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'Soldier beheaded' in terror attack oustide barracks in Woolwich

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Stop defending these bastards.
They give us a bad name. Thanks to them, I will have to face mass hysteria on the news for the next few weeks and possibly some knock-on effects in my community and real life.

It's true that British involvement abroad is nothing less then a crime.
My tax payers money has been used to fuel violence elsewhere and to kill.
That is why I went to protest for days on end. I met with my local MP and wrote letters to the other MP before this one.
Point is, my protest was lawful and I acted as a citizen.

If people here are going to engage in this kind of senselessness, then they deserve no rights as citizens and should be treated as terrorists. And we mustn't condone this kind of behaviour in anyway, shape or form.
shed a tear for me as well, coz I am not muslim.. not black and face possible racist attack now.. :hitwall:
Why was wrong with wearing a tikha? I seen a few Hindus wear it with pride most are Swaminaryan ones though

man.. to EDL people its English vs Rest.. they wont even accept white michael jackson.. :chilli:
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