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Taliban trying to restore their destroying image

they can implement the code in HELL
that is where they belong
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TTP had destroyed the image of Afghan talaban fighting for liberation of their country , it is great success for US/INDIA/ISRAEL.
TTP had destroyed the image of Afghan talaban fighting for liberation of their country , it is great success for US/INDIA/ISRAEL.

Stop your nonsense.. there was NOTHING positive about the Taliban in Afghanistan either. You only have to come to Peshawar and while heading to Hayatabad check out the Massive refugee camps for afghan people. Why do you think people were living in those refugee camps? Would you like to live under the Taliban? I am sure you wouldn't why is it ok for the Afghans to live under the Taliban? Your hypocrisy is going evident my friend.

Taliban aren't fighting for the liberation of Afghanistan, they just need an excuse to come back to power. Why are they trying to stop people from voting if they cared about the people so much? Why are they blowing up polling stations!! seriously get your self educated about how the Taliban operate and what they ideologically represent. Just because Alqaeda infiltrated the Taliban doesn't mean you should consider them innocent. The simple fact that they gave Al Qaeda operatives safe havens is enough to justify killing them.. End of story!! you don't negotiate with terrorists. Just look at their faces and how they try to hide them with a turbin that they can't even wear properly. Just goes to show their criminal intent
TTP had destroyed the image of Afghan talaban fighting for liberation of their country , it is great success for US/INDIA/ISRAEL.

First take a look into the history of the rise of Taliban in Afghanistan and the role they have played in wrecking the economy and i do not need to mention all the other beautiful things they have achieved when they ruled Afghanistan , These types of statement shows that how much you are supportive of the Taliban cause .
First take a look into the history of the rise of Taliban in Afghanistan and the role they have played in wrecking the economy and i do not need to mention all the other beautiful things they have achieved when they ruled Afghanistan , These types of statement shows that how much you are supportive of the Taliban cause .

they achieved peace in afghanistan

which NATO and US have failed miserably so far

secondly indiscriminate killing have made taliban movement a pashtun national movement
and we have worlds largest pashtun population..
Stop your nonsense.. there was NOTHING positive about the Taliban in Afghanistan either. You only have to come to Peshawar and while heading to Hayatabad check out the Massive refugee camps for afghan people. Why do you think people were living in those refugee camps? Would you like to live under the Taliban? I am sure you wouldn't why is it ok for the Afghans to live under the Taliban? Your hypocrisy is going evident my friend.

Taliban aren't fighting for the liberation of Afghanistan, they just need an excuse to come back to power. Why are they trying to stop people from voting if they cared about the people so much? Why are they blowing up polling stations!! seriously get your self educated about how the Taliban operate and what they ideologically represent. Just because Alqaeda infiltrated the Taliban doesn't mean you should consider them innocent. The simple fact that they gave Al Qaeda operatives safe havens is enough to justify killing them.. End of story!! you don't negotiate with terrorists. Just look at their faces and how they try to hide them with a turbin that they can't even wear properly. Just goes to show their criminal intent

Non sense

Can you give answers of following questions?

What they achieve peace in last eight years ?

Where is OBL ? why not killed or captured by US?

What is level of poppy cultivation now and was during talaban era?

What is level of corruption now and what was at talaban era?

I dont think you have answer neither US ?

Afghans have their own living style and justice system ,if US or UN wanted to help them they should first understand their needs .

Al Qaeda Terrorism is seperate issue it should be dealt seperately.

Ask any Afghan refugee about US occupation he will give you right answer , they are living in Pakistan because of US arial attacks , why should they not safe their families, you wanted US kill them all ?

I dont have seen hatred in pushtoon for pushtoon like that before , i am really shocked by your post .
TTP had destroyed the image of Afghan talaban fighting for liberation of their country , it is great success for US/INDIA/ISRAEL.

This is zaid hamid ideology which is very technically spreading after the withdrawing of TTP. loathe faces.
Taliban of Afghanistan and TTP both are Al-qaeda allies organizations.
TTP. is sister organization of Taliban in Afghanistan which is being control and monitor by mullah omer.Both are working on same agenda.
Al qaida is using their allied not only in Afghanistan and Pakistan only,But also in Iraq,Iran Somalia and now in Nigeria.All of them working on one agenda of Takfiri movement.
I don't understand that one time Mullahs blame India,US and Israel behind the TTP and on other hand they want to stop action against them and demand negotiation even after a previous failure experiences.
This is zaid hamid ideology which is very technically spreading after the withdrawing of TTP. loathe faces.
Taliban of Afghanistan and TTP both are Al-qaeda allies organizations.
TTP. is sister organization of Taliban in Afghanistan which is being control and monitor by mullah omer.Both are working on same agenda.

