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Syria accidentally shot down a Russian military plane

Translation Russia only plays for Russia...worst ally you could possibly have, bar none.
Thats very ungratefull of you. Imagine Irani air defence without Russian S-300 Systems. Whole World was against you when Russia provided you with S-300 Taking the big risk of Sanctions. Remember Russia is not Soviet Union. what can a Single Country do against the whole Developed world on the other side in alliance. And By the way i think it was Khomeini who started the slogan neither east nor west. Iran never recognized Russia as an Ally as far as i know.
Thats very ungratefull of you. Imagine Irani air defence without Russian S-300 Systems. Whole World was against you when Russia provided you with S-300 Taking the big risk of Sanctions. Remember Russia is not Soviet Union. what can a Single Country do against the whole Developed world on the other side in alliance. And By the way i think it was Khomeini who started the slogan neither east nor west. Iran never recognized Russia as an Ally as far as i know.
Says a Sold out trash !
Not going to happen.

Plus Israel will still be able to jam S-300 system long enough to fire and flee or fly in radar blind spots.

Israel fired these missiles near a French destroyer and used it and the russian military plane to mask its attack on the open seas. They were long gone before the missiles hit.

Hard for any AD system to hit the plane when it’s releasing it’s payload from 200KM away in international waters.

AD is just one part of the equation. And there are many other systems apart from the S-300, like the Tor, Buk, S-350 etc.

What I'm talking about is Flankers.

Why Russians is not giving Syria the coverage of S-400 or not delivering Syria with S-300. Where is Iranian Babor 373 , when Israel frequently targeting Iranian positions in Syria ?
As an alley of Syria and Iran Russia is letting Israel to attack its alley and it becoming untrusted . For a few days Russia will provoke and again it will let Israel to attack on Syria . In the world history I never heard about such an alley like Russia .

The Russian S-300 and S-400 are for the protection of Russian assets only. Russia, Israel and NATO have set up deconfliction parameters, so they can't attack each other.
Thats very ungratefull of you. Imagine Irani air defence without Russian S-300 Systems. Whole World was against you when Russia provided you with S-300 Taking the big risk of Sanctions.
No, Russia voted in favour of UNSC sanctions against Iran, then breached the contract for the s-300 systems by using the sanctions as justification! Then only after the UN sanctions were lifted did Russia supply the s-300.

In 2012 every week Israel was threatening to attack Iran and Russia didn't give Iran s-300.

But thanks to Russia Iran started developing bavar 373 which we will see in operation soon.
Syria accidentally shot down a Russian military plane - CNNPolitics

Moscow (CNN) — Syria inadvertently shot down a Russian military plane after an Israeli attack on Syrian positions, killing 15 people on board, Moscow said.

Russian state media said Syrian anti-aircraft missiles shot the maritime patrol aircraft down amid an attack by Israeli jets in the Latakia region of north-west Syria.

Moscow blamed Israel for putting its aircraft in the line of fire and said it only had a minute's notice of the strike.

"As a result of the irresponsible actions of the Israeli military, 15 Russian servicemen were killed, which is absolutely not in keeping with the spirit of Russian-Israeli partnership," said Russian Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, spokesperson for the Russian military, according to RIA-Novosti.

In a rare acknowledgment of its military activity in the region, Israel expressed "sorrow" for the loss of Russian life, but blamed the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad. The IDF said it had followed well-established protocols in communicating with Moscow, which are intended to prevent such incidents.

"Israel holds the Assad regime, whose military shot down the Russian plane, fully responsible for this incident," the IDF said in a statement, adding that Iran and Hezbollah were also accountable.

According to the statement, Syrian anti-aircraft batteries "fired indiscriminately and from what we understand did not bother to ensure no Russian planes were in the air."

The incident presents Moscow with a diplomatic conundrum, as the country has a strong relationship with both Israel and the Syrian regime.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday Moscow was "extremely concerned" about the downing of the aircraft, an IL-20. He declined to comment on further steps the Russian government might take in response, or on any potential impact on relations between Russia and Israel.

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman talked by phone with his Russian counterpart, Army General Sergei Shoigu, both sides said. According to a readout of the call from the Russian Ministry of Defense, Shoigu described the actions of the Israeli air force as irresponsible and told Liberman that fault "rests entirely with the Israeli side."

"We reserve the right for further reciprocal steps," Shoigu said, according to the readout.

Anti-aircraft system 'sold to Syria by Russians'

Israel said that its fighter jets had targeted a Syrian Armed Forces facility "from which systems to manufacture accurate and lethal weapons were about to be transferred on behalf of Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon."

"These weapons were meant to attack Israel, and posed an intolerable threat against it," the IDF said.

The IDF alleges that by the time Syrian anti-aircraft missiles had been launched, Israeli warplanes responsible for the overnight operation were already back within Israeli airspace.

The IDF also says that the Russian plane was not "within the area of operation" while the Israeli strike on Latakia was underway. Russia bases much of its Syrian military presence in Latakia.

A photo taken on July 23, 2006 shows a Russian IL-20M plane landing at an unknown location. Russia has blamed Israel for the loss of a military IL-20M jet Monday.

The Russian military said Israel notified the Russian side about the planned operation only a minute in advance, and that Israeli controllers would have seen the Russian plane, which was coming in to land, RIA reported.

Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Yevgenyevich Konashenkov claimed the Israelis used the plane as cover, effectively putting it in the cross hairs of the Syrian air defenses, according to RIA.

The Russian aircraft was shot down by an anti-aircraft system sold by Moscow to the Syrians several years ago, a US official with knowledge of the incident told CNN Monday. The Syrian air defense network in western Syria is very densely populated with anti-aircraft missile and radar systems.

