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Taliban trying to restore their destroying image

they deserve the treatment going on .Inshaallah this fitna will soon be over
If we get rid off the afghan taliban will it make our western border safer?
Sure i would love to answer some of your questions but i want to ask you a question as well in return if you don't mind. Can you and the other Taliban sympathizers please explain to me what does the word 'Peace' mean in your term?

Does peace simply mean no crime or no violence? Or does it go beyond that. I am going to say one of my favorite quotes from Jefferson which couldn't be more perfect

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Is it ok in your eyes to give up all your essential liberties to live like a human for up keeping security? Is it ok if Taliban take away your will to criticize as long as they keep you safe? Is it ok for the Taliban to monitor and keep an eye on you and your family so you can enjoy safety and protection? Is it ok in your eyes to give the taliban your ability to get a proper education so that you are safe and under their protection? Is it ok for the Taliban to ban all forms of education for women so that you can be safe? Is it ok for the women in Afghanistan to live like dirt crap so the Taliban can uphold the law?

Does Law and Order simply mean to point a nice big gun on the people of your country and limiting the potential of a human being and snatching away his or her civil liberties and the will to become what that person deems fit and to tear down his ability to follow his dreams?

Or is Law and Order a far more complex system like a County's Constitution?

Keep your BS western idealogy upto you , dont try to teach the western civilization .

Are you muslim?:woot:

Afghan jirga system was based on shariah law which give quick and fair justice and restore peace in society.

ISAF failed to provide peace law and order in Afghanistan.

Corruption in a form of strict orthodox religious clergy, Corruption in a form of stealing young girls and getting their fellow Taliban married. Do you not see that as corruption?

This is violation of shariah law , it can not be dealt under corruption , you dont even have idea what is corruption ? theft or misuse of public money or national asset is considered corruption. Dont you know meaning of corruption? :woot:

Western law dont differentiate between marriage and relationship.

These my friend are not fables or tales or Mossad propaganda but real hard facts that you need to digest. My mother is a gynecologist and we have our own maternity home in Peshawar. She has hired a few afghan nurses and you only have to listen to their horror stories and the atrocities the Taliban committed on its people.

Talaban stopped prostitution in Kabul , we all know these tajik or hazarah Afghans ran away from Kabul now settled in F10 Islamabad or few of them gone to Canada under Rafugee immigration law.

And to all those people who keep saying the Taliban never posed a threat to Pakistan, you only have to look in the mirror and see why. The reason we never had terrorist attacks or any incidents before 911 was because the Pakistan government had allied and Recognized the government of Taliban in Afghanistan. Our peace/safety came at a moral cost of allowing the people of Afghanistan to live under a bunch of fundees. If Pakistan rejected and didn't recognize the Taliban as a governing body we'd probably have terrorist

You were kid when Afghan Russia war was going on, ISI/CIA were providing them training and arms.We had stronge ties with Afghan Mujahdeen at that time and remain, Pakistan is independent country it has right to have good relation with neighbours.Give any link of attack of Mullah omer on our asset, US still have doubt that we have relation with them.

Bullshit.. Taliban gave Al-qaeda safe haven to perform their satanic rituals and used the Afghan soil to carry out major terrorist attacks. Thus it makes the Taliban Equally bad end of story. If someone welcomes a bunch of terrorists to their house, feeds them, protects them and allows them to govern than they are equally responsible for the terrorist acts and have every right to be shot in the face.

Non sense

Why US invited Talaban in Houston for deal of oil pipe line ,if they were supporting Al Qaeda?

Karzai was employee of that oil company wanted to have deal with Talaban.

Talaban dont have any involvment in Al qaeada activities after Afghan Russian war.

Not only are completely ignorant but that statement alone makes me want to question myself as to why i am replying to your post. I love my Pakhtoon brethren don't dare question my patriotism towards the pakhtoon. I hate the Taliban not Pakhtoon, the Taliban consist of more than just Pakhtoons, there are Punjabi's as well. I hate Al-qaeda does that mean that i hate arabs? I hate some of the Neo Cons in the US, does that mean that i hate the Americans? Your logic is quiet childish and stupid to say the least.

If you dont hate pushtoon what is difference in their culture,religion and of talaban .

Again shocked by your double face:devil:
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If we get rid off the afghan taliban will it make our western border safer?

