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Aug 30, 2006
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The rational mind believes that the person with his finger on the nuclear button should at least be able to pronounce the word nuclear, perhaps even be able to find the country to be annihilated. But those in power today fear rational thought, more so than starting World War III.

The mispronunciations and verbal gaffes fit well in those individuals that are exercising the passive voice to promote an agenda of strict self interest.

A passive verb or voice which expresses the effect of the action of some agent, such as “civilization is under attack by terrorists”. Using a passive voice allows Governments to then demand citizens follow passive obedience, questioning the government is bad, unpatriotic, treasonous and disobedient. The citizenry are then subjugated to rightful authority. Words and actions denoting submission to authority are rewarded, such as certain Journalist sitting closer to the podium, or getting exclusive interviews, a tour of the Palace.

A classic example would be following a written rule of a superior in a religious order or congregation. Such as the Taliban of Afghanistan. The Taliban issued Fatwa’s or written orders upon their subjects and expected blind obedience. Those that questioned these decrees where labeled as treacherous, unpatriotic, disobedient. Harsh punishments where imposed.

Getting the scared really scared, be it from hell fire, or a terrorist attack….

The passive voice also allows for anonymity. Words and phrases such as insurgents, terrorists, and they hate us, provide the ruling junta an unseen or unknown enemy. The enemy could be anyone. With anonymity it is much easier to avoid direct contact, descriptions can be vague, words that actually have meaning can be left out and covered up.

Severe health effects can be used instead of the more descriptive term can cause cancer when labeling a pack of cigarettes.

The President, the leader of the Neo-cons, well he doesn’t read much, doesn’t need to, the president doesn’t have time to reflect on the world, especially with his busy schedule of segway the human transporter and bicycle riding along with uprooting trees, on his ranch. Which only those that he trusts visit, such as the royalty of Saudi Arabia.

Ralph Nader at one point stated that “President Bush was in a unique position to clean up corporate America because he had been an irresponsible corporatist himself a decade ago”. What Mr. Nader was talking about was the fact that Bush was facing questions about his integrity as a director of Texas-based Harken Energy Corp. a decade ago, when the company faced an inquiry by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for masking huge losses.

President Bush was on the audit committee, he was on the board of directors. But managed to sell off his shares worth hundreds of thousands of dollars before the inquiry, obviously he clearly knew about the bad news. Acted completely irresponsible.

In March 2004 George Bush the President of the United States joked about not finding the Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction, at that time roughly 600 GI’s and over 50,000 Iraqis had died in a war that President Bush started on the basis of Saddam Hussein having lethal WMD’s capable of striking Israel or even more deadly Crawford Texas.

In April of 2005 , posing beside a file cabinet at the Office of Public Debt Accounting in Parkersburg, West Virginia., and holding a U.S. Treasury bond as a prop, Bush intoned, “A lot of people in America think there is a Social Security trust but that’s not the way it works. There is no trust ‘fund’ — just IOUs that I saw firsthand . The retirement security for future generations is sitting in a filing cabinet.” He then lapsed into his pitch for private retirement accounts, “assets that you can control, that the government can’t take away.”

To suggest that for all these decades the American people have been duped and that there isn’t any Social Security fund, especially to those contributing to the fund, now are being told they don’t really have any assets, this completely irresponsible.

Then of course there is the paying contractors to pay reporters and editors to publish false news about what is going on (or not going on) in Iraq under American occupation. Handing out no bid contracts to friends and neighbors to re-build a country destroyed by the Bush Administration.

This brings us to the irrational mind, the mind that supports George Bush and the Neo-con agenda. A irrational person lacks accountability, shrugs things off, takes all Government actions as being necessary, it’s better to fight it out there than here, where they might have to do some of the fighting. And that too them is the scariest thought of all. Responsibility of keeping them safe should rest on the shoulders of everyone else, except them.

Lying about lying, it’s not my fault, suffering from the victim mentality, visions of grandeur.

To the supporters of the Neo-con’s the perfect finger behind the nuclear trigger would belong to one who feels contempt towards responsibility, as much as they do.
You know Sgt.Harris this is what makes the DEMOCRACY a fearfull thing now!! It has become a very sofisticated tool to abduct, annihilate and then to force the population to the tyrants demands. Look the way west or even any democracy, literally, is used. I am from INDIA the largest democracy on the planet! These leader promise a lot and deliver NONE! We still have the largest poor people in the world, largest illitrate, most backward public infrastructure, most poor medical, health, hygiene, employment, social security records !! And we still boast of that our government is FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE !!

This so called the concept of democracy needs a serious overhaul !!
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