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Should India allow women into combat roles?

lol, seems like belan-karchi are the ak-47s.

Haha... Karchi-Belan lethality is also guaranteed especially when blood of housewives is at boiling point.....haha...

Readers(Ladies) discretion is advised for above part......hahaha

Sorry I m trolling with you dear....
Nothing changes the fact that a woman is simply not as physically strong as a man.

So you saying that there are no women who do not match the minimal requirements of the Army ?

If a woman passes the same PT test which men have to perform, then she is perfectly entitled to perform combat duties.
I am totally for sending women into combat. Let them fight or become cannon fodder I dont care....I just want reimbursement for all the money that is being spent on their training. And no concrssions if they are caught by the enemies. Simple
they have already been deployed all over India in civilians houses! No bandwidth left for cross border role!:D
Please give your opinions for or against, with rationales.

Please try and keep this clean and not get vulgar in your jingoistic enthusiasm.

Personally I believe that women are simply not strong enough. Plus they have child rearing issues.

A woman combatant would be more a hindrance for the men fighting alongside her than a help. War is brutal, and a male's first reaction is to shield women and kids from it. That can lead to bad decisions, compromised actions.

I guess not . The problem is not their ability ... problem is getting captured by uncivilised Army men . It won't be a good death. Men can take care of war in the battlefield . Women can be in the controller . But in Navy there is no problem. They will all go down with their ships .
In the military 100% they should be allowed and even more aggressively recruited but in combat it's a big NO.

Along with that with the right training and right placement among men, women fighters have time and again proved their mettle on the battlefield in Soviet army, IDF, US armed forces etc.
The Soviet Army took anyone it could get- men, woman, children and the elderly they were hardly being selective in their recruiting, there are a few standout stories of females excelling but that was a very specific situation. The IDF, for all the talk, has very few female combatants (if any), I've seen this discussed on the military forums where ex-IDF soldiers point out that whilst they are in the IDF woman are more often assigned to non-combat duties (engineers, logistics, medics etc) and that they had never served alongside females in combat. And the US example is limited because they only recently lifted the ban on women in combat, Yes they have had Female Engagement Teams (FET)attached to regular (male) infantry units in Afghanistan but they did not play the part of combatant and were there to engage with the not fight. To date I still don't think any US military female has played an active role in combat AS A COMBATANT.

Physical strength is not the only parameter that defines characteristics of a combatant.
But it is the main one and increasingly so in modern warfare where they carry so much more equipment than ever before (making examples from WW2 Russia all but irrelevant). If a combatant isn't as strong as the rest of the unit they are a liability simple as that. Infantry aren't specialists they are grunts and part of their role is hauling heavy equipment on foot, there's no point in having a member of a unit who may come in handy in specific situations but the rest of the time is slowing everyone else down. An infantry team is as strong as its weakest link.

To date no female has passed through the US Marine Corp's Infantry Officer Course despite the physical standards being already lowered for women and the course being open to them for 3 years now and many having tried.

Women can match and exceed endurance of their male counterparts, along with that they can surpass their male counterparts in presence of mind, exceptional focus, discipline and patience

No doubt females possess many commendable attributes and in certain situations will be more useful than the average man but like I have said, the role of the infantry is predefined and if they can't meet the same standards as the rest of the men then it is nothing but a liability to have them around. Will an average female be able to carry the average male with all his gear on her back in the case he is injured on the combat field? I think not.

Aside from physical differences there are many other biological differences between men and women we simply can not overlook this such as menstrual cycles, hormones and such.

For more on this everyone interested should have a read, written by a former US Marine (female) and I've posted it here before on this subject:

The Problems of Women in Combat - From a Female Combat Vet

There are other elements to it too. We all agree men and women should be treated equally but can we all really say that the death of a male combatant would be treated as collectively upsetting as that of a male combatant? I don't think so, all societies would be far more affected by such a death. No society would be as accommodating of scores of body bags being filled with females as it would be with males. And what if a female soldier is captured in Kashmir? A very rare occurrence but it has happened in the past. Does anyone want a captured female soldier to be in that situation with those jihadist savages? God only knows what they would do to her.

Then there is the child rearing element, not only would it be impractical to have a certain percentage of your unit on maternity leave at any point of time (they are of no use to the unit for their entire pregnancy period and for a certain number of months after) plus would a woman really be okay with leaving her child(ren) for 6 or more months at a time on a 2-3 year deployment in Kashmir where she only got to go home for a few weeks at a time? How many women would truly, truly sign up for this?

A final remark- do women even want to be in combat? Is there a genuine call from the females in India to start serving on the frontline in Kashmir? I simply haven't seen anything to suggest this is the case. It is more like the media is raking up such issues because they see social problems in the wider society (which do truly need to be addressed but combat and females are two unrelated matters)with little understanding of the facts and realties.

Not allowing females into combat is neither sexist or unfair, it is a pragmatic decision in the face of cold hard facts.

We have EXCLUSIVELY Women Battalions in BSF
For manning the IB that is fine, female officer BSF have never been sent to the LoC, this tells you something.

We can have one in Army too

To what end? On average this unit would be far less capable than the equivalent male battalion so all you are doing is producing a sub-par battalion and diminishing the military's overall capabilities.

N btw sexual offenders are in every dept. however defense forces are more disciplined.....
In theory yes, but human nature is what it is no matter ones position of level of "professionalism". Sexual misconduct would still happen and all one has to do is look at the US military, the statistics are absolutely sickening, something like 80% of female members of the military claim to have been sexually abused by their male counterparts in one way or another during their time in service.

Such things WOULD reduce the morale of the military as a whole.
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For manning the IB that is fine, female officer BSF have never been sent to the LoC, this tells you something.
Nor have male BSF officers, I'm guessing. The LoC is exclusively guarded by the IA, and the IB by the BSF.

I got to look at a clip, where Obama is escorted by one of female pilots for guard of honor. Honestly if you ask me that ruined the whole show, had there been a male pilot to escort him it would have been lot better. With due respect to that female escorting officer she some what looked tense and body language, posture, march was not up to the mark.

She wasn't escorting Obama, she was actually leading the tri service guard of honor:
Guard of Honour for President Barack Obama Led by Wing Commander Puja Thakur
In theory, women are just as capable as men. In essence, men and women both have their inherent drawbacks/shortcomings, their strengths and weakness lay in diverse facets, thereby comparing both directly would not be appropriate. However, in the realms of 'combat', the only major source of concern being, what happen's when they are captured, (delving into the pits of history, women are often subjected to relentless, sexual abuse). Not too sure if women should be given the 'green signal' to trespass into enemy territory. Conversely, women serving within their own borders makes greater sense, in their endeavour to defend their nation.
Nor have male BSF officers, I'm guessing. The LoC is exclusively guarded by the IA, and the IB by the BSF.
Certain stretches of the LoC is guarded by the BSF but you are right that most of the LoC is manned by the IA.
Why are they appointed at border crossing? do they stamp passports of travelers?

To give intruders a passport into the afterlife:

BSF women personnel gun down Pakistani intruder in Punjab


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