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Spanish politician to sue FBI over Bin Laden photo


Mar 2, 2007
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see how they bluffing the world, no wonder they made Osama's videos to create hate against Muslims, especially those who are fighting for their occupied lands. but shame on us as some our (so called intellects) do believe they and obey whatever they say.

Spanish politician Gaspar Llamazares threatens to prosecute the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for using his photo to produce al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's modern image.

Llamazares, the former leader of Spain's United Left communist party and the caucus's current spokesperson in the parliament, has expressed 'stupefaction' over the FBI's misuse of his picture to compose a digitally-enhanced photo of the al-Qaeda leader, warning the agency of legal action unless justification is provided.

"Firstly I will ask the FBI for an explanation, which they haven't given me yet, and then I will reserve the right to take legal action," Llamazares told CNN.

"In the last few days I have seen the security services involved in some very strange things, some major failures, but I would never have believed they could have affected me so directly," he added.

He also said that FBI technicians had "cut and pasted" his forehead, hair and jaw-line from a photo used in a previous campaign to produce the altered image of Bin Laden.

The 52-year-old politician rebuked the FBI for undermining his security with the "low level" of US intelligence services.

"Bin Laden's safety is not threatened by this but mine certainly is," he noted.

The US State Department was forced to withdraw the doctored image, distributed globally last week, admitting to have used a picture of 'a bearded Spanish politician' to reproduce Bin Laden's photo-image.

The FBI originally claimed to have applied "cutting edge" technology for the mock-up.
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FBI admits photofit of Laden had Spanish features
Updated at: 1003 PST, Sunday, January 17, 2010

MADRID: A Spanish lawmaker was horrified to learn that the FBI used an online photograph of him to create an image showing what Osama bin Laden might look like today.

The image using Gaspar Llamazares' photo appeared on a wanted poster updating the U.S. government's 1998 photo of the al-Qaida leader.

FBI spokesman Ken Hoffman acknowledged to the Spanish newspaper that the agency used a picture of Llamazares taken from Google Images.

In a statement Saturday, the agency would say only that it was aware of similarities between their age-progressed image "and that of an existing photograph of a Spanish public official."

"The forensic artist was unable to find suitable features among the reference photographs and obtained those features, in part, from a photograph he found on the Internet," the FBI said in a statement to media.

The wanted poster appeared on the State Department Web site rewardsforjustice.net, listing a reward of up to $25 million. The FBI said the photo of bin Laden would be removed from the Web site.

Llamazares, former leader of the United Left party, was elected to Spain's parliament in 2000. The photograph of him used to make the wanted poster originally appeared on posters for his 2004 general-election campaign.

FBI admits photofit of Laden had Spanish features - GEO.tv
yes it s a fact.
i was watching dunia tv when i heard about it.and we enjoy a lot on this news.
hahahaha lol. Sometimes, facial features run so alike between two bodies that it is very ideal to just "facelift."
Sooner or later world will also learn that all the alleged OBL videos aired on the Al-Jazeera were actually made in some secret FBI/CIA facility. It is obvious that the Americans want to keep this self-fabricated issue alive for as long as possible so that it could give lame excuses on its ongoing crusade against the Muslims worldwide. Al-Jazeera is located in Qatar, a hub for the US military/intelligence presence in the region. Million dollar question is, how the 'courier' manages to provide those alleged video to the Al-Jazeera right under the nose of the US stationed in Qatar?

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Americans are retarded morons.These are the people who dont even know which country belongs to which continent.Even the Soviets who were brainwashed by their government had far more information about world then dumb Americans.It won't matter soon anyway.
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Jan 16, 2010 3:15 pm US/Eastern

FBI Uses Lawmaker's Photo For Aged Bin Laden Image

Officials Admit Spanish Lawmaker Gasper Llamazares' Photo Found On Google, According To Newspaper

A Spanish lawmaker says he was stunned to find that the FBI used his photograph as part of a digitally enhanced image showing what Osama bin Laden might look like today.

Gaspar Llamazares says he would no longer feel safe in the U.S. after his hair and other features appeared on a wanted poster showing an older bin Laden on a U.S. government Web site rewardsforjustice.net. A reward of up to $25 million is offered.

Spanish newspaper El Mundo, which noted the similarities between the bin Laden composite and Mr. Llamazares, quotes FBI spokesman Ken Hoffman as acknowledging that the agency used a picture of Llamazares taken from Google Images for the digitally altered image of bin Laden.

The photo appeared on a U.S. State Department Web site rewardsforjustice.net, where a reward of up to $25 million is offered for bin Laden, wanted in the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and the 1998 U.S. embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya.

Llamazares said he planned to ask the U.S. government for an explanation and reserved the right to take legal action.

FBI headquarters in Washington did not respond immediately when asked for comment Saturday, requesting that questions be sent to them by e-mail. The State Department told a reporter to call back Tuesday after the U.S. federal holiday on Monday.

Llamazares said he couldn't believe it when he was first told about the similarity, but he quickly realized the seriousness of the situation.

The 52-year-old politician said he would not feel safe traveling in the U.S. now, because many airports use biometrics technology that compares the physical characteristics of travelers to passport or other photographs.

"I have no similarity, physically or ideologically, to the terrorist bin Laden," he said.

They do share on characteristic — both are 52.

Jose Morales, spokesman for Llamazares' party, told the Associated Press that no one in Spain had any idea that important security computer images such as the retouched bin Laden photo were built up from photographs of real people. Llamazares, the former leader of his party, was elected to Spain's parliament in 2000.

Llamazares said it was worrying to see elite security services like the FBI resorting to such sloppy techniques, especially in the light of recent security alerts like the attempted Christmas Day bombing of a Detroit-bound airplane.

