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Talibans Seize Indian Built Salma Dam

No wonder ground support for Taliban is swelling in Pakistan and yet the official line is "we don't support Taliban". Quite oxymoronic.
Hmm reminds me of this one country where mobs have been lynching/killing ppl over made up accusations...the police sits back(being complicit) allowing it to happen...the perpetrators are allowed to roam free by the courts...some of these murderers even starting their own political carriers...
...and yet the official line constantly parroted is "we are a peace loving secular democracy that protects the rights of its minorities".
Tailban at least should change the name of that dam .Indians ko aag laganai ka Lia is ka name pak Afghan costing dam rak dain…
Burn bacha baaz supporter LOL
Why should I? At the end of the day it's the Afghan people mess. And this mess will make Pakistanis cry again. Not us.
on contrary to the best efforts of you and your western daddies, Taliban has done a marvelous job and keeping the masses tamed and supportive, the public is welcoming them wherever they go, no single sign of either a civil war nor a flood of refugees...and if what the indian goi, ghani regime & western media is saying is to be believed about Pakistani "punjabis" supporting the afghan taliban, can you guess where the "mess" them you speak of will be directed after kabul is taken & ghani beheaded? here, I'll give you a hint... 😏

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