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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Is it just me or did this happpen totally out of the fucking blue. I can only hope that coup failed and was a partial attempt as a dictatorship will harm turkeys international image and cause other adverse effects
Turkey military has confirmed that it had taken over to protect the democratic order and protect human rights!?WTF

This is an outsiders understanding so any turkish people please correct me if I get something wrong, but to my understanding The Turkish military is actually a secular force and has been a massive driver of a secularist and democratic Turkey before Erdogan came to power, starting with Ataturk.

The military is also apparently very much respected in Turkish culture, akin to how the US military is respected by the US (though for different reasons).

Did I get that right Turkish members?

As for my own opinion...
Given the recent domestic policies that Erdogan has pushed through, the general dictatorial nature of his term, the attacks on free speech, and the general high esteem the military is held in, along with its history of secular democratic support this might actually be a case where a military coup is a good thing for Turkey and human rights in Turkey if its successful.

Its hard to say though, its only a possibility. And there is any number of possibilities that could lead to this being terrible for Turkey.

I think the US will try to work with whoever represents Turkey at the end of this coup, it probably won't affect NATO relations, at least from the outside. Erdogan isn't particularly loved.
is this even legal???How can a disciplined force agree to this kind of action.
Urgent: the Turkish army secure the TRT in Anqara that is it the army takes over.
Please share if anyone has any updates ? The army chief is taken hostage . The pm says strict action will be taken against the group of the military and the situation will be alright . A small group has taken over not the whole army !!!
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