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Taliban has to stop occupation in Afghanistan, Erdoğan says

I might be off by a big margin but IMO there was an understanding between various countries primarily Turkey Iran Pakistan maybe even central asian states via Russia at some basic level that all these countries with their respective sphere of influence will combine their efforts to form a unified governemnt in Afghanistan catering to all the different segements/groups/ stakeholders in Afghanistan.

Dostum never offered any resistance to Taliban and left for Turkey, alot of dealings took place and Taliban captured several districts without any significant fight. Same for the collpase of North. Now whatever the setup under Taliban Turkey wants some form of stake for Tajiks Uzbeks i believe Dostum etc, and wants to maintain presence at Kabul airport ( not necessarily for fighting). It feels Taliban have cut if off after they took over the districts.

Turkey also said it will hold talks with Taliban.

Thats the negotiation is all about. Thats why Ghani and co are creating so many hurdles and do not want the negotiations to succeed. There are many people who want to see Ghani and this regime go. Success of negotiations means an interim governemnt will form and Ghani gone. He wants to fight and is already engaged in similar minded countries who have high stakes in current regime like India.
IMO all foreign forces and nations should stay out of Afghanistan and its internal affairs.

Eventually a real government will emerged.
Whatever it may be. :coffee:
Erdogan playing with 🔥. As I mentioned in my 14 June post.
If this is true, then the United States will give Turkey a chance to spoil the outcome of this game, which will not be acceptable to Pakistan and Taliban at all.
In this way, the United States will be able to hunt many with one arrow. Therefore, Turkey should stay away from this heinous game.
Otherwise, it will be detrimental to the three countries and even dangerous to the entire Islamic world.
I don't know how this evil thought came to Erdogan's mind.
Turkey is on NATO's side, anyone who denies it is living in a fool's paradise!
sure it is... what i am saying is that there is no side other than taliban in afghanistan!
He said nothing wrong, soon my countrymen will realise how wrong they were, those who supporting taliban. They are power hungry and they do not recognise durand line. Lwt them come in power they will expand their so called emarat to Pakistan (though they can't do anything but unrest will be created) Fazool ma log khush ho rahay hai
I am really very disappointed after reading the most of comments by Pakistani members, Turkey have its national interest in Afghanistan (though not much or of strategic nature)

We as Pakistanis needs to open a communication channel which could directly link Taliban and Turkey.

Erdogan and Turkey need to understand that Taliban are not Foreign Occupational Force or Foreign Emperial Force, therefore Turkey at all cost should also avoid creating any such perception about its presence in Afghanistan.

Other then this Turkey must reevaluate Its assets and liabilities in Afghanistan, we are no one to tell Turkey that who should it chose as its future asset and who should not be, but as a sincere Friend we must indicate that who is (or could be) a Liability for Turkey in Afghanistan

Turkey must understand Dostam is 'also' a symbol of operession and division from the days of Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan as part of occupying forces, so just because he is part of larger Turkish race does not mean he would safe gauard the National Interest of Turkey in Afghanistan, Afghan policy of Turkey MUST NOT have any racial undertone.

Afghan Taliban on the other hand need to understand for the sake of stability they need to form an All Inclusive Government and a Grand Afghan Loya Jirga is the only solution left for peaceful transfer of power to an All Inclusive Future Government of Afghanistan.
Erdogan playing with 🔥. As I mentioned in my 14 June post.
If this is true, then the United States will give Turkey a chance to spoil the outcome of this game, which will not be acceptable to Pakistan and Taliban at all.
In this way, the United States will be able to hunt many with one arrow. Therefore, Turkey should stay away from this heinous game.
Otherwise, it will be detrimental to the three countries and even dangerous to the entire Islamic world.
I don't know how this evil thought came to Erdogan's mind.

Between 2009-2010, Libya had issued lucrative construction contracts to Turkey. Under the guise of such contracts, Turkey managed to get a foothold in Libya, from there on, Turkey sowed the seeds of destruction of Libya, at the behest of US-NATO.
Well as an act of real politik, this is a very logical, even clever, move by Erdogan.

This is an opportunity to grab a stake in Afghanistan, that will be beneficial to Turkey for the next hundred years. At the same time, he gets in the good books of NATO and USA.

And the risk? Minimal, limited to a small number of troops. Turkey is too far away to be hurt by Taliban.

What Pakistan has sacrificed 70,000 people and billions of dollars to attain, he can get using diplomacy and 500 troops. Now ask yourself is he dumb or smart?

Yes, it will hurt his image with the ummah supporters, but he is an expert on PR with that crowd and will win them back easily.
Turkic brotherhood is a fake imitation of the Arab ubityt project.

Turkics don't share much in common, Turkey's people look like Arabs and greeks mixed.

Afghan turks look like Mongols.
The Taliban must stop its occupation of Afghanistan, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated on Monday, underlining that it is utilizing the wrong approach.

"The Taliban should end the occupation of the soil of their brothers," Erdoğan stated in a press conference upon his departure to Northern Cyprus.

The insurgents capitalized on the final stages of the withdrawal of U.S. and other foreign troops from Afghanistan to launch a series of lightning offensives across the country.

The group is now believed to control roughly half of the nation's 400 districts, several important border crossings as well as having laid siege to a string of vital provincial capitals.

The U.S.-led military coalition has been on the ground in Afghanistan for nearly two decades following an invasion launched in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Fears are growing that Afghan forces will be overwhelmed without vital coalition air support, allowing for a complete Taliban military takeover or the start of a multisided civil war in a country awash with weapons following nearly four decades of fighting.

Erdoğan stated further that Turkey plans to talk with the Taliban over Kabul airport.

Turkey, whose forces in Afghanistan have always consisted of noncombatant troops, has offered to guard the airport as questions remain on how security will be assured along major transport routes and at the airport, which is the main gateway to the capital Kabul. The security of the airport is crucial for the operation of diplomatic missions out of Afghanistan as Western forces pull out.

The airport is in a strategic location close to the Afghan presidential palace and foreign diplomatic missions in Kabul and is the only place from which to evacuate diplomats in emergency situations.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry has called for a fair burden-sharing of the task given that "uninterrupted, safe operation of the airport is indispensable for the continued presence of diplomatic missions in Afghanistan."

At the end of a series of meetings with NATO leaders on the sidelines of the alliance summit in June, Erdoğan stated that Turkey was seeking Pakistani and Hungarian involvement in the mission in Afghanistan following the departure of the U.S.-led NATO force.

However, the Taliban have opposed Ankara's proposal, saying that Turkey should also withdraw its troops in line with the 2020 deal for the pullout.

Taliban has to stop occupation in Afghanistan, NATO'S Spokesperson :Erdoğan says

With all respect Erogan Afghanistan is an independent country and Taliban are entitle to get their country back from the external and internal occupiers. They need no permission from any other country including Turkey, Pakistan etc for liberating their own lands so lets be concerned about our own countries and destinies.
Turkey is not in a position to give lectures to others while being part of the occupation force herself. To please US and to get F 35 one doesn't needs to trample on our own weak brother country sovereignty.
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Taliban are monsters, make no mistake about it. Pakistan is stuck between rock and hard place. We have two options.

1. Covertly support Taliban who guarantee us peace in western border
2. Support ghulam-e-Hindu Kabuli regime who support BLA/TTP terrorism in Pakistan and claim our lands.

For Pakistani state option 1 will always be ideal unless afghanis in Kabul regime can change their policy. Also taliban rule will not last this time because Afghanistan will be partitioned along ethnic lines unless power sharing deal is reached.
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