriminating against them can lead to a strong reaction which if judged blindly can condemn that person to death even though he/she would not have said such a thing if things were normal.
This is what makes it a black law since it is incomplete, easy to misuse and has been used to trap people and take vengeance.
I am not saying this happened in 100% cases but many instances are there where the accusers were doing this out of some enmity or other reason.

Now you imagine how educated about Islam the women working in a brick kiln would be and you would think that maybe this was quite a bizarre case to begin with.
The uneducated women who would literally know nothing about Islam mocked and discriminated an equally illiterate Christian woman by not allowing her to share some utensils, the reaction would have been provoked and being uneducated the woman could have said anything in her anger and ignorance.
Now if she is sorry and begs for forgiveness, why is the Mullah brigade and their fanatic followers so touchy?

Does our religion not highlight forgiveness as a primary virtue?
How many people were forgiven by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH despite doing similar things, and please note that in those days the people knew and saw the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and so their crime was of an entirely severe nature since even the Prophet's PBUH enemies respected his virtues.
Abdullah bin Saad bin Abi Sara who was the foster brother of Hazrat Usman RA comes to my mind.
This person was a Muslim and one of the few people who used to copy the verses of Quran in presence of the Prophet PBUH, yet he had the audacity to run away to Makkah and renounce Islam while accusing the Prophet Muhammad PBUH of creating the Quran.
If there was such a decree in Quran then surely this man deserved death and rightly so, however he was spared by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH after initially remaining silent when he appealed to be forgiven.

The crime of such a person was infinitely greater in comparison to the ignorant remarks of a woman who has no education, no knowledge of Islam and no idea of Muhammad PBUH...yet she is now deemed a huge fitna, so much so that appealing on her behalf merits death.
Take into account the background of the women involved and their petty argument and i am ashamed that our beloved Mullahs are so fixated upon this case.

I guess the Mullahs wanted blood and when Taseer spoke out he substituted the accused in becoming the target.

I am no fan of Taseer and his life, i am just not enough of a hypocrite to take away the element of forgiveness and mercy when a human being asks for it.
I know i am a sinner and struggle with my life and ask Allah's forgiveness for what i say and do.
How can i deny someone mercy when i seek it every moment of my life?
How can i say that apologizing is not good enough when i do the same every moment of my life?
If somebody talks ill of the Prophet openly and without any provocation, then we can try him under this law.
However if someone was provoked, was ignorant about the Prophet and now begs forgiveness for one instance of folly....that is altogether a different matter to me.

I may not be a Mufti but i do say this with utter conviction, Islam is not about hatred and certainly justice cannot be served without reference to the context.

Blind hate and murder will destroy what is left of Islam.
The Prophet PBUH was beaten, abused and called all sorts of names by the people of Taif; so much so that the Archangel Jibrail (Gabriel) RA came down and asked Muhammad PBUH permission to bury the valley in mountains and exterminate the lives of those who deliberately abused the true messenger of Allah despite the signs.
However the Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not take vengeance and instead prayed that if these people were so ignorant as to shun him then may Allah make their children heed the word of His Prophet PBUH and bring salvation to them.
We are supposed to Follow the example of Muhammad PBUH, Truth, forgiveness and love for all were his primary attributes...instead hate and Murder is now the glory we seek?

I am truly sorry that our religion is being hijacked by such people and more so by the fact that many of our countrymen do not realize that this is not something justified and will ruin Muslims.

Wa'alaiqum As'salaam Wa' Rehmatullah,

i do not doubt or question your strong feelings for Islam & Prophet Muhammad Saw' but i would like to know your viewpoint , what if someone is 100% proven to commit blasphemy?

the liberal/secular section wants complete abolishment, means, no death penalty. Now how the state should deal with such proven cases?

your argument about forgiveness is very weak, i mean who will not seek forgiveness after seeing death in front of him. What if people start mocking and than seeking forgiveness?

yeah fine, blasphemy law wasn't framed by Angels but we should know that Quran is not the only source for deriving Islamic laws. What went wrong with Hadiths, ijma of Sahabas, Qiyas?

Those same Imams you mentioned are unanimous over death penalty for blasphemy, are they also extremist Mullahs?

neither you are a Mufti nor me. the problem is, are we even ready to hear a Mufti, the liberals see all the scholars as extremist mullahs. They want to take the interpretation of Islamic laws in their own hand.

The reasons and examples you have given doesn't become a law, there are numerous incidents where Prophet Muhammad Saw' didn't questioned the killing of blasphemer.

There are 100's of qualified Scholars-muftis, if you can get just one in favor of your viewpoint.


the misuse of the law is to do with the implementing authorities, 1000's of innocents are in jail over misuse of several other laws, why not abolish all these laws???
assalam alaikum

Sir giving examples of the Prophet (PBUH) before hijra is not related after hijrah he fought he punished etc. There r things that the Prophet (PBUH) can forgive himself not me and u.

ST could have provided security for the convict and legal help nobody stopped him but he went to the prison and did media publicity. Is asa bibi is the only mazloom in pak prisons?

U put a lot of stress on uneducated woman, where in the law say uneducated can't get punishment after all we have millions of uneducated ppl can they abuse the law and this reason will prevent them from getting punished ?

