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Social Media Ban Being Proposed - GHQ/PDM In Panic


Mar 15, 2023
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Faujeets and Patwaris have lost their minds now….

Banning social media would be the worst possible mistake ever.
go ahead... go for it...

you clowns are living up to your reputation ... a reputation that india accuses you of.
May be Pakistan doesn't needs army any more as Kashmiri cause is dead thanks to the DHA army of banana republic of Pakistan. Just have Pakistan people militia who defends the borders while air force and navy defends their frontiers and keep the nuclear arm in case India decides to start firing at our carrier pigeons. These good for nothing fuji's are going to decide what Pakistan should and not have, while country keeps on paying their perks and pensions.
Faujeets and Patwaris have lost their minds now….

View attachment 940113

When people used social media to make cartoons and other blashphemy of Holy Prophet peace be upon him and the Holy Quran then all elite, liberals, secularists were screaming we can't do much, it's freedom of speech. But when it comes to themselves, then suddenly jailing people, banning social media is fine. Double standards
Welcome to the Democratic People's Republic of DHAistan.
Supreme leader keeps forgetting that this is 21st century.
People are dying from hungry poverty , even Pakistan people are cowards, weak , and slave to Nawaz,Zardari & Phooji clan, humans do have a limit and instead of focusing on core issues if they keep doing these shenanigans, they will face much worse and end up screwing up for future generations.
We know thats why they only invest abroad but dont kill the goose for everyone.

This is how PDM will grow Pakistan's IT exports to $25B in two to three years.

What have we done to be blessed with these geniuses?
They have done exactly nothing thats why they are blessed with these geniuses
These buddhay boomers intend to take Pakistan along with them in their graves - which isn't too far away.
What have we done to be blessed with these geniuses?

We have allowed them to abuse us. It's been years now and we have been hearing about disappearnces in Baluchistan and tribal areas , we have always ignored the noise and thought that our army was combating foreign funded terrorists. No open questioned them

Before us it was our parents, who witnessed their crimes against east Pakistanis, by denying the people their elected leader, they eventually broke the country in half and blamed it on politics, their own game. As we all know now political engineering is their favorite hoppy after making x rated films..No one questioned them then

You can go further back to our grand parents generation, how they let Quaid MA Jinnah die in an ambulance supposedly out of fuel .. How they villanized Fatima Jinnah and labeled her a traitor. No one questioned them.

It's as if the village chowkidar is a chor, every night he goes around stealing. Most of the villagers know but chose not to do anything. The chowkidar will continue to steal and do as he pleases until someone stands up to him.

They are the cause of 90% of Pakistans problems! It is time we put these good for nothing duffers in their place!
It's as if the village chowkidar is a chor, every night he goes around stealing. Most of the villagers know but chose not to do anything. The chowkidar will continue to steal and do as he pleases until someone stands up to him.

They are the cause of 90% of Pakistans problems! It is time we put these good for nothing duffers in their place!

This is exactly how it is, from the bottom level to the highest level. The people themselves are the same, if for example you stand up to the chowkidar then I will silently watch you getting abused, attacked by the chowkidar and his gang. Noone will come to help you, the people will just stand and watch the show. However if 80% of the public stand up against the corruption, bribery, against the mafias then the mafia will easily be finished but they know very well how our public thinks and behaves, they are not stupid but intelligent dacoits.
Aren’t many people in Pakistan already using VPNs already?
Banning social media would be the worst possible mistake ever.
not really, its not like the dead zombies are going to do anything against the junta.

so let them live out their rotting lives.
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