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Taliban Reach Chaman Border Gate. Shake Hands with FC Troops

The educated chattering class in Pakistan will keep calling them extremists or terrorists. But they have fought this war for a just cause - to get rid of foreign occupiers and their local collaborators. This is the biggest jihad we have seen in our lives.
Wait what? Educated people are a part of the problem now?

1. The educated chattering class of Pakistan is paying taxes to fund government and its institutions.

2. The educated chattering class of Pakistan is developing and managing thousands of organizations across Pakistan to create jobs, facilitate trading activities and shape Pakistani economic system by extension.

3. The educated chattering class of Pakistan brought PTI to power to counter the menace of corruption championed by the political elite. PTI have failed to live up to expectations in this matter however.

4. The educated chattering class of Pakistan have significant contributions to the matters of security including nuclear program.

5. The educated chattering class of Pakistan have a good grasp of various issues and can see things for what they are.

The 'chattering' part = critical thinking practice and reflections on the past, present and potential future.

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It looks like some PDF members have short memories and some history lesson is due accordingly.

The supposedly pious Taliban supported and provided shelter to the Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan - same network which was responsible for killing a large number of innocent/unarmed people around the world. US-led forces invaded Afghanistan due to nefarious activities of Al-Qaeda Network. Now 20 years later, UN continues to report relations between the supposedly pious Taliban and Al-Qaeda Network.


The supposedly pious Taliban were/are abettors of terrorism in the region.

How much development, prosperity and security the supposedly pious Taliban brought to Afghanistan by the way?

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What kind of a society Pakistan would be where educated people are questioned but power-hungry militant forces are romanticized?

Please learn to respect the educated chattering class of Pakistan because it is keeping Pakistan afloat and striving to make it a better place for all. Pakistan would have been in dark ages otherwise.

My advice to fellow members in general: please learn to frame your posts with maturity and understand the significance of education.
All the molvi/mullah and beard haters are burning right now haha .. why is that religious "fanatics"are mostly pro pakistan but our/ Muslims worlds liberal and seculars at large are traitors to their own ppl and do bidding of external enemies?
In pakistan mullah and beard ones are most hypocrite and corrupt people I've personally experienced. Though afghan Taliban are straight forward and honest people and I don't care how backward they are in their beliefs. I myself is a secularist but I am happy with the Taliban coming in afghanistan because they are good for pakistan. National interest is all what matters to me at the end .
Pakistan technically has no other option but to make Peace with Taliban, cause just look at the equipment they now have, heavy Guns and humvee's , snipers and arty, they will make FC run for their money, the FC and PA can't even fight Baloch Insurgents which are poorly equipped, so unless the Military and Civilian leadership changes, I'd say Taliban is an enemy Pakistan would not want to have.
Pakistan technically has no other option but to make Peace with Taliban, cause just look at the equipment they now have, heavy Guns and humvee's , snipers and arty, they will make FC run for their money, the FC and PA can't even fight Baloch Insurgents which are poorly equipped, so unless the Military and Civilian leadership changes, I'd say Taliban is an enemy Pakistan would not want to have.
I watched a USA news clip where a former USA soldier stated that the ANA was provided with more heavy weapons then the typical USA national guard infantry. ANA....what a waste of USA tax dollars :hitwall: .
The gangus and their supporters used to claim that america/india will destroy Pakistan before 2009. That was back in 2001-2005.........Now in 2021, the EXACT opposite has happened........

They were saying "Pakistan will fall 2011" "Pakistan will fall 2012" "Pakistan will fall 2015" "Pakistan will fall 2020" 🤡🤡🤡🤡
As the Native American's always say what becomes strong good or evil and what over powers the other. The father said the one you feed the most.
They were saying "Pakistan will fall 2011" "Pakistan will fall 2012" "Pakistan will fall 2015" "Pakistan will fall 2020" 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Was responding to @313ghazi about Taliban being the lesser evil. Basically saying Taliban could be good or bad for Pakistan depending how you feed the monster. If you feed it the right way it’ll be good if not it’ll be evil and cause you damage.