In February, the two-man crew of an Israeli F-16 ejected from their aircraft when a missile exploded near them, damaging their aircraft as they finished conducting a mission against Syrian forces.

An Israeli defense official told CNN earlier this month that Israel has struck Syria 200 times in the past 18 months to prevent the deployment of Iranian weapons in the region.


There are many unkown in this incident, we have to wait till things clear up...

The F-16 hid in the Il-20 "radar echo" and was shot down by Srian S-200, this is the official version, but there are rumours this version is a cover up and it was either an israel F-16 or a french frigate

Again, we have to wait, day by day we will get more infos, allegedly british jets were also active

Clearly they wanted to provoke russia, but russia is not stupid, they wil respond asymatrically, as always

Rumours Iran is flying now cargo into Syria, supplying with an "S-300 equivalent"

Soma say its B-373, which i think cant be because its not yet operational, I personally believe is the 3rd khordad air defence system

Either way it was an very stupid move by Israel, they will regret it....
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There are many unkown in this incident, we have to wait till things clear up...

The F-16 hid in the Il-20 "radar echo" and was shot down by Srian S-200, this is the official version, but there are rumours this version is a cover up and it was either an israel F-16 or a french frigate

Again, we have to wait, day by day we will get more infos, allegedly british jets were also active

Clearly they wanted to provoke russia, but russia is not stupid, they wil respond asymatrically, as always

Rumours Iran is flying now cargo into Syria, supplying with an "S-300 equivalent"

Soma say its B-373, which i think cant be because its not yet operational, I personally believe is the 3rd khordad air defence system

Either way it was an very stupid move by Israel, they will regret it....

B-373 prototypes are operational and currently being fielded and tested extensively. However, Iran will not move them to Syrian theater.

Iran has already tried supplying BUK systems, they have been destroyed upon arrival.

Unlikely Iran will do anything at this point.
B-373 prototypes are operational and currently being fielded and tested extensively. However, Iran will not move them to Syrian theater.

Iran has already tried supplying BUK systems, they have been destroyed upon arrival.

Unlikely Iran will do anything at this point.

As I sayd, the rules changed and Israel will regret it
Iran already sent some cargo with its Boeing-747 hours after the Il-20 incident

B-373 prototypes are operational and currently being fielded and tested extensively. However, Iran will not move them to Syrian theater.

Iran has already tried supplying BUK systems, they have been destroyed upon arrival.

Unlikely Iran will do anything at this point.
there is zero evidence that Iran sent any air-defense system to Syria
there is zero evidence that Iran sent any air-defense system to Syria

After attack on IRGC Drone Base in Syria that caused several casualties, IRGC felt a red line was crossed. It’s one thing to attack arms depots and shipments intended for Hezbollah or even syrian military bases, but attacking Iran’s military directly was a no no.

Iran tried to deliver air defense system (likely BUK but unconfirmed some reports say Bavar-373 some say TOR-M1 others say BUK variant system).

However, that was attacked in an Israeli Air raid which resulted in IRGC affiliated militias firing rockets into Golan.

Again if you don’t think iran has attempted to bring air defense systems to protect its assets you are being incredibly naive. Don’t expect either side to show evidence in this shadow war.

As I sayd, the rules changed and Israel will regret it
Iran already sent some cargo with its Boeing-747 hours after the Il-20 incident

Propaganda. There has NOT BEEN a No fly zone is established. Furthermore, Iran has had ZERO issue transporting troops and arms safely to Syria. How do you think syria and the militias are being supplied?

Israel has only attacked “game changing” assets which are deemed as air defense systems, manpads, BMs, high accuracy rockets, and Fateh series BMs. And it has attacked them usually when they parked in storage at night to minimize casualties.
Propaganda. There has NOT BEEN a No fly zone is established. Furthermore, Iran has had ZERO issue transporting troops and arms safely to Syria. How do you think syria and the militias are being supplied?

Israel has only attacked “game changing” assets which are deemed as air defense systems, manpads, BMs, high accuracy rockets, and Fateh series BMs. And it has attacked them usually when they parked in storage at night to minimize casualties.

NOTAM from Flight level 000 to Flight Level 190 until September 26


Thats very ungratefull of you. Imagine Irani air defence without Russian S-300 Systems. Whole World was against you when Russia provided you with S-300 Taking the big risk of Sanctions. Remember Russia is not Soviet Union. what can a Single Country do against the whole Developed world on the other side in alliance. And By the way i think it was Khomeini who started the slogan neither east nor west. Iran never recognized Russia as an Ally as far as i know.
Next time at least bother to try and do some basic research on the issue before you post m8,that way you might avoid looking as stupid as you do right now.
Russia only provided the system because it was facing having to pay out over 4 billion [$4,000,000,000] in compensation for breach of contract over the original s300 deal,the sale and delivery of this system were not in violation of sanctions,that was just yet another russian excuse.In addition the russians only did this after irans indigenous s300 class bavar 373 sam was already well advanced in development.
Russia IS NOT AN ALLY OF IRAN,it never was and likely never will be.The only single thing that the russians have ever shown themselves to be reliable with in all of their dealings with iran,was their near total and complete utter UNRELIABILITY.
If russia was an ally it would be a very,very poor one,and thats putting it very nicely.
Meanwhile Israel crows about at least 200 air attacks on Iranian/Hezbollah targets in Syria with the tacit approval of Russia.
PS: Guess who was at the mayday parade in Moscow laying wreaths down at the tomb of Russian soldiers after a major bombing campaign in Syria? Mr. Netanyahoo. Ding...ding...ding...Right answer.

NOTAM from Flight level 000 to Flight Level 190 until September 26



Ok, I'll believe it, however, it's for a week, so is that enough do what exactly?
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