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Sukhoi PAK-FA / FGFA: Updates,News & Discussions


The best PICTURE!!
Now here is an interview of NPO chief where he says that PAK-FA is all ready flying with new fifth gen. engine npo-117,
Q - Since United Engine Corporation been
formed , 5 th generation Fighter T-50 " climbed
into the sky and is undergoing flight tests , the
first Superjet already been transferred to
commercial airlines ... What in your opinion the
most important changes occurred in the Russian
aviation industry during this period (3 years) that
we acquired, and what can be lost?
A - The main thing in my opinion, is that joint
efforts succeeded in stopping the fall of the
industry. This required the efforts of many, first
and foremost, I would note Mikhail Pogosyan
and Eugene Marchukov - the General Designer
of the engine for the T-50.
For military aircraft, we have created two
engines - one for the aircraft, like Su-35 ",
the second - for the Russian aircraft 5 th
generation of T-50". The first - is "117C" - is
mainly intended for export. He is more
simple in terms of aerodynamics, and most
importantly - targeted for aircraft with
conventional arms, suspended on pylons
outside the fuselage, with no strong
constraints on dimensions. Such schemes
fro example are used on 4-th generation
aircraft s , exported to India and Malaysia.
The second engine - is "117" - though only differ
by one letter in the title, much more advanced
engine - this is a real engine of the 5-th
generation. From the rivals can sometimes be
heard the 5-th generation engine should be
with such a blade, such and such materials, high-
speed rotors, and you do not have this ... None
of this is all just ways of achieving the goal. A
single goal - increasing specific thrust, ie the ratio
of thrust to its weight.
For example, the first jet
engine Arkhip Mikhailovich Lulka weighed 1350 kg
and had the same thrust, that is, its specific thrust
is equal to 1. The 4 th generation engine ,
"AL-31F, has already managed to achieve specific
thrust of 8.7, and on a 5 th generation, the figure
is 10.
The new engine delivers a supersonic speed
without afterburner mode. What it gives? If
before the fighter was flying to the target with the
speed of 700 km / h, now - it is twice as fast.
Our "117" today is already flying on two
T-50s. For the company it is quite a major
achievement, a large move forward.
Although it
never was easy.
We also have new ideas, we can
boast some good groundwork. What is needed
in the field of military aviation - the beginning of
this mass production? To protect such a large
country like ours, from a serious attack the
number as 500-1000 aircrafts is needed . For
this needed orders, money, production
Defunct Humanity: New interview with Al-41F chief designer
Russia-India business dialog
An interesting business dialog is available on the site of SIEF. Between most important high technology news : one Indian company will produce GaN chips in S-Petersburg starting from the next year. I think the news can be crossed with PAK FA development (radar choice). Some other news regarding the cooperation between India and Russia were published there too. However, they mistakingly put the English translation on the Russian version and vice versa, which is very typical for all Indo-Russian cooperation last 5 years while best intentions are mixing with poor organization. Some points of the critics from me: Sergey Ivanov is not the best figure to sit around the table since he is personally responsible for Gorshkov failure (he signed the first Gorshkov agreement without deep insight). Despite some discomfort I heard the Indian police maker and diplomats with pleasure, especially a bank-men, from which we can learn much how to behave in time of financial turmoils. BTW I think it's not a skill of politicians but the peculiarity of the long live Indian civilization - to know how struggle the most hard economic circumstances with minimal damage for society. We Russians have a way to learn from Indians in financial sphere I always said. The speeches of Russian businessmen were sometime interesting too.

Defunct Humanity: Russia-India business dialog
@ Parveen007 why did not post full interview:devil::smokin:
We must follow fare-use-pollicy while posting articals as the writers have spaned time-money and other resources to attract the traffic on their site to get some finence.
And we must appriciate it.
and there is an other suprise
A second 5th gen. Engine TYPE-30 .

Q - In the difficult years for the Russian aircraft
industry, aircraft building companies that
produced military aircraft survived by exports,
especially in China and India. Today, the Chinese
have copied our Su-27 "and are ready to sell it on
world markets at dumping prices. Not whether
as a result we lose our traditional markets of
combat aircraft?
A - We dont, because such an aircraft as we
have, the Chinese have no and will have no in
visible prospective. They say that they have
made a 5-th generation plane, but one can say
anything ... Their best engine was copied
from our "AL-31F. And we produce 5-th
generation engines , and they are in all of their
parameters of thrust, specific fuel consumption
correspond to the 5-th generation. I opened the
secret and say that we actually already
have two 5-th generation engines. The
second, which is now conventionally called
the "Type 30", has already been tested in
flight on the fighter T-50 ".
In the future it
probably will give the name of "AL-...."
According to its parameters it a 15-25 percent better than "117 th".
From same article.
ok so why does IAF wants a twin seater?
i know it takes off the work load from the pilot, good for strike missions, etc, but are there any other MAIN reasons?
HAL team in Moscow to assess 5th gen fighter with Russia - Bangalore - DNA

Sukhoi T-50, the base platform of the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) which is being jointly developed by India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and Russia, will make its first public appearance today at the MAKS Air Show in Moscow. The event has caused much excitement at HAL which is sending a delegation to Moscow for the event.

The HAL delegation headed by senior officials who are involved in the FGFA programme will attend the air show to witness Sukhoi T-50’s first public flight.

The Bangalore headquartered defence PSU is also among the participants at the MAKS Air Show.

HAL will be developing the FGFA along with Russia’s Rosoboronexport and Sukhoi Design Bureau (SDB), the latter being the manufacturers of the Sukhoi-30 MKIs which have substantially improved the strike capability of the Indian Air Force (IAF).

The official website of the MAKS Air Show said that for the first time the T-50 (also known as PAK-FA fighter) would take part in a public flight display. The air show will be held till August 19.

The aircraft, which has already undergone a number of flight tests in Russia since its first flight in January 2010, will have advanced features such as stealth, super cruise, ultra-manoeuvrability, a highly integrated avionics suite, enhanced situational awareness, internal carriage of weapons and Network Centric Warfare capabilities.

The aircraft at the MAKS air show will be a single seat aircraft, but the FGFA being developed for India will be a two-seat version of the Sukhoi T-50.

A total of 500 aircraft will be developed by India and Russia initially with the two countries inducting 250 aircraft each.

The T-50 will be the major attraction in the air show which is expected to be attended by 30 countries, including the USA.

The T-50 will be keenly watched by the Americans as this Indo-Russia joint venture is said to be a global competitor to the US’s stealth aircraft - F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II.

Russian International News Agency (RIA) Novosti has reported that the aircraft has been placed on a shortlist of a South Korean tender for the delivery of advanced fighter jets.

The report added that Korea is seeking to buy 60 fighters with advanced stealth capability from “a foreign aircraft maker”.

The F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II are said to be the other competitors.

This apart, the US Senate Armed Services Committee is also pushing for a while to sell the F-35 Lightning II to India regardless of the Indo-Russian FGFA programme

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