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Suicide Explosion in Hassankhel (Laki Marwat)


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan: Suicide bomb kills 25 at volleyball site

By RIAZ KHAN and RASOOL DAWAR, Associated Press Writers Riaz Khan And Rasool Dawar, Associated Press Writers

PESHAWAR, Pakistan – A suicide bomber set off an explosives-laden vehicle on a field during a volleyball tournament Friday in northwest Pakistan, killing at least 25 people, police said.

The blast occurred near Pakistan's tribal belt, and was the latest bloodshed to rattle the country since the army launched a military offensive against Taliban fighters in the South Waziristan tribal region. The operation has scattered insurgents but provoked apparent reprisal attacks that have killed more than 500 people since October.

Police said Friday's bombing in Lakki Marwat city, not far from South Waziristan, was possible retaliation for local residents' efforts to keep militants out of the area.

"The locality has been a hub of militants. Locals set up a militia and expelled the militants from this area. This attack seems to be reaction to their expulsion," local police chief Ayub Khan told reporters.

He said the bomber drove onto the field, which lies in a congested neighborhood, during the volleyball contest. Some nearby houses collapsed, and "we fear that some 10 or so people might have been trapped in the rubble," Khan said.

Another police official, Habib Khan, said at least 25 people died and several were wounded.

Also Friday, a suspected U.S. missile struck a car carrying alleged militants in North Waziristan tribal region, killing three men, two intelligence officials said. It was the second such strike in less than a day.

The strikes are part of the U.S. campaign to eliminate high-value militant targets that use Pakistan as a safe haven to plan attacks in neighboring Afghanistan and on the West.

The one Friday happened near Mir Ali, a major town in the region, two intelligence officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record. Shortly afterward, Taliban fighters arrived at the scene of the attack in the village of Ghundi and moved the bodies to an undisclosed location, the officials said.

Thursday's missile strike was also near Mir Ali, hitting a house and killing three people.

U.S. officials rarely discuss the strikes, and Pakistan publicly condemns them, though it is widely believed to aid them secretly.

Karachi, the country's largest city, came to a virtual standstill Friday after religious and political leaders called for a general strike to protest a bombing that killed 44 people and subsequent riots.

The city's major markets, stores and business centers were closed, along with financial institutions that had already planned to shut because of New Year's Day. Public transportation was halted and gas stations were shut down.

Monday's bombing occurred in the midst of a procession of minority Shiite Muslims during the Islamic holy month of Muharram. Afterward, angry protesters went on a rampage, setting fires to about 2,000 stores that took three days to completely put out.

Interior Minister Rehman Malik, on a visit to Karachi, said investigators were still determining if the attack was a suicide bombing.

He also questioned the claim of a purported Taliban spokesman, Asmatullah Shaheen, that the militant group was behind the attack. Local news reports on Friday quoted a more prominent Taliban spokesman, Azam Tariq, as denying that the Pakistani Taliban's central leadership had approved the attack, though he did not rule out the possibility that Shaheen's group had carried it out without approval.

Elsewhere in the northwest, a roadside bomb exploded near a car in the Bajur tribal region, killing an anti-Taliban tribal elder and five of his family members, said Nasib Shah, a local government official.

Bajur was the focus of a 2008-09 army offensive but still suffers some militant violence. Tribal leaders who support the government against the Taliban are frequent targets of attacks.

Dawar reported from Mir Ali. Associated Press Writers Habib Khan in Khar, Asif Shahzad in Islamabad and Ashraf Khan in Karachi contributed to this report.
LAKI MARWAT: At least 47 people were killed and several other wounded on Saturday after a suicide bomber blew himself up at a volleyball ground in Shah Hassankhel town of Laki Marwat.

The blast took place at a time when a volleyball match was in progress at the targeted ground.

Laki Marwat DPO Ayub Khan confirmed that 47 people had died in the deadly suicide attack.

The DPO said the injured were shifted to the Laki Marwat District Hospital.

According to reports a nearby house was also collapsed due to the blast.

The Shah Hassankhel is said to be the hub of militants who were forced to flee the area with the help of peace committees.
Some Tv channels are reporting as much as 70+ might be dead.

20+ houses raised to the ground, and many people feared trapped in the rubble.

Dead include women and children too.

Nearly 300-500KG explosives used.
Foreign Minister condemns suicide blast in Laki Marwat

ISLAMABAD, Jan 1 (APP): Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Friday strongly condemned the suicide blast in Laki Marwat which resulted in the loss of precious lives. The Foreign Minister emphasized that terrorism will never be allowed to succeed in its nefarious designs. “Such acts only strengthen our resolve to fight terrorism with more vitality,” he added.

