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Syrian Air Defense Intercepted 71 Cruise Missiles Launched by West - Russian MoD

The Russian Defense Ministry announced the results of its analysis of the effectiveness of the missile strikes carried out by the United States, Britain and France on Syria on the night of April 14 and the weapons used to repel them.
The Russian defense spokesman, Major General Igor Konashinkov, said on Monday that the Syrian air defenses destroyed 71 rockets out of 103 missiles detected in the Syrian airspace.
The ministry detailed the number of missiles launched by the three countries and the number of missiles intercepted by the Syrian defenses, as follows:

  • On the Damascus International Airport: 12 rockets were fired, all intercepted.
  • On Bla Airport: 18 rockets were fired, all intercepted.
  • On Shaareat airport: 12 rockets were fired, all intercepted.
  • On the airport: two rockets were fired, and intercepted
  • On Mezze Airport: 9 rockets were launched, and 5 were intercepted
  • On Homs airport: 16 rockets were fired, 13 of which were intercepted On the research and scientific center in Barza and Guramana: A total of 30 rockets and a guided aerial bomb were fired, of which 5 were intercepted.
The Russian defense confirmed that none of the target airports was hit significantly.
They added that the Syrian government forces succeeded in intercepting most of the missiles fired on their sites through the Soviet-made air defense systems of the types of "S 200", "S 125", "Osa", "Kfadat", "Buk" and "Strela", Where the Syrian air defenses launched 112 anti-air missiles, including:

  • "Pantsir" - 25 missiles were fired, 23 of which hit targets.
  • "Buk" - launched 29 missiles, 24 of them hit the targets.
  • "Osa" - 11 missiles were fired, 5 of which hit targets.
  • "S-125" - 13 missiles were launched, 5 of which hit targets.
  • "Strela 10" - fired 5 missiles, 3 of which hit the targets.
  • "Kfadrat" - 21 missiles were launched, 11 of which hit targets.
  • "S 200" - Eight missiles were fired, which did not meet their targets.

The Russian defense explained that the S-200 systems did not hit any of its targets by saying that they were designed to destroy aircraft in the first place (its lowest height for intercept is 300m while cruise missiles fly much lower), not missiles in particular, asserting that air defense systems used to repel the attack proved to be very effective, although the targets were high-speed and small.
The Russian Defense Ministry announced the results of its analysis of the effectiveness of the missile strikes carried out by the United States, Britain and France on Syria on the night of April 14 and the weapons used to repel them.
The Russian defense spokesman, Major General Igor Konashinkov, said on Monday that the Syrian air defenses destroyed 71 rockets out of 103 missiles detected in the Syrian airspace.
The ministry detailed the number of missiles launched by the three countries and the number of missiles intercepted by the Syrian defenses, as follows:

  • On the Damascus International Airport: 12 rockets were fired, all intercepted.
  • On Bla Airport: 18 rockets were fired, all intercepted.
  • On Shaareat airport: 12 rockets were fired, all intercepted.
  • On the airport: two rockets were fired, and intercepted
  • On Mezze Airport: 9 rockets were launched, and 5 were intercepted
  • On Homs airport: 16 rockets were fired, 13 of which were intercepted On the research and scientific center in Barza and Guramana: A total of 30 rockets and a guided aerial bomb were fired, of which 5 were intercepted.
The Russian defense confirmed that none of the target airports was hit significantly.
They added that the Syrian government forces succeeded in intercepting most of the missiles fired on their sites through the Soviet-made air defense systems of the types of "S 200", "S 125", "Osa", "Kfadat", "Buk" and "Strela", Where the Syrian air defenses launched 112 anti-air missiles, including:

  • "Pantsir" - 25 missiles were fired, 23 of which hit targets.
  • "Buk" - launched 29 missiles, 24 of them hit the targets.
  • "Osa" - 11 missiles were fired, 5 of which hit targets.
  • "S-125" - 13 missiles were launched, 5 of which hit targets.
  • "Strela 10" - fired 5 missiles, 3 of which hit the targets.
  • "Kfadrat" - 21 missiles were launched, 11 of which hit targets.
  • "S 200" - Eight missiles were fired, which did not meet their targets.

The Russian defense explained that the S-200 systems did not hit any of its targets by saying that they were designed to destroy aircraft in the first place (its lowest height for intercept is 300m while cruise missiles fly much lower), not missiles in particular, asserting that air defense systems used to repel the attack proved to be very effective, although the targets were high-speed and small.
Spare us of this lame propaganda for imbeciles. Better post pics of Tomahawk wrecks. LOL.
Spare us of this lame propaganda for imbeciles. Better post pics of Tomahawk wrecks. LOL.
Ask the Russians!
And why all these same sites were still there while you claimed many times that they were destroyed!?:lol:
Spare us the lies..
Ask the Russians!
They are pathological liars.

And why all these same sites were still there while you claimed many times that they were destroyed!?:lol:
Which site I claimed is destroyed is still there? Don't lie.

