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Taliban has to stop occupation in Afghanistan, Erdoğan says

Relax, the Great Caliph is just running his empire.
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Afghanistan is the land of whomever calls it home. Pashtuns being the majority should also have the dominant say. The structure of the current gov is unacceptable

That is nonsense. Will it be okay for you if a group of Western white guys call Afghanistan as their home?

So let's put aside this political correctness.

Afghanistan is the land of Pushtuns. Period.

Non-Pushtuns should leave Afghanistan to their lands of origin.
Remember Xinjiang and now this. Turkey helps NATO expansionism by all means. Sometimes religion, some other times race and tribe. USA will surely support Turkey to keep its presence in Central Asia bordering with independent powers like China, Russia and Iran.
The fabricated story of Xinjiang is in the same Concept of NATO expansion.

Uighurs are terrorists and they are being dealt nicely by China.

All Muslims should support China.
Afghanistan is the land of whomever calls it home. Pashtuns being the majority should also have the dominant say. The structure of the current gov is unacceptable
Actually half moon is right....if u read history only the pashtuns were referred to as Afghans n no one else, this continued till the end of the 19th century.
He doesnt give a damn about good relations with taliban. You guys never saw him as who he really was. His stupid speeches using the word MUSLIMS won all ur hearts. Because all the so called "sunni" leaders have decided to lie in bed with America. you guys cudnt find anybody else but pathetic Erdogan and cast all ur lot on HIM as the "ISLAMIC LEADER" blah blah.

The Pak-Turk fantasizing thats been going on this forum was soon gonna end anyway. because posers like ERDOGAN cant pose for long enuf. They get exposed anyway. He is the head of a NATO country. A NATO country who was Pivotal in the Syrian ISIS uprising. HE IS AN ENEMY. THE LEADER OF A NATO ALLIED COUNTRY CAN BE NOTHING BUT AN ENEMY TO THE REAL ISLAMIC CAUSE.
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He doesnt give a damn about good relations with taliban. You guys never saw him as who he really was. His stupid speeches using the word MUSLIMS won all ur hearts. Because all the so called "sunni" leaders have decided to lie in bed with America. you guys cudnt find anybody else but pathetic Erdogan and cast all ur lot on HIM as the "ISLAMIC LEADER" blah blah.

The Pak-Turk fantasizing thats been going on this forum was soon gonna end anyway. because posers like ERDOGAN cant pose for long enuf. They get exposed anyway. He is the head of a NATO country. A NATO country who was Pivotal in the Syrian ISIS uprising. HE IS AN ENEMY. THE LEADER OF A NATO ALLIED COUNTRY CAN BE NOTHING BUT AN ENEMY TO THE REAL ISLAMIC CAUSE.

Turkiye and Pakistan are the new khilāfahs of the contemporary Islamic world.
The Taliban must stop its occupation of Afghanistan, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated on Monday, underlining that it is utilizing the wrong approach.

"The Taliban should end the occupation of the soil of their brothers," Erdoğan stated in a press conference upon his departure to Northern Cyprus.

The insurgents capitalized on the final stages of the withdrawal of U.S. and other foreign troops from Afghanistan to launch a series of lightning offensives across the country.

The group is now believed to control roughly half of the nation's 400 districts, several important border crossings as well as having laid siege to a string of vital provincial capitals.

The U.S.-led military coalition has been on the ground in Afghanistan for nearly two decades following an invasion launched in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Fears are growing that Afghan forces will be overwhelmed without vital coalition air support, allowing for a complete Taliban military takeover or the start of a multisided civil war in a country awash with weapons following nearly four decades of fighting.

Erdoğan stated further that Turkey plans to talk with the Taliban over Kabul airport.

Turkey, whose forces in Afghanistan have always consisted of noncombatant troops, has offered to guard the airport as questions remain on how security will be assured along major transport routes and at the airport, which is the main gateway to the capital Kabul. The security of the airport is crucial for the operation of diplomatic missions out of Afghanistan as Western forces pull out.

The airport is in a strategic location close to the Afghan presidential palace and foreign diplomatic missions in Kabul and is the only place from which to evacuate diplomats in emergency situations.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has called for a fair burden-sharing of the task given that "uninterrupted, safe operation of the airport is indispensable for the continued presence of diplomatic missions in Afghanistan."

At the end of a series of meetings with NATO leaders on the sidelines of the alliance summit in June, Erdoğan stated that Turkey was seeking Pakistani and Hungarian involvement in the mission in Afghanistan following the departure of the U.S.-led NATO force.

However, the Taliban have opposed Ankara's proposal, saying that Turkey should also withdraw its troops in line with the 2020 deal for the pullout.

Taliban has to stop occupation in Afghanistan, NATO'S Spokesperson :Erdoğan says
Look at the comment from the outrageous NATO PRESIDENT. Taliban are OCCUPYING AFGHANISTAN? WTF IS THE SULTAN OF NATO EVEN SAYING? How can the taliban be occupying the very country they live in ? are they invaders ? are they foreigners? they are the people of that land.