And is that actually? Your allegation to me looks like a totally BS, when i look at the reality. When US came to Somalia, Al-Qaida appears and start killing the somali people and start attacking on US army, similarly When Taliban was ruling the Afghanistan, there was peace in iraq, iran, pakistan.. But when US came into this region from no where Al-Qaida appear suicide bombing started.. and 1000s of people died. And same case Nigeria, yes there was some kind of civil war inside them, but why US army came to nigeria.. and after that Al-Qaida reach to Nigeria.. To me it seems like where ever US army will go, if there are muslims present then Al-Qaida (name) will be used. and the terrorism will start.. and this is the reason i feel like the "War on terrorism" is actually "War to rise terrorism".
Non sense

Can you give answers of following questions?

What they achieve peace in last eight years ?
Where is OBL ? why not killed or captured by US?
What is level of poppy cultivation now and was during talaban era?
What is level of corruption now and what was at talaban era?
I dont think you have answer neither US ?

Afghans have their own living style and justice system ,if US or UN wanted to help them they should first understand their needs .
Al Qaeda Terrorism is seperate issue it should be dealt separately.

Ask any Afghan refugee about US occupation he will give you right answer , they are living in Pakistan because of US arial attacks , why should they not safe their families, you wanted US kill them all ? I dont have seen hatred in pushtoon for pushtoon like that before , i am really shocked by your post .

Sure i would love to answer some of your questions but i want to ask you a question as well in return if you don't mind. Can you and the other Taliban sympathizers please explain to me what does the word 'Peace' mean in your term?

Does peace simply mean no crime or no violence? Or does it go beyond that. I am going to say one of my favorite quotes from Jefferson which couldn't be more perfect

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Is it ok in your eyes to give up all your essential liberties to live like a human for up keeping security? Is it ok if Taliban take away your will to criticize as long as they keep you safe? Is it ok for the Taliban to monitor and keep an eye on you and your family so you can enjoy safety and protection? Is it ok in your eyes to give the taliban your ability to get a proper education so that you are safe and under their protection? Is it ok for the Taliban to ban all forms of education for women so that you can be safe? Is it ok for the women in Afghanistan to live like dirt crap so the Taliban can uphold the law?

Does Law and Order simply mean to point a nice big gun on the people of your country and limiting the potential of a human being and snatching away his or her civil liberties and the will to become what that person deems fit and to tear down his ability to follow his dreams?

Or is Law and Order a far more complex system like a County's Constitution?

What is level of corruption now and what was at talaban era?

Of course you probably won't find any corruption in the Taliban era but just what kind of corruption are we talking about? Corruption in a form of Currency? What was the Afghan Currency during the Taliban era? You and I both know the answer to that question. Corruption takes many forms. The most evil of all corruption in my opinion is destroy a persons willpower and stripping him away of his liberties, followed by destroying his right to gain extensive knowledge, a women not being able to go to a Hospital is a far more evil corruption than merely looking at a currency. Corruption in a form of strict orthodox religious clergy, Corruption in a form of stealing young girls and getting their fellow Taliban married. Do you not see that as corruption?

These my friend are not fables or tales or Mossad propaganda but real hard facts that you need to digest. My mother is a gynecologist and we have our own maternity home in Peshawar. She has hired a few afghan nurses and you only have to listen to their horror stories and the atrocities the Taliban committed on its people.

And to all those people who keep saying the Taliban never posed a threat to Pakistan, you only have to look in the mirror and see why. The reason we never had terrorist attacks or any incidents before 911 was because the Pakistan government had allied and Recognized the government of Taliban in Afghanistan. Our peace/safety came at a moral cost of allowing the people of Afghanistan to live under a bunch of fundees. If Pakistan rejected and didn't recognize the Taliban as a governing body we'd probably have terrorist

Al Qaeda Terrorism is seperate issue it should be dealt separately.

