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SL tops, Pak bottom in Hinrich sustainable trade index in South Asia

and you belive gov subsidy BS ? while there are thousands of proves there was jumla baazi no subsidy . where are gas cylenders ? go watch ravish kumars programs on subsidy and gas you will have your answer .

LOL. What "subsidy" ?

There is NO "Subsidy" in food distribution.

There is literally FREE GAINS being distributed by the PDS (Public distribution system) and verified by their biometric finger print scanning and Aadhar card. Earlier it was via Smart Card.

The distributer gets profit based on the number of people he distributes too. So its in his interest to distribute to more people and all of this is verified by the receivers fingerprint.

During CoVid the PDS distributors went to people's houses to give them the free grains.

Only 2 States sought extra grains for migrant worker schemes ordered by SC: RTI response

Why do I need to watch ravish kumar to know about Gas subsidy when even this month I got my subsidy amount of Rs. 291.48 transferred to my bank account when I purchased cooking Gas.

This is an automated process and every time I book a new cylinder the subsidy amount directly gets credited into my account and I get notification via SMS.
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hey guys poverty have nothing to do with happiness . a poor man can be happy for god sake money did not make you happy and satisfied . if like this no rich person was sad ever . use your damn brain happiness is state of mind not economy . i feel more happy when i have no cash in pocket . sometime i joke with my wife ke main ab MALANG ban gya pesa nhi hai mery pass .

still far better then eating dead dogs on road side


The very unfortunate guy who has to eat a dead animal.

India needs to do many public works projects to put people in jobs. But, to support this initiative, a govt needs to collect taxes from the rich and working people.

I am not sure if BD, Pakistan, and India have put a functional taxation system in their respective countries. As a result, rich people either stash money under the bed or send it to foreign banks, and the people live without jobs.

Countries with success in Asia are Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. This is why these countries have jobs. people do not have to eat dead animals to fill their stomachs.
That is the funny part of the Western Index especially running from Norway and nearby countries. They connect with the 'Eminent' people of those countries, but in India, all are discredited due to the Modi govt. So old deep state empire is striking back with these dumb indexes. Read and enjoy.

The rank I believe is more about trade openness vs trade barrier. USA rank is also near India. More open and less restriction trade will get better rank. It is what I see when I see the rank.
The very unfortunate guy who has to eat a dead animal.

India needs to do many public works projects to put people in jobs. But, to support this initiative, a govt needs to collect taxes from the rich and working people.

I am not sure if BD, Pakistan, and India have put a functional taxation system in their respective countries. As a result, rich people either stash money under the bed or send it to foreign banks, and the people live without jobs.

Countries with success in Asia are Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. This is why these countries have jobs. people do not have to eat dead animals to fill their stomachs.

Indian Government collects 18.5 BILLION $ ever MONTH as GST.

79 Billion $ as advance Income tax till December 2022 and

90 Billion $ as Corporate Tax till December 2022.

Can you tell me what is the Total tax collection in Bangladesh ?
Indian Government collects 18.5 BILLION $ ever MONTH as GST.

79 Billion $ as advance Income tax till December 2022 and

90 Billion $ as Corporate Tax till December 2022.

Can you tell me what is the Total tax collection in Bangladesh ?
You are very good at twisting the intention of my post. I ask you to re-read it and tell me why should an Indian eat a dead dog lying in the street if your tax collection is sooooooooo high?

So, what does your govt do with the tax money? Is your bureaucrats and politicians systematically steal the tax money and send it to Swiss Banks?
You are very good at twisting the intention of my post. I ask you to re-read it and tell me why should an Indian eat a dead dog lying in the street if your tax collection is sooooooooo high?

So, what does your govt do with the tax money? Is your bureaucrats and politicians systematically steal the tax money and send it to Swiss Banks?

I had already answered your question before you had asked it. You can refer to my previous posts in this same thread to find the answer and read it.

Now can you answer my question ? What is the tax collection of Bangladesh ?
hey guys poverty have nothing to do with happiness . a poor man can be happy for god sake money did not make you happy and satisfied . if like this no rich person was sad ever . use your damn brain happiness is state of mind not economy . i feel more happy when i have no cash in pocket . sometime i joke with my wife ke main ab MALANG ban gya pesa nhi hai mery pass .

still far better then eating dead dogs on road side


and you belive gov subsidy BS ? while there are thousands of proves there was jumla baazi no subsidy . where are gas cylenders ? go watch ravish kumars programs on subsidy and gas you will have your answer .
https://nfsa.gov.in/public/nfsadashboard/PublicRCDashboard.aspx (Indian government data on ration cards)

https://nfsa.gov.in/portal/Ration_Card_State_Portals_AA (Indian government website on ration card management system, just pick a state then a district then a village then a gram panchayat then a PDS Shop at random and you will see how many people procure food from that shop) it's publicly available data for God's sake, just go through it before making baseless allegations.
In all probability the guy you showed in the news article is a mentally ill person
I had already answered your question before you had asked it. You can refer to my previous posts in this same thread to find the answer and read it.

Now can you answer my question ? What is the tax collection of Bangladesh ?
You guys eat dead dogs. So, why it is so? Do you think you deserve any answer about BD? Did I ever say, the BD taxation system is superior?