Yes, you need to kill 10 million talaban( 3 million inside Pakistan and 7 million inside Afghanistan) and their families.:woot:
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It should have been the Northern Alliance that Pakistan recognized instead of the Taliban.

Now it is confirmed you are hazarah or tajik but claiming that you are pushtoon.

Are you migrated to canada under Rafugee Immigration law?
Indeed Taliban were able to restore peace through force.Keeping people in their houses..Killing them.We made wrong mistake by supporting Taliban.We should have bought other Afghan Leaders and we should try to do it now.Afghans can be bought easily..Remember what the russian general said..he said you can't fight afghans but you can surely buy them.

Sad to see your comment , you dont know how many muslim lives sacrificed during Afghan Jehad .

We stopped their plan of access to warm waters .

Ask muslim of bukhara and samar kand what Russian did with their mosques and Islamic values and culture.
Keep your BS western idealogy upto you , dont try to teach the western civilization .

Are you muslim?:woot:

Typical lame answer by a typical Taliban sympathizer who can't counter any of my arguments. Always hiding behind the don't spread your western, liberal, secular ideas etc.. Is there anything else you can come up with? Or is that the answer you give everytime you fail to refute any claims kid? Now run along and play with your little toys

Afghan jirga system was based on shariah law which give quick and fair justice and restore peace in society.

An anwer that would probably come from a 12 year old. Quick and FAIR justice yea? We have seen how fairly Taliban give Justice to its people. You are nothing but a Taliban Sympathizer, its a shame for a guy like you who has access to the internet to learn, yet you refuse to go out of your comfort zone and rather stick to defending a failed ideology and a failed group of people.. keep sympathizing with them, your kind of thinking and the people you support are numbered and are a dying breed.

This is violation of shariah law , it can not be dealt under corruption , you dont even have idea what is corruption ? theft or misuse of public money or national asset is considered corruption. Dont you know meaning of corruption? :woot:

Corruption takes many forms, not only in monetary terms, it can also mean a dysfunctional political system something that the Taliban get 10/10 in. Extortion is a form of corruption again something the Taliban were good at, not to mention linguistic corruption probably one of the biggest corruptions the taliban used to destroy its people via interpreting the Quran the way they want to. You clearly lack critical thought if you think Corruption merely occurs in monetary terms..

Western law dont differentiate between marriage and relationship.

Yes it is but no law in the world states that women should be forcefully married without their consent, something the Taliban were happily doing with young girls. Coming into peoples houses and taking away the young girls and getting them married to their fellow Taliban buddies.

Talaban stopped prostitution in Kabul , we all know these tajik or hazarah Afghans ran away from Kabul now settled in F10 Islamabad or few of them gone to Canada under Rafugee immigration law.

Sure if killing and stoning a women to death in the public arena means stopping prostitution i guess its ok for you than. Why was there prostitution in the first place is the real question kid. If you won't allow women to work, if you won't allow women to go outside without a male guardian, and if a women who's husband or male has died what do you expect her to do? If she is poor and has no means and ways to support herself, if she can't work what do you expect her to do? Sorry but your so stupid you simply can't think BEYOND why social problems occur.

You were kid when Afghan Russia war was going on, ISI/CIA were providing them training and arms.We had stronge ties with Afghan Mujahdeen at that time and remain, Pakistan is independent country it has right to have good relation with neighbours.Give any link of attack of Mullah omer on our asset, US still have doubt that we have relation with them.

And your still a kid now, My age is just a number it doesn't hold any merit, just because i was a kid doesn't mean i don't know what the history is now unlike you i probably go one step further into looking at what the problems were than someone who would support the Taliban. The fact that the Afghan people don't support the Taliban, what right does it give YOU to support them?

With that being said we supported them because we thought we were supporting a bunch of people who will happily defend their country against the foreign invaders. What we didn't foresee was what those ex-mujaheddin would become. Here I would definitely blame the United States for abandoning them and to pursue their endeavors in the middle east leaving Afghanistan as a country with complete Anarchy. Yes i give the taliban .01% credit that they brought a little bit of law and order in a complete state of anarchy, but instead of them forming a proper, legitimate way of governance they failed miserably and have been a disgrace since than

Talaban dont have any involvment in Al qaeada activities after Afghan Russian war.

You still don't get it do you? You give Safe Haven to Al-Qaeda you die!! simple.