The occupiers are the soldiers of NATO SULTAN ERDOGAN who has soldiers on foot in afghanistan. These turkish soldiers are doing the OCCUPATION because they have no right to be there. Erdogan is a mentally deranged man who makes PERVERTED comments that are absolutely preposterous. He plays a NATO leader wen it suits him. He plays the role of ISIS pimp daddy wen it suits him.

He plays the role of Islamic Sultan ERDO wen it suits him. But all he is in the end is a deceiving and tricksy politician who never gave a damn about the islamic agenda but made deceitful speeches while collaborating with his imperialist western friends.
You should not go by the statements. They are given out to keep the West out of Afghanistan and for publicity purposes.

Pakistan, Taliban & Turkiye are on the same page. We should go by the deep partnership that Pakistan-Turkiye-Taliban have on the ground.
we have people who read and analyze geopolitics with utmost intellectual honesty, and then we have trolls like this who have no clue wat they are talking about.
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Turkic brotherhood is a fake imitation of the Arab ubityt project.

Turkics don't share much in common, Turkey's people look like Arabs and greeks mixed.

Afghan turks look like Mongols.
Oh my dear arab brother camel. If I cud fit into a drone, I'd fly over erdogans head right now and fall right on him.
Lol....So here goes all those claims of forming an alternative Muslim Ummah aka "Formidable block" ,out of the window...Malaysia, Turkey, Pakistan..blah blah

Erdogan is right.....Talibans are terrorists with medieval mindset which believes in controlling people's freedom in the name of religion (which even they have not read and understood about).
On the argument of Talibans are sons of the soil so they are ok if they want to dislodge the government....I don't agree. Consider TLP (sons of Pakistan's soil) want to take over the government/army (and they can based on what they demonstrated in recent times)....do you think it will be legitimate....

Crux is Afghanistan is going to be unstable and battle ground for big powers to wrestle each other...at the cost of Afghani people, Pakistan and Iran..... look at the bigger game....it's just the beginning....

My view-Pulling out of US was staged, to create a vacuum and suck in rivals (China, Russia, Iran)....this is to achieve following
1. Destabilise the region and put a full stop on China's BRI ambitions
2. Create various factions and make them fight against each other...similar to Syria....where all major players were present and pitted against each other...China Russia, US, Israel,Iran, Turkey, India and Pakistan in this case
3. Use the turmoil as an excuse to launch covert ops against Iran/Pakistan nuclear assets/programs
4. Choke china's alternative trade routes with Middle east/Europe (trade routes in South China sea is already under pressure)
5. Put Pakistan under pressure (with both carrots and sticks) to leave Chinese camp
6. Pull away India from Russia by pitting India against Russia in the conflict (or against Russian interests)

You know..Yanks are not stupid....
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Oh my dear arab brother camel. If I cud fit into a drone, I'd fly over erdogans head right now and fall right on him.

You would make the national treasure smile
@Agha Sher

Stop simping for whoever aids you, Turks in this case.

Me, I hate all our neighbors and wish to return to the days where we invaded and bombed them all.
Actually half moon is right....if u read history only the pashtuns were referred to as Afghans n no one else, this continued till the end of the 19th century.
times change, my friend. Even though most of them wouldn't even call themselves "Afghan" but rather Tajik, Uzbek etc. Any citizen of Afghanistan is an Afghan
Erdogan called for the end of the "Taliban occupation of Afghanistan". He's doing so because the Taliban are ethnic Pashtuns, and the north of Afghanistan is heavily Turkic and borders many Turkic countries. Erdogan sees the Taliban as a problem in his goal of Turkic expansion, while Pakistan (which has heavy Pashtun links) sees Taliban rule as a long-term achievement. Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, is an ethnic Pashtun. Afghanistan is the only country where Turkey and Pakistan may clash.
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Where was Erdogan when Taliban's lands were occupied by NA thugs. Where their lives and respect had little meaning. Where innocents in weddings were slaughtered. Where was Erdogan when Talibans were baked in containers and shot up and executed. The hypocrisy is breath-taking. Very disappointed in Turkey.
Well you shouldn't say Erdogan because he wasn't Turkey's leader at the time of the US invasion of Afghanistan, The presidency of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan began when Recep Tayyip Erdoğan took the oath of office on 28 August 2014 and became the 12th president of Turkey (Wiki-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Recep_Tayyip_Erdo%C4%9Fan#:~:text=The%20presidency%20of%20Recep%20Tayyip,the%2012th%20president%20of%20Turkey.)
Afghanistan is the land of Pushtuns not the land of Uzbeks, Tajiks etc.

This is exactly why Afghanistan doesn’t accept durrandline. Pashtuns all belong to Afghanistan.

But who are you to say who belongs to Afghanistan?
This is exactly why Afghanistan doesn’t accept durrandline. Pashtuns all belong to Afghanistan.

But who are you to say who belongs to Afghanistan?
dont worry talban love durrand line as it is what helped them hit and run across last 20 years .the border helped them retain a limited reaction of the occupying super power.

All Pashtuns dont belong to Afghanistan but also Pakistan.
The pashtuns here in PAksitan will tell you where they belong.
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