FM Qureshi said the Government and the people of Pakistan are determined to root out this menace, said a press release issued here.

The Foreign Minister expressed his profound condolences to the bereaved families and prayed for early recovery of those who sustained injuries in the blast.
PM Condemns Lakki Marwat Blast

ISLAMABAD, Jan 1 (APP): Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani has strongly condemned the suicide blast in Lakki Marwat Friday.

He expressed his deep grief over the killing of innocent people and prayed for the early recovery of the injured.

The Prime Minister said such terrorist acts cannot weaken the government’s resolve to fight the menace of terrorism till its complete elimination.

He directed the concerned authorities to investigate the matter and provide best possible treatment to the injured, said a press release issued here by PM House.
President condemns Lakki Marwat blast

ISLAMABAD, Jan 1 (APP): President Asif Ali Zardari has strongly condemned the suicide blast in Lakki Marwat Friday.

He expressed his deep grief and sorrow over the killing of innocent people and prayed for early recovery of the injured.

President said such terrorist acts cannot weaken the government’s resolve to fight the menace of terrorism till its complete elimination.

He directed the concerned authorities to investigate the matter and provide best possible treatment to the injured, said a press release issued here.
OMG! What kind of people are they?They don't even spare women and children.
RIP to dead, I read the news 1 hour ago but casulity figure was low 70 is too much.
The taliban are terrorists. "TERROR" is a combat multiplier in an information war waged by insurgents today for the minds of your populace. Not only do they wish to promote their ideals, they wish to display the government's ineptness to secure their daily lives.

At night, they post letters warning those who speak out or simply kidnap and later kill to best advantage. This discourages community leaders and key officials while leaving security forces held hostage by their own laws of due process from attacking these enemies.

The taliban kill nearly double the civilians in Afghanistan. Much of these killings are targeted specifically for civilians just as they are in Pakistan. The taliban also routinely have used afghan civilians as human shields when faced with their own destruction-often against all wishes of those caught in the middle.

Does that appear familiar? There is a war fought on both sides of the Durand line by forces of the taliban against the civilian peoples of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Until the Pakistani people understand that these men are one and the same, this war shall continue by virtue of the sanctuary provided by Pakistanis to these killers.

You have elevated the status of men such as Haqqani, Hekmatyar, and Omar by your fawning upon them. Your tribals have noticed and emulate these brutal slave-masters.

These men are not heros for attempting to do to Afghanistan that which you reject being done to Pakistan. Quit supporting the afghan irhabists and make them the pariahs they deserve to be and your own insurgency will wither and die.

So too, btw, Afghanistan's. With that will come the stability that all seek.

As of now, you are reaping that which you've sown.

LAKI MARWAT: At least 75 people were killed and several other wounded on Saturday after a suicide bomber blew himself up at a volleyball ground in Shah Hassankhel town of Laki Marwat.

The blast took place at a time when a volleyball match was in progress at the targeted ground.

Laki Marwat DPO Ayub Khan confirmed that 75 people had died in the deadly suicide attack.

The DPO said the injured were shifted to the Laki Marwat District Hospital.

According to reports a nearby house was also collapsed due to the blast.

The Shah Hassankhel is said to be the hub of militants who were forced to flee the area with the help of peace committees.
The causality figure now stands at 85 killed with many more injured.

Such dastardly acts only prove the desperation of these scumbags as like a rabid dog they attack any and every body. The tide has turned against these losers and like a retreating army blowing up bridges, they are attacking soft targets, little do they realize such cowardly acts have merely strengthen the resolve of this brave nation.:pakistan:
Same old hue and cry about sanctuaries and disrespectful statements forgetting their own contribution to this menace and their part being played in Afghanistan.

Its very easy to point fingers at others, compared to look into own self.

Would be better instead whining and ranting on this forum, go outside the White house or the veterans association and ask your administration some answers and ask how come they are unable to control the taliban hundreds of miles away from the border with Pakistan, who provides the sanctuaries over there to them and why they empty bases and posts or provide shelter to the taliban who run away from this side of the border after they get chased by the Pakistani Army and how come with such sophisticated army they have conceded more then 70% of Afghanistan to taliban, 70& of Afghanistan not with our border, rather deep inside Afghanistan. Or ask how come US aid money is ending up into the hands of the Taliban, who support their insurgency with your aid money.

Ask your administration to quit playing double games, then come and ask us to end ours. Otherwise keep it shut.

Pathetic losers.
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