If you dont hate pushtoon what is difference in their culture,religion and of talaban .

Again shocked by your double face:devil:

The fact that you are Associating Pakhtoon traditions and culture with the Taliban is quiet a bannable offense and i would request the mods to Ban this nonsense that you've posted but alas.. i believe in free speech and won't do so. Now run along little boy play with your plastic AK47's. Its laughable to say the least that you associate our culture with the Taliban. People in Peshawar hate the Taliban btw, don't you even dare say that we are Taliban because rest assured you would get a dose of shotgun shells in a place where the sun doesn't shine. If a Pakhtoon joins a taliban he is a traitor not only to the Pakhtoons but to the country as well and this doesn't apply to mere pakhtoons it applies to everyone and like i said before Taliban don't simply consist of Pakhtoon's either, there are Punjabi Taliban as well and from all over Pakistan.

Zama neem khandaan pa fauj key dey bachey, don't even say we pakhtoons are like taliban

From now on I am going to limit myself in replying to your posts unless they are sensible and constructive and seriously you and your Taliban sympathizers need to stop with the western secular liberal nonsense. Its a cookie cutter answer that you and your kind love to give when they can't refute a single argument
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Keep your BS western idealogy upto you , dont try to teach the western civilization .

Are you muslim?:woot:

Afghan jirga system was based on shariah law which give quick and fair justice and restore peace in society.

ISAF failed to provide peace law and order in Afghanistan.

This is violation of shariah law , it can not be dealt under corruption , you dont even have idea what is corruption ? theft or misuse of public money or national asset is considered corruption. Dont you know meaning of corruption? :woot:

Western law dont differentiate between marriage and relationship.

Talaban stopped prostitution in Kabul , we all know these tajik or hazarah Afghans ran away from Kabul now settled in F10 Islamabad or few of them gone to Canada under Rafugee immigration law.

You were kid when Afghan Russia war was going on, ISI/CIA were providing them training and arms.We had stronge ties with Afghan Mujahdeen at that time and remain, Pakistan is independent country it has right to have good relation with neighbours.Give any link of attack of Mullah omer on our asset, US still have doubt that we have relation with them.

Non sense

Why US invited Talaban in Houston for deal of oil pipe line ,if they were supporting Al Qaeda?

Karzai was employee of that oil company wanted to have deal with Talaban.

Talaban dont have any involvment in Al qaeada activities after Afghan Russian war.

If you dont hate pushtoon what is difference in their culture,religion and of talaban .

Again shocked by your double face:devil:

Afghan jirga system was based on shariah law which give quick and fair justice and restore peace in society.


The Afghan jirga system and Pashtun population and tribes did not solely follow Islam, what they followed in their every day lives including politics, social affairs, judicial affairs and more is "Pakhtunwali" these are their tribal laws. You must understand there are fundamental differences between "Pakhtunwali" and the Islamic Shariah. Pakhtunwali is their code of conduct, and in fact there is similarities between Pakhtunwali and the Old Testament laws.

Watch this interesting video below about Pashtun community leaders speaking about Pakhtunwali vs Islamic Shariah.

Skip to 7:15+

There is a major question that is answered in this video. If Pakhtunwali and Islamic Shariah come in conflict, which do the Pakhtuns choose?

You really ought to watch the video for the answer...

Also the justice the Taliban were serving is more similar to Pakhtunwali than the Islamic Shariah. In Taliban Afghanistan a person even suspected to have committed adultery can be stoned, in the Islamic shariah you can only punish a person if they have been proven guilty with reasonable evidence, or as it is said 'beyond a reasonable doubt' ...

The problem with the Taliban's justice system is, it was not just. It did not require real evidence to convict people a mere suspicion can get someone convicted and punished for their 'alleged' crime...

I just want to clarify this point. There are major fundamental differences between Pakhtunwali (which is related to Old Testament Hebrew law) the code of conduct Pashtuns especially in Afghanistan follow and the Islamic shariah.
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Zama neem khandaan pa fauj key dey bachey, don't even say we pakhtoons are like taliban


You even dont know the history of pushtoons?

Who they are? From where they settled in Afghanistan?

Dont you know what is language of peshawar?---Hindco

Son read first about Pushtoon history then discuss in forum.

I lived in Terbela Dam for 15 years most of my friends are from well groomed pushtoon families.