In which I referred to a Native American small story:

People who are on taqwa (righteousness) and put their tawakkul (trust) on Allah.. none of the superpowers, none of 40+ countries, no amount of B-52s, carpet bombings, cluster bombs, Daisy cutters, Moabs & Foabs, ANAs, ISKPs can defeat them. They're invincible and God has promised them victory, even if they're much less equipped and less in number.
Why is our FC guy so happy to see these savages at our border?
Isnt it common courtesy to smile when shaking a hand or you guys spit when you shake hands from where you come from? I can see you are trying to create a mountain out of a mole hill.
They were saying "Pakistan will fall 2011" "Pakistan will fall 2012" "Pakistan will fall 2015" "Pakistan will fall 2020" 🤡🤡🤡🤡


It's got to a point that whenever an indian says something, you KNOW full well that in reality the EXACT opposite will happen. The reason for this morbid obsession they have with Pakistan and Pakistanis is that the gangus still haven't gotten over August the 14th 1947.
Was responding to @313ghazi about Taliban being the lesser evil. Basically saying Taliban could be good or bad for Pakistan depending how you feed the monster. If you feed it the right way it’ll be good if not it’ll be evil and cause you damage.

In which I referred to a Native American small story:

Oh got it
Hey World, we Pakistani don't claim that taliban are the best people on earth. Neither we support them for religious reasons. The only thing due to which we support them is when they come to power, Pakistan becomes peaceful.
I know it's very shallow thinking, but that's how it is.
Pakistan technically has no other option but to make Peace with Taliban, cause just look at the equipment they now have, heavy Guns and humvee's , snipers and arty, they will make FC run for their money, the FC and PA can't even fight Baloch Insurgents which are poorly equipped, so unless the Military and Civilian leadership changes, I'd say Taliban is an enemy Pakistan would not want to have.
Dude without knowing anything posting like like this is a crime.
Don't you know what FC means and all FC is primarily pashtun ethnic. And they are far better trained and experienced than those ANA dogs. These same FC guys defeated TTP. Unlike ANA their discipline and motivation level is even better than afghan taliban.
Afghan Taliban can fight anyone but not it's creators ,that's the way ISI control them.
Wait what? Educated people are a part of the problem now?

1. The educated chattering class of Pakistan is paying taxes to fund government and its institutions.

2. The educated chattering class of Pakistan is developing and managing thousands of organizations across Pakistan to create jobs, facilitate trading activities and shape Pakistani economic system by extension.

3. The educated chattering class of Pakistan brought PTI to power to counter the menace of corruption championed by the political elite. PTI have failed to live up to expectations in this matter however.

4. The educated chattering class of Pakistan have significant contributions to the matters of security including nuclear program.

5. The educated chattering class of Pakistan have a good grasp of various issues and can see things for what they are.

The 'chattering' part = critical thinking practice and reflections on the past, present and potential future.

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It looks like some PDF members have short memories and some history lesson is due accordingly.

The supposedly pious Taliban supported and provided shelter to the Al-Qaeda Network in Afghanistan - same network which was responsible for killing a large number of innocent/unarmed people around the world. US-led forces invaded Afghanistan due to nefarious activities of Al-Qaeda Network. Now 20 years later, UN continues to report relations between the supposedly pious Taliban and Al-Qaeda Network.


The supposedly pious Taliban were/are abettors of terrorism in the region.

How much development, prosperity and security the supposedly pious Taliban brought to Afghanistan by the way?

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What kind of a society Pakistan would be where educated people are questioned but power-hungry militant forces are romanticized?

Please learn to respect the educated chattering class of Pakistan because it is keeping Pakistan afloat and striving to make it a better place for all. Pakistan would have been in dark ages otherwise.

My advice to fellow members in general: please learn to frame your posts with maturity and understand the significance of education.

The american backed and facilitated indian terrorism against Pakistan from Afghanistan was FAR FAR worst than ANYTHING the Afghan Taliban have ever done to us. NEVER forget that.
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