"It might provoke mirth, but it demonstrates that what we're seeing from security services isn't exactly recommendable," he said.

Bin Laden is believed to be hiding in the lawless Pakistan frontier bordering Afghanistan. His exact whereabouts have been unknown since late 2001, when he and some bodyguards slipped out of the Tora Bora mountains, evading air strikes, U.S. special forces and Afghan militias.

The U.S. State Department Web site shows the photos and bounty on bin Laden and 41 others wanted for terrorism.

Source: FBI Uses Spanish Lawmaker Gaspar Llamazares Photo For Osama Bin Laden Composite - cbs3.com
Spanish Politician Threatens to Sue FBI Over Bin Laden Makeover

Kurt Nimmo
January 16, 2010

In order to keep the myth alive that Osama bin Laden is out there and still a threat, the State Department released an updated a 1998 photo of the late CIA asset earlier in the week. “The State Department has updated its 1998 file photo of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, digitally altering it to account for a decade of age and possible changes in his facial hair,” the Associated Press reported. “Bin Laden, 52, is believed to be hiding in the Pakistan frontier bordering Afghanistan, though his exact whereabouts has been unknown since late 2001.”

The real (and long deceased) Osama on the left, the FBI composite in the middle, and the aggrieved former communist leader Gaspar Llamazareson on the right.

On December 21, 2001, the Egyptian newspaper al-Wafd reported that Bin Laden “suffered serious complications in the lungs and died a natural and quiet death” and was buried in an unmarked grave in Afghanistan.

Former Pakistan dictator Pervez Musharraf said he believed Osama died in 2001 from kidney failure and CNN medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta said Bin Laden’s appearance in recently early videotapes indicated he was undergoing kidney treatment.

In early 2002, CBS News reported that Osama was in Pakistan on September 10, 2001, “getting medical treatment with the support of the very military that days later pledged its backing for the U.S. war on terror in Afghanistan.” Noted author Ahmed Rashid added that “Pakistan intelligence had helped the Taliban buy dialysis machines and the rumor was that these were for wanted for Osama bin Laden.”

The French newspaper Le Figaro reported on October 11, 2001, that Osama underwent surgery in an American Hospital in Dubai between July 4 and 14th, 2001. “During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to go to bin Laden’s hospital room.” The CIA agent later man bragged to a few friends about having visited Bin Laden.

If the U.S. government and the CIA “didn’t have an Osama bin Laden, they would invent one,” former CIA agent Milt Bearden said in an interview with Dan Rather on September 12, 2001.

In fact, this is precisely what the CIA did after Osama passed away in late 2001.

On December 13, 2001, the government released its first bogus videotape. “The pentagon released a tape of Osama bin Laden discussing the successful attacks of September 11. Administration officials said it makes clear that bin Laden was the mastermind behind the operation,” reported Jim Lehrer of PBS.

“Administration officials wouldn’t reveal exactly how or when they got it, except to say it was found in a house in Jalalabad after anti-Taliban forces moved in. The U.S. Government translated the Arabic conversation and provided subtitles. The tape, which has a home video quality, shows bin Laden sitting on the floor in a bare room in a house in Kandahar. With him are several other men, including two aides and an unidentified cleric, or Sheikh. Bin Laden, identified on screen as UBL, made it clear he planned the September 11 attacks,” added reporter Ray Suarez.

The tape features a man that looks nothing like Osama — his skin is considerably darker, his nose wider, and he is about fifty pounds heavier than Osama. Remarkably, the Pentagon was successful in pawning this obviously manufactured tape off as the real McCoy, at least to the gullible.

“Perhaps due to the widespread hilarity evoked by Fatty Bin Laden, the next Ousama-from-beyond-the-grave message had no images: It was an audio tape delivered to al-Jazeera in the fall of 2002. The CIA verified it as ‘authentic,’ but ended up with egg on its face when the world’s leading voice identification experts at IDIAP in Switzerland reported that ‘the message was recorded by an impostor,’” Kevin Barrett wrote in 2006.

A series of bogus tapes followed the fat Osama tape, including one dubbed Osama’s Grecian Formula tape. Anne Giudicelli, a former French diplomat specializing in the Middle East who runs the Paris-based consultancy Terrorisc, said the video shows that “bin Laden is well aware that his reappearance on the world stage” and that is why he dyed his beard “a youthful black” for the 2007 video.

As it turns out, the State Department is in hot water over its effort to keep the Bin Laden myth going into a new decade. “A Spanish politician said on Saturday that he was ’stupefied’ by the FBI’s decision to use his photograph to compose its latest image of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and is considering taking legal action,” the CIA’s favorite newspaper, The Washington Post, reports today. “In the last few days I have seen the security services involved in some very strange things, some major failures, but I would never have believed they could have affected me so directly,” said Gaspar Llamazares, a former leader of Spain’s communist party Izquierda Unida.

Special agent Jason Pack told the newspaper a forensic artist had been unable to find suitable features from the FBI’s database of photographs and used a picture from the Internet instead. “The forensic artist was not aware of the identity of the individual depicted in the photograph,” Pack said, adding that the image would be taken off the FBI website.

It was a mistake the FBI used a photo of a noted communist in its Osama composite?

Right. And cave dwelling Muslims with box-cutters made NORAD stand down on September, 11, 2001, too.

It took less than 24 hours for bloggers and internet sleuths to ferret out the truth behind the latest effort to resurrect Osama bin Laden from the grave. Either the FBI is totally incompetent or they take all of us for idiots.

If not for the tireless work of alternative journalists, this latest bit of government fakery would have gone undiscovered and unchallenged by the corporate media. It is not their job to challenge official lies and fabrications, but publish them without critical comment.

Source: Spanish Politician Threatens to Sue FBI Over Bin Laden Makeover
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