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Some Questions about PMA Kakul and physical testing in general



New Recruit

Apr 5, 2012
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As-salamu alaikum!
Hello all, I am currently outside of Pakistan, but I want to come back and serve the country, and hopefully make a decent life out of it. I would love to join PMA Kakul (who wouldn't) but I had some questions
1.How hard is it for overseas Pakistanis to be accepted, and what if I studied high school here?

2. Is there alot of ragging on new cadets at Kakul, like there is in some other army's academies

3. Here's the question about physical testing: I see the physical requirements, but what I don't understand is how much is a repetition? Like how many sit ups, push ups in a rep?
Sorry if these are domb questions but I really have nowhere else to ask. Thanks for your time guys!
1 : Depends on if you clear the ISSB or not. If you get recomended by the ISSB, you would have to surrender your foreign nationality.

2: There is a fair share of ragging in PMA. Its known as PMA's 'Ragdraa'. Its to descipline you, mould you into a mindset where you don't snap when things get a little tough.

3: You can easily find the physical requirements on the ISSB's website. Just google it.

Pakistan Army is not for softies. If you think that this is what you ought to do than its worth giving it all you've got. Army does have foreign educated/raised officers.

Any more questions, come back.

Best of luck...
Joining the Army is not just joining a job, it's a complete change in lifestyle, thinking.
The Academy is the toughest part and those who go through it, can absorb the hardships later.

Ragging is an integral part of training in all academies, and there is no limit to it. So if your afraid of it, then think before joining.
rep means one repetition.
1 situp/pushup = 1 rep.
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