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Spying case against US expert on Pakistan is falling apart, and following a pattern


Aug 23, 2009
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WASHINGTON: Last fall, federal agents raided the home and office of Robin L Raphel in search of proof that she, a seasoned member of America’s diplomatic corps, was spying for Pakistan. But officials now say the spying investigation has all but fizzled, leaving the Justice Department to decide whether to prosecute Raphel for the far less serious charge of keeping classified information in her home.

The fallout from the investigation has in the meantime seriously damaged Robin’s reputation, built over decades in some of the world’s most volatile countries.

Read: Eavesdropping on Pakistani official led to investigation against US diplomat Robin Raphel: Report

If the Justice Department declines to file spying charges, as several officials said they expected, it will be the latest example of American law enforcement agencies bringing an espionage investigation into the public eye, only to see it dissipate under further scrutiny. Last month, the Justice Department dropped charges against a Temple University physicist who had been accused of sharing sensitive information with China. In May, prosecutors dropped all charges against a government hydrologist who had been under investigation for espionage.

Robin, in negotiations with the government, has rejected plea deals and has been adamant that she face no charges, according to current and former government officials, particularly because the Justice Department has been criticised in recent years for handing out inconsistent punishments to American officials who mishandle classified information.

Both the Justice Department and a lawyer for Raphel, Amy Jeffress, declined to comment.

The Robin case has also been caught in the crosswinds of America’s tempestuous relationship with Pakistan, a strong Cold War alliance that has frayed since the September 11, 2001, attacks amid recriminations between Washington and Islamabad. Robin has for decades been at the center of shaping American policy toward Pakistan, and she has maintained close ties to Pakistani officials even as many of her colleagues became disenchanted with what they saw as Islamabad’s duplicity in the fight against terrorism.

Read: ’Pakistan expert’ US diplomat under federal investigation: report

Against that backdrop, the federal investigation has delved into the murky world of international statecraft, where diplomats exert influence through a careful dance of trading, sharing and eliciting information. Some American investigators viewed Robin’s relationships with deep suspicion.

Those suspicions became a federal investigation last year when American officials, while eavesdropping on a Pakistani government official, intercepted a conversation that seemed to suggest that Robin, an adviser at the State Department, was passing American secrets to Pakistan. The reason for the eavesdropping is unclear, but the government routinely listens to the phone calls and reads the emails of foreign officials.

After months of secret surveillance, the investigation into Robin spilled into the public when agents searched her home and her State Department office last October. She was quickly stripped of her security clearances and left in the dark about the precise origins of the federal investigation. Her friends said that the investigation had taken a deep emotional toll.

“Sometimes the whiff of scandal can be worse than any actual scandal,” said Husain Haqqani, a former Pakistan ambassador to Washington who has known Robin for years. “More people hear that you were investigated than care to know you were cleared or never actually charged.”

Read: Counterintelligence: US expert on Pakistan faces FBI investigation

American officials will not discuss what classified information the investigators found in Robin’s home. The current and former American officials who discussed the case did so on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk about it publicly.

Over the years, the stories of American officials mishandling classified information have at times seemed as peculiar as they were serious. John P O’Neill, a counterterrorism specialist for the FBI, once lost a briefcase full of government secrets in a Florida hotel. Samuel R Berger, the national security adviser to President Bill Clinton, stole classified documents from the National Archives and hid them under a construction trailer. As attorney general, Alberto R. Gonzales took material about the nation’s warrantless wiretapping program home with him.

One CIA director, John M Deutch, stored classified information on his home computer. Another CIA director, David H Petraeus, shared his highly classified journals with his mistress, then lied to the FBI about it. Hillary Rodham Clinton used a private email system when she was secretary of state that investigators say contained classified information, although Hilary Clinton and the State Department say the information was not marked as classified.

The punishment for mishandling classified information has varied wildly. Clinton has not been charged with wrongdoing. Berger pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. Deutch received a pardon from Clinton and was never charged. Gonzales and O’Neill were not charged. In the most recent case, the Justice Department allowed Mr. Petraeus to plead guilty to a misdemeanor, despite strong objections from investigators. That deal was so contentious that the FBI director, James B Comey, personally appealed to the attorney general, Eric H Holder Jr, and said that Petraeus’s crimes warranted felony charges, according to two government officials involved in the case. FBI agents are still angry about that decision and say it set a standard that will make it harder to bring cases in the future.