First indication of pushtoon is they are respectfull to their seniors but in your post by using abusive language you proved you are not pushtoon and dont know what is their traditions and cultures.
I just want to clarify this point. There are major fundamental differences between Pakhtunwali (which is related to Old Testament Hebrew law) the code of conduct Pashtuns especially in Afghanistan follow and the Islamic shariah.

Pushtoon's are basically from bani israel migrated from Palestine, their origional language is habrew.

They are excellent believer of Quran and Sunnah and dont believe in bidat,sirk etc.

They are very good friend also very bad enemy and have creative and leadership qualities.

All top scientists are from bani israel

My family is also from bani israel but they settled in northern India and ruled india for many handred years converted to islam during ranjeet singh era.
propaganda of peaceful govt. of Taliban in past is also fake.
Taliban had banned all media in their ruling time.
One picture of their peaceful rule in Afghanistan is emerge from Nizamay Adal in Swat .

Ahaan so that's why a British women went to Afghanistan to just to investigate the reality about western propaganda about women rights, and accept islam.. I see :)

btw There was no ban on media, even Hamid Mir went there three time in Taliban's regime. Also many reporters, editors went their for HOT topics, but all read in favor of Afghanistan. I still remember a headline of 1998 on jang newspaper(98% of peace in Afghanistan) Just to tell you, During Taliban regime, in kabul people used to leave their shops open (unlike in pakistan, where people break the locks and steal). Afghanistan didn't had any official media, only spokesmen used to convey things.
The answer to that question is simple.. Al-Qaeda will go to any Muslim country where they see foreign invaders. They need a reason and an excuse to keep fighting and for them it becomes easier when a foreign military steps on a ground where majority of the Muslims happen to live. Plus Somalia is a country that is in a complete anarchy its the perfect place for them to carry out satans deeds. Same goes with Iraq and all other countries where the US or any foreign military force steps in. Also it gives them more fuel and easier to hire more recruits.

Even if i accept (which i don't) as this is the case then i think we are better be save, when there is no USA in Islamic world.

One recognizing with UAE and Saudi Arabia, the Taliban Government and its right to rule over Afghanistan. That is something that has bit Pakistan in the rear, we didn't foresee the inhumane atrocities that the Taliban government would commit on its people at that time. We thought the Taliban that we recognized were merely the ex-mujaheddin who fought against the soviets for their country simply because we didn't want Afghanistan as an Indian Clientele state and thus rejected Ahmad Shah Masaoud. It should have been the Northern Alliance that Pakistan recognized instead of the Taliban. Though the US is at fault here as well for completely abandoning Ahmad Shah Masaoud to pursue their endeavors in the middle east

You are speaking like ISI didn't know anything whats going on in Afghanistan, who are taliban actually, who is Mullah Omar, who is Norther Alliance etc. btw North Alliance never accepted Pakistan. The karzai spoken after forming a government that he will speak up with pakistan on dudrant line. Read my previous arguments, i have posted number of times what actually happened in afghanistan after taliban captured 98% of Afghanistan. since most of the things looks to me like a propaganda nothing else. No blood-shade happen in Taliban regime. Only some tribal who actually try to get power got some good treatment (like we did same when TTP try to challenge the writ of the state).

No one should be living under the Taliban and if you think you are merely protecting your interests by supporting the Taliban government simply because you fear that India will gain strategic ground within the country than you ought to look at the moral costs here.

It is not the case, we support Afghan taliban since they put us on peace, we like them since they treated women well.. and criminals very well.. and implemented justice (which is not in pakistan, my father spend his whole life in the court just because of stupid Pakistan's law, & i remember when shariah court established in Swat. My father said now our cases will resolve in better, and no one will do injustice to us like Pak Law does (He actually didn't know who is backing these TTP, he thought they are real taliban, then i explained him)). & lastly we support Taliban who actually try to implement shariah (its our fault that we haven't helped them in achieving that)

Though we now know that the Taliban government is not in our interest and we know just how inhumane they can be the Pakistan government would not in their right mind do what they've done in the past. Certainly there are other ways and means to gain strategic depth in Afghanistan via humanitarian ways.

many people think it other way around, since it is actually Afghan government supporting indian backing to TTP and BLA. & USA weapons are been used against Pak army. btw your above arguments no where shows Taliban are bad for pakistan. It just shows they are bad for Afghans (not Pakistan)..

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