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Taliban announce interim government; Mohammad Hasan Akhund to be PM, Baradar deputy PM

sooner or later we'll have extremist ruling us too...

and yes disappointed, this is just Taliban government of 90s and I am not even sure if they'll govern differently

only way to change them is accept their government and after 10-20 years when they are hooked to global structure start threatening so they reform

The problem brother lays with the west they wanna enforce their watered down values down peoples throats and if they had refrained from that all of this wouldn't have been issue stop trying to force your watered down ideologies or so-called values. I don't want them that is something simple to understand. It is like offering someone a glass of orange juice but the person declines but you try to force them anyways down their throats..

It was the same thing in the cold war also they wanted to force people on their values and if they understand this simple thing perhaps they shouldn't have tried to force these so-called on people..

My life my choice... It is that simple
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Looks like the Taliban don't give a crap about 'global opinion' or 'sensitivities'. Including the Haqqanis, not including any women, and not including previous 'democratically elected' rulers like Abdullah Abdullah or Kazai all point toward the Taliban saying: Take or leave it!
Interior under Haqqanis - good for Pakistan
shitculars havnt made much progress in Pakistan might as well try "Extremist" now!
you are surviving as a country because we have corrupt but sane leaders - to thrive you need just sane leaders

Think through stuff,
if you want to turn Pak into a complete failed state- bring em on

shitculars over monkey brained Zaid Hamid fanboys anyday, everyday
I dont see anyone who is a not a Talib in this setup. Weren't they forming an inclusive government?
Looks like the Taliban don't give a crap about 'global opinion' or 'sensitivities'. Including the Haqqanis, not including any women, and not including previous 'democratically elected' rulers like Abdullah Abdullah or Kazai all point toward the Taliban saying: Take or leave it!
Yeah as if Biden included Trump's cabinet members in his adminstration...
Mullah Hassan Akhund - Prime Minister
Mullah Baradar Popalzai - Head of Council of Ministers
Mullah Yaqoob - Defence Minister
Mullah Siraj uddin Haqqani - Interior Minister
Mullah Ameer Khan Muttaqi - Foreign Minister
Mullah Hidayat ullah Wazir - Environment Minister
Mullah Khair ullah - Information Minister
Which one will be the "interference in Pakistan on ethnic basis " minister?
Looks like the Taliban don't give a crap about 'global opinion' or 'sensitivities'. Including the Haqqanis, not including any women, and not including previous 'democratically elected' rulers like Abdullah Abdullah or Kazai all point toward the Taliban saying: Take or leave it!

Much of the world will say: leave it.

I wonder what China and Pakistan will do since they insisted on an all inclusive government?
I got some technical questions.

Under which constitution are they drawing powers from and when will state seal will be used providing official paperwork for the interim government in charge of formulating an inclusive constitution to ensure maximum leverage on the populace.

Who will be the new ambassador to Pakistan?
Looks like the Taliban don't give a crap about 'global opinion' or 'sensitivities'. Including the Haqqanis, not including any women, and not including previous 'democratically elected' rulers like Abdullah Abdullah or Kazai all point toward the Taliban saying: Take or leave it!
they did the right thing...people here dont understand that Afghanistan is a different ball game, you don't show your weakness and afghans have no understanding of inclusivity, personally inclusivity doesn`t bring anything good, all it does is make government ineffective in the country.
Mullah Hassan Akhund - Prime Minister
Mullah Baradar Popalzai - Head of Council of Ministers
Mullah Yaqoob - Defence Minister
Mullah Siraj uddin Haqqani - Interior Minister
Mullah Ameer Khan Muttaqi - Foreign Minister
Mullah Hidayat ullah Wazir - Environment Minister
Mullah Khair ullah - Information Minister
I don't see any "Farsibaan" Tajik, Uzbek? All are pushtoons.
Taliban had similar issues the last time they were in the government.
All non pushtoon ethnicities of Afghanistan were sidelined .

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