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Sukhoi-30MKI is India’s fallback fighter

Who told you that latest versions of F-15s have same RCS as Su-30MKI? Moreover, electronics package in F-15s is one of the best in the world. Russian package with Israeli components won't come close.

Pakistani JF-17s shot down Flankers of Chinese Air Force in combat exercises last year.

This shows how good JF-17 is when flown by elite-level pilots such as pilots of PAF, Israeli pilots, and American pilots etc.

Dreaming bro...

JF-17s :drag:............................ What the hell his coming within f 15 and Su 30mki...................... Upgraded Mig 21 Bison Enough for JF-17s
Pakistani JF-17s shot down Flankers of Chinese Air Force in combat exercises last year.

This shows how good JF-17 is when flown by elite-level pilots such as pilots of PAF, Israeli pilots, and American pilots etc.

Chinese Flankers are nothing like the MKI, they have completely different avionics, even the airframes are different.

Those Chinese Flankers don't have canards or thrust vectoring they have inferior performance. Inferior avionics, inferior everything. Also are we given details of the circumstances? What was the Chinese pilots experience. Was there restrictions on the flanker pilot? Was it visual range or beyond visual range? Was it a clean 1 on 1 or was the Flanker outnumbered. How did they score the kill was it simulated and recorded or was it a 'i had you in my sights'? The aircraft vector is also important, if the JF-17 engaged the flanker while it was at its 6:0 clock this would not be very indicative of either of the aircraft performance, in other words the result would not be conclusive.
lol, when was Su-30MKI "war-proven"? Which war?

Su-30MKI is good on paper. 3000 range and blah blah...but in real combat mission, it hardly matters.

Say for example India plans to conduct an air-strike on nuclear-sites of enemy 2500km away. Su-30MKI, with 3000km range and 4.5 combat endurance comes to mind.

But can india use this bird?

It is such a BIG aircraft with such a massive RCS that enemy radars will pick it up hundreds of kilometers away from border.....and then enemy fighters will be air-borne.

Israelis were able to destroy Iraq's nuclear-plant using F-16s....If they had used Su-30MKI, they would have had failed.

A smaller fighter-jet, armed with advance avionics, AESA radar, jammers, and loaded with smart weapons is way more lethal than anything like that of Su-30MKI.

Therefore jets like Eurofighters, Rafale, and F-16 block 60 E/F are much more sophisticated/better aircrafts for airforces around the world.

This is a much more dangerous threat for an enemy


compared to this

ok F16 >>>>>>>su 30mki .. happy

Su-30MKI is most powerful plane in subcontinent and it has western systems installed, but Indian make it invincible on forums its similar to claiming that HMS Titanic was unsinkable.
we gave our reason why we thik its best

Its Ohh really then why chinese have over 300 Su-27 or j-11 su-30MKm fighters they might be stupid to buy these junk s as per your claims
russia , china , india even usa is stupid who think Su series is just big RCS flying metal...
china buyind that junk becuase they did not had facility to buy f16 from usa
Who told you that latest versions of F-15s have same RCS as Su-30MKI? Moreover, electronics package in F-15s is one of the best in the world. Russian package with Israeli components won't come close.
If you are talking about silent eagles, we have got our own super sukhoi. :D

And what do you know about the electronic package of mki?
If you are talking about silent eagles, we have got our own super sukhoi. :D

And what do you know about the electronic package of mki?
Why are you trying to reason with a person who has 7 negative ratings with less than 150 posts? the guy is a kid and a troll , report him and ignore.

How are you by the way we havent met up in a long time.
Why are you trying to reason with a person who has 7 negative ratings with less than 150 posts? the guy is a kid and a troll , report him and ignore.

How are you by the way we havent met up in a long time.
I'm fine mere bhai. Plan for a meet. It's been a very long time since we've met. Let's have some good time again . :)
I'm fine mere bhai. Plan for a meet. It's been a very long time since we've met. Let's have some good time again . :)
Yeah but since @tvsram1992 is not here its been kind of hard , he usually used to organize these meets. :)
will try to have one sometime next month.:)
They could build smaller, F-16 sized aircrafts, instead of flanker sized ones. But their most potent fighters are their flankers and flanker copies. If RCS is what mattered, then they would have inducted JF-17, but they didn't. Heavy, twin engid jets have a lot of advantages over light, single engined ones - there is a lot that can be done with all that additional thrust. There is a reason why countries with large budgets have large, heavy fighters as their air superiority fighters.

China is deeply embargoed when it comes to military purchases or tech, therefore the most advance fighters they get were Su-27s & Su-30MKKs which were also well suited for PLAAF as it has to defend very large air space, single engine fighter like F-16 or J-10s are 2nd tier planes and all super powers like US & USSR had used F-15, Su-27 as their front line fighters and they also had to cover very large area, that is why China have selected to go with flankers as their main fighter force while they were also working on J-10s.

I haven't. It is my observation that Pakistanis always accuse Indians of making such statements, but Indians rarely make such statements, if ever. That is why I asked for an example. Sometimes it's your own prejudice that you are projecting on to others. Indians proudly say that the MKI is the best fighter in the region, and Pakistanis accuse Indians of saying that the MKI is invincible.

I had a bitter discussion here on PDF with a Indian member who were saying that MKI is invincible and backed out of the claim and try to blame me for lying, but when I quoted his post he realized he was wrong and his lies won't work that he did not said that, go through my post you may find that posts if mod have not deleted them.
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