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Simultaneous Attacks in Sinai: Tens of Egyptian Soldiers Killed

American democracy strikes again :confused:

That's what you get if you do not follow the "do what I told you to do, or else!", They play chess on both side , i.e: they sit anywhere they please. With Morsi, They had Sissi as the king (or Queen), and with Sissi they have some other Egyptian "vice-Queen". This is there policy all over the world, and the main victims are nations looking for better " life" , which translates most of the time to "death" or near death if a nation is strong enough to go beyond these attempts, but suffering will be anyhow, that is how sadistic our masonic US politicians are, they are lord Dracula... in disguise.
It's a tougher fight than many people realise. Most people I have debated with believe ABM are a rag tag group of Bedouins bumbling about when in reality a large corps of ABM are battle hardened Jihadists who have seen action in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria (many of whom languished in Egyptian jails when they were caught on their return before 2011). A lot of the attacks that happen in the Sinai use the exact same tactics as those used by AQ and the Taliban against ISAF.

It may not be as mountainous but the terrorists do have some form of strategic depth that's out of Egyptian jurisdiction, Gaza. Although Hazzy will rabidly deny it, fighter use/d tunnels to go back and forth after and before operations. Mountainous areas do exist though and you can if you want to hide out for a long time if you're familiar with the terrain.

your country has our support
How is rockets being smuggled into Gaza and into Egypt?
Israel regime and Iran are together in bed. Rockets are being supplied from inside Israel and tunnels are not flowing from Gaza to Egypt, actually its otherway around.
Last attempt to spread anarchy in Egypt has failed... thanks to quick action of SISI.
Now enemies of Muslims are so upset with new King of Saudi Arabia, that they have just gone nuts.

Some reports that Ansar Beit Maqdis launch new attack in Sinai at this moment.....

EDIT: It is Egyptian army shelling two towns in Sinai indiscriminately, they are firing many shells

Early reports of civilian casualties...

This army will massacre their own people tonight, and morons like frogman try to convince us that Egyptian government and Sinai tribes get along.. ..
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Egyptian army is strong enough to cleanse Sinai from this filth, I wonder what's holding them back. Just start a major operation and chase to death every living scum who belongs to terrorist groups. Sinai is not a small area, nut certainly not that big for Egyptian army.
It is done

Unfortunately it looks that way. I don't know how Egyptian president will manage this. He should release Morsi, end political arrests and make inclusive government. If he persists with iron approach, honestly it might get worse. And everyone knows destabilized Egypt would lead to destabilized Jordan/Saudi Arabia. Which would cause economic depression, but also possible Western invasion of ME.
I really hope you know how wrong you were
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