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Talks for Su-35, Mi-35 sales to Pakistan are underway: Russian Deputy FM

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In block 2 I think OBOGS, air refuiling pod and software updates for MMR was implemented. Correct me if I am wrong. Any news of which Aesa Radar Paf is interested.
It was going to be a Chinese but now after russia opening up to us its too early to tell
Lol :lol:
So much emotions.
A big country world largest growing economy.
Un like you we have our own decision and relations with entire World.
Lol :lol:
So much emotions.
A big country world largest growing economy.
Un like you we have our own decision and relations with entire World.

50 members from 1.3 billion doesnt represent India.
What is your accomplishment in S&T,economic,social fields ?Then what is this onsession ?

Since you

A citizen
A 2.5 trillion $ economy can do a lots of things that a megre 292 billion economy cant do .We are modernizing our entire defence systems.
Un like some others that bought weapons on aid and soft loans, we bought all that from Russia by giving hard cash .We have been purchased 50 billion $ equipments from Russia until now .

How much they can earn from these Su 35 selling ?
Few billions right.
But then they will lose another multibillion deal in India. They tried to exploit us in that Vikramadityadeal.So we gave some reward to them for that cooperation.

That was not for you .
But for other perfect man

Dude .That was for that special guy.He tried to teach and so I gave them the same medicine

It does not suit from a citizen of world’s largest country of poors on planet where the poors of his country exceeds the poors of whole continent of Africa and where the railway track of his country is used as the largest open air toilet of the world to talk about his $2 trillion economy which is purely based on 1.3 billion humans and out of which most are living like animals.

Please go to Indian defence forum and tell this $2 trillion thing to your country men to make yourself happy.
Fine nothing special just working on some project, PDF started pissing me off? Have you planned started any new thread? How about EJ 2000 vs SuperSukhoi 30 MKI.

@Blue Martin
@blue marlin
Dear Indian Trolls.

Indians love to play this "i've got so many toys, & they're bigger than yours". Ah, their superiority complex.

Obviously you guys will always have bigger armed forces, with more military inventory, than Pakistan. We don't have that much land mass to protect, nor we have 1.25 BILLION people! jeez.

You guys need to compete with country like China than to be infatuated with a smaller country of 190 million people lol but we know that's not going to happen, you & your RSS terrorist Modi will always stay stuck up with Pakistan.

kuch sharam hie karlo yaar :P

btw, feel sorry for Indians. I know it has been hard for you guys ever since Muhammad Bin Qasim set his foot in Indian sub continent, must've had adverse effect on your pea sized brains after 800 years of Muslim rule, then British rule, then seeing India break into pieces in 1947. I can understand your frustrations, unfortunately there is no cure for bum burns, got to deal with us :)
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still no denial from either side, Russia & Pakistan. So there is certainly something going on behind the scene.

for Indian trolls, no, not talking about denial in an Indian news paper, show me a Russian news.

I guess within next 5 years PAF is going to add one Chinese platform for sure, maybe J10? & one western platform. 5th gen is at least 10-15 years away, unless US comes up with an offer for F-35, but that'd be extremely expensive
Dear Indian Trolls.

Indians love to play this "i've got so many toys, & they're bigger than yours". Ah, their superiority complex.

Obviously you guys will always have bigger armed forces, with more military inventory, than Pakistan. We don't have that much land mass to protect, nor we have 1.25 BILLION people! jeez.

You guys need to compete with country like China than to be infatuated with a smaller country of 190 million people lol but we know that's not going to happen, you & your RSS terrorist Modi will always stay stuck up with Pakistan.

kuch sharam hie karlo yaar :P

btw, feel sorry for Indians. I know it has been hard for you guys ever since Muhammad Bin Qasim set his foot in Indian sub continent, must've had adverse effect on your pea sized brains after 800 years of Muslim rule, than British rule, than seeing India break into pieces in 1947. I can understand your frustrations, unfortunately there is no cure for bum burns, got to deal with us :)

You talk about superiority complex and then call us Pea brained but yet Pakistan or Muslims cannot match India in Science, Technology, Educational achievements, Industries, Research, Space, Automotive, Engineering, Medicine and Democracy. Yet, I sense a superiority complex with your kind for not being any kind of achievers. If you are proud of history of loot, plunder and now of Islamic terror..go for it man! we don't want to be around any of that, and man you guys are achievers when it comes to that but has nothing to do with us. Talk science, innovation and I'm happy to do any kind of analysis to challenge your pea brain tag..game? or you will you pussy off? and run to bring some other country's achievement for your rescue like you did with wars with us?
Okay, but where did they say we are not giving SU-35 to Pakistan I missed that part :smokin:
Hey PAK- Russia -China are the new super powers! who are we to challenge that claim. yes the Su 35 will be landing tomorrow! Congrats!!! to the biggest diplomatic and strategic victory over India!
Closed thread.

People are fooled to thank posts in OP. Pakistan is not going to get Su-35, too much hypers and rumors.

Please let members from Pakistan enjoy this News or rumor whatever this is, because due to it Indians are burning and trying to pose calm and sane people, which they are not. :D
there is no confirmed reports from either sides.. so please till that time hold your horses ...

Enjoy the show pls !
There was a news that MOODI JEE is sleep less since he got the news that Russia is ready to sell the SU 35 to Pakistan ?
Wet pajamas !lolzz

Any future conflict between India & Pakistan won't be just between us & them ?
It will escalate I'm sure about it , so then if we had a platform like SU-35 at our hands we , can see all the dadies in their beds , & can take care of them , before they even wake up from their dam dreams ?
Its a safe & great investment , which can carry us more 30 years & so on ?

Su-35 class jets will allow PAF to even keep NATO at bay, if every things go very wrong for Pakistan.
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