  • On Mezze Airport: 9 rockets were launched, and 5 were intercepted
  • On Homs airport: 16 rockets were fired, 13 of which were intercepted

There were no any hits in these places. Homs airport does not even exist. Stupid Russian lie for imbeciles.
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After-Strike Photos of Syria Site the US Says It Targeted With 76 Cruise Missiles Show Only Little Damage

There's a big gaping hole in the Pentagon's account of the strikes.

Marko Marjanović


Supposedly 76 Tomahawks with a 450kg explosive warhead each were sent against just three buildings??
I have my doubts about the Russian account of Trump’s strikes where the US foolishly spread out a hundred subsonic Tomahawks between a dozen targets, but the American story doesn’t make much more sense either.

This is the post-strike satellite image of the main target of the attack, the Barzah Research complex in Damascus:


Pentagon says the complex was targeted by 76 of the 105 cruise missiles they fired and none were intercepted by the enemy.

This is how the complex looked before the strikes:

Three main buildings were #destroyed as a result of the #strike at #Barzah #SSRCResearch and Development Center #Damascus #Syria #Syriastrikes @FoxNewspic.twitter.com/roSnz4WVg8

— imagesatintl (@imagesatint)
April 14, 2018

Does this look like a site that has been hit by seventy-six 450 kilogram warheads? That would be 34 tons of explosives in total.

The three main buildings, which weren’t particularly huge are leveled, that is it. The rest of the complex is undamaged.

some source tell us that 76 cruise missiles hit 3 houses of that "research center".

Here one guy illustrated what it would mean.

the attack is not impossible but insane https://t.co/CDoQdHXYtapic.twitter.com/lmrhiDljVy
— rambo54 (@reutersanders)
April 15, 2018

So what happened? Did the Syrians/Russians indeed successfuly jam/shoot down a bunch of the missiles? Did the Pentagon exaggerate the number of missiles it actually fired so Trump could say it was a larger attack? Or did the US really send seventy-six 2 million dollar missiles to destroy three abandoned buildings OPCW had last inspected in November, 2017, and not a single one of them strayed?


See pictures and video: Here
“With these strikes and this intervention, we separated the Russians and the Turks on this issue... the Turks condemned the chemical strike and supported the operation that we conducted,” the French president told BFM TV in an interview.

What do you think of Macron? Are we separated? @vostok :)
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After hitting desert with expensive toys and elimination of chemical facilities,terrorists are left to die because there is no more "ace of spades"for them.
Buk with medium range multiple engagement options seem to be more effective than other Syrian owned systems for countering cruise missiles saturation attacks or other agms. Syria needs to resupply more buk batteries from Russia and/or import more of its Iranian copies.
Rest Aside, Check out how Israelis, Salafi Jihadists and American-Western members come on the same page and alliance in real life events all the time like in this thread while claiming to be against each other theoretically :pop:
For Gullible Muslim Masses, Mulla Brigade across the world be like Marg Ba Amrika Marg Ba Israel!!!! and the sheeple followers take up arms and they kill more muslims to take revenge on USA and ISrael :rofl:
.And In Real Life This shitty Alliance :bounce:
Russia USA whatever but this Situation is as Ironic as it is Hilarious
“With these strikes and this intervention, we separated the Russians and the Turks on this issue... the Turks condemned the chemical strike and supported the operation that we conducted,” the French president told BFM TV in an interview.

What do you think of Macron? Are we separated? @vostok :)
I think Turkey began it's long way to independence from the West. But it is very long and very hard way.
Russian Defense Ministry has become a joke. They should solicit services of this Iraqi expert:


I used to hold Russia in high regard; not any more. Bunch of clowns.
I am doing some research about this, but I have not made any progress.

Russian officials said 71 missiles(various types) were destroyed. But the missile debris images on the social media belong to the Russian air defense system. Do you have a debris image of Tomahawk or S.Shadow ? Russia is very active in social media and international media circles. Why do not these images become widespread?

If such a successful prevention has been done, why do not they share their radar track records? Recall that in the past years Jet aircraft crisis, radar tracks have been published for days. At the very least, why do not share like Pantsir systems own IR records?

Russia only gives figures. The US, on the other hand, has published satellite photographs of destroyed military installations. It looks quite damaging. I'm really curious, who is making propaganda, who is telling the truth.This was a very important test in terms of export opportunities of Russian air defense systems. For this reason, more evidence and knowledge is needed.
Ask the Russians!
And why all these same sites were still there while you claimed many times that they were destroyed!?:lol:
Spare us the lies..
Russians would be parading [shot down] trophies around, if they had any.

They concocted this fake story for face-saving.
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I used to hold Russia in high regard; not any more.

I think Turkey began it's long way to independence from the West.
Let me correct you, Turkey doesn't begin something that it already has, it only protects it's interests stronger. Protects it against anybody, be it against Russia or US.
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