Don't worry about muslims during salman rushdie day i heard the same comment and islam spread more and now it is also spreading, we need not to be apologatic.

If we r in a mess it is bcoz of ST alikes who doesnot obey the law of the land


The Prophet PBUH lived one life and stood by his principles, i do not know how his life before Hijra is irrelevant to me, maybe to you it is.

Your failure to understand that there is a context is something i am trying to highlight and you have proven my point by simply ignoring the context.

If you discriminate against someone based on religion in a petty dispute and resort to name calling/derogatory remarks etc then you can expect the other party to retaliate the same way.
It does not fall under deliberate and repeated blasphemy of the likes of Salman Rushdie since it is not a conscious act and only happens because of a reaction when provoked.

I am sure Bibi had not been habitually doing this before.
In this case this woman was a coworker and was denied the use of a utensil to drink water, this started the argument which clearly was based on religious bias and discrimination and so took an ugly turn.
Now she says she is sorry (despite being provoked into it) but we want her dead, we do not want to see the context...we love to see death.

Saying that she was not the only Mazloom in Pakistani prisons does not change the fact that her case needed attention due to a history of such cases being mishandled and people being killed.
Even judges are afraid to pass not guilty verdict, one was even killed when he let the accused free!

In the blasphemy cases several accused or guilty citizens were killed in prison or under guard so the governor going to the prison may not be an irrelevant act to please Satan but may indeed have been an attempt to prevent such from happening.
What was in his heart is not something i know but he did not deserve to be killed and certainly not in the name of Islam and our Prophet PBUH.

You are very comfortable about Muslims but i am not, the way Muslims have become they can become 90% of the population of earth and it would still not help Islam since they are not following Islam.

I am not apologetic about Islam, however i will not support ignorant acts of murder in the name of Islam which tarnish the message of Islam and are contrary to the life and teachings of the Prophet PBUH.

We are in a mess because of people like the Killer of Taseer and those who see something Islamic and heroic about his merciless act.
There is no difference between Mumtaz and a murderer as per the law of the land, is Mumtaz being treated as a murderer?
Now do not say that many people die in this country, that does not change the fact that murder is murder.
If people make a hero out of Mumtaz then surely there are many heroes amongst the Al Qaeda/TTP for they too believe us to be worth killing because of what they perceive as treachery against Islam.

Idolize Mumtaz and you would produce many Baitullah Mehsud's as well.

Does our religion not highlight forgiveness as a primary virtue?
How many people were forgiven by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH despite doing similar things, and please note that in those days the people knew and saw the Prophet Muhammad PBUH and so their crime was of an entirely severe nature since even the Prophet's PBUH enemies respected his virtues.

Just read the references in the article (forget abt the rest of article just references)

Jang Multimedia

if you have any doubts regarding the authenticity of Hadiths in this article, plz let us know.
The Prophet PBUH lived one life and stood by his principles, i do not know how his life before Hijra is irrelevant to me, maybe to you it is.

Your failure to understand that there is a context is something i am trying to highlight and you have proven my point by simply ignoring the context.

If you discriminate against someone based on religion in a petty dispute and resort to name calling/derogatory remarks etc then you can expect the other party to retaliate the same way.
It does not fall under deliberate and repeated blasphemy of the likes of Salman Rushdie since it is not a conscious act and only happens because of a reaction when provoked.

I am sure Bibi had not been habitually doing this before.
In this case this woman was a coworker and was denied the use of a utensil to drink water, this started the argument which clearly was based on religious bias and discrimination and so took an ugly turn.
Now she says she is sorry (despite being provoked into it) but we want her dead, we do not want to see the context...we love to see death.

Saying that she was not the only Mazloom in Pakistani prisons does not change the fact that her case needed attention due to a history of such cases being mishandled and people being killed.
Even judges are afraid to pass not guilty verdict, one was even killed when he let the accused free!

In the blasphemy cases several accused or guilty citizens were killed in prison or under guard so the governor going to the prison may not be an irrelevant act to please Satan but may indeed have been an attempt to prevent such from happening.
What was in his heart is not something i know but he did not deserve to be killed and certainly not in the name of Islam and our Prophet PBUH.

You are very comfortable about Muslims but i am not, the way Muslims have become they can become 90% of the population of earth and it would still not help Islam since they are not following Islam.

I am not apologetic about Islam, however i will not support ignorant acts of murder in the name of Islam which tarnish the message of Islam and are contrary to the life and teachings of the Prophet PBUH.

We are in a mess because of people like the Killer of Taseer and those who see something Islamic and heroic about his merciless act.
There is no difference between Mumtaz and a murderer as per the law of the land, is Mumtaz being treated as a murderer?
Now do not say that many people die in this country, that does not change the fact that murder is murder.
If people make a hero out of Mumtaz then surely there are many heroes amongst the Al Qaeda/TTP for they too believe us to be worth killing because of what they perceive as treachery against Islam.

Idolize Mumtaz and you would produce many Baitullah Mehsud's as well.

my brother,
whatever i say or you say are just opinions. The law which is here for the last 14 decades will not change on our opinions.

no matter how some people look at the Scholars (as they think scholars are extremist mullahs), the reality is , we have no other choice other than Scholars for the interpretation of this law in the light of historic event or Hadiths.
gangu shareef should be shut up for some time atleast until salman's grave is wet.
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