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Shame on you !!!

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Jun 28, 2010
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Oz fund being used to make n-weapons in India, US: Report
Oz fund being used to make n-weapons in India, US: Report - Indian Express

Australian government's 74 billion dollar Future Fund has come under scrutiny after a report said that the money was being used to make components for nuclear weapons for US, Britain, France and India.

According to 'The Age', records obtained under freedom of information laws said that funds of 135.4 million dollars invested in 15 companies involved in the design, production and maintenance of nuclear weapons for the United States, Britain, France and India.

It further added that about 3.8 million dollars of this is invested in Larsen & Toubro, a Mumbai-based company that is involved in building a fleet of nuclear-armed submarines for India and had also helped test a launch system for nation's nuclear missiles.

When asked to comment on the report L&T spokesman said, "We would not like to comment on it."

The report stressed that any investment involving the production of nuclear weapons for India was particularly controversial as it was not a signatory to NPT treaty.

The report quoted experts from the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons who claimed the investments contravene the fund's policy because the manufacture of nuclear weapons is illegal in Australia.

"The Future Fund has a policy not to invest in activities that would be illegal in Australia and it's absolutely clear that it would be illegal in Australia to do what these companies are doing," the group's Tim Wright told the daily.

Shame on those involved
L and T also makes bridges, it is one of the largest engineering groups in India . is some one bought stock in them its perfectly all right.
"We would not like to comment on it."
Where's the proof?

Kanoon saboot mangta hai.
Go and blame the fund manager who's responsible for mishandling of the fund money. India and L&T has nothing to do with it. Nor you can prosecute any of them under international law.
Of course India would not like to comment on it since she used the Australian funds to make nukes !!!

What a pea-sized brain the guy who wrote this article has! L&T is one of India's largest engineering companies. Apart from infrastructure projects its also active in turnkey industrial projects. Defence and nuclear sector is just one very small part of its operations. What proof does the author have that the funds were not used for any of its major activities?

And you Haffizz need to do something better with your life other than finding India bashing articles.
Appreciate the indignation on ' diversion' of funds. If correct, those responsible should get the dose.

Coming from a nation who has not been able to account for US $$ on WOT it does seem a little strange though.
Australia invested,they will get returns.....they r not giving these money as aid to build nukes......
Stupid Post.

Suppose if i will have share of westing house, Northrop, Lockhead then it means i should also come under scrutiny.
Autralian are investing their money in profitable company and this is natural. But if it is out of their goverment policy then they should stop.

So why shame ? Strawman ! Thank god i have not studdied in Madarsa.. Nahin to mai bhi aisa hi sochta
:rofl: Quite the heading.

Heres the original article for all haters.

The Future Fund has also invested taxpayers' money in global defence industry behemoths Boeing, BAE Systems, Northrop Grumman and Thales, all of which are involved in the manufacture of nuclear missiles for the US, Britain or France.

Read more: Australia investing in nuclear arms
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