Bullshit.. Taliban gave Al-qaeda safe haven to perform their satanic rituals and used the Afghan soil to carry out major terrorist attacks. Thus it makes the Taliban Equally bad end of story. If someone welcomes a bunch of terrorists to their house, feeds them, protects them and allows them to govern than they are equally responsible for the terrorist acts and have every right to be shot in the face.

I dont have seen hatred in pushtoon for pushtoon like that before , i am really shocked by your post

Not only are completely ignorant but that statement alone makes me want to question myself as to why i am replying to your post. I love my Pakhtoon brethren don't dare question my patriotism towards the pakhtoon. I hate the Taliban not Pakhtoon, the Taliban consist of more than just Pakhtoons, there are Punjabi's as well. I hate Al-qaeda does that mean that i hate arabs? I hate some of the Neo Cons in the US, does that mean that i hate the Americans? Your logic is quiet childish and stupid to say the least.
When US came to Somalia, Al-Qaida appears and start killing the somali people and start attacking on US army, similarly When Taliban was ruling the Afghanistan, there was peace in iraq, iran, pakistan.. But when US came into this region from no where Al-Qaida appear suicide bombing started.. and 1000s of people died. And same case Nigeria, yes there was some kind of civil war inside them, but why US army came to nigeria.. and after that Al-Qaida reach to Nigeria.. To me it seems like where ever US army will go, if there are muslims present then Al-Qaida (name) will be used. and the terrorism will start.. and this is the reason i feel like the "War on terrorism" is actually "War to rise terrorism".

The answer to that question is simple.. Al-Qaeda will go to any Muslim country where they see foreign invaders. They need a reason and an excuse to keep fighting and for them it becomes easier when a foreign military steps on a ground where majority of the Muslims happen to live. Plus Somalia is a country that is in a complete anarchy its the perfect place for them to carry out satans deeds. Same goes with Iraq and all other countries where the US or any foreign military force steps in. Also it gives them more fuel and easier to hire more recruits.

Also i am going to copy paste one of my older posts in another thread to explain why Pakistan has been relatively safe when Taliban were in power.

Pakistan has certainly made some mistakes which we didn't foresee,

One recognizing with UAE and Saudi Arabia, the Taliban Government and its right to rule over Afghanistan. That is something that has bit Pakistan in the rear, we didn't foresee the inhumane atrocities that the Taliban government would commit on its people at that time. We thought the Taliban that we recognized were merely the ex-mujaheddin who fought against the soviets for their country simply because we didn't want Afghanistan as an Indian Clientele state and thus rejected Ahmad Shah Masaoud. It should have been the Northern Alliance that Pakistan recognized instead of the Taliban. Though the US is at fault here as well for completely abandoning Ahmad Shah Masaoud to pursue their endeavors in the middle east

The peace that Pakistan had enjoyed before 9/11 or 2001 was simply because the Pakistani state recognized the Taliban regime. In doing so we protected our interest and security while letting the Afghan population suffer and live in some of the most miserable conditions that could fall upon mankind and if you can't see this you are delusional. Enough Afghan blood has been spilled, The Berlin wall came down because of Afghan blood, fifteen nations gained independence because of Afghan blood, a superpower came to its knees because of Afghan blood. Pakistan didn't have any terrorist attacks because of Afghan blood.... these are hard facts that we have to swallow.

No one should be living under the Taliban and if you think you are merely protecting your interests by supporting the Taliban government simply because you fear that India will gain strategic ground within the country than you ought to look at the moral costs here.

Though we now know that the Taliban government is not in our interest and we know just how inhumane they can be the Pakistan government would not in their right mind do what they've done in the past. Certainly there are other ways and means to gain strategic depth in Afghanistan via humanitarian ways.
propaganda of peaceful govt. of Taliban in past is also fake.
Taliban had banned all media in their ruling time.
One picture of their peaceful rule in Afghanistan is emerge from Nizamay Adal in Swat .
Indeed Taliban were able to restore peace through force.Keeping people in their houses..Killing them.We made wrong mistake by supporting Taliban.We should have bought other Afghan Leaders and we should try to do it now.Afghans can be bought easily..Remember what the russian general said..he said you can't fight afghans but you can surely buy them.
They are worse then animals .They have destroyed the image of Islam and muslims . they surely belong to hell

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