Learn English and also get some knowledge about taxation and its spending to support public works construction before talking again. Just disregard my post, Idiot the great. I am surprised at your mean attitude.

Don't come to our forum. Go back to your Maha Bharat forum. where you will meet many of your own kind.
You guys eat dead dogs. So, why it is so? Do you think you deserve any answer about BD? Did I ever say, the BD taxation system is superior?

Learn English and also get some knowledge about taxation and its spending to support public works construction before talking again. Just disregard my post, Idiot the great. I am surprised at your mean attitude.

Don't come to our forum. Go back to your Maha Bharat forum. where you will meet many of your own kind.

Majority Indians are vegetarians.

Of those minority India's who eat non Veg, 99% eat chicken.

Maybe 5% eat goat. At best 0.1% eat pig.

0.001% eat "dog". Mostly in/from Nagaland.

This picture was taken in congress ruled Rajasthan.

So unless this is a desperately hungry Naga roaming the highways of Rajasthan, this is clearly a political stunt.

But such logic is for people with common sense and logic. So I won't hold my breath.

Also if you are Bangladeshi as claimed by your flag, how is this your forum ? False flagger or seeking an union back with pakistan ?

Inky comments dekho aur reality ye hai k 2011 k bad se India has not revealed the poverty figures with world.

You may want to check up on the UNDP Multidimensional Poverty Report 2022. Brofessor sb (@RiazHaq) too covered it


Why Does #Modi Not Want #India's #Census2021? Would it Expose #BJP's Lies About Progress in Open Defecation, Village #Electrification, #Poverty, #Hunger?? https://www.economist.com/asia/2023/01/05/postponing-indias-census-is-terrible-for-the-country

Narendra Modi often overstates his achievements. For example, the Hindu-nationalist prime minister’s claim that all Indian villages have been electrified on his watch glosses over the definition: only public buildings and 10% of households need a connection for the village to count as such. And three years after Mr Modi declared India “open-defecation free”, millions of villagers are still purging al fresco. An absence of up-to-date census information makes it harder to check such inflated claims. It is also a disaster for the vast array of policymaking reliant on solid population and development data.


Three years ago India’s government was scheduled to pose its citizens a long list of basic but important questions. How many people live in your house? What is it made of? Do you have a toilet? A car? An internet connection? The answers would refresh data from the country’s previous census in 2011, which, given India’s rapid development, were wildly out of date. Because of India’s covid-19 lockdown, however, the questions were never asked.

Almost three years later, and though India has officially left the pandemic behind, there has been no attempt to reschedule the decennial census. It may not happen until after parliamentary elections in 2024, or at all. Opposition politicians and development experts smell a rat.


For a while policymakers can tide themselves over with estimates, but eventually these need to be corrected with accurate numbers. “Right now we’re relying on data from the 2011 census, but we know our results will be off by a lot because things have changed so much since then,” says Pronab Sen, a former chairman of the National Statistical Commission who works on the household-consumption survey. And bad data lead to bad policy. A study in 2020 estimated that some 100m people may have missed out on food aid to which they were entitled because the distribution system uses decade-old numbers.

Similarly, it is important to know how many children live in an area before building schools and hiring teachers. The educational misfiring caused by the absence of such knowledge is particularly acute in fast-growing cities such as Delhi or Bangalore, says Narayanan Unni, who is advising the government on the census. “We basically don’t know how many people live in these places now, so proper planning for public services is really hard.”

The home ministry, which is in charge of the census, continues to blame its postponement on the pandemic, most recently in response to a parliamentary question on December 13th. It said the delay would continue “until further orders”, giving no time-frame for a resumption of data-gathering. Many statisticians and social scientists are mystified by this explanation: it is over a year since India resumed holding elections and other big political events.

The Hinrich-IMD Sustainable Trade Index measures a country’s readiness and capacity to participate in the international trading system in a manner that supports the long-term goals of economic growth, environmental protection, and societal development.

Global trade has helped lift hundreds of millions of people around the world out of poverty, but the benefits of trade do not come without their risks. If an economy is unprepared for the consequences of trade growth, it may result in labour disruption, environmental degradation, and worsening inequality. However, proactive and responsible government policy and farsighted corporate decision-making can harness the positive elements of trade while mitigating the negative, making for a more robust global trading community.

Of the 30 countries assessed SL is top in SAARC with a score of 36.55 and Rank of 22 followed by BD (27.41, 24), IND (11.67, 26) and PAK brings up the rear at (2.36,29)

@UKBengali @bluesky @maithil @RiazHaq


PS: Brofessor sb, what is your take

I wonder why Sri Lanka is the first to default on its debt.


I wonder why Sri Lanka is the first to default on its debt.

You tell us, Brofessor sb. You are the expert on Development Economics and you are the one who keeps bringing all kinds of indices to our notice (esp if they show Pak as better than IND)!

You guys eat dead dogs. So, why it is so? Do you think you deserve any answer about BD? Did I ever say, the BD taxation system is superior?

Learn English and also get some knowledge about taxation and its spending to support public works construction before talking again. Just disregard my post, Idiot the great. I am surprised at your mean attitude.

Don't come to our forum. Go back to your Maha Bharat forum. where you will meet many of your own kind.
A mentally ill person ate a dead dog, no need to blow this out of proportion, specially when mental illness is seen with disgust in the entire subcontinent or even entire Asia for that matter
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