In discussions with prosecutors, according to several government officials, Robin and her lawyer have cited the Petraeus case as the vital precedent. If passing secrets — including notes on war strategy and the names of covert officers, which Petraeus shared — and lying about it amount to a misdemeanor, then, Robin says, she should not face any charges.

Some American investigators remain suspicious of Robin and are loath to abandon the case entirely. Even if the government cannot mount a case for outright spying, they are pushing for a felony charge related to the classified information in her home. Several officials acknowledged, however, that the case would be difficult to prosecute because it would require intelligence agencies to declassify information and would probably reveal secrets about American surveillance of foreign officials.

Felony charges for improperly taking and storing classified information, while not espionage in the common sense of the word, would be filed under the Espionage Act and could expose Robin to years in prison — a far stiffer penalty than Petraeus and others received.

The news of the investigation has shaken policy circles in Washington, where Robin has been a fixture as a diplomat, a South Asia expert in the private sector, and a lobbyist. She began her career as a CIA analyst but moved quickly to the State Department, which sent her to Islamabad in the mid-1970s. It was during this posting that she met and married Arnold L Raphel, another foreign service officer. In 1988, while he was America’s ambassador to Pakistan and after he and Robin had divorced, Raphel was killed in a plane crash with the Pakistani president, Mohammed Ziaul Haq.

During the Clinton administration, Robin served as the assistant secretary of state for South Asia, and then ambassador to Tunisia. In the George W. Bush administration, she was the State Department’s coordinator for reconstruction in Iraq, where she tried to guide the war-torn country toward a stable government and economy. After retiring from the government in 2005, she joined Cassidy & Associates, a Washington lobbying firm that represents the Pakistani government, among other clients.

At the start of the Obama administration, Richard C Holbrooke, the State Department’s special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, reached out to Robin to work with him. She quit her lobbying job and was sent as a State Department contractor to the American Embassy in Islamabad, where she helped disburse American aid to Pakistan. Until the FBI investigation, she continued to work on contract as an adviser on Pakistan and Afghanistan.

During her long career working on Pakistan issues, Robin has seen the country go from being one of America’s most steadfast Cold War allies — and a partner in the 1980s effort to train Afghan fighters to expel Soviet troops from Afghanistan — to being something of a pariah to Washington. Although Pakistan pledged support for the campaign against al Qaeda and the Taliban after the Sept. 11 attacks, senior members of both the George W Bush and Obama administrations became convinced that Pakistani soldiers and spies were aiding the Taliban and other militant groups by attacking American troops in Afghanistan.

For their part, Pakistani officials stoked fury in the country about the CIA’s campaign of drone strikes and what they came to see as the agency’s expansion operations in Pakistan.

As relations between the two countries deteriorated, Robin was considered one of Pakistan’s few remaining supporters in the top echelon of American government. This earned her enemies among government officials in India, Pakistan’s archrival, but also among colleagues who considered her too sympathetic toward an unreliable ally.

“I don’t think it was very fashionable to say, ‘I think the Pakistanis have a point,’ but Robin did that,” said Cameron Munter, the former American ambassador to Pakistan who oversaw Robin’s work in Islamabad.

Authors: Matt Apuzzo, Mark Mazzetti, Michael S Schmidt http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/a/matt_apuzzo/index.html

This article is in partnership with The New York Times.

Read more: Robin Raphel , USA

Spying case against US expert on Pakistan is falling apart, and following a pattern - The Express Tribune
Looks like Washington is going to regret chewing on false Indian intelligence regarding Robin L Raphel case.

The Edward Snowden revelations in the BBC interview highlighted that the Americans and the Brits have the ability to track every call made from Pakistan....in this case also the Americans moved forward after eavesdropping on our officials.

This is a huge concern about the ease with which they are able to do it !
But officials now say the spying investigation has all but fizzled, leaving the Justice Department to decide whether to prosecute Raphel for the far less serious charge of keeping classified information in her home.

Let's see what the Justice Department decides whether to prosecute, and if so, on what charges.
The massive embarrassment and shaming of moron Robin has turned out to be a great diplomatic deal for India. Now virtually all lobbying firms in US have declined to sign contracts with her.

The chances of her actually being a spy were quite low to begin with but anyways even probation for keeping classified materials at home will be good for India as it will push her even further away from power corridors of DC.

Also the fact Obama visited India twice during his Presidency but didn't even send his pets to Pakistan shows how much importance he gives to Pakistan. :lol:
Also India surpasses Pak by far in value of defence deals signed with US in past 8-10 years.
CCS will clear a deal of $2.2 billon for 16 S-70B and 4 P-8I in Dec 15.
Seems like a fluff piece by her contacts that is unlikely to change the fact that Robin Raphael is dead to Washington metaphorically speaking.

It is unseemly to take joy at someone's misfortunes but her fall from grace is such a fitting end to this inept diplomat who forgot which team she was playing for.
The massive embarrassment and shaming of moron Robin has turned out to be a great diplomatic deal for India. Now virtually all lobbying firms in US have declined to sign contracts with her.

The chances of her actually being a spy were quite low to begin with but anyways even probation for keeping classified materials at home will be good for India as it will push her even further away from power corridors of DC.

Also the fact Obama visited India twice during his Presidency but didn't even send his pets to Pakistan shows how much importance he gives to Pakistan. :lol:
Also India surpasses Pak by far in value of defence deals signed with US in past 8-10 years.
CCS will clear a deal of $2.2 billon for 16 S-70B and 4 P-8I in Dec 15.

oh lord another troll on a Sunday:

Obama invites Pakistan PM Sharif for October visit| Reuters

Pakistan’s military is true to its word, says General Campbell - The Express Tribune

Pakistan Purchases 500 AIM-120C5 Missiles

US considering nuclear deal with Pakistan: report - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

now go educate yourself

Seems like a fluff piece by her contacts that is unlikely to change the fact that Robin Raphael is dead to Washington metaphorically speaking.

It is unseemly to take joy at someone's misfortunes but her fall from grace is such a fitting end to this inept diplomat who forgot which team she was playing for.

and with her is dead the indian propaganda which was similar on the lines of david headley.

can't get away with the same tricks twice.
The massive embarrassment and shaming of moron Robin has turned out to be a great diplomatic deal for India. Now virtually all lobbying firms in US have declined to sign contracts with her.

The chances of her actually being a spy were quite low to begin with but anyways even probation for keeping classified materials at home will be good for India as it will push her even further away from power corridors of DC.

Also the fact Obama visited India twice during his Presidency but didn't even send his pets to Pakistan shows how much importance he gives to Pakistan. :lol:
Also India surpasses Pak by far in value of defence deals signed with US in past 8-10 years.
CCS will clear a deal of $2.2 billon for 16 S-70B and 4 P-8I in Dec 15.

WOW india is really great maaan. all world affair in the end turn our to be in India's favors.
Instead of Mark Zuckerberg coming to India to meet the Prime Minister of World largest Democracy, the Leader of world largest democracy of 1.2 billion people (regardless of what they looks like, still people) went to America, but then flew to California to meet a CEO and that was such a pride for him that he flashed photos all over India.

2020 is only 5 years away when Mark Zuckerberg's children will be sweeping floors in a OmDonald Restaurants in Mumbai.
The Edward Snowden revelations in the BBC interview highlighted that the Americans and the Brits have the ability to track every call made from Pakistan....in this case also the Americans moved forward after eavesdropping on our officials.

This is a huge concern about the ease with which they are able to do it !

That India gave false intelligence about Robin Raphel to US is just propaganda. US investigation into Raphel was triggered by a Pakistan diplomat admitting that Pakistan had a "friend' within the State Department. She was working as a consultant, working on issues regarding Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Since then an investigated has started, her security clearance terminated, and her contract with State Department not renewed. She may not be charged with anything, and will serve no jail time, but she is politically damaged.
They can do whatever they want with her......Pakistan has probably moved on to another 'napkin'.

They cannot do whatever they want. Due process is due process, and it will be followed with the system of check and balances working out as always.
oh lord another troll on a Sunday:

now go educate yourself

You are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here. US has relations between India and Pakistan are at a different level. That's the reality. India and US ave deeper economic ties, geo-strategic interests, defence relations, etc. In essence, Indo-US relations take primacy over Pakistan-US relations.
You are really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here. US has relations between India and Pakistan are at a different level. That's the reality. India and US ave deeper economic ties, geo-strategic interests, defence relations, etc. In essence, Indo-US relations take primacy over Pakistan-US relations.

sure whatever let's you